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2115353 No.2115353 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone confirm or deny lucid dreaming?

Can you truly do anything you can think of in said dream.

>> No.2115361

Well, it's not falsifiable.

I don't find it too hard to believe that people are just making it up for attention. I'd change my mind if somebody I trusted claimed to have a lucid dream.

>> No.2115376

Have you never realised that you were dreaming? I've done it a number of times, and I start flying or whatever. The problem is, I always think I wake up, but I'm actually still dreaming so I don't get the chance to do any cool stuff.

Speaking of dreaming, g'night everyone.

>> No.2115378

In my experience and what I've discussed with my friends about their experiences, it seems to be all about your ability to control your awareness through practice, eventually allowing yourself to become aware inside of dreams, where you then practice controlling them. What all you can do depends on the individual, it seems. First lucid dream I had, I was able to fly to and walk on the moon. Someone I know, however, said he couldn't even manage to fly during his first lucid dreaming experience, only giant leaps, and that the dream was very hard to hold on to.

But I'm in no way an expert on this and I suggest you read a book about it or something. They have websites all about this sort of thing, you know.

>> No.2115384

You've never become aware that you were dreaming?

>> No.2115390

i used to be able to do this as a child, but now i'm stuck and have no control over what i dream

>> No.2115398

I can only say that I ask this question of a lot of people I meet. Many have asked what lucid dreaming is and after hearing my definition have said things similar to "you mean like doing stuff in your dream? of course, doesn't everyone?".

>> No.2115403

Most of the people who claim to have lucid dreams seem to be making it up but I think it's real... maybe not in the same sense as people claim it to be, but real nonetheless.

When I watched Donnie Darko a few times right before I feel asleep (I heard it would help.) I had a nightmare and then what seemed to be a lucid dream. I felt like I was being held down and when I tried to get up or talk I couldn't.

I can't say whether I was on the edge of a dream and the real (awake) world or simply dreaming but the idea of lucid dreaming is completely plausible.

>> No.2115415

Well, I can confirm it, but I can't prove it. But I did see a doco once where a lucid dreamer communicated by morse code with the experimenter by tensing his (dream) arm - in the lucid state electrical signals are sent to the muscles, but the body doesn't move due to the paralysis of the sleeping state or some such.

>> No.2115428

I can confirm.

I find that there are 2 version/stages to it.
Stage 1: you become aware, but you have much trouble controlling the direction of the dream, and what you do.
Stage 2: You have complete control, but I find the dream, quickly becomes visually fuzzy, like pixelated-ish, probably because you don;t have enough resources to have realistic dreams, and be in control at the same time.

Anyway this one time I wanted to do back flips, so I did them. cool_face.gif

also when you open your eyes you are never tired, because you woke up in the dream. It is nice.

>> No.2115436

I end up flying in most of the dreams that i can recall, but i feel like it's lucid dreaming.

>> No.2115437

I have a vivid memory of a dream I had when I was a kid. I recall being chased around a mansion by an ambiguous persona and running to different parts of the house to try and escape. I eventually ran to the kitchen and opened the knife drawer intent on fighting it off. At that point I realized I was in a dream and stopped, walked to a larger than life black door with a Victorian style handle and opened it and woke up.

As soon as I woke, I decided I hated the feeling of having nightmares more than I enjoyed the fun dreams and so I would rather not dream.
From that point on I have rarely recalled my dreams when I awake in the morning. More recently I have been trying to train myself to remember them again with limited success.
I am practicing staying conscious while my body falls asleep. Supposedly, you can drop directly into a dream by just laying still until you become sleep paralyzed. If you keep thinking and manage to ignore the itchiness and ringing in your ears you can eventually "open your eyes" and you will actually be in a dream. Supposedly.
So far I have only managed to use these techniques to actually fall asleep even when my mind is racing. Advantageous in itself tbh.

>> No.2115439

I've done it several times, though I'm not very good at inducing them at will.

You CAN do anything, as it's all basically just your imagination, but certain things seem to have a tendency to wake you up (sexual arousal is one of them, sadly).

Richard Feynman actually did it too. It's mentioned in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!". Which I suppose isn't really relevant, I just find it interesting.

>> No.2115443

it isn't*

>> No.2115462

definitely real. I've had two experiences.

