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File: 56 KB, 457x835, 1288201810208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2127371 No.2127371 [Reply] [Original]

Could work.

>> No.2127394
File: 419 KB, 1000x1300, 1291049620967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma genius O.o

>> No.2127896

bump, wanna know how OP's theory is working

>> No.2127914


This is hilarious.

>> No.2127922

That is true.

However, it is also impossible: the mass of the pylon would render it unable to support its own weight, leading to warping and breaking. Also, the differing orbits would quickly throw the whole setup out of alignment, and we have a Moon to contend with in between.

Therefore, it is theoretically possible, but practically not.

>> No.2127931



It travels at the speed of sound.

>> No.2127938
File: 113 KB, 266x304, 1281292872160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2127974

typical tripfag

>> No.2127977

The speed of sound in that medium to be precise.

>> No.2127983

>to be precise
Or.. to be accurate?

>> No.2128002 [DELETED] 

GODDAMMIT! How the hell could I overlook that?!

Strike the "theoretically possible" parts, and thanks for noticing!

>> No.2128017

GODDAMMIT! How the hell could I overlook that?!

Strike the "theoretically possible" parts, and thanks for noticing!

Yes, my face then, too...

>> No.2128032

Holy crap! NOT A TROLL???

What is this madness?

>> No.2128040

> and we have a Moon to contend with in between

Also, in honor of Leslie Nielsen

>> No.2128045

Also it has no fucking weight!

>> No.2128081

Gravity acts over an infinitely long distance, stop being bad.

>> No.2128091

I try not to be. If I'm wrong, I can be big about it, and admit it.

>> No.2128108
File: 85 KB, 779x631, frozen boiled water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would probably work.

>> No.2128119

Wasn't even mildly funny

>> No.2128130
File: 67 KB, 800x600, infinite healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128136

But on both sides: mars and earth. The net F_g is insignificant.

>> No.2128161
File: 20 KB, 271x269, 1290652343685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opposite of thaw
>frozen water
>my face when

>> No.2128185
File: 168 KB, 800x600, 1291066469118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this must surely work.
will make loads of cash money

>> No.2128219

Genius! Get this man a Nobel prize!

>> No.2128238
File: 62 KB, 805x597, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128242


>> No.2128252 [DELETED] 

Okay, before I make another slip-up like the Mars-Earth comm pylon, apart from the (probably impossibly) massive material strength needed for such a project, what's stopping us from creating something like a pair of communicating vessels?

>> No.2128256

Information can't travel faster than c (SR), so I think that by theoretically possible you mean theoretically impossible.

recaptcha: innocency otetur

>> No.2128258

The material strength needed for such a vessel is too great to build. It would sooner collapse under its own weight, and active support would eat up most of the power.

>> No.2128268

Yeah. Nevermind the fact that it still wouldn't work because gravity and the pressure difference would cancel each other out at some point, and it would stabilize.

>> No.2128278

I'm pretty sure that setup could be used to produce a pathetic amount of energy, the system doesn't reach equilibrium because you periodically open and close the valve.

>> No.2128284

The system still reaches equilibrium, even if you keep opening and closing. The "bouncing" flow of water becomes less and less abundant each time until it just doesn't happen.

>> No.2128301

That can't be. After all the motion has died out you're in the exact same situation you started out with.

>> No.2128315

1- You don't get it.
2- Are you really arguing that you can get free energy out of this, no matter how small an amount?

>> No.2128350

Water will rise some 10 meters and stay there. Opening and closing has no effect.

>> No.2128405

I was thinking that the state of the atmosphere changes a little, but on second thought you're right. The motion dies out.