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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2139075 No.2139075 [Reply] [Original]


If evolution explains how humans came about randomly or natural selection, how do you account for gay and lesbians?

Christians 1
Atheists 0
Creationists 0.5 because while I believe in evolution this is actually a point in their favour. However, I don't believe gay people are 'sinners'.

>> No.2139089

Because humans are evolved to such a degree that humanity's survival no longer solely depends on the attraction/sexual means between a male and female.

In the same fashion that humans get fat: It's a trait which is unneeded in the times in which food is plentiful and homes are heated.

... I still dislike them though, they can have rights and w/e, I don't care, but I just prefer not see two guys makeout in front of me...

>> No.2139090

sage this shit.

>> No.2139088
File: 90 KB, 500x375, 1289811850684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore it.

>> No.2139141

So what you're saying is that homosexuality is a choice?

>> No.2139155

>i dislike them
>homosexuality is a choice

>> No.2139167

Because there's more to it than a single "gay gene" whose only function is to turn people gay. Traits associated with increased probability of homosexuality tend to have other effects too, like increased fertility in women who carry it. There are also non-genetic factors that can influence it like the well known birth-order effect.


Shitty troll is shitty.

>> No.2139245

You are seriously deluded if you believe homosexuality is a choice

>> No.2139254

>Implying I said it was a choice

What the fuck? I did not imply that anywhere, I simply stated that humans evolved in such a fashion that the necessity of breeding isn't as important as it is in other sectors of the animal kingdom. Thus allowing for the possibility of homosexuals to be born.

How the fuck does that imply it's a choice? All I said is I don't want some fags making out in front of me... sheesh..

>> No.2139269

homophobe detected

>> No.2139281
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>mfw I support gay rights and all that jazz but don't want them anywhere near me

>> No.2139289

Op you are doing a very poor job of remaining inconspicuous.

>> No.2139292

You guys are retarded. Sexuality is different for everyone, you cant just say "homosexuality is a choice"

I choose to be gay, its my choice. Some people never consciously made that choice, some (myself included) did make a choice.

you're all retarded.

>> No.2139296

Ok OP.. how do YOU account for gay and lesbians?
God made them you say??
I thought so...

theistfags: 0
rational thinkers: too many to count

>> No.2139300

it's cause it's not purely genetic, i'm sure there might be genes that would make people more open with sex, but a purely gay gene wouldn't allow be passes on to other generations

>> No.2139334

If you take a survey of a gay man's sisters and female cousins, you will find that they have a much higher fertility than the average female. It's totally okay evolutionarily if one of your men does not reproduce if it means that all your daughters will be better at it.

>> No.2139348

Go your separate ways, and enjoy life. You can argue about it after you're dead and both know the truth.

>> No.2139352


you made a bad choice and are setting back the group you identify with

stop wanting attention so much

>> No.2139381

douchebag, I'm going to troll this board twice as hard now

>> No.2139431

Because women with gay brothers are more fertile and have more successful children.

Essentially, having some gays in the family benefits the entire family, and thus make the genes more likely to be passed on.

>> No.2139455

over-reproduction is a very bad trait in modern human world for any population. all it leads to is poverty, lack of education and further over reproduction.

a certain amount of the population not reproducing is in no way evolutionarily disadvantageous.

>> No.2139462

I wasn't aware of this increased fertility. I would guess this has to do with how the fetuses are affected by hormones in the womb?

>> No.2139463


NOPE. It doesn't work like that. You must be a massive attention whore.

If you choose to be a homosexual, you're merely doing it for something else other than perfecting other men.

>> No.2139486
File: 65 KB, 595x761, lol then serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over-reproduction is a very bad trait
nature doesn't care about poverty, lack of education, and more over reproduction. Evolution just rewards the organism that can spread it's DNA the most and are able to create the most babies

>> No.2139501

Most of you have no idea of how evolution works.
OP is a retard that doesn't even understand the basics of natural selection.

>> No.2139509

Bonobos would all kill each other if not for homosexual acts. Gay has its place in societies.

>> No.2139521

Not quite so simple. Let's say that a given society falls the fuck apart with fewer than 10% of the adults living a while longer to pass on traditions - the groups that do that will spread.

Societies make evolution and adaptation more complex than individual stuff.

>> No.2139539

yeah, no.
if you over reproduce like crazy, you are going to be extinct pretty soon because you are out competed by other species who invest in other things. especially say, taking advantage of your poorly preserved resources.

the only thing that matter is existence over a long time, not the population in the near future.

>> No.2139567

>come to /sci/ expecting it to be full of intelligent people
>see obvious troll religious threads
>see people actually respond to it
>suddenly realize there is no such thing as an intelligent board on 4chan

>> No.2139644

Pretty obvious troll material, well written.
