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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2124112 No.2124112 [Reply] [Original]

So how does /sci/ study? I enjoy all my classes, but I have a hard time actually sitting down and studying. I get easily distracted and end up fapping, browsing 4chon, or otherwise neglecting my studies.

>> No.2124128

I tend to read the book while lying in/on bed. For hours at a time if need be.

>> No.2124141

I study while taking a shit.

>> No.2124157

I can't do that. I need to sit while reading, which gives me back pains. Whenever I lie down I'll fall asleep.

>> No.2124165

In the woods.

>> No.2124176

I do one of two things:
>Go to pubmed or another journal article site and start to look up something I interested in. Afterwards, look up what my classes talk about that concept. Balls keeps rolling till I have to eat.
>Listen to a record I have of my O Chem prof, when I took it back in 2nd year UG. She has a sexy British accent and tends to giggle/be girly when she makes silly mistake (i.e.: Oh sorry, silly me, I forgot to invert that center. Hee, there we go all better). Get strangely aroused and in the mood to learn
Yes I have problems.

>> No.2124184

take videos/notes of your lectures, after lecture is done spend an hour or half hour going through notes at library with related textbook, and enjoy the rest of your day and repeat every day u have lectures?

>> No.2124220

Yeah, but they don't like filming. I also have trouble in the classes that I do best. Since I master the material quickly, I become anxious during lecture and impatient. I almost want to leave while she's still talking. However, in the classes that I learn at a slower rate, I take notes and absorb it fine. It's when I'm alone and I have to study that I have the most trouble

>> No.2124290

you could start by not studying in your room to stop you from fapping and stuff, or just get in the habit of it...with cans of relentless or monster to help you out, worked for me...or do it the hard way and fail hard on your papers... apparently when I failed hard for my paper it gave me the right kick to stop neglecting my studies...

>> No.2124292

I'd gladly kill for that.