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2120518 No.2120518 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ can we get a good scifi thread going

Mostly about the big three


what's your favorite story from them?

>> No.2120540


>> No.2120552

How can you just ignore Niven like that you monster

>> No.2120564

Asimov: The Last Question

So much win...

>> No.2120583

wats last question about? ive never heard of it.

and who is niven? i have never heard of him>>2120564

>> No.2120587

Read The Time Ships written by Stephen Baxter.

Shed manly tears.

>> No.2120604

wats it about?

>> No.2120639

1. Shit bricks as in the alternate future Morlocks are super-intelligent scientists who harvest the stars by literally building spheres enclosing them.

2. Sent back to 50 Mil BC together with other human time travellers.

3. Gave pity-fuck to an severely burned aging woman suffering from Platnerrite radiation.

4. Watch as humans in 50Mil BC fuck the earth AGAIN.

5. Accompany sentient machines back to the singularity before the big bang to reset History.

6. Author could have chosen to remain in the comfort of his home in London, but travelled to the future again save Weena.

7. Rescued the Eloi, taught them agiculture

8. Attempted to educate the Morlocks, killed.

>> No.2120655


old school writers better than the big three

philip k dick
ursula le guin
theodore sturgeon

>> No.2120656

whoa holy fuck. thats sound amazing.
and that star thing i think ive read about something like that before, isnt it called a "dyson sphere"

>> No.2120688

OP here

i wanna hear about sci fi book you guys like by other aurthurs too.
like does any body like OSC [orson scott card]
namely, the Ender/bean series?

>> No.2120712

Yes. It's designed to harvest the energy of a star by 100%. The morlocks stayed in the bottom in total darkness, while the homo sapiens who refused to evolve stayed in the inner surface of the sphere in their simulated earth-worlds. Oh, there's rescontructed Neanderthals.

Seriously, the book is awesome. The best piece of work written by him second to the Xeelee saga.

>> No.2120728

i think i love this book and i havnt even read it yet.

>> No.2120739

Try a classic," Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny

>> No.2120741

The Xeelee saga was fagets. "Humans are a bunch of go damned morons who refuse to use advanged drive technology even though it was developed and who spend their entire existence fighting against the species trying to save the universe. Oh, and they lose, the universe is consumed, novel over."

Fuck him. The Time Ships could have been half as long but he feels the need to inject unnecessary detail, characters you don't care about, and subplots you wish would fuck off and die into the stories for some bizarre reason.

>> No.2120748

But I liked the twist at the very end which implies that the Xeelee are also humans, who have escaped to the beginning of the universe through the Ring, and then work on the construction of the Ring throughout the history of the universe while ignorant humans continue to wage war at them. At least that's what I think anyway.

>> No.2120751
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Asimov - The Gods Themselves - alternate universes as an energy resource, with potential unforeseen consequenses

Almost everything in the Xeelee sequence, but especially the Vacuum Diagrams, with a happy human-AI relationship-ending. Made me cry a happy tear.

Culture books by Banks, specifically Consider phlebas and Excession.

Robert Reed - Marrow and several short stories, best ones are possibly "Melodies Played upon Cold, Dark Worlds" and "The Children's Crusade"

Stanislaw Lem - "The Astronauts", "The Invincible", "Peace on Earth", "Eden", "Cyberiad", "His Masters Voice".
Possibly my favorite scifi author.

Comics: Yoko Tsuno, Adventures of Blake and Mortimer, Tintin

>> No.2120752

ill check them out
wat do u mean by old school? the big three are from like the 1930s

>> No.2120758

When did ANY of the novels imply that the Xeelee were related to humans?

>> No.2120763
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>> No.2120769

big three began late 30s maybe, but carried on for many many decades after

i guess i mean anyone writing in the 60s or earlier

>> No.2120847


>> No.2121092
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>> No.2121149


>> No.2123200


It's very good, and the hero is a physicist !