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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2143562 No.2143562 [Reply] [Original]

Politics (left/center/right):

>> No.2143575

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Politics (left/center/right): Left centrist

>> No.2143597

Age: 22
Gender: sheborg
Sexuality: cyborg
Religion: the holy scripture=history + physics
Politics (left/center/right): enlightened despotism is win

>> No.2143608

Age: 33
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Religion: none
Politics (left/center/right): right

>> No.2143607

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic-Theist/Deist
Politics: Center, leaning toward left.

>> No.2143609

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: Tend to be extreme left or right, dependant on the subject.

>> No.2143620

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, generally
Religion: Ex-Catholic
Politics: Left, I suppose.

>> No.2143622

Age: 21
Gender: m
Sexuality: straight
Religion: atheist
Politics (left/center/right): marxist

>> No.2143627

Atheist now, btw. I still do some of the Catholic traditions, because they're fun.

>> No.2143629

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Religion: atheist
Politics (left/center/right): left

>> No.2143630

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic
Politics (left/center/right): eh... Center, but with leftist tendencies.

>> No.2143633

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual.
Religion: N/A
Politics (left/center/right): Left

>> No.2143635

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: None
Politics (left/center/right): Extreme right

>> No.2143639

This is a lame survey.

>> No.2143641


>> No.2143638

>Politics (left/center/right): marxist
Aren't we all? Being class-conscious I vote republican. wbu?

>> No.2143644

i sense the smell of samefags ITT

>> No.2143649

Of course I prefer dolphins.

>> No.2143651

i don't bother voting but if i were to vote for my own middle class interests i'd probably vote democrat

>> No.2143658

That's not fair, I've only posted once.

>> No.2143663

Only two conservatives. No wonder /sci/ is such a shithole. It's full of libtards.

>> No.2143697

>i don't bother voting
that as a Marxist? I take it you're a member of a revolutionary cell. If not, get a tattoo of his theses on Feuerbach, anon.

>> No.2143713

yes i'm a member of a revolutionary cell. we're having a meeting this week on the relation between anime and marxism

>> No.2143720

A common comparison. I hope it goes well.

>> No.2143719

That only proves that only libtards post in lame threads.

>> No.2143722

Not sure, liberal left, I guess. Don't know much about politics :/

>> No.2143726

Exact match here, except if by far right you mean Objectivist.

>> No.2143729

long live the revolution comrade. *faps, cries over his futility as a first-world labor aristocrat, faps some more*

>> No.2143741

Age: 21
Gender: M
Religion: none
Politics (left/center/right): left

>> No.2143745

Age: 17
Gender: M
Sexuality: straight
Religion: Athiest with strong Buddhist influence
Politics (left/center/right): center

>> No.2143753

OP here. /sci/ confirmed for leftist terror cell.

>> No.2143766

Age: 22
Gender: M
Sexuality: Hetero Sexual
Religion: Catholic
Politics (left/center/right): Center (Autoritarian Technocrat)

>> No.2143769

You're an ass.

>> No.2143771


You don't belong here.

>> No.2143776

well, there IS a manga of Das Kapital.
I do not usually associate Marxism (and classical economy in general) with manga, it just reminds of one song by Zager and Evans. But do as you wish, venceremos, use your mad manga inking skills for Agitation in /b/ and Propaganda in /lit/ and /sci/. Do what you can, silly lower class scum.

>> No.2143781

Wait... Autoritarian or Authoritarian? I've never heard the term autoritarian before but I can only assume it means rule by robots.

>> No.2143778

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Not sure
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Don't care

>> No.2143789

>Politics (left/center/right):
Center, leaning left or right depending on discussion's topics

>> No.2143795

i was just poking fun at myself for how pointless it is to be a first-world marxist. doesn't change the fact that i totally agree with his analysis of history though :3

>> No.2143796

it's democratic centralism through polls on anonymous imageboards.

>> No.2143810

Yeah sorry, I mean't Authoritarian

>> No.2143819
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Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Democratic Socialism

>> No.2143821

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Roman Catholicism
Politics (left/center/right): Center

>> No.2143830

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Religion: None (agnostic atheist)
Politics: A mix of democratic socialism, social democracy and anarcho syndicalism

>> No.2143854

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: /d/
Religion: laughable
Politics: I don't understand

>> No.2143874

>i was just poking fun at myself for how pointless it is to be a first-world marxist
Being a Marxist is about having a very precise point, that is to topple or support the "hegemony" of a particular "class". If you are apathetic, you must be lacking a "socialist consciousness", dear comrade class-enemy. Once you have realised that even science is class interest (see "Lysenkoism") you can put proudly "Marxism" into the field for religion.

