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File: 19 KB, 288x358, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2113750 No.2113750 [Reply] [Original]

Get off Sci and call Mike!

you know who you are...

>> No.2113770

i cannot describe in words my loathing for this bitch, or for the trolls who incessantly post her on this site

>> No.2113779

Objectivism is for fucking children.

"Ethics are ridiculous! Only you sheep are weak enough to believe in such nonsense!
What's that, mum? But I put the washing out yesterday!"

>> No.2113780
File: 524 KB, 1040x1514, kagamijesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine i'll get off my ass and find my phone charger, whats with the picture of randayn?

>> No.2113781

Why do you hate her? Is her philosophy too deep for you?

>> No.2113789


If you are in fact the Horndog... I always post pics of Ayn Rand when I'm trying to contact you through this site

>> No.2113791

horn dog? maybe not, thats an odd nick name, how long have you known me?

>> No.2113792

herp derp

Yay! We are now cavemen again! So fucking refreshing

>> No.2113794

deep like a layer of graphene

>> No.2113797


I've known the Horndog for 10ish years. Clearly I'm not the Mike you're thinking of

>> No.2113799

Infinitely folded over and over and over again.

>> No.2113800
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I couldn't care less about aynrand, but howard roark was a pretty badass dude though.

>> No.2113805

Narrow minded opinion detected.

>> No.2113807
File: 330 KB, 568x401, 1281153246067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close, I've been pals with mike for like 13 years. If the name Mitsuka doesn't mean anything to you, you are probably not him.

if it does, take this.

>> No.2113811

>Narrow minded opinion

Far be it for me to base Rand's influence on what self-proclaimed objectivists constantly tell me is their belief system.

>> No.2113813

Nah, it doesn't. Plus, my friend does not have a cell phone, and im guessing you do. But you should still call your Mike, just to be nice. I'm sure he'd appreciate it

>> No.2113820

Even half an angstrom is too deep for socialists. Hence why they but into every piece of propaganda imaginable.

>> No.2113826

>Hence why they but into every piece of propaganda imaginable.
Goddamn it, americans! Stay out of politics, you don't know shit!

>> No.2113834

I hear there's a rising tide of libertarians in the States. They want to cut the government down to a police force, an army, and a justice system.

There's a part of me that hopes that America does indeed descend into murderous chaos due to individualism and capitalism. It would be such a fitting end.

>> No.2113837


Better than being overrun by unassimilated Muslims

>> No.2113843
File: 158 KB, 1200x750, 320915 - Fallout_3 Ranged_Weapon Sarah_Lyons fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...becoming an ordinary lump of coal.

So we get an analogy of a person who is both shallow and dirty.

Quite astute of you.

>> No.2113846

Can't come up with rational argument, resort to insults. Typical socialists.

>> No.2113847

Hahaha look who's talking. It's your very own every-man-for-himself culture that allows people to not assimilate.
The Muslim thing is hugely exaggerated, it's just fearmongers trying to feel righteous.

And I don't even live in Europe btw.

>> No.2113848

Still deeper than you can go.

>> No.2113855
File: 72 KB, 640x512, socialism-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because socialism cannot be corrupted.

>> No.2113858


It will of course be impossible to convince you that unassimilated Muslims are a huge problem in Europe. You no doubt ignore the wealth of demographical data suggesting that Muslims, who have children at a phenomenal rate, are set to become a sizable minority in many European countries within a few generations, and that they are not assimilating in the slightest. You are also free to ignore the data that suggests the U.S. does a pretty good job of assimilating immigrants to our culture.

The U.S. has many problems, but immigration isn't really one of them. For Europe it is; and I'm not just fearmongering, my friend

>> No.2113865

>It will of course be impossible to convince you that unassimilated Muslims are a huge problem in Europe.

No, I'm willing to change my opinion if I see facts.
Which countries in particular are you talking about? I'll look them up.

>> No.2113868
File: 744 KB, 570x4550, orwell-huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something for you big government lovers to think about.

>> No.2113883


At this point in time, Switzerland and France have sizable Muslim minorities. The U.K. also has a small but rapidly growing population. Recent polls indicate that young Muslims in the U.K. and elsewhere in Europe identify very strongly with their religion, much less strongly with their nationality, that many endorse Sharia law, and that some cannot fluently speak the native language of their country

>> No.2113887
File: 74 KB, 350x350, 1281615476776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, at least I'm not posing as being super-fucking-deep, writing total bullshit and then getting the ultimate hissy fit when everyone calls it bullshit.

