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2109072 No.2109072 [Reply] [Original]

Religion is like a penis. It's okay if you have one, but please don't take it out in public.

>> No.2109075


religion is bullshit

>> No.2109076

>implying women are less religious, not more
>hurrrr durrr

>> No.2109077

Religion is the opium of the masses.

>> No.2109078
File: 47 KB, 319x243, u-mad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is a religion.

>> No.2109080

No it doesn't. It's a metaphor.

>> No.2109089

No, it's not. Religion is when you believe in god. We don't believe in god.

>> No.2109096

Atheism and Religions are both ideologies ruled by pretty much the same principles. Only the specifics change.

Also, if we follow OP's metaphor, and assuming that he's not religious, then we can say OP is a fag. Metaphorically and non-metaphorically.

>> No.2109099

Religion and Politics are both public affairs since they govern social interactions among other things.

Private "Religion" isn't Religion.

How exactly would private Confucianism work anyways?

>> No.2109104

I'm Jewish, I don't often see atheists criticizing my religion. I see them criticizing Christianity most often.
I love how they criticize Christians for blaming all their problems on the devil, and they blame all their problems on religion.
I also love how some Christians typecast atheists, and then some atheists respond by typecasting Christians
It's the Circle of Hypocrisy.

>> No.2109115

That's what I mean. I want people to have their beliefs, but I don't want religions to control the government because then the government has the bias of a single religion; and that's no good.

>> No.2109116

Thats a load of bullshit and you know it. Atheists, most commonly blame all religions, or religion in general.

antitheist here

>> No.2109117

i don't criticize jewish, i criticize lies.

>> No.2109123

Why? Some of Christian Community is the only one that I can see that ever did something bad to you. Like the Stokes Trial.*
*For those of you who don't know what that is, it was a trial in the 1920's where a teacher was sued for teaching evolution. I think.

>> No.2109136

>>2109096Atheism and Religions are both ideologies ruled by pretty much the same principles.

The only major difference is that atheists need to resort to reason to justify their individual moral and epistemic beliefs whereas theists believe that the creator of the universe shares exactly their opinions and so they don't need to use reason.

>> No.2109138

bump. YOU MAD?

>> No.2109150

>>2109104I'm Jewish, I don't often see atheists criticizing my religion. I see them criticizing Christianity most often.

I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that there just aren't that many of you. Plenty of my best friends growing up were "Jewish" but I didn't meet a Jewish person that actually followed the religion until last weekend.

>>2109123Christian Community is the only one that I can see that ever did something bad to you. Like the Stokes Trial.*

Don't be daft. Whenever the idea of teaching creationism in schools comes up there are Muslims and Jews (Ben Stein and a portion of though not most rabbis) that support it. You just hear about Christians more because they are a larger group in the United States.

>> No.2109152

While it may be true, that for the most part, american atheists have only had bad experiences with christians, all religions are the same.

Only butthurt teenage atheists *only* hate Christians. Any atheist whos an atheist because its the most logical position will treat almost (like excluding buddahism or something) all religions as bad.

>> No.2109155

Ask a guy who learned about both evolution and many religions' views of intelligent design anything.

>> No.2109159

I'm sorry I should have phrased that "teach creationism in science class in schools as thought it were science". I didn't think anyone would be so pedantic.

>> No.2109165

>i went to catholic school

as did i, until 6th grade

>> No.2109168

Pretty much this. While I would love to see Christianity become less powerful in America, I would gladly join the Catholic Church should they ever decide to launch a crusade or reconquista.

>> No.2109170

So you're an atheist now.

>> No.2109171

Every atheist might not treat all religions as bad. I might be an atheist but I treat Christianity as part of my cultural heritage.

>> No.2109176

I wasn't christian since i was about 12, when i realized religion was a fairytale, i still like believed in god tho.

I'v been an 'atheist' since i was like 14

>> No.2109180

well i don't mean tread the religion 'badly', just not follow it and what not.

>> No.2109199


>when i realized religion was a fairytale
Are you implying that fairytale contain nothing but falsehood? That's nonsense my friend.

>> No.2109207

It's possible that evolution and God are both true.