The first time i realized i was in a dream, i instantly woke up. For some reason when i realize i'm dreaming, it triggers me to wake up.

The second time I was dreaming I was in a zombie apocalypse. For whatever reason, my holding a shotgun made me realize i was dreaming. After that I had full control of what i was doing.

>> No.2116110

true... cognitive dreaming is real and awesome

>> No.2116130

Lucid dreaming is real. I've done it. Though I haven't for years. It's like closing your eyes and imagining things but with the feeling of be asleep. You basically know you're asleep, you feel like you're deep in sleep, but your aware of it, and you have control of your imagination.

>> No.2116137

I often realise I'm dreaming and start doing crazy shit like fly, slow time or whatever. But Then I conciously realise these thigns can't really happen and I'll suddenly drop out of the sky. even though I'm lucid I can't fully control my dream which can be incredibly frustrating.

I like it better when I don't realise I'm dreaming and impossible stuf like breathe underwater and take it all for granted.

>> No.2116140

whoa what a crappy post, I need to proofread before I submit

>> No.2116149

I often have lucid dreams. I'm aware I'm dreaming and I'm able to change the situation to a certain point but I can't do anything. Sometimes there are still limitations. But if someone is trying to kill me in a dream, for example, I'm usually able to pretend my fingers are a gun and usually I'll then have a gun or I'll try to narrate the dream verbally until the person doesn't want to kill me... but sometimes that doesn't work and at that point I tell myself it's time to wake up.

>> No.2116172

>I felt like I was being held down and when I tried to get up or talk I couldn't.

This sounds like sleep paralysis. I also have these, and they're accompanied by auditory hallucinations (hypnagogia). Not all people with sleep paralysis have these hallucinations though.

(And yes I also have lucid dreams.)

>> No.2116175

>realise I'm dreaming
>become lucid, start flying around
>fall to the ground, can't seem to control it
>get attacked by some unidentifiable animal
>can feel it ripping through my legs
>wakeup feeling like I'm having a heart attack

fucking lucid dreams that scared the shit out of me

>> No.2116181

yeah when that happens it can be fucking terrifying, especially when you get that overwhelming sense of dread, like something is hover around next you or something

not sleeping tonight

>> No.2116193
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I can do anything I want in a dream. I love dreaming, its my favorite thing about life. Being awake is just a minor pass time to me, impatiently waiting until my body is ready to sleep. I sometimes use sedatives to dream a day away because it is so much better then life.

And if I gotta stay awake, I am usually high on a hallucinogen almost always. I am right now. I've taken to wearing sunglasses everywhere because in the dark it is easier to manifest my visual imagination anywhere.

>> No.2116196

Have you tried reality testing while dreaming by looking at a clock more than once? The time is either completely blurry or the clock will keep changing drastically every few seconds from 1:22 to 7:66. Even the look of the clock will change. If you keep an eye out for stuff like that during a strange or unpleasant dream, you can usually become aware you're just dreaming and control the dream somewhat.

>> No.2116200


>> No.2116204
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>mfw I was the animal eating your legs.

>> No.2116206

I do stuff like this, but usually even if the clock has 30 hours on it I will just accept it without even thinking, like I do with most of the other crazy shit that happens.

>> No.2116210

I've become lucid in my dreams a couple of times. Recently I've been trying to increase the occurrence by writing down my dreams. It kinda seems to work. Right now I just remembered being paralyzed and hearing a loud whistling sound at some point last night. I kept telling myself to be calm and thought it was a sign of a lucid dream beginning. I can't recall any dreams though. Thanks anyway, this thread made me remember that moment from last night.

>> No.2116215

Dream manipulation is a lie and a waste of time.

Becoming aware that you are dreaming is real.

There's scientific evidence to support consciousness in dreaming - but perhaps that is part of the dream itself (given the role of dreams in memory sorting).

Ergo, cannot be proven. If you are aware of the instructions before you sleep, they cannot be trusted.

>> No.2116222

> Have you tried reality testing while dreaming by looking at a clock more than once? The time is either completely blurry or the clock will keep changing drastically every few seconds from 1:22 to 7:66. Even the look of the clock will change. If you keep an eye out for stuff like that during a strange or unpleasant dream, you can usually become aware you're just dreaming and control the dream somewhat.

The idea of reality testing is false and works only for those with a low IQ.