Today she'd be just your ordinary ugly slut like Paris Hilton.

>> No.2113900

Never said this was deep as much as its obvious. Too bad that you're blinded by big gov't propaganda. Riddle me this, where do morals come from? Not from your god, the government.

>> No.2113903


Additionally, many Muslims attend state-funded religious schools that instill in them deeply conservative Islamic values that are more attuned with rural Middle Eastern countries than with liberal western democracies. The BBC did a documentary a very short time ago about these schools and the appalling things children learn in them regarding women, Jews, and gays

>> No.2113912
File: 402 KB, 480x640, 1281739025348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, morals...

Morals come from the human need to co-operate.
'Objectivism' came from Ayn Rand's deprived childhood that made it unpossible for her to understand some parts of human psyche.

>> No.2113917

Yet you think we need a government to enforce morals upon us. Funny, really funny.

>> No.2113931
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Yet you think you understood what I've posted. Funny. Very funny.

Seems someone is projecting his fears of big government a bit too much!

>> No.2113938

>implying governments are represnetative of their people instead of themselves and shouldn't be of any concern.

>> No.2113982
File: 566 KB, 1800x2232, 1271047357293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2114155

You can easily tell when a person has no understanding of objectivism when they say an objectivist would never do something for the benefit of another person if it did not benefit themselves. This is because NO ONE would ever do anything except to benefit themselves. Psychological benefit is considered just as much a benefit as any other to an objectivist just as it would be to anyone. Truly, to say you are an objectivist is just to say you're a human.

Also, you can tell when someone has no understanding of capitalism when they compare it to socialism. CAPITALISM is simply the science of predicting how the economy will behave if it is effected in a certain way. It is not a theory, it just is. When the supply of something is high, lots of people have it therefore the demand is low and vice versa. SOCIALISM is a theory that society will behave best if each man gave according to his gains and each man took according only to his needs. Society probably would behave best this way but it is IMPOSSIBLE to mandate this behavior onto everyone. My point is the 2 cannot be compared. It's like trying to compare religion and natural selection. Whatever your belief may be you can not discredit natural selection simply because you don't believe humans came to be from it. The most fit will survive it's just a fact and when the markets are affected a certain way they will behave in a certain way.

>> No.2114173

>SOCIALISM is a theory that society will behave best if each man gave according to his gains and each man took according only to his needs.

You have your words mixed up with your other words.

>> No.2114184


Capitalism is based around undervaluing the labour of one's employees and pocketing the difference.

There have been markets long before capitalism.

>> No.2114209


Actually, there was capitalism long before there were markets. Capitalism does not just deal with monetary exchange it is the entire theory around the behavior of the exchange of goods.

>> No.2114220
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Ayn Random

>> No.2114235
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oh, I'm not saying I like government here. I use every trick to pay as little taxes as I can. But The government is a necessary evil in that it regulates people like you and me.

It is a balancing act.

I have seen this argument so many times from aspirant objectivists. And it always rings as hollow as ever. Yes, you COULD do a lot of good without "breaking the code of objectivism"(nice phrase which identifies a douche immediately) but you will not, because you will always find a reason to crawl further up your own navel instead.

Which is of course understandable, since Rand herself was almost as big a hypocrite as any religious person.

>> No.2114249

>and herself was almost as big a hypocrite as any religious person
which makes her a kind of double hypocrite, which I think is her greatest achievement

>> No.2114252

Its a way of regulating people but not the only way. Its an unnecessary evil. We can regulate ourselves, we don't need the help of big brother to do if for us.

>> No.2114273
File: 660 KB, 1680x1050, Suika+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough about your corny ashtray-goddess. You're just repeating yourself like a fundie.

>> No.2114296

>implying you aren't repeating yourself like a fundie.
Have fun paying taxes and getting no representation out of it.

>> No.2114344
File: 40 KB, 400x309, im_from_the_government_im_here_to_help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2114347


Just move to Cuba you government loving animu faggot. Go ahead, try and make a logical argument against that I dare you.

>> No.2114428
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, wallpaper_battle_isle_the_andosia_war_02_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagging! across the universe
>on the 4chan science board, with your aspergers
>samefagging! across the universe
>still just posting by yourself cuz you are like a curse

no, really, I'm about as tired of seeing her face as I am of seeing those usual pics of jesus

Also, why do you hate anime? Or rather, why are you then here instead of on stormfag, I mean stormfront, but I repeat myself.

