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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 794x729, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2144706 No.2144706 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2144721

Because women have a different view on what intelligence is.

>> No.2144723

Because if they never meet you, they can't date you.

>> No.2144747

Because they only care about your intelligence if you have physical attractiveness to go with it. No matter how smart you are, you will always get less attention than some good looking faggot who spouts shit he doesn't know what he's talking about but will get recognize as being "intelligent" by everyone else including pretty girls.

>> No.2144754

In my experience what girls say they want and what they actually want are two very different things.

>> No.2144759

Intelligence doesn't make up for poor hygiene, lack of personality, and living in your basement

>> No.2144773
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Agreed. I am a lady-scientist, and I have been dating for two years a guy who frequents /sci/, and has a 160 IQ. He is also 6'1", built like a brick wall, adventurous and his hobbies include spearfishing, hiking, and building things for fun. He is also self-confident, kind, funny, and responsible.

You can't JUST be smart. You have to be all-around awesome. Smart girls are extremely selective - you can probably manipulate a girl with low self confidence who isn't too bright to date you easily, but if you want a girl who is your equal, you have to prove you are fit in a very biological way.

And if you can't deal with that, go to /r9k/

>> No.2144786

Women barely have the ability to form coherent thoughts. They are more akin to animals of instinct than rational thoughts. Why are you even expecting them to act on what they say?

>> No.2144787

>frequents /sci/, and has a 160 IQ
> He is also 6'1", built like a brick wall, adventurous and his hobbies include spearfishing, hiking, and building things for fun. He is also self-confident, kind, funny, and responsible.

He's not intelligent, just a douche being perceived as such because he looks good.

>> No.2144794


I was always the nerdy kid in school who always got good grades, and the girls would only hang out with the jocks. As it turns out those jocks got into better universities, because they participated in extracurricular activities..and are now contributing more to society than me. So, yea, if you're a nerd still in school, and are not athletic, i suggest kill yourself, or shoot up that school, because your not going to get a girl ever in your life.


>> No.2144801

10 people have replied to this troll topic already. Who says we're intelligent?

>> No.2144812

Because women are even more attracted to charisma

>> No.2144839
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Look you can have all the knowledge science offers but its not sexy. Its just plain dull. I am very intelligent when I want to be but most of the time derping my way through friendships and lovers is the best way to go.

>> No.2144857

>Beta rage.

>> No.2144880

Sounds kinda like me, except I have a much lower IQ than that and I didn't like spearfishing.

>> No.2144884

Because, funnily enough, being elitist and smug is not a trait women like that much lately.

>> No.2144886

I feel somewhat obligated to play the devil's advocate because of the massive amounts of generalization here, and because I am probably the only female on this thread.


Wow. I think you just answered why you will never have any sort of meaningful relationship. You are easily threatened and this sort of behavior only betrays how emotionally weak you are.


That's not true - most intelligent women I know somewhat mistrust highly attractive men because they tend to be ill-behaved. Normal looking is the key.



Have fun having sex with hookers, sir.

Look. Until you guys stop labelling all females as being stupid and shallow, you will never be able to see the women who aren't.

And until you are content with yourself and who you are, and gain some self-confidence, none of those will touch you.

>> No.2144906

Getting women is easy.

Getting smart women is a pain in the ASS. All the people smart enough for me to enjoy stimulating conversation with are either guys or asians.

>> No.2144909

We don't think women are stupid. We just think their choice in men are stupid. Attractive/normal looking people are just arrogant douchebags with no real intelligence. Good looking women should get with intelligent men, regardless of looks, period. If he's thin, clean shaven, has a social life, etc.; he's likely of average intelligence, probably below average.

>> No.2144936

I'll bet you're fat

>> No.2144937

Girls are attracted to money and social status.

>> No.2144945


What? Unattractiveness is a prerequisite to intelligence?

Normal in my books is not having a forehead growth, not being morbidly obsese, and washing oneself regularly. I am very forgiving of a little chub, or pimples and shit. That's not important.

>> No.2144958

>guys or asians
I know, shota is an aquired taste, but its not so bad once you get used to it.

>> No.2144960

Haha, no. Just because you have Asperger's doesn't mean every smart person does.

I, for example, have a party to go to tonight, am about 6' tall, weigh 63 kg, have an IQ of 135, have built several AUVs, and was recently valedictorian.