The reason for this is that you do not check clocks every second of the day, and thus your brain only collates times you check (generally to discard the information).

Anyone with functional logic will compensate during collation and thus have realistic clocks in dreams.

fucking stupid.avi

>> No.2116225

lol, Just because you can't float and fly around in your dreams doesn't mean I don't all the time. I instance sex dreams all the time.

>> No.2116228

I find it hard to beleive people have never manipulated their own dreams.

I don't do it all the time, mauybe once every 3-4 sleeps. but it does happen alot.

>> No.2116245

What about reality testing in other ways by looking out for inconsistencies in general and keeping note that a blue towel is now orange?

>> No.2116255

it's hard to keep track of those things in a dream, I find anyway. Since so much information is being thrown at you. I usually just roll with it.

>> No.2116256
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There are times when i dream and i do conclude that im dreaming, nothing really magical happens. Most of the time the fact that i am aware of dreaming only happens for what i estimate is around 5 or maybe 10 seconds then whatever i am dreaming carry's on.

So am i dreaming that i know im dreaming?

>> No.2116260

Burden of proof or get out.

I've woken myself up in a dream, as well as experienced a false awakening.

These are logical phenomena based on how the brain works.

Actively creating new information is NOT how the brain works during an unconscious beta brainwave state.

Any "manipulation" you experience is likely false given this. Your "intiated sex dreams" probably extends from your lack of sexual fulfillment in the real world.

I have sex in real life on a regular basis and have not had a sex dream I can actively remember.

My favourite part about lucid dreamers is how they say "you don't wake up tired or anything". It is logical that a sleep during which larger exertion takes place (keeping in mind the brain is the hottest area of the body and uses the most energy relative to unit of mass) is less effective than sleep where it does not.

Of course, this makes sense if you actually arent changing anything.

I stopped taking notice of my dreams a long time ago.

>> No.2116264

>only for those with a low IQ.

Is this an opinion? Where did you learn this? I'd like a source on this if true, as I'm fascinated by these sort of things.

>> No.2116272

I've never experienced a dream with household objects like towels.

I've only experienced dreams that are accurate to real life in terms of colour of setting.

>> No.2116273

>In a boring bar bored as fuck
>starts falling asleep
>dream about riding my bike back home
>start tilting the bike backward
>feel I'm about to fall
>wake up
>realize I almost falling from the chair I was tilting backward
>get scared as fuck

And most lucid dreams I had were related with enough external stimulus and sleep deprivation, I when I take a bus travel back home I usually don't sleep very well before taking the ride and usually take a nap during the travel but I keep my MP3 player on and weirdly I have dreams mostly related with what I was listening but not totally asleep.

>> No.2116275

Talk to any advocate of lucid dreaming.

Theyre all extremely mediocre people with nothing remarkable up stairs.

>in b4 people think that there is credible research into the idea and that a PHD means anything

Fact: I can link to a list with thousands of PHD climatologists who discount global warming as myth

>> No.2116280

speak for yourself, I have lucid dreams where I am a basically god quite regularly. You aks for proof but I don't think you consider how impossible that is.

i just feel sorry for you not being able to have lucid dreams.

>> No.2116278

I think "lucid dreaming", as it is commonly described, is bullshit.

Why? Because you simply don't have enough brainpower to simulate a 3D world that you can move around in and look at from various angles.

>> No.2116281

Hmm... I guess I have lucid dreams a lot then because it's easy for me to notice inconsistencies in a dream. The only other way I can think of to induce a lucid dream (and I'm not sure if it will actually work) is by narrating and acting out a story in your head as you're falling asleep. I've been doing that all my life, and I often wondered if there's any correlation.

>> No.2116287

Thanks for supporting my argument that "advocates of lucid dreams have a low IQ"

>Burden of proof or get out

Want to know something? I talk with god on a regular basis, and he answers!

(protips: I don't. I just said I did. Also, you can't prove it right or wrong)

>> No.2116294


Regardless, whether or not they can or not, the fact Lucid Dreamers commonly say "you don't feel tired" is an obvious indication that they are not actively doing anything. But are instead passive believers.

The "oh god I am in control" is part of the dream.

>> No.2116296

A cid dreamstate simply means you are aware you are dreaming you fucking moron, it's not like he's claiming to have a genuine out of body experience or something.