Rhetorical question really. Going to bed now. Night night.

>> No.2114443

>doesn't know what samefagging is
Here's a hint: it's when it's the same person.

>> No.2114468
File: 39 KB, 100x91, 1255282203111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, I am oblivious, also fountainhead is da bestest book evar
Do you also read Twilight much?

>> No.2114485
File: 35 KB, 517x373, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think thats what he meant, genius.

>> No.2114519

The person who brought up cuba was someone else.

>> No.2114533

No, but what's it like being a government's bitch?

>> No.2114536
File: 65 KB, 462x350, 3820815560_ab7f4d774a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2114546

Can't handle the idea that others like the thought of freedom more than getting anally raped by authorities.

>> No.2114552

>people starving to death
>people dying from preventable disease
>lawless Wild West

Sure is ridiculous definitions of freedom around here

>> No.2114562

Not necessarily the result of abolishing government. But its still better than this oppression you guys herald as freedom. Freedom isn't taxes and control by some police state claiming representative of its people.

>> No.2114578

>Freedom isn't taxes

Actually, that's EXACTLY what freedom is.

You want the freedom to be safe from harm? You have to pay taxes for the police and army.

You want the freedom to not die? You have to pay taxes for healthcare.

You want the freedom to not starve to death? You have to pay taxes for social welfare.

You want the freedom to choose your leaders? You have to pay taxes for government.

Taxes are a requirement for freedom.

>> No.2114580


Government is dandy when it's the will and establishment of the people, but now it is not and needs abolished. There is no doubt a new one will be made that will probably represent the will of the people more accurately but over time it too will get out of control and need abolished.

>> No.2114585

the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

>freedom is being taxed
>freedom is being controlled by a government
>freedom is oppression
Sure is 1984 in here.

>> No.2114622

>implying I can't pay for those on my own accord.

Freedom isn't taxes.

Want protection - self-defense or hire a few mercs.

Want good health - hire a doctor or invest in healthcare or learn medicine

Want food - buy food or grow crops

Why the fuck would I want someone telling me what to do?

Freedom is choice, and by having a government you have no choice. You only have one choice and that is the one they give you.

>> No.2114625


FREEDOM (you seem to have a skewed definition) is the option to pay for all those things through the government by taxes or the market. I have no problem with the government providing the things you listed as long as the cost is not a mandate.

>> No.2114666


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, and nothing don't mean nothing, honey, if it ain't free.

>> No.2114695

>Freedom isn't taxes.
>Want protection - self-defense or hire a few mercs.
>Want good health - hire a doctor or invest in healthcare or learn medicine
>Want food - buy food or grow crops

I just realised what is going on in libertarians' heads. They want life to be an RPG.

>> No.2114700


It already is.

>> No.2114701

In a truly free world, there will be no laws barring one from giving as much as one wants. <--A big part of Objectivism. You can give what you want. Give away your house and your internets, if you want. The principle is that you should never be told that you must give these away for the mere lie that you are obligated to live for everyone elses' motives.

>> No.2114702

No we want freedom, there's a big difference. If it happens to sound as awesome as a game its prolly because it is, you fucking freedom-hating weasel.

>> No.2114708

Hahaha yeah like people like us would thrive in such an environment.
You're a (potential) scientist or mathematician, right? What place is there for scientists and mathematicians in this every-man-for-himself Wild West scenario?

For example, I'm a mathematician. What I study has no immediate applications, but it's very interesting and builds on work done before me.

But hey no feudal lord's gonna hire me to do that. So what, we have to become engineers?

>> No.2114711

At least you'd get payed more that way.

>> No.2114716

You should study what you want and not give a shit for what everyone else thinks. Become the best person you can be in mathematics. Objectivism doesn't mean enslaving yourself to the whims of others.

>> No.2114717

Are you kidding me? We would be just as much if not more of a necessity. Why does it have to be a wild-west scenario? I'm sure we can organize ourselves better without the need for authority.

>> No.2114718

and let the monopolies bring the prices of basic stuff go sky-high

do not want

at least a state's priority isn't profit -making

fuck your "free"-market

>> No.2114726

"...and let the monopolies bring the prices of basic stuff go sky-high"

You mean like Wal-Mart? Oh, wait....

>> No.2114731

>implying those monopolies don't exist due to big government subsidies.

>> No.2114733

>Objectivism doesn't mean enslaving yourself to the whims of others.

