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2135119 No.2135119 [Reply] [Original]

Post in this thread if you remember when TEDtalks weren't shit.


>> No.2135124

Also rage you lose.

>> No.2135147

Raged the minute he opened his mouth. Raged harder as he spouted complete nonsense.

>> No.2135161

Jesus Christ. I thought it was bad enough when they had the Dalai Lama on.

Are they just picking up random kids off the street now, so that they can spew out their parents' wrongheaded opinions?

>> No.2135163

There's still some decent stuff if you're willing to wade through hundreds of 'save the oceans' and 'the internet has caused more people to look at more things, herp-a-derp-ma-lerp' videos.

I find setting your Stumble category to science and technology and Stumbling around brings up a good TED gem for every three TED videos it finds, and they're worth bookmarking.

>> No.2135203

too much hand movement for you?

>> No.2135208

"corporations want us to buy things we don't need so they make money"
no shit.

>GMO shit thats manipulated in a lab, to do something not intended by nature
>something not intended by nature

lol, kids

>> No.2135214


more like lol parents.

He's like a trained parrot. He reminds me of a Christian kid I know, who will just recite his learned creationist speech at any given opportunity.

>> No.2135220

>they radiate our food trying to make it last longer
god damn it.

i wanna be a farmer

>i'm home schooled
hahahahahahaha, that explains it

>> No.2135225

>fish dna in tomatoes


>> No.2135228

>there are serious problems with our food production industry
>there are legitimate concerns
>these retards make anyone who voices these concerns look like a retard

god damn it america, get your shit together

>> No.2135231

TED is a joke and their ideas expressed shouldn't be critically considered by anyone.

>> No.2135235

salmon, i think
i don't remember what for though. cold resistance, possibly?

>> No.2135238


if anyone can make it all the way thru this, theres serious luls to be had when the fat bitch starts complaining little girls don't get to express themselves

>> No.2135252

>this grouping of cells (made up) is essential to our evolution as a human race.
Lost me there.

>> No.2135260

I guess anyone can go do a TEDTalk nowadays.

>> No.2135263

near the end she claims that women don't have equal rights because this 13 yr old girl's parents wouldn't let her fly around the world by herself in a hot air balloon. srsly.

>> No.2135266
File: 10 KB, 252x252, 1283837742461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


JESUS he is SO annoying

>"i used to be one of them"


yeah me MAD OH SO MAD

>> No.2135267

thanks for the synopsis, I'll save myself the headache

>> No.2135273

how different is this compared to the Bullshit creationist tells to children

he even use an analogy that creationist use when they compare primates with humans.


i want to kill someone

>> No.2135281
File: 65 KB, 595x761, lol then serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to deck that kid, he has no idea what he's talking about AND he's homeschooled to boot

>> No.2135283

i guess 5 minutes worth was all he could memorize. i literally got a shit ton of motivation from some of the vids on TED, but this really only appeals to ignorant new moms, who usually don't do very much browsing on the internet. maybe because the kid said something about corporations that people just gobble him up.

>> No.2135285

People are actually applauding... This is the saddest part of it all.

>> No.2135287

wow TED has to be the fastest media that sold out and turn into a propaganda machine

>> No.2135291

/ted/ - ideas worth sharing

>> No.2135294

he also wants us to make "choices" like buying groceries from our neighbors that we know in real life. that will clearly solve all the worlds food problems. and no -cides or genetic modification = might as well kill off a quarter of the planet, and limit to 1 kid per family everywhere. simple as that.

>> No.2135295


>> No.2135306


how they even allow this???

implying men are not sensitive compassionate etc.


>> No.2135311

>Wow. Just listening to the stories of what some of these women and girls have been through broke me down....Eve, where do you find the strength to process what is going on and face it every day? I'm only listening to your presentation and I have lump in my throat from the pain of just hearing the stories..... Thank you!

>> No.2135318


>> No.2135324

>doesn't realize how much power the feminazi movement has.
Enjoy Democracy

>> No.2135331

probably in the US where you are not even able to control your women. but the rest of the world would never allow this to happen

>> No.2135343

lol and I thought having moot on was a dumb idea

>> No.2135345

Ted Talks will be holdling a conference in Washington in 3 months entitled TEDWomen. Here is part of their description - "How are women and girls reshaping the future? The first-ever TEDWomen invites men and women to explore this question in depth. From the developing world, where a single microloan to a single girl can transform a village, to the West, where generations of educated women are transforming entire industries, women are powerful change agents, intellectual innovators, idea champions ..
jesus fucking christ.

>> No.2135368


>> No.2135381
File: 28 KB, 309x400, 1259697628442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was in Europe recently and they have womens shows about training girls to be good/proper wives, i.e. setting a good table for guests, keeping house tidy, cooking dinner for her husband, etc.