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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 327 KB, 881x688, 1290749117138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2110938 No.2110938 [Reply] [Original]

why didn't we terraform mars yet? like in the movie running man

>> No.2110947

Impossible in current economic doctrine. Profit at all cost, even human advancement and survival.

>> No.2110954

money is always to blame

if we had no currency like in star trek, we'd advance a lot faster

mankind is stupid

>> No.2110955

>/g/ meme
>on /sci/

go away

>> No.2110959

>not /sci/ related


>> No.2110964
File: 132 KB, 663x843, 1264341867738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>running man
>no one points this out

>> No.2110969

Just because hes a scientist doesn't mean he belongs on /sci/f

>> No.2110991
File: 85 KB, 1200x1600, 1284210198089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2111032

That picture portrays an unrealistic scenario. The Fermi chip is not nearly hot enough to warm up an entire planet. As far as I know, it can get an egg done, but not much more. Even a large quantity of them would do absolutely nothing.

In order to colonize Mars, we will need a much stronger graphical chip than Fermi. However, judging by the video game industry, this is not likely to happen. Dedicated graphics chip manufacturers are suffering huge dips in profit as the video game industry moves to dedicated gaming consoles. The graphical threshold is sitting still as we speak and there's little to no incentive to push it until the next generation of consoles is here. That's about five years from now - an even not in the interest of not only console manufacturers, but video game publishers themselves. Higher graphical quality equals higher cost and yet the game will sell just as much as a game from the last generation which used to cost less to produce.

In light of this, I wouldn't hold out any realistic hope for colonization of Mars. Not for generations upon generations.

>> No.2111035


>an even
>an event*

>> No.2111066

I've heard that if there is to much of a tax on emissions on Earth, or if the Earth gets to crowded, companies might actually build factories on Mars. This would allow them to pollute all the fuck they want and take up as much room as they want. The gasses would eventually start to make Mars heat up, and there could be liquid water. The only problem is getting all the resources there (or harvesting resources).

>> No.2112210


> The only problem is getting all the resources there

Gee, you think?

>> No.2112232


They must be pretty high taxes if it's cheaper to spend millions of dollars per kilo to make stuff on Mars.

>> No.2112235

>implying 600MT will do jack shit to Phobos
>impossible to rectify a vector from earth


>> No.2112236

Why idling when you can go loading? You can't imagine what a GTX 480 OCed can do

>> No.2112241
File: 37 KB, 400x267, fullofdumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute fucking lawl here (pic = mfw). all i can think is that most fags on here are too young to know the movie

>> No.2112245


I know the fucking movie, I just don't remember pointless bullshit details. What, something in it is called Fermi?

>> No.2112249

Not sure if serious.

>> No.2112256

troll harder

>> No.2112302
File: 271 KB, 554x850, 1263885372739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so sure there'd be at least one, probably two posts with "It was fucking Total Recall, idiot!".

When there wasn't I actually had to check that all of Running Man DID happen on Earth.

>> No.2112318
File: 154 KB, 1680x1050, 1266191899425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112330


>> No.2112334

Oh god I lol'd

>> No.2112344

Isn't it more effective to slow the orbit down instead of pushing it down?
You'd have to use a fuckton of explosives if you're going to change it's path enough for it not to miss and getting slung out of orbit.

>> No.2112346

mars has low gravity and no magnetosphere, it can't hold an atmosphere, heating it up will accomplish nothing