>> No.2109211


>> No.2109212

Some of these atheists only don't treat Buddhism like it's evil just because they think it makes sense. If you think it makes so much sense, why don't they shut the fuck up and try it. Enjoy learning that Buddhism is a polytheistic religion.

>> No.2109225

>Religion is like a penis.

The worst thing is, people tend to thrust it into their children's head, who are totally defenseless.

>> No.2109230

Are you actually criticizing people for trying to pass on their religion, their heritage, their culture on to their children! Whether the child believes it or not is up to them.

>> No.2109232

I don't like buddahism, i just know alot of stupid atheists think that since its generally nontheistic that its not stupid.

religion is for the weak

>> No.2109237

Religion is not for the weak.

>> No.2109238


Kids are unable to discern truth from falsehood.
Teaching them ANYTHING is child abuse.
Kids have to be ignored until they reach maturity.
Anything else would be immoral.

>> No.2109240

>>2109230 Whether the child believes it or not is up to them.
Sadly this is not true. Children are highly vulnerable and will believe what trusted adults tell them, no matter how crazy it is. And if they do resist this can have serious consequences for the child such as abuse or being disowned.

>> No.2109244

religion is for the weak *minded*.

Sorry for this misunderstanding

>> No.2109245
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>religion is for the weak

How are Vikings weak?
Are Medieval knights weak?

What kind of weakness are we talking about here?

>> No.2109248


>weak *minded*
What does this mean?

>> No.2109251

How are they weak "minded"?

>> No.2109254

mental weakness.

Also, those are examples from a time period when religion was generally the most acceptable answer.

If you have no idea how lighting works, then zeus could feasibly be an understandable idea on it.

But in a modern society, with SCIENCE!, there is no excuse for believing bronze age fairytales

>> No.2109261

>weak *minded*

* = emphasis, i forgot to say minded the first time, so i was correcting myself and adding emphasis.

by weak minded, i mean stupid, uneducated, or weak willed. I'v had many theists tell me the world is much too scary to for them to believe there is noone in the sky protecting them.

>> No.2109262

>What kind of weakness are we talking about here?

weak emotional maturity
weak intellectual integrity
weak critical thinking

>> No.2109264

If that's what you think, then you are weak minded. You view people who believe in religion like a student who didn't do his homework. No excuse, my ass. It's not an excuse. You know what what religion gives me that atheism does not? A reason. For me, this is how it works:
Science: answer to how
Religion: answer to why

>> No.2109266

having to ask "why is the universe here" (or whatever) is a weakminded question.

Theres no such thing as "why"

>> No.2109269

"No no one can disprove religion, but science makes religion unnecessary."
-Stephen Hawking.
I think Mr. Hawking is an inspiration. He's a symbol of hope that those who have disabilities can succeed in the world. He's a hero, but in this case, he's wrong.

>> No.2109270

>why are humans here
>hurr durr implying we have some special mystical purpose

you're fucking stupid

>> No.2109271

Religion doesn't answer shit for why. Stop trying to give it some sort of special placement. Unless your idea of answering why questions is listening to thousands of years old fairytales.

>> No.2109274


>If you have no idea how lighting works, then zeus could feasibly be an understandable idea on it.
The appeal of religion was never primarily due to its 'etiological' narratives.

Let's say science displaces religion in the realm of convincing explanations for natural phenomena. How does that invalidate Religion? It just doesn't follow.

>> No.2109275

>very smart

your physical body is unimportant in modern society. Theres no reason that a smart person shouldn't succeed in this world

>> No.2109277

That's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard/seen. Everyone wants to know the purpose of life. I want my life to have meaning, that's why I don't want to put all my faith into science.

>> No.2109281


>weak emotional maturity
>weak intellectual integrity
>weak critical thinking

Your average person has all of these weaknesses with or without religion.

>> No.2109283

Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so. You are making yourself look like a fool here.

>> No.2109284

>the purpose to life

life has no purpose, it arose by random chance. a rock doesn't have "purpose". air doesn't have "purpose"

they just are. Get over it you weakminded faggot

>I want my life to have meaning
then fucking add meaning to it, do something worthwhile

>> No.2109288


>listening to thousands of years old fairytales.
Why are old things bad?
What's wrong with fairytales?