>> No.2116303

It's a myth. Most of the reasons why have already been discussed in this thread. As for reality testing, such as clocks, colours etc. Those are attributable to the placebo effect.

It is possible to become aware that you are asleep - at which point you generally wake up, or wake up into another dream. These realisations are, arguably, parts of dreams given the false awakening phenomenon.

>> No.2116308

I assume you are basing this on fact and not just a gut feeling?

my dreams are hazy as fuck, nowhere near the level of clarity as real life. I just seem to forget this fact when I fall asleep.

>> No.2116313

Another Low IQ detected.

>speak for yourself, I have lucid dreams where I am a basically god quite regularly

Problem? Take it up with your inferior mind.

>> No.2116317


>Unexplained mysteries
>The pyramids

Can you really trust "lucid dreamers" now?

>> No.2116320


Yeah, it's an obvious fact. Your brain just isn't equipped with "hologram technology" - it doesn't have the ability to draw a room that you can move around in.

>> No.2116335
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Lucid dreams are pretty cool at first, and yes, you can do whatever you can imagine. Normal dreams are much more fun though, when everything is unpredictable. The same concept applies to life, if you can see/change the future as if you were omnipotent, life would be no fun. But being a mere mortal, that's what it makes it truly grand.

>> No.2116339

Lucid dreaming is a skill. Some are good at it, some aren't good at it. i think everyone has the capability to do it (since its quite easy), just like some have done it but don't realise it.

Unless you can get someone to join you in your dream, then proving it is basically impossible.

I hope you don't confuse astral projection with lucid dreams.

>> No.2116343

What the fuck? Do you not realize how powerful the brain is? It doesn't just have the ability to draw a room, it draw a whole universe for you to move around in.

>> No.2116345
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um, what?

>> No.2116349

I'm not aware of any serious research into the matter, sleep in itself is already a not entirely understood concept, let alone dreaming.

As for my personal experiences, I usually wake the instant I am aware that I am dreaming. I suspect it is connected to my concious mind trying to make sense of the entire dream scenario using real world constraints, which it unsurprisingly fails to do.

>> No.2116353

Yeah, this is me too.

>> No.2116355
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>It doesn't just have the ability to draw a room, it draw a whole universe for you to move around in.

I'm going to take a wild stab and say that you're not a software engineer

>> No.2116356

I'm not sure about the "doing whatever you like" part of lucid dreaming since I can only change stuff around within the context of the dream.

That is, if i'm in a desert, then i cannot direct my dream to have trees grow for shade, although i can 'summon' a swarm of locusts to eat the non-existant tree.

Deserts have no trees , so having a lush woodland is outside the context of the dream, yet biblical plagues of locusts are possible. (i'm a 99% atheist)

>> No.2116364


Everything we experience is because our brain decodes and makes sense of a very complex universe. The brain creates EVERYTHING. Therefore it has the power to create and perceive a hologram.

Just because you cannot do it at will while awake is not evidence against this fact.

>> No.2116370
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Thread is tl;dr for me because I've seen a lot of them on lucid dreaming, but
makes a really good point. I've been lucid dreaming for 6 or so years now and more than half of the time nowadays I just roll with things because it's more interesting than what I can come up with on the spot (keep in mind you can't always think as clearly in a dream, e.g. "That seems perfectly reasonable" and you know goddamn well it's not when you wake up.) If I have a goal beforehand though, I can usually accomplish it (~80%).

>> No.2116371

>The brain creates EVERYTHING. Therefore it has the power to create and perceive a hologram.

Are you really this dumb?
Have a little think about it, will you? There is a rather large difference between the two scenarios.

>> No.2116375

can we really trust scientists now?

>> No.2116378

Because you've met every person who has had a lucid dream to know that.

"Advocate of lucid dreaming"? What do you mean by that? Am I a sleep paralysis/hypnagogic advocate too because I notice I have these experiences and talk about them? I notice I usually have them when I'm really stressed.

If you're calling me an "lucid dreaming advocate" because I suggested possible ways to induce a lucid dream, you'd be right I don't really know how one can induce a lucid dream. I was only speculating. It's not as if I'm writing how-to books and calling myself enlightened for having them. For some reason I have them frequently and I always wondered why. Low IQ? Maybe. I haven't tested my IQ. Something about your post screams "confirmation bias" and I would love to get my IQ tested and see if you're right.