But it DOES. In my society, I can study and teach maths peacefully.

In your scenario, I would be spending all of my time stockpiling medicine and weapons, working like a slave for the local warchief, and hiring mercenaries, and wouldn't have time to get any maths done.

And even if I did some maths, what would I do with it? Your scenario does not entail a knowledge economy. The local warchief would just steal my work and kill me if it was of any importance.

You are actually insane.

>> No.2114736

>I'm sure we can organize ourselves better without the need for authority.

You moron, we used to not have authority, and guess what happened? We invented authority.

It would just happen all over again. You can't stop government forming, it's natural. We're a social species.

>> No.2114738

Jesus fuck. There would be no warlords. Warlords are a form of government known as despotism.

>> No.2114743

dieing starving in the streets because I like certain scientific fields that have no great demand in the market does not sound much like an option

>> No.2114746

Lol. Failtroll who doesn't understand words or that Objectivism =/= feudalism is fail.

>> No.2114749

Social doesn't mean authoritative. You don't need an authority to be social. I guess I can't blame you for thinking this, you were brought up by government propaganda so you think you can't live without them.

>> No.2114751

>implying libertarians aren't whorshipping wal-mart

>> No.2114753

>There would be no warlords.

Who makes sure of that? If someone starts to become a warlord, who stops them?

>> No.2114761

Grow your crops on the side, and do your shit. No taxes so you don't need to work for anyone but yourself.

>> No.2114765

Hahhahhaha. Yeah, "my" crops.

And what am I supposed to do when bandits steal my crops? Call the pol OH WAIT THERE ARE NO POLICE

>> No.2114766

Everyone could rally together to ensure it from time to time. Its not like this is advocating against socialization.

>> No.2114769

A big part in Objectivism is being the best person *you* can be, as trite as it sounds. It means not letting other people bring you down. It means no worries, for the rest of your days. It's a problem-free philosophy. Hanuka Ma--Oh shit

>> No.2114770

Get a gun, or rally your neighbors to fight for what is right.

>> No.2114775

Hey who do you call when the police break down your door?

>> No.2114776

Hahaha you're so fucking delusional. Do you ACTUALLY THINK that people would just spontaneously start looking out for one another?

They wouldn't. Wasn't it Ayn Rand herself who advocated only caring about yourself?

>> No.2114781

>who do you call when the police break down your door?

The police have never, and will never, break down my door. You're living in cuckoo-land.

>> No.2114783

Funny how those who most advocate independence are often those least intellectually qualified to survive it.

We are social creatures, any man who thinks he's an island should go live in the woods for a while. I'd give them less than a year before we no longer have to care what they think.

>> No.2114785

you mean the pattented crops that the MAN can sue you anytime if you cultivate them or accidentaly occuring hybrids of them without buying the seeds from him?

don't think so Tim

>> No.2114787

I'm not advocating on her behalf. I think she's out to lunch on that one. People are naturally moral, we do acts of kindness and bravery for each other without the government mandating us.

>> No.2114788

Ayn Rand advocated that in a free society, you'd be free to help whomever you'd want. Jus' sayin'. Take a look. It's in a book. It's Objectivism.

>> No.2114790

I've always said that libertarians should be given a place to live out in the Alaskan wilderness. Every now and then we'd go over there to clear out the bodies.

>> No.2114791

>thinks the government is there for him

>> No.2114793

>free to help whomever you'd want

Well sure, nobody's STOPPING you. In fact, nobody's stopping you from raping your neighbours either!

>> No.2114801

How can they sue you if there is no bullshit judicial system which favors corporations over people?

>> No.2114802

I'm all for it.

I used to be a firm libertarian, I lived off the land for about three months. Almost killed me, and sucked incredible ass.

>> No.2114803

they will break mine

but guess what!! I am a socialist! I hate freedom so much my government feels obligated to make me a favour and put me into jail for my political views!

>> No.2114804

>thinks the government is there for him

Hahaha it's very telling that the crazy libertarians are all Americans. I'm well aware that your government is fucked up. But you're misinterpreting the situation as all governments being fucked up.

>> No.2114808

Germany giving away taxpayer money to Greece isn't fucked up? Where's the representation in that?

>> No.2114810

I'm fairly sure that the police would stop me. In "The Virtue of Selfishness", Ayn Rand stated her belief that here is a need for some kind of government, mainly just for making sure that no individual liberties are being infringed by others. The right of not being harmed, if someone were raped, would be infringed, and the police would have a valid excuse for arresting me.

