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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2135832 No.2135832 [Reply] [Original]

I stand before you today, not as a general, but as your brother.

We have a common enemy /sci/, an enemy whom has eluded us ever since this boards creation. I speak of course about the ENGINEER. This cowardly foe belittles and contributes nothing to science. This vile creature constantly tries to rape science for its own selfish goals. While science in general has nothing against homosexuals, there is a limit to what we can take. Engineers flaunt there "Gay Pride" every chance they get, continuously shitting up the board.

Stand with me brothers, let us put an end to this plague once and for all. Take arms.
If you see an ENGINEER, or suspect some one of being an ENGINEER point it out, and take action. Once exposed these cockroaches will go back to the darkness they came from.

You are not alone; we fight this good fight together
May science always be on your side

>> No.2135835

Science without an application is pointless (but interesting none the less). LOL Y U MAD?

>> No.2135836
File: 3 KB, 126x104, fuckyeah01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2135839

I think the real common enemy of all /sci/ is 12 year olds like OP who spam this shit instead of anything science and maths related.

>> No.2135847

Try building a particle accelerator/computers for whatever reason/DNA sequencers/oscilloscopes/lasers (you get the point) without engineers. Science and engineering are both linked. An advance in science tends to lead to an advance in engineering and vice versa. I don't understand why you'd have hate towards engineers.

>> No.2135848

they hate engineers because they get good jobs

while scientists fap in labs

>> No.2135854

Grow up. This shit is cancer. You've obviously never worked as a scientist if you have such a childish attitude.

>> No.2135856

it's akin to my trophy wife.

My hard work and continued isolation is directly tied to how much she gets to spend and while about town with and vice versa.
why in heaven's name would i hate her?

with out her my home would be empty of nice shiny things and i would go out drinking and getting into fights all the time

>> No.2135874
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Posts like OP's make me feel embarrassed that I frequent this board.

All fields are linked. Invective demarcation is for people with inferiority complexes. Or the naive.

>> No.2135992
File: 156 KB, 450x662, halo-3-odst-engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem /sci/?