Also, my girlfriend is just as smart as me.

Want some advice? Get out of your cave and join a rowing crew. Gets you exercise, and unless you're a total asshole you're gonna learn to work as a team, or your trainings will involve sacktaps. When you get into the rowing you can set aside seperate parts of your mind for rhythm and technique, and thinking about interesting ideas and concepts.

tl;dr you suck and it's your fault.

>> No.2144964

Well attractive people are very rarely intelligent and vice versa, so it probably is a prerequisite by some logic.

>> No.2144975

Uncomfortable Truthasaurus: Richard Feynman was way smarter than you, and a total pimp.

>> No.2144980
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oh you poor, poor ugly retard

>> No.2144984

I don't believe that. I just think people's admiration for him tricks them into thinking he's physically attractive. He looks like a plain, Jewish nerd.

>> No.2144995
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>> No.2145010

Oink, oink, porky.

>> No.2145017

A friend of mine once told me that girls want guys who make them feel good. So simple isn't it? Even though its bloody obvious and totally logical such ways of thinking totally escape me, and because I so rarely feel good myself the chances of me making another girl feel good are super low. forever alone :(

>> No.2145023

you know the rules. it's not a picture of you unless you're naked holding a piece of paper with a timestamp

>> No.2145035
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>> No.2145038

Those of us guys who aren't lonely faggots want nothing to do with women so I can understand being extremely selective.

>> No.2145041

Lose some weight, fatty.

>> No.2145058
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Well, I guess I can get rid of all the water weight for ya.

>> No.2145063

Not enough, pudgy.

>> No.2145106
File: 19 KB, 188x550, flores2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys like petite women, right? Like, Homo floriensis petite?

>> No.2145193


>> No.2145330
File: 38 KB, 340x340, t_18187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave it to Japan to have the perfect petite woman.

>> No.2145345
File: 430 KB, 900x2999, Fox Beats Bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's actually because there's this huge cultural divide between hard science majors and other people. There is a bridge of engineering between these two groups, but that also lacks women mostly.

Imagine if everything you were ever interested in sparked no interest in other people. That's the issue.
Also, /sci/ is full of aspies.

>> No.2145429

Keep off the bacon, oinkers.

>> No.2145647

lol, like guys actually care if a girl is smart...

>> No.2145662

I'm a female.
I'd love to date an intelligent guy, as long as they aren't cocky about it and try to correct everything I say/do.
Intelligence>physical attraction.
I enjoy learning new things.

>> No.2145663

actually they do.

Granted we are usually not picky.. but you have to admit, given two identical twins of equal hotness, 1 is normal, and the other is intelligent, an intelligent guy would probably go for the more intelligent one..

Unless she rejects him then he would try and work some magic on the dumb one lol :D

>> No.2145668

okay, but we know it doesn't work that way. if the dumber one was prettier, he'd probably go for her.

>> No.2145672

Speak for yourself.

Girls are attracted to intelligence, but moreso, confidence. So, be smartass, but temper it so you don't come across as an elitist fuck.

>> No.2145682

Except you're a lying sack of shit, dude.

Women want the smart guy because it has social bennies.

The guy they want to fuck is a whole different animal.

>> No.2145692

Social benefits? Of course. Fucking? Not so into that.
I've dated some dumbass guys before. I'd marry a man who can debate with me and prove me wrong.

>> No.2145698 [DELETED] 




>> No.2145703

I want a smart guy, but not like /sci/ smart. Yes, I love math and I'm studying it, buuut sometimes you need to step away from all that and just enjoy life for what it is.

>> No.2145713

Everyone wants to fuck. It's a part of living and being alive. Continuing the species.

If you don't want to fuck, you probably should stop wasting that poor man's time and let him find someone that will want to give him kids.

>> No.2145714

Saying "girls are attracted to X" is the problem right there. If you think that all girls like the same things, then... then you have serious misconceptions about girls.

Looks are subjective. What one girl finds hot is totally repulsive to another. Personality is subjective. What comes across as confidence to one girl is arrogance to another; shyness might be seen as weakness or humility. Intelligence is subjective. Some girls like guys who know everything there is to know about quarks, while others want a dude who can dress in a way that will impress their friends.

Basically, if you are single and don't like it, and you're blaming it on the other sex with vapid generalizations, then YOU are the problem.