>> No.2114815

my bad

they bring you a warning

if you don't comply they break your legs

if you insist not paying they shoot you to make an example of you

better now?

>> No.2114816


And who funds and regulates the police?
It wouldn't happen to be a "government", would it?

>> No.2114821
File: 74 KB, 630x412, Hipsterhitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godwin's Law. Argument over. Let's all do science things now.

>> No.2114826

>Where's the representation in that?

I finally understand what you're talking about.
You have just discovered that representative democracy is flawed!

The solution isn't to destroy civilisation, the solution is to create a more direct form of democracy!

>> No.2114828

Shoot them back. And its not like police are much better with incidents like this. The good thing about the anarcho--situation is that the people hunting you down won't have back up.

>> No.2114831

It;s a fucking depth moron. They don't just give them away because they love their sunny beaches.

>> No.2114835

I love it how the libertarians' favoured control mechanisms are shooting people and breaking their legs.

Guess what? I don't want to shoot anyone. I don't want to break anyone's legs. I just want a quiet peaceful life so I can do my maths.
Which is what I have now.

>> No.2114836

yeah... you outnumber the Man's well-payed bravos because your farmer nighbours are going to help you... sure thing brosef

>> No.2114838

Germany wasn't in debt to Greece. The word is debt, btw.

>> No.2114847

Until you accidentally fuck up something on your taxform and are jailed.

>> No.2114849

>I don't want to shoot anyone. I don't want to break anyone's legs. I just want a quiet peaceful life so I can do my maths.

You guys are all just sadists who fantasise about killing trespassers. Grow up.

>> No.2114850

>implying you can't position yourself atop a really good vantage point.

>> No.2114851

Greece is now in debt to Germany. How hard is that to grasp?

>> No.2114853

>I love it how the libertarians' favoured control mechanisms are shooting people and breaking their legs.

It seems consistant with an antisocial philosophy.

psychopaths gonna psychopath

>> No.2114860

Though German citizens are pissed at their gov't for giving away this cash in the first place. The key concept here is "No taxation without representation."

>> No.2114870

Mainstream media opinion detected.

>> No.2114872

>implying I have to live in constant fear for my life, loved ones and property and live like a /k/ommando redneck with the exception that I won't have any guns since I will have to save my money for my basic needs since the bread will cost like $20 a piece because there will be none regulating the prices and everyone will need bread
sorry brosef, MadMax barrens is not exactly what I picture as utopia

>> No.2114875

>"No taxation without representation."

The irony being that those who have fought under that banner themselves recognized that the average person, (you) is too stupid to truly be represented in government.

republic, not democracy. Your voice doesn't matter because we took a vote and decided that you are nuts. Submit now, or pay the price.

>> No.2114882

>implying you aren't living in fear of your government going haywire.
And if you aren't what its like in the brave new world?

>> No.2114886

psychopath here, it takes one to know one.
Or not.
Most people can smell you from miles away.

>> No.2114889

OK, I guess liberty means nothing to you. Have fun when the government turns on you.

>> No.2114894

>anyone who disagrees with me is a sheep, hurr. it can't be that my philosophy only sounds good to angry, antisocial teenagers who probably don't even pay taxes anyway!

>> No.2114896

>Would've voted in favor of the Patriotic Act.

>> No.2114897

You never had liberty, and neither did I.

You have the illusion that the past was somehow freer and better.

You will learn, or you'll live out your life of lies. Doesn't matter to me which.

>> No.2114903

I agree freedom right now and then is an illusion, hence why we must fight for it.

>> No.2114905

guess what... it was a measure enforced by the EU not the German state. It was part of the deal to support economically unstable members when they joined. That's why now they bawww to either kick Greece out or dissolve the EU.

And btw I don't know what the fuck your libertarian media claim about Greece being a socialist/communist state, the true reasons they crashed was extensive government corruption, illegal hiring and tax-evasion.

>> No.2114910

>Or may be you are a sheep. Indoctrianted by your media and governemnt.
Guess angsty teenagers are better able to smell bullshit than you.

>> No.2114916

>the true reasons they crashed was extensive government corruption
Yup, governments doing what they do best - fucking up everything.

>> No.2114920

I already fought for your freedom, look at you complaining that you don't have enough.

We don't trust you, thus you won't ever be free.
There's an essential belief at work here that you are incompetent or evil.
Your words make this belief seem accurate.

