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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2134787 No.2134787 [Reply] [Original]

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected a very tenuous atmosphere known as an exosphere, infused with oxygen and carbon dioxide around Saturn's icy moon Rhea. This is the first time a spacecraft has directly captured molecules of an oxygen atmosphere -- albeit a very thin one -- at a world other than Earth.


>> No.2134830


>> No.2134857

I <3 Cassini-Huygens, my favorite nasa launch.

>> No.2134858
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mfw in the next 10 years life is found on Rhea

mfw this leads to confusion and mass suicides of religious faggots

mfw then remaing religious fags start WW3

mfw most religious fags die

mfw mankind is finally wise enough to abandon religion in the next 20 years

mfw intellegent aliens finally make contact in 30 years, claim they were waiting for us "to grow the fuck up"

>> No.2134884
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>mfw when you hold this belief with as little substantiating evidence as the religiousfags you deride

>> No.2134885
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>> No.2134889

>implying that any of that would happen even if intelligent life was discovered somewhere outside of our planet

seriously bro, religion is hardly the cause for all of the word's problems.

>> No.2134896

>mfw finding life outside earth would cause mass conversions to religions.

>> No.2134905

FUCKING THIS. why does everyone assume aliens are friendly or that they'll want to kiss our ass or that their not crazy too? if /sci/ spent time reading into poli sci and history instead of hurr hurring it all the time, maybe they'll realize that a more advanced more powerful civilization would be a fucking disaster. Remember the aztecs? We would have no power to repel or coerce them. If they wanted resources from our planet, or just slaves, they would do it. It would be horrible for everyone. oh and aliens aren't waiting for us to "grow up". that is the stupidist fucking shit i have ever heard.

>> No.2134911

is this the announcement NASA was planning on making on December 2nd?


>> No.2134914

Yes edgy teenage atheists are fucktards

We all know

>> No.2134925

if a civilization has been around long enough to develop interstellar transportation one would assume that they've figured out how to live peaceably

>> No.2134938
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>mass conversions to religions

Religious Faggot detected....LMAO.
Are you christian too? Thats soo cute!

>> No.2134945
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Another religious fag....WOW.
You guys are too much!
SO SO cute!

>> No.2134952

I was wondering this too...

>> No.2134956



>> No.2134957

does anyone know if these are the same topics, or is NASA about to announce that they found extra-terrestrial life.

or do you fags belong on /b/ and are too busy pseudo-trolling to care

>> No.2134968

and how so? are we assuming that they only have one culture? that there are no nations, tribes or disagreements?what if like humanity, they survive through rapid expansion and colonization and thus never have to develop the machinery necessary for a peace?protip:real life is not some cheesy sci fi novel. violence and deadly force are how the universe works.

where did i mention i was religious and how did you assume that?

>> No.2134987

kill it with sage

>> No.2134988

>what if like humanity, they survive through rapid expansion and colonization and thus never have to develop the machinery necessary for a peace

then they would have destroyed themselves before they were able to develop interstellar travel.

>violence and deadly force are how the universe works.

how many intelligent species have you monitored to come to this conclusion?

>> No.2134994

Sorry but you don't know what you are talking about. If they could travel across the stars then they would have no reason to attack us because they would have all the resources they need

>> No.2135014

I kind of think you're both wrong. I don't think they'd even bother coming here in the first place.

>> No.2135038
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ah yes, the real reason they would travel is to go on adventures with neckbeards who watch too much tv right? I mean what possible other reason could there to go through an extremely dangerous risky journey millions of lightyears from home?

>then they would have destroyed themselves before they were able to develop interstellar travel.

missed the point. what i am saying that their rapid economic expansion would fuel travel to other worlds for resources. (why do we want to do it?) As they would constantly be expanding their species and moving on to new worlds and subjegating the populace, they would have no use or need to develop a stable world society. An imperial force like this is not hard to imagine. consider M.A.D and how it runs international relations today. Countries are in a blance of power with each other. The control as well as lack of power means that nations must conform to certain rules to guarantee their own survival. I assume that another poster was arguing that several centuries of this on another planet would lead to some kind of world peace but i am highly doubtful of that. Power and control is essential to self aware biological organisms like us.

>> No.2135055

are these aliens you speak of capitalists? how do you know they won't need resources to fuel their intersteller ships? is it a research mission? do you think they will look on us any differently as we look at cows or dogs? whats to stop them from hurting us? maybe, like the conquistadors, they want to convert us to their religion. How can we know?

>> No.2135061

agree to disagree then I guess. It's all just speculation anyway.

>> No.2135099


>> No.2135135

Because there are the same resources on other nonfilled with life planets and there is no way they are going to be capitalist or even be individuals like how we are today. Think about it They can travel 1000nds of lightyears