>> No.2145718

lol That's funny, seeing as I have a kid.
I'm not saying I don't fuck, I'm saying that I don't need it to live. I don't feed off of it.

>> No.2145723

you sound fat

>> No.2145728

I'm a psychopathic male, good looking, funny, charming, successful, wealthy, intelligent, cold, calculating, uncaring, selfish and sadistic.

I can say from experience that women absolutely love psychopaths. They love to try to fix us, or they love our dangerous nature, or they love our "depth" despite said depth being merely a reflection of what they hope to see...

I don't think intelligence alone ranks very high on most women's list of desirable characteristics.

actually I'm quite certain it doesn't even make the top ten for most women.

>> No.2145729

>seeing as I have a kid.

I already see where your relationship is actually going, and the guy has no-idea what you're going to do to him.

Fuck-off, faggot. You're what's wrong with people.

>> No.2145732

I bet you're single and never touched a woman.

>> No.2145734

ITT: everyone's generalizations fueled by an availability bias.

>> No.2145735

sadly this is true
the distinction is "most women"
cuz fact it, most girls aren't that smart
and i say this as a girl...

>> No.2145742


Like you want to be wrong. Tell it to your plaything, he'll give you the "moral oral" you so desperately crave.

>> No.2145745

higher intelligence usually means a better sense of humor, which everyone likes. of course, if you're on 4chan, your humor probably isn't appropriate no matter how funny.

>> No.2145760

I've been on 4chan since 2004. I can tune my humor to the audience pretty well. It does worry me that I have to mentally remind myself to not say "fucking niggers" infront of a class of 9-year olds

>> No.2145767

oh my god I lol'd. I still use "nigger" in my head even though black people really don't bother me any more than other people do.

>> No.2145774

Any guy that understands odds as it pertains to gambling only has to look at what actually happens to marriages and relationships to realize that they need to gamble somewhere with odds better than roulette.

>> No.2145782

marriages fail not because of odds, but because so many people date for a year and then get married because they're still on cloud 9 and think that everything is going to be that way forever.

>> No.2145783

I've dated a lot of women, most had previously dated psychopaths, some dated only psychopaths.

I've never met a woman who's honestly curious about my academic pursuits and accomplishments. I guess there might be one or two out there, but odds are I'll never meet them.

>> No.2145800

try dating fat girls.

>> No.2145804

by the "true" part i meant the intelligence part. i can't really say i would know about the psychopath thing, but i tend to stay away from guys with that kinda baggage.
what are your "pursuits?"

>> No.2145805


Where are your numbers?

Do your numbers include who initiates the divorce?

It is not because people lack experience, or they're "too young". To be honest, the younger you have your kids, the healthier they'll be. It's the retarded dipshits giving birth after 35 that have nearly a 50/50 chance of busting out a downs drooler.

>> No.2145809


> He is also 6'1", built like a brick wall, adventurous and his hobbies include spearfishing, hiking, and building things for fu
> your equal

Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.

>> No.2145815

I believe that every one of humans in this world has their perfect matcher. I'd say that a fat guy that always living in his mom's basement, if he do some hardwork on looking for some gf, he will find the perfect one, which is the girl has the same, almost the same attribute as he is. Just that there are billions of humans on Earth, you can't just focus on your place only, travel.

>> No.2145830


Counterexample: A person that hates himself. Meets a girl exactly like him, who also hates herself, and hates him because he is like her.

True story.

>> No.2145835

I'm married to a fat girl, my dating days are done. However about half of the ~80 women I've dated would be considered fat by society's standards. I'm not so picky or perfect that I demand perfection from a companion.

fat girls and "ugly" girls are often no smarter or more interested in intelligence than anyone else.

>> No.2145838

Sorry, had to re-read your post. Who has time? A year is an expensive luxury if you intend on having kids.

A year spent can never be returned.

You want to know why they have a high failure rate?

Boredom. Women have become as desensitized as men. However, it's different what we have been desensitized by.

Men can tolerate shitty sex.

Women can't tolerate a shitty relationship, like the relationship is the only(SINGULAR! EMPHASIS ON SINGULAR!) thing that matters.

>> No.2145839

And then, there goes the sex scence

>> No.2145849

80 girls? ...

>> No.2145855

Girls around 80 lbs of weight. Considered fat by some societal standards.

>> No.2145861


You trolling. My converter suggests that's a 12 year old boy.