>> No.2114924

Go listen to slipknot, son, and let the grown ups talk.

>> No.2114937

>You fought for my freedom.
No you didn't you fought to keep a bullshit government from crumbling. Thus you did the exact opposite, you fought for our oppression.

>> No.2114942

I hate that band. Looks like you can't come up with a decent argument and must resort to petty insults. Typical big gov't endorser.

>> No.2114943

all a matter of perspective.

your perspective makes you my enemy, and my authorized and elected agents will deal with you if you step out of line.

feel free to step out of line.

>> No.2114945

Guess what dickwads? Welfare states are the happiest and most accepting of science democracies in the world.

Why the hell does /sci/ of all boards want to live in a hellhole run by religious idiots with guns, as human knowledge flies out the window?

Good luck with that libertarian space program

>> No.2114949

>implying your agents can deal with insurgents.

You make me laugh, and your perspective is the bullshit indoctrinated one.

>> No.2114954

Not every government.

The Greek government. I suggest you visit Greece as I have. I doubt you find a single local claiming that their "elected" goverments do not suck thick nigger cock. In their last elections they had almost 40% of registered voters absent even with not voting being illegal. What are your conclusions with that?

Governments and regulations works just fine for the Skands and none of them complains of "not being free" because they pay some taxes to make their and their countrymates' lives better.

>> No.2114959

Typical. Can't handle arguments due to faulty logic so must resort to violence to enforce way of thinking.

>> No.2114962

psychopath, remember?
I'm the guy who lives what you dream. You are nothing to me, I favor steamrollering you without a glace back. It's mere coincidence that most of my nation agrees with me. Or perhaps they just hate poorly disguised psychopaths....

>> No.2114963

typical... cant handle a joke

>> No.2114966

Libertarian space program, you mean SpaceX?

>> No.2114972

Or your entire country is indoctrinated, this would be it. Why else would everyone agree with each other?

>> No.2114980
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>> No.2114983

You begin to see truth.
Should we give power to the indoctrinated?
Or to the antisocial?

The fact is the antisocial take power, and the indoctrinated submit. Use your power or submit, I don't care. you've got potential, but if it doesn't help others you'll be discarded.

>> No.2114990

Governments are bound by transparency laws.

Huge corporations in a libertarian society, on the other hand, can have as many secrets as they want.

>> No.2114991

Can't argue that.

>> No.2114994

>doesn't know about what goes under the table, I don't either.

>> No.2115002

Difference being that the government controls our lives and a corporation doesn't, directly anyway.

>> No.2115003

IT'S A LIE! IT'S COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA FOR THE INDOCTRINATED! Corporations are enlightened people blessed by the invisible hand of the free market! They would never intend harm for humanity!

>> No.2115009

socialist detected.

>> No.2115011
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>a corporation doesn't control our life
you tend to forget who's the main agent of governments' corruption

>> No.2115012

libertarian detected

>> No.2115013

>the government controls our lives and a corporation doesn't

Ever hear of Monsanto?

>> No.2115017

keyword: directly. Yeah with this corporatist big gov't we have they do. But if it were a libertarian society a corporation couldn't.

>> No.2115021

refer you to >>2115017

>> No.2115023

Good holy god /sci/ makes me lol. My friend Mike made this thread as a shout-out to me and you go and fucking fill it with 150 posts. You're all in-fucking-sane.

>> No.2115024

What the hell are you talking about? Of course they could!

A huge corporation in your society could, and would, buy an army and attack rival corporations.

>> No.2115026

Hey at least now you know to call mike.

>> No.2115034

>But if it were a libertarian society a corporation couldn't.
It would just be able to buy a mercenary army and do the almost the same thing just without regulations and ethical boundaries.

>> No.2115038

Not really, in a libertarian society a corporation wouldn't be subsidized to that size. The only reason corps get that big is thanks to government subsidies that exist due to taxpayer money.

>> No.2115041

we have hijacked your thread, and stuffed it to overflowing with political inanity.

consider it thread exaptation.

>> No.2115045

>implying thats not what corporations do right now except with the government instead of mercs.

>> No.2115050

Sure thing, trusts have nothing to do with that...

>> No.2115053

He already came over and we hung. It's cool. Then he told me about this thread he made because he was impatient with me getting off work.

have fun with the raynd or whatever the topic is nao, guise

>> No.2115057

can we get some sloppy seconds?