>> No.2109290


>life has no purpose, it arose by random chance

You know this how?
Can you prove it?

>> No.2109292

"Basically ... out of all the ridiculous religion stories which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous — the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah ... there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause ... just 'cause'. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever."
-Trey Parker

>> No.2109294

old doesn't necessary mean bad, but really old ideas, from a time before SCIENCE! often implies bad ideas.

fairytales aren't bad, they're often interesting. But to believe in a fairytale is just stupid

>> No.2109297

Wow you actually quoted that tool and think you made a point? You are stupider than you lead on.

>> No.2109298

>argument to authority
>the authority is the creator of south park

are you stupid or just trolling?

>> No.2109299

>What's wrong with fairytales?
Nothing. Now to base your realistic ideas off of it...
>Can you prove it?
/sci/ isn't the place to ask this. We can direct you to books, but this shit has been answered in EXTENSIVE measure.

>> No.2109302

Its generally the most accept and logical answer. Go research abiogenesis

>> No.2109303

>Implies that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are not freaking geniuses.

>> No.2109305

Ok, your a troll. I'm out.

>> No.2109307

>made south park

liberal artsfag detected

>> No.2109309


>> No.2109310

>Implying fartjokes, killing, swearing, and making fun of other people's beliefs takes genius

>> No.2109312

If you actually pay close attention to South Park, it's one of the most intelligent shows on television. Give me ANY episode, and I can show you.

>> No.2109317
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>> No.2109319


>But to believe in a fairytale is just stupid
I believe that fairytales encapsulate all sorts of truths. Am I stupid? Am I an idiot for believing that Plato's dialogues are more than mere entertainment? After all, these are all fictitious narratives. This makes them lies in your eyes right?

>> No.2109320

No, its good that you said that. We now know for sure that you are a small minded fool. It's pointless to argue with you anymore.

>> No.2109322

Any episode. I can show you.

>> No.2109328

There is a difference between that and taking the bible as truth. A very very large difference actually.

>> No.2109336

Take for example, the two part episode: Go God Go. In this episode, Cartman is unable to wait for the release of the new Nintendo Wii, so he freezes himself and goes into the future. In the future, the entire world is atheist. There is a war going on between three organizations: The United Atheist League, the United Atheist Alliance, and the Allied Atheist League. They're fighting over what the best name for a group of atheists would be. It proves that even without religion, their would still be stupid wars.

>> No.2109337


>There is a difference between that and taking the bible as truth. A very very large difference actually.
My point is this: The stories contained within the Bible are perhaps not all completely historically "true". This isn't really a problem. The Bible isn't a history book, it never was.

Protestants and Atheists may disagree, but these groups are heretical.

>> No.2109340

Please, just stop. You aren't helping your case.

>> No.2109341


>> No.2109344

I don't get it, does /sci/ enjoy these threads? Do they know they're feeding the troll?

>> No.2109349

I'm sorry but the stories in the bible were taken as literal truths for well over a thousand years. You can't just now say oh well this is metaphor or this is a parable now that we can show that they are false. Thats not how it works.

>> No.2109364

South Park is one of the smartest shows on television. What other show is awesome enough to:
Make a rabbit the pope
Use queefing to talk about women's rights.
Use fishsticks to talk about what an ass Kanye West is.

>> No.2109365


>I'm sorry but the stories in the bible were taken as literal truths for well over a thousand years
And I believe they still are literally true. Literal truth isn't obvious though. Don't forget. Passages must always be interpreted. That's just the way biblical exegesis works.

>> No.2109374

You know you've made a good thread when it spawns into two separate arguments, and you aren't even part of one of them.