I suspect you're going to say this post is proof I have a low IQ. How can you measure that based on a few posts? Isaac Newton was a genius and yet he was obsessed with the occult and believed very stupid things. Some people can believe and say dumb things and still be brilliant in other ways. I'm in no way suggesting I am brilliant or that I will ever contribute to the scientific community... but... I'm pointing out that just because you disagree with someone who believes in silly things doesn't mean they have a low IQ.


If this is the same guy, I'd like to say that I don't believe in any of that stuff. I just have lucid dreams for some unexplained reason, just like I have sleep paralysis and hallucinations sometimes (and I don't believe I've been abducted by aliens because of the content of my hypnagogic hallucinations!).

>> No.2116380
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A human brain has more processing power then all the computers on earth right now. You could overclock the fucking shit out of them all, but it does not compare to the human brain. We can already simulate semi-universes with different perimeters. What the fuck do you think a human brain can do? A FUCK LOAD MORE!

Goddamn people don't know how to use their brains.

>> No.2116386

You do not grasp the concept.

>> No.2116402

Adrenaline will eject you awake, so that might be it. If you're one of the lucky people able to manually produce it (:D) then you can use it to wake up when something unpleasant is about to happen.

>That is, if i'm in a desert, then i cannot direct my dream to have trees grow for shade, (etc)
This is the hardest part imo. Your subconcious won't allow you to do it because it doesn't make sense, but you can do it if you force it enough.

Changes of scenery (or location) feel a lot harder to do than flying and such because the latter is legitimate in some cases, but the former is nigh impossible.

>> No.2116404

Sorry, you're wrong.
You should read Consciousness Explained by Dan Dennett.
He goes into great detail about why the human brain cannot do virtual reality.

>> No.2116405


People don't go to sleep expecting to dream.

When you dream, you CAN control parts of it, but you cannot control if you are going to dream or not.

>> No.2116422

Have you ever tried to find any?


>> No.2116423
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meh i think its total bs. although ive tried several techniques like lucid dreaming trough sleep paralysis and actually got some of the first stages acutally working.

If you keep laying on your back and dont move at all for like 10 minutes you body paralyses. and thats about it.....@_@ nothing else happens after that i just lie there waiting for the other signs to kick in like the whistling noises and what not but nothing ever happens. The strange this is i can break the paralysis whenever i want...i will never achieve the lucid dream state :(

>> No.2116426

You're resisting too much bro.

>> No.2116431

OK I've had enough.
I do not take the workings of mediocre minds as proof for anything in this universe. Even the brilliant minds are simply providing rough frameworks for mother nature.

Just becuase you cannot grasp the notion that what you are seeing and thinking right now is a product of the human brain is no skin off my back. I have accepted that this is an anonymous forum and all aptitudes are welcome.

>> No.2116434

"kick in like the whistling noises"

on your way to astral projection.

when you started to tingle and vibrate, don't freak out.

>> No.2116457

To all of you mentioning whistling/buzzing sounds, this is hypnagogia, not lucid dreaming. You can also have auditory hallucinations like doors slamming, dishes breaking, people talking in word salad, and sometimes even coherent conversations. I rarely have visual hallucinations in this state (thank "god") but the people who do usually see an assortment of colors, etc, and even people sitting at the end of their bed. No one's actually there. The brain is a very strange, fascinating thing.

I think astral projection sounds very quacky by the way.

>> No.2116458

I do have lucid dreams every now and then. Some i can control, some i can't.

One i had last year was going to this mall i always go to, i was just walking around in it. And i just realised i was dreaming, and i remember being hungry. So i wished for a macdonalds, and BAM.


then i forgot i was dreaming, and went to stand in line to order.

after ordering. i didn't eat it, basically put it on the table. got up, remember i was still dreaming. decided to do what i can before the dream ended or something.

so i grab this girl's breasts who was sitting near by. LOL.

too bad it ended shortly after that, can't remember what else happened.

>> No.2116471

Samefag. Sorry, this is a badly worded post. I meant to say I'm probably already having a lucid dream if I'm noticing these inconsistencies.

>> No.2116482


i should note that that was my most vivid lucid dream, that i was able to the most in as well.

haven't managed to change the environment so much since though.