>> No.2115061

>implying the mercs would be to the slightest degree dependant to your will (vote)

neither the practice or the letter of the law is flawless kiddo, but you don't want to honestly imagine a world where money is the only law...

>> No.2115063
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Corporations: "Let's lobby the government so that it no longer represents the will of the people!"

Americans: "Hey, the government doesn't represent our will anymore! I know how to fix it, let's abolish government and allow ourselves to be ruled by corporations!"

never change America, you are an endless source of entertainment

>> No.2115068

>implying its not the law now.
How many of those celebs got away with breaking the law because they had the cash to buy that ticket out of jail card?

>> No.2115070

If the gov't falls so do those subsidized corps.

>> No.2115078

>If the gov't falls so do those subsidized corps.


Don't you think maybe having a massive army capturing slaves from nearby villages is even better than being subsidised?

>> No.2115081

>tell him about how dangerous the iceberg is he shows me the tip of the iceberg
did I miss something?

>> No.2115082

.avi? This is a movie?
>implying we aren't wage slaves now.

>> No.2115083

I see even /sci/ is, sadly, infected with socialists. I thought you guys were supposed to be smart!

First of all, corporations are NOTHING like government at all! Left to their own devices, they act completely differently from a political body! Just look at the social structure of your typical company; free, libertarian paradise! No stinkin' authority dictating your life in any way!

You might retort by pointing out all the bad things that corporations supposedly do, but when you look at the facts, it becomes clear that whenever something bad happens, it's the government's fault. Monopolies? Government. Low wages? Government. Lobbyism? Government! Environmental catastrophe? GOVERNMENT! The government is designed to make bad things happen, because it is in the best interests of the government to do so, because it's the government.

The only reason government exists is to boss me around and make me go to school! In a libertarian society, everyone would decide to donate a portion of their income to large projects that benefit everyone, such as roads, education, scientific research, etc. Taxes are pointless, because people would pay for these things on their own, and they'd even do it better, because the government wouldn't be there to ruin it like it ruins everything else by being the government.

Now obviously libertarianism is a very deep and complex subject, open to only the most intelligent of 15-year-olds, but I think I have made a convincing case for getting rid of the government. If you still don't agree with me, I suggest you go wear your government t-shirt and sing about how much you love the government, you sheep!

>> No.2115085

gotta agree with that, but the idea is essentially anti-science and anti-tech.

I mean, without the government subsidies, the richest and the poorest are suddenly starving. Population reduced to only those capable of agrarian subsistance.

Science stops, tech advancement stops, both are functions of population size and leisure time.

civilization stagnates at smallish populations, and viola, we're back in the middle ages...

good for idiots and exploiters, bad for pretty much everyone else.

>> No.2115091

I sure hope that one was sarcasm. I can't even tell any more...

>> No.2115096

>Science stops, tech advancement stops, both are functions of population size and leisure time.

Yikes, not sure about this one. Science will always be of importance unless we have a religious nut despot in power. If anything there could be more breakthoughs because there is the freedom to do as you please. And for me that means discovering new phenomena. Instead now I'm not free because I have to write a taxform and do all this other nonsense because the gov't mandates it.

>> No.2115097

>implying we aren't wage slaves now.
>implying he would be less of a wage slave if the onlu authority in his life was a profit-seeking boss
the fuck?

>> No.2115098

>I can't even tell any more...

Um I think your sarcasm detector is busted. There were like twenty hints in there.

>> No.2115108

No time to science, gotta go plant the north 40.

seriously, subsistance and barter economies take far more time than you may realize...

as does science.

corporations will only purchase science they deem useful, and they have absolutely no way of knowing what may prove useful later.

>> No.2115109

seriously man... I am really confused after all these libertarian rhetorics.

>> No.2115110

Happiest countries? Welfare states.
Least religious countries? Welfare states.
Highest HDI? Welfare states.
Best public acceptance of science? Welfare states.
Least corrupt countries? Welfare states.
Most peaceful countries? Welfare states.
Countries /sci/ducks would most enjoy living in? Welfare states.

The idea that any academic would want to live in a libertarian country is ridiculous, and it makes me think there must be brainwashing involved.

>> No.2115114

>implying it has more to do with welfare than culture.

>> No.2115116

Barter, who said anything about barter? Yes less abolish the currency. Fuck naw.

>> No.2115120

>implying that there isn't leftist brainwashing in academia.
Dude, the Kremlin is more politically diverse than most campuses.

>> No.2115123

Well apparently these superior cultures decided that the welfare state was the way to go.