>> No.2109377

>Because it appeared in a TV show it must be true

>> No.2109378


Funny, because I think that science and atheism (technically I'm a naturalistic pantheist, but close enough) give the best meanings for life, exactly because they don't. How does this make sense? It makes sense because to me, religion tells you your purpose outright, its to glorify GOD, or some other stupid shit. It gives you one reason, and bases that on some terrible horrible absolute authority. A naturalistic world view on the other hand gives you something much grander, it gives you the freedom to choose your own meaning for your existence. You don't HAVE to exist to glorify god, you don't HAVE to exist to have children, you can exist for whatever reason you find most inspiring or meaningful. I want to become a physicist because the reason I find most meaningful is the discovery of the reality all around me, and how it works. In a more fanciful tone I would say that I'm after whatever truth there might be, and that I want to question nature to its deepest levels. But that's just the main reason, I also have given my life the purpose to experience what life has to offer, in any experience I think I will enjoy, and to love those around me. My life has this meaning, this purpose and its a real purpose, even if its subjective. I think each of us choosing our own purpose is far more meaningful then trying to conform to the purposes that our ancestors wrote down in a book, before they even had conceptions of much of what science has uncovered.

>> No.2109385
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>> No.2109388

I understand that, but they actually proved it with awesome satire and metaphors.

>> No.2109394
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>> No.2109397


Confirmed for religious because of stupid. Can't read a paragraph, can't reason better then a 5 year old, good day.

>> No.2109431

>implying religion isn't the greatest thing that ever happened to man

>> No.2109435

no, religion is like the flu...keep it to yourself, and stay the fuck away from me.

>> No.2109438

Religion is like believing supernatural claims without evidence.

Don't do it.

>> No.2109443

Religion is like having a sign on your back saying "laugh at me".
If you have it, people laugh at you.

>> No.2109461

>they actually proved it with awesome satire and metaphors.
>if a one sided argument is subtle and entertaining, and it agrees with my viewpoints, its literal proof


>> No.2109472

That was actually a good chance to make quite a good metaphor. Religion is, in many ways, like a disease.

You can catch it if you have a weak immune system (you're dumb), sometimes its hard to get the right medicine, its often treated incorrectly, and it spreads. etc et

>> No.2109477

Smart people sometimes catch it too, but less frequently. Religious people always being dumb is a myth.
I think of it like a parasite. It can live in your brain undisturbed while you happily go about your life as an intelligent scientist. (See: Francis Collins.)

>> No.2109499

Don't shove it down peoples throats either.

>> No.2109504

I don't want to say "keep religion to yourself", because that makes me a hypocrite if I spread atheism.

I say, tell everyone all your insane beliefs! All the time! But don't be offended when someone points out that they're nonsense.

>> No.2109580

thats fine, atheism is the 'vaccine' in our religion=disease analogy.
be a good doctor, and get spreading.

>> No.2109595

religion and anti religion are the same
both have believes without evidence, and both can't shut up about it

>> No.2109600


"Man, stop telling me that unicorns don't exist! I swear, you're just as bad as the people that say that unicorns exist! You're both so dogmatic and arrogant!"

>> No.2109609


For all we know, unicorns could exist on another planet or in another dimension.

Stop making dogmatic pronouncements without thinking things through.

>> No.2109610

>anti religion
do you mean atheism? it isn't 'anti religion' we just don't believe in any gods.
>both have believes without evidence
and no, atheism is a lack of belief...BECAUSE there is no evidence of gods.
>and both can't shut up about it
this makes no sense, presumably you are refering to the people who are members of religion, or atheism, which includes everybody in the world (you are either religious or not, so you fall into one of these categories.)
so, what? everyone in the world can't shut up about it? obviously that is incorrect.

>> No.2109614

>For all we know, unicorns could exist on another planet or in another dimension.

but why the fuck would we worship them??

>> No.2109617

Okay, let me change my analogy.

"Man, stop telling me that unicorns don't exist on earth! I swear, you're just as bad as the people that say that unicorns exist on earth! You're both so dogmatic and arrogant!"

>> No.2109618

>anti religion
>do you mean atheism? it isn't 'anti religion' we just don't believe in any gods.

lol, EK hasn't heard of anti-theism

>> No.2109621

do you have any idea how unlikely that actually is? something from our imagination actually existing somewhere in the universe? Thats like the computer i'm typing on exists somewhere else in the universe, just sitting there.

>> No.2109622

yes i have. but he meant atheism.

>> No.2109628

>he meant atheism

you don't know that, i'm an antitheist and i'v been posting alot in this thread. Not to mention alot of atheists hate antitheists because of how "radical" our beliefs are

>> No.2109632

I dunno what an antitheist is, but I suspect