>> No.2145868

>12 year old boy

Perfect, just perfect!

>> No.2145873

Nope, girls that want to be models.

>> No.2145875

>what are your "pursuits?"

comparative anatomy, specifically in vertebrate paleontology, mostly dinosaur crania.

Thanks for asking, I'm sure you'd agree this isn't something that interests most people for very long.

>> No.2145880

nope, I've dated about 80 women in my almost 40 years on the planet. married a couple of them.

>> No.2145893

well, at least you have the people in your field, i guess.

>> No.2145897

Who started the divorce?

I bet it was her, wasn't it?

Odds are 90% in my favor.

>> No.2145904

Only a couple women in vertebrate paleontology, they are way too old, or too young or too married for me. Not that it matters anymore, as I mentioned I'm married. My wife doesn't give a rat's ass about bones, but she doesn't mind me spending hours looking at them either.

>> No.2145906

that is correct.

>> No.2145913
File: 31 KB, 224x211, datafinger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not always the case, stop generalising


>> No.2145922


>> No.2145925


>> No.2145929

oh, i meant in terms of having someone to discuss your pursuits with. i will always believe that there will be some intellectual discord in unions.

>> No.2145947


...are you trying to go somewhere, or are you just having a cathartic moment of self-expression?

>> No.2145948

Oh, yes certainly. Especially with the internet. I can find people who share my interests, one reason I'm here in the first place.

And you're right, I don't mind that women don't share my interests, I just find it amusing that OP expects women to be attracted to intelligence when often our intelligence is aimed at obscure and esoteric specialties.

>> No.2145953


I don't think it's that outrageous an extrapolation. I, for one, get the hots when I have a female colleague explain some mathematical problem she's been working on.

>> No.2145954


>> No.2145958

>Smart girls are extremely selective
prefer attractive ones

>> No.2145959

Yes, but that's a specific case of a woman that already shares your interest.

If you wander around amongst the unwashed lumpen you'll find that most women simply aren't interested in dating someone that highlights their own inadequacies all the time.

>> No.2145965

I think I prefer the religion threads. At least there you can tell for sure that everyone's a troll, and there is no sinking suspicion that there are posters who are really as retarded as they seem.

>> No.2145968

>has a 160 IQ. He is also 6'1", built like a brick wall, adventurous and his hobbies include spearfishing, hiking, and building things for fun. He is also self-confident, kind, funny, and responsible.
could this troll be any moar obvious?

>> No.2145986


Yes, I know by now that people dislike being "educated". I know from experience, it still doesn't make any sense to me. I go out of the way to find people that can make me feel stupid. It's a powerful source of motivation.

>> No.2145994

I thought I was a no-hoper until recently. Actually I'm just a slob, and I've started to work on that.

Turns out I'm actually pretty good looking now that I've actually started paying attention to fashions and lost some weight. Being 6'2" and witty helps too.

There is still hope for you, /sci/.

>> No.2145998

I walk into my classes and see maybe 5% of the population is female.

Of those females, they're either taken with lines waiting or hideous. I mean, I'm no prize myself, but holy shit.

My main issue is I can't find a girl with even remotely the same interests as me (or at least one that wouldn't find math and the sciences 'boring') that hasn't already been snatched up. I am an omnivert, and after a short while warm up to a social group.

The last relationship I had, I was still in fucking middle school.

Your advice, femanon?

>> No.2146002

You are far more confident, and rightly so, than most women, and men for that matter.

Probably true of a lot of people here, but I think it's a bit much to expect the same of others... on top of all the other probably unattainable ideals we tend to have for a potential mate.

>> No.2146006

unfortunately I am too much into confortable clothes and I am not willing to change it for tight jeans and superheat my balls just to attract stupid cunts that care about clothing

>> No.2146016

when girls say they like intelligence, they just mean that they'd rather date a cute, cool, smart guy, than a cute, cool, dumb guy.

>> No.2146029

virgin detected

>> No.2146031


Women are attracted to success and wealth, not intelligence.
Intelligence alone does not guarantee either.

>> No.2146032

Or just the unattainable ideals we tend to have for feeling stupid.

Your own language corrupts what you feel, and how you feel, about information.

>> No.2146035

raw intelligence is a turn-off, you sheltered weirdo. you can't be intimidating someone with your knowledge, making them feel stupid. on the other hand, if you are actually intelligent, you would understand what to say, when to say it, and you would be relatively successful (which is a turn-on). resource control is still the major attractive trait, and then you've got your appearance/hygiene/etc to worry about, but a smart guy would have no problems unless genetics pooped on his face anyway.

>> No.2146037

>have Aspergers
>IQ 144
>sociable, played football and rugby

leave aspergers out of this man, let these people be what they are and don't label them something not nearly as bad as that.

I have worked SOOO hard to suppress my symptoms the only thing I still can't do is recognize the emotion portrayed by facial expressions.

>> No.2146038


lol... if only you knew man, if only you knew..

im not complaining, im just explaining for all you fuckers that over analyze everything.

>> No.2146041

the true problem is that girls are picky

guys ain't

also girls are almost always deluted that their prince charmy is monogamic

>> No.2146043

If they're young, they prefer the dumb guy.

If they're entering menopause, they'll settle for anything good enough.

>> No.2146052

and if you really wanna know, i get mad pussy, and im probably better looking than you. Sorry bro. u jelly?

>> No.2146056

>attractive women are not attracted to intelligent
>intelligence does not guarantee wealth or success
>(insert other such claims found in this thread)

My hopes and dreams have been crushed. Feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.2146060
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because divorce lol

>> No.2146088

Because girls want intelligent guys who use their intelligence to obtain currency, not sit in labs looking at particle detectors on a screen.

Feels bad, man.

>> No.2146090
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 6a00d83452339969e200e5501dcb448833-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2146095

>not sit in labs looking at particle detectors on a screen
Oh c'mon! That's so much more interesting than earning currency!! Fucking women!!!

>> No.2146099

It's ok, if you become a mercenary and use your intelligence just to accumulate wealth, you'll find you no longer want those girls that just want your wealth.

hire hookers, it's the correct answer whether you're rich or poor.

>> No.2146156

I will never be with anyone because I am a narcissist, and cynical of everything. On top of that I will say the meanest shit to your face. I won't lie to you. Ever. I am not a very intelligent person (inb4 lolwhut r u doin hurr). I know how to properly groom and take care of myself. I know how to dress fashionably, and because of this women have found me approachable. I never once met a girl interesting enough that warranted my effort to get to know her. Everyone who was interested in me made the initial approach to get to know me.

Aside from looking good, I have no redeeming qualities. I have never been good at anything, my grades ranged from poor to mediocre, and I have a shit personality.

That said, even this dirtbag will offer you fags some advice: All women are not the same. Some are selfish little bitches, others are the gender switched equivalent of the jock in heat, and most are just plain out fucking borderline retarded.

The truth is women are not less intelligent than men. Gender roles in society, male sexuality, and piss poor upbringing is what made them dumb. Men are no better, just physically stronger.

>> No.2146167

>Gender roles in society

And who have we been listening to for advice over the past 90 years?

Come on, this isn't big research.

Who suggested to women that they should put off having kids? There is a name we can associate with these ideas. Horrible ideas that ruin lives.

>> No.2146182

why is that so?

>> No.2146198

if you were a girl I would sodomize you so hard your sphenoids would fuse to your zygomatics

>> No.2146205


Where? I've never seen any and I've been on /sci/ every day since day one. It was much better in the first week or so though.

>> No.2146210

Says the casual.

We've had GREAT threads, in the middle of religious shitstorms, where the front page was literally nothing but trolling. But you wouldn't know that, because you can't be bothered.

>> No.2146213
File: 40 KB, 858x660, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember the first week of /sci/ and it the only difference was that the stupid had a slightly different flavor.

>> No.2146219


Week #1 of /sci/ was one massive blob of correlation vs causation and argument from authority fallacies.

And bowling balls.

>> No.2146222

Because many of you here are extraordinarily retarded.

>> No.2146223

Those look like their copypastas from various articles.

>> No.2146237

>implying you know what /sci/ talks about

>> No.2146238


here are what they are.

>> No.2146243


That was pretty much all of /sci/ for like two weeks after the board was created.

Fucking everything was infested with pseudo-intellectuals, pseudoscience and weasel words.

More recently some visitors to /sci/ (not many, but far more than expected) seem to have developed a working understanding of what the scientific method and falsifiability actually are. This is very interesting and somewhat encouraging.


For one thing >implying posts were practically nonexistent until we started getting more idiots from /v/.

>> No.2146412


>Implying green text implications are inherently bad

I believe you have a pain in your rump sir.

>> No.2146431


>More recently some visitors to /sci/ (not many, but far more than expected) seem to have developed a working understanding of what the scientific method and falsifiability actually are

/h/ was slow so I tried clicking some of the other buttons. Sorry I couldn't come sooner.

Yes, /sci/fags, next time you hold a discussion with a mathematician using Commonwealth spelling, there's a good chance he has his dick in his other hand.

>> No.2147063

Because /sci/ is full of autistic dorks/aspie dorks who are really not smart. Also girls are attracted to wisdom. Being able to do nice math problems is not wisdom.

>> No.2147107
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ITT: So much resentment

189 IQ and encyclopedic knowledge of stuff doesn't mean shit unless you know how to appreciate it (You know, in the Carl Sagan BILLIONS AND BILLIONS way) and... What was the other... You know, I guess, wisdom and fuck.

Remember, guys, don't be douchefags to everyone or aspies, have more confidence, and you might get something. Stop resenting women.

inb4 "says the forever alone furfag who tries to repress feelings to a picture drawn by Kacey m"

>> No.2147188
File: 71 KB, 500x678, awesome-mondays-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confidence. That's it. That's all you need. Being a filthy neckbeard doesn't help but someone WILL fuck a confident guy.
If you are intelligent, try not to throw out the big words or have high concept conversations all the time. Throw those words in occasionally.
Finally, know your league. You're a 2 looking for an 8? Never gonna happen. Either get you shit together, get in shape or learn to like fucking the uggo's

>> No.2147224



Agreed. I [wish I was] a lady-scientist, and I [wish that I could date] a guy who [does not] frequent /sci/, and has a 160 IQ. He [should] also [be] 6'1", built like a brick wall, adventurous, [give great head and have a huge, granite-hard cock] and [have manly hobbies, like ... fuck I dunno] spearfishing, hiking, and building things for fun [herp derp, must build things hurrrrrr]. He [should also be] self-confident, kind, funny, and responsible [because I am a spoiled little self-centered cunt and I need a decent human being to even me out].

You can't JUST be smart. You have to be all-around awesome [and by that I mean hot]. Smart girls [although they do not exist would be] extremely selective [if they did] - you can [deleted "probably" -- ed.] manipulate a girl with low self confidence who isn't too bright to date you easily, but if you want a girl who is your equal, [you're shit out of luck because such a being does not exists. Image a fantasy world in which such a female existed:] you [would] have to prove you are fit in a very biological way [and by that I mean, by being hot and fucking like a jackhammer with a solid-metal, marble-veined cock].

[I just can't] deal with that, [so I must crawl back] to /r9k/

>> No.2147241

Because I dont have the money that every man needs to keep a woman by his side?

>> No.2147264

Because if you're an arrogant twit and an emotional dolt, that more than cancels out any attractiveness of intelligence.

>> No.2147271

When did "intelligent" mean "funny", "social", "hot", "cool", "interesting as a human being", "rich", any of those or a combination of some ?

Because, for example, being hot and retarded like an empty bottle won't gettin' you chicks neither.

Also, how do you define "intelligent" ?

>> No.2147285

derp! I'm sooo smart!

Why don't girls like me? Hurp!

fucking 134 replies. /sci/ might as well be /r9k/

captcha: gimmis WHAT

yeah, exactly, Captcha

>> No.2147287

what this anon said. I used to be a solid 5 and got nothing but other 5's until I got my shit together and became a /fit/izen. Getting fit boosted my confidence like a motherfucker and now I get 7 and 8's all the time, occasionally a 9. Turn down 5's constantly

>> No.2147303

i lol at the people in this thread who cant find one girl perfect for them and stick with her, happy every fucking day

>> No.2148631

how does one find an intelligent woman?

>> No.2148648

Took this iq test

Took me the whole time trying my hardest. Got 115. Feels terrible man :(

>> No.2148653



>> No.2148672

wealthy, you say? What is it you do for a living?

>> No.2148681

as little as possible.

>> No.2148713

I'd rather sit in labs looking at particle detectors on a screen than get involved with a who suck all my money out.

>> No.2148728

dont want to be the bearer of bad news but, thats a pretty easy test