>> No.2115125

yeah it's a fucking coincidence... in all stated aspects

because we all know that Swedish Vikings are superior race and magically make socialism work with their aryan awesomeness

>> No.2115126

Still doesn't mean that they couldn't thrive in a libertarian state.

>> No.2115128

>smart people usually have opinion X
>this must be because of brainwashing

Sure is anti-intellectual around here

>> No.2115129

Why do people seem to think socialism and libertarianism are mutually exclusive? Ever heard of anarcho-syndicalism?

Redistribution of wealth, co-operative enterprises, participatory democracy, decentralization and high civil rights

All we need is for a social democratic government to be more open to political participation, improve civil rights and go further along the welfare state path.

>> No.2115133

>Why do people seem to think socialism and libertarianism are mutually exclusive?
Because they are idiot big government endorsers who can't get their heads out of their indoctrinated asses.

>> No.2115139

Yeah this is what I want. An improved model of democracy. For example, I think the internet is the perfect tool for people to have more say in politics.

If people are directly involved in government more, then it becomes less of the thing that libertarians are scared of.

>> No.2115142

>Why do people seem to think socialism and libertarianism are mutually exclusive? Ever heard of anarcho-syndicalism?

it's because Chomsky's theories are not compatible with the viral marketing of ideologies for 15 year olds in the internets

>> No.2115143

Funny, I was thinking the opposite.

>> No.2115150

You shitting me? Just because a a bunch of regarded intellectuals believes in something they are infallible? Jesus fuck, even the brightest minds are capable of being wrong.

>> No.2115157

>agrees with X because of credentials rather than what X says.
Its faggots like you why Boltzmann hung himself.

>> No.2115158
File: 26 KB, 363x362, ideologies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a chart of ideologies. The up/down axis corresponds to the left and right wing, with capitalism on the bottom and socialism on the top.

The left-right axis on this chart corresponds to authoritarian/libertarian, with libertarians on the left and authoritarians on the right.

Now, the most common use of the word libertarian is libertarian capitalism, which has high civil rights but little to no redistribution of wealth, safety nets etc.

So if we want a free society as well as an equitable one and an economically safe one, we should go libertarian socialism, or anarchism.

Oh, and if you want to test where you fall, take the test at www.moral-politics.com. I get International Socialism.

>> No.2115164


>Implying the Kremlin is leftist

>> No.2115171


>> No.2115174
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This is why you can't have a rational argument about politics on this board.

>> No.2115177

Science Geniuses tend to have some of the worst politics. Unless they happen to be economics geniuses or anthropology geniuses. Feynman may be an exception. His politics were pretty common-sense-libertarian.

>> No.2115180

I tried, the fucker won't pick up.

>> No.2115185

because if they disagree with you they must be flawed,

because it couldn't be you that's stupid...

right? Right?!

>> No.2115187

>i'm okey with this

>> No.2115191

ohahaha! oh wow!

>> No.2115197

I think my dunning kruger hurts.

>> No.2115212

It's just a few obnoxious libertarian trolls in this thread; most of /sci/ is left/libertarian, based on political compass (http://www.politicalcompass.org/)) results from a few other threads.

>> No.2115222


Lets see some people post their results then.

>> No.2115273
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. I'm guessing I'm a pretty typical /sci/duck.

>> No.2115284
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No gods, no masters.

>> No.2115291
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This one's kind of old, but I don't think I've changed that much since then.

>> No.2115294

That's not real, is it? Are you trying to have the most easy-to-describe political position possible?

>> No.2115299

Some of the questions that thing asks remind me how nutty some authoritarian / hard right beliefs are.

Like, some of them I honestly can't imagine any human being answering differently to me. But apparently they do.

>> No.2115306

Yeah, especially the one that's like
"What's good for the big corporations is good for all of us."

Who would agree with that? It sounds like something a Batman villain would say, for crying out loud!

>> No.2115308

>Who would agree with that?

The head of a large corporation.

>> No.2115380

Brofist fellow libfriend

>> No.2115399

I'd agree with that, generally.

>> No.2115413
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>> No.2115992
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Nice to see that the douches came out of the closet with their "freedom means I'm free to shit on everyone. If I can't shit on everyone then I'm being oppressed"-opinions after I left.

>> No.2116034

Aside from her political opinions, her writing was terrible. Full of repetitions and boring.

>> No.2116061

>217 posts and 27 image replies omitted.

>> No.2116090
