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2148777 No.2148777 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/ so do you think the first moon colonies will be private or government funded?

I think the first colonies will be government funded but then the private sector will take over

>> No.2148787

much like all the privately funded colonies in antarctica, and under the ocean.

corporations won't do it if they can't sell it.

>> No.2148796

private funded.
then fight for our independence

moon colonies strong

>> No.2148860

whatever they are they'll be chinese

>> No.2148878

depends on if the moon has any resources we can use

>> No.2148880

I can't see there ever being more than one moon colony, a space craft assembly plant at one of the poles.

I mean, why bother? You can't live there for long and still keep your health, and by the time moon-earth transit becomes cheap enough to make mining profitable, we could probably mine asteroids instead for less.

>> No.2148883

Government funded. Space travel tech in the foreseeable future is far too expensive to be profitable.

>> No.2148885

There's nothing on the moon so I doubt a colony would pop up.

But the public funds pay for initial outpost, then private takes control for tourism. The thing is Private companies can use public assets, but not the other way around.

>> No.2148910

I'm not sure current tech could even make that profitable. I suppose if the government spent billions and then just handed the whatever ticket fees they charged to private corporations it might work. I don't see why they'd do that, though.

>> No.2148920


Well that's how wall street works, why not try the same model elsewhere.

>> No.2149077

I for one cant wait for the political autonomy of our Moon brothers.

>> No.2149086

>There's nothing on the moon
huge amounts of hydrogen would like a word with you

>> No.2149093

Hello /sci/ so do you think the first moon colonies will be private or government funded?

It will be government funded but it will only be for private interest groups.

>> No.2149109

>our moon brothers

don't be an earth brother! be the moon brother!
enlist today at the moon HQ, you'll get a futuristic gun, some cyborg implants anda fucking lazer

moonmans UNITED

>> No.2149131

I duno. What's our tactical support like up there? We have moon-tanks yet? What about moon-artillery?

>> No.2149153

>There's nothing on the moon...
Except alien moon bases

>> No.2149162
File: 184 KB, 600x727, mdf_soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian Colonial Infantry here, you moon boys are small time.

>> No.2149165


that and extreme nationalism