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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 300x245, smiling-college-student_~pe0068681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2137734 No.2137734 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh hey, you're good at [physics/math/chemistry] right? Can you help me with my homework?

>> No.2137744


>> No.2137746

jokes on you op, I go to a tech school, it has nogirls

forever alone

>> No.2137763
File: 88 KB, 962x485, whatIgotcomputing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Comp student, there are like 2 girls in a class of 150.

Picture related.

The only time a girl ever asked for my help, I obliged but she was so stupid she didn't even bother asking for help until 3 hours before the deadline, and her program was so buggy it was fucking hilarious.

She made the following statement in Java:

Int 1-7 = 0;

And she was expecting that to create 7 integers, each named 1 through 7, that would have the value of zero. My GOD.

>> No.2137772
File: 53 KB, 640x400, children-and-snakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when there are nerds who buy this

>> No.2137778

only if u gang bang all of us at a predecided time.

>> No.2137783

I help anybody who asks, mostly I help first-years with their programming assignments in bulk around crunch time.

Quite a few foreign language students have trouble, and since I was raised in a house with 3+ of them at a time, I can decipher the worst engrish imaginable. But girls? That almost never happens.

>> No.2137805

In my school there should be statistically more gays then women.. no wonder they say engineers are gay!

>> No.2137881

I help a lot of girls for statistics, since there is a large proportion of females in psychology classes etc.
Now I'm helping females in finance as well.
Still forever a scone though.