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File: 25 KB, 500x375, politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2143863 No.2143863 [Reply] [Original]

So I don't know much about politics. Could someone explain democrats, republicans and syndicalists to me?

>> No.2143870

the concept of relative evil is more in the realm of philosophy than science

>> No.2143876


But there's no philosophy board.

>> No.2143878

choice between a douche and a turd and a retard

>> No.2143885

democrats want high taxes to fund programs to pay for people who dont work, republicans want everyone to get a job but hate gays for some reason, never heard of a syndicalists

>> No.2143887

democrats - liberal party
republicans - conservative party

That's all I need to understand politics.

>> No.2143888


Ok, well, thanks, anything else?

>> No.2143893

syndicalists get their tenure and then lie, do the fuck they want, troll the world and be adored by pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2143895


Thank you.

>> No.2143898

Democrats are socially moderate, fiscally liberal corporatists.

Republicans are sociall conservative, fiscally liberal corporatists.

Syndicalists want unions to run everything.

>> No.2143905

It's all BS and lies meant to get you in office; once there every president ever has been a mix of democrat/republican.

That being said,

In the traditional sense Republicans support small government, minimal regulation, and just general freedom from any hand hovering over you. However, the past couple of decades have seen them turn into big spending, regulation enforcing, god obsessive hypocrits.

Democrats in the traditional sense are liberal with spending, support government intervention, and spend a lot of commonwealth in the public space. The past couple of decades however have seen them turn into spineless pussies who grovel at the knees of anyone that opposes them.

I personally, am a Libertarian. Yeah my party is worthless, and 90% of them are partially insane; but they support my views. Government regulation only where necessary (our food, our water, our roads, our justice system, etc. are all needed); and otherwise freedom as long as your actions are not harming others. Libertarians = new Republicans. Republicans = new Democrats. Tea Party = new fucking batshit crazy.

>> No.2143940


And progressivism?

>> No.2143970

Republicans are religious, anti-intellectual nutjobs who are opposed to homosexuality, abortion and teaching evolution.

>> No.2143976



>> No.2144005
File: 744 KB, 570x4550, orwell-huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left and Right are simply a distraction from what is actually happening.
The world is slowly being taken over by an elitist group and transformed into a tyrannical plutarchy. Our freedoms, liberties, and hopes and dreams are being snatched away from us under our very noses.

Watch this:

It is lengthy but there is a lot to politics.

>> No.2144016

It doesn't matter, because once you arrive at the correct political opinion, you'll realize that voting is pointless and the only answer is global revolutionary people's war.

>> No.2144037
File: 26 KB, 283x358, story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just follow scotus


It has been rendered the solemn duty of the Supreme Court of the United States, laid upon it by Congress in pursuance of the Federal Government's power "[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States," U. S. Const., Art. I, § 8, cl. 3, to decide What Is Golf. I am sure that the Framers of the Constitution, aware of the 1457 edict of King James II of Scotland prohibiting golf because it interfered with the practice of archery, fully expected that sooner or later the paths of golf and government, the law and the links, would once again cross, and that the judges of this august Court would some day have to wrestle with that age-old jurisprudential question, for which their years of study in the law have so well prepared them: Is someone riding around a golf course from shot to shot really a golfer? The answer, we learn, is yes. The Court ultimately concludes, and it will henceforth be the Law of the Land, that walking is not a "fundamental" aspect of golf."


>> No.2144056

Republicans are hardcore neo-liberals
Democrats are hardcore neo-liberals who have taken economics.

>> No.2144076

I think it's funny, our bi-partisan system broke - completely - about 20 or so years ago.

Yet we don't ever stop and fix it......

>> No.2144082

That comic is disingenuous. In North Korea, Orwell's vision of a totalitarian dictatorship has come true. Same goes for the long period of time in which the USSR was in power. Both are right, but they apply in different countries.

>> No.2144094

The US is slowly becoming a police state. Orwell and Huxley were both right, but in varying degrees. All countries nowadays in this New World Order have elements of both dystopias.

>> No.2144106

Keep thinking that.

>> No.2144109

European here.

I just heard about your Supreme Court unbanning firearms in DC and Chicago.

WTF is wrong with America?

>> No.2144116

The country has become hijacked by bankers.

>> No.2144119

He basically shoved libertarianism and progressivism into one category,
Libertarianism is basicaly atlas shrugged bullshit, it doesn't include anything like utilities health care, government intervention and the like. Libertarianism is straight 'old school liberalism as practiced by capitalists'
Union busting assholes that want freedom, but not economic and labor freedom.

as an activist political ideology, I'm for heavy government intrusion into the economic sphere because there has been no cases where the economic sphere has ever been self regulating, anyone bitching about government intrusion in economics is obviously a moron that needs to leave the country for a dictatorship because the only reason government interventionism in the economic sphere could ever cause a problem is if the masses hold a delusion that the government in fact does not dance to their own desires. These people should not be in a democratic society anyway.

Socialism is honestly far stronger a motivation than capitalism for our country these days, Capitalism and the prospects of higher pay for better work break down after you progress beyond mechanical labor.


>> No.2144131
File: 180 KB, 530x643, 1286832112763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is gay. I want to feel the bones of thew weak break beneath my boot.

>> No.2144134


Thanks. I'm not American, though.

>> No.2144141

OK, good point. The country is more or less a police state.

>> No.2144138

cant develop or grow stronger if you let the weak act as your anchor

>> No.2144157

Does anybody know about Peronism?

>> No.2144158

cool. are you a multi-millionaire?


then I get to crush your bones.

>> No.2144185


>> No.2144247

about 2 minutes in he starts spouting bullshit, the brain, not inhibited by social constructs? hahahaha what a moron.

>> No.2144281 [DELETED] 

So what does bother most Randhaters? Was it that she was used as a publishing experiment, her anti-totalitarianism, or individualism or was it objectivism? Or a combination of those things? Or was it that she was skipping sammich duty?

>> No.2144287

Union busting?
Do you actually know what libertarianism is?
Union busting is government intervention, corporatism. True libertarians support the right to collective bargaining- if you pay me shit wages, I can quit and warn others.
Lrn2Rothbard you poor dumb fuck.

>> No.2144310


her "philosophy" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. She is trying to apply pure and perfect "logic" to humans, and humans, not being perfect, are totally incompatible with the bullshit she preached. Also, if you read about her life you can tell that she didn't practice what she preached

and her books are poorly written. scratch that, her books are SHIT.

>> No.2144317

no, union busting was done by corporations and lobbyists dumb ass. has been and till this day it is how almost all rights are overturned. by people with heeps of cash to push people in the direction they like, and as long as important decisions are left to the economic sphere alone, the people with that capital will have the power to take it over, No one will give a shit about your shit wages, after they bust your ass and buy out other businesses you can either work for them or die on the street.

>> No.2144326

>>perfect logic.
no such thing dumbass, logic is formed from assumptions. you cant get anywhere unless you make at least basic assumptions, so its useless to say 'theyre applying logic oh noes' what kind of logic?

>> No.2144345

Union busting was when corporations lobbied the government or paid government agents to use violence to force people back to work. In a few instances private use of force happened, but under a true libertarian system, that would get those involved jailed, because private use of force is more commonly spelled "assault." You should read a book before forming your weird half-notions of history and politics.

>> No.2144361

>>hurr youre right
>>but youre still wrong hurr
yeah no, its not forcing people to work, its ANY activity designed to break apart a trade union and most of them did not involve pointing a gun at the group and telling them back to work.

>> No.2144702


The police protect you from criminals, but who protects you from the police? Nobody. That is why guns.

Go read a book called "More guns less crime"

Then continue to act superior as hooligans beat up your grandmother and you cannot shoot some fuck for breaking into your house and raping your sister.

>> No.2144733

the problem with this is simply the fact that a dislike of guns and the general lack of teaching how to use them generally results in more crime. I'm all for more gun regulation. although everyone should have the right to bear arms, you should have to show you are a sane, stable, capable person that can keep use and maintain fire arms safely.

>> No.2144785


But that's a far cry from banning guns altogether. I blame the logical mistake that thinks correlation equals causation.

>> No.2144834

Anarcho-Syndicalism for the win

Only form of classless society that worked in the real world (see anarchist catalonia)