>> No.2143880

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic/Atheist
Politics (left/center/right): Center/left

>> No.2143883

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Religion: Agnostic
Politics (left/center/right): Center

>> No.2143889

Far right.

>> No.2143906

well voting in a bourgeois democracy certainly isn't going to topple any hegemonies. i'm not apathetic but seriously what is there for me to do besides study. i fear i'm at risk of developing a case of sluggishly advancing schizophrenia

>> No.2143913

Politics (left/center/right):Right

>> No.2143920


Hoo boy, sure is pre-haveemotionalfreakoutandhurtsomeoneormyself.

>> No.2143929

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Mostly straight, very slightly bi
Religion: Not religous.
Politics: Independent. Fuck you with your "left right centery" bullshit, it's nonsensical to categorize political beliefs so narrowly.

>> No.2143930



>> No.2143933

church of fudge

>> No.2143935



>> No.2143938

Age: 38
Gender: supermale
Sexuality: hetero
Religion: none
Politics (left/center/right): left

>> No.2143957


Independent is center

>> No.2143959

Wow! The irony!

>> No.2143963

Politics (left/center/right):White nationalist

>> No.2143966

Gender: M
Sexuality: Hetero
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: Personally, I do not give a shit because one vote doesnt matter.

>> No.2143972



>> No.2143977

Wrong. Independent just means you don't identify with any particular party. You can be a centrist democrat, just as easily as you can be a leftist independent.

>> No.2143980

why are you asking about religion? am i supposed to have one by default?

>> No.2143986

Nobody gives a crap what you think anyway, faggot."mostly bi" gtfo.

>> No.2144000

Age: 14
Gender: MTF trans
Sexuality: Asexual
Religion: Sunni
Politics (left/center/right): Stalinist

>> No.2143997

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Religion: Jedi
Politics (left/center/right): Left.

>> No.2143993

Normal people are usually raised in a specific religion.I myself was raised as a protestant christian, though I'm an agnostic nowadays.You probably have a dysfunctional family.

>> No.2144003

>well voting in a bourgeois democracy certainly isn't going to topple any hegemonies.
The French résistance surely didn't topple Hitler either yet it had effect. Politics is the extension of (class) war through other means. Where are you from with such an elegant command of Marxist memes?
>i fear i'm at risk of developing a case of sluggishly advancing schizophrenia
cut the defeatism or cut the 'marxist' from 'politics'
it's a common illness amongst activists of all kinds.

>> No.2144007

How edgy.Reported for underage ban.

>> No.2144008

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: None
Politics: Social Democrat

>> No.2144011

you so funny

>> No.2144013

AGE: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Religion: Atheist
Politics: just left of center.

>> No.2144025

i'm in nerdlove
you better be scared

>> No.2144030

i'm from the internet. i think you have a point so i'll work on curbing my defeatism, thank you for the intervention comrade.

>> No.2144031

i just find the question funny. would you ask the question from wild indians in the amazon forest, who probably have no idea what religion is, or the sentinelese people from the andaman islands?

>> No.2144047

Age: 19
Gender: M
Sexuality: Straigh
Religion: Atheist
Politics (left/center/right): not involved, mesh of conservative and liberal values (im for gay rights, but it doesnt mean i like the faggots). socialist.

>> No.2144049

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Religion: Non-practicing Jew
Politics: Traditional radical center/One Nation conservative , which puts me way out to the left of modern America's fucked up politics.

>> No.2144051
File: 3 KB, 194x159, Troll face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Nice shit storm OP

Pictured, your face when.

>> No.2144061


>> No.2144062
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 29
Gender: M
Sexuality: Hetero
Religion: Christian*
Politics (left/center/right): pic related

*not a creatard however - I do research in evolutionary genomics, species diversity, etc.

>> No.2144079

Age: 22
Gender: M
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic
Politics (left/center/right): Center, Anti-statist

>> No.2144085

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: N/A
Politics (left/center/right): Center, but I don't like politics

>> No.2144086

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Politics (left/center/right): Center, but feels more like I'm right.

>> No.2144089

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Dont have one
Politics (left/center/right): center - rightist

>> No.2144123

Politics: Conservative as fuck

>> No.2144173
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>> No.2144302

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: None, not an athiest, though
Politics (left/center/right): Don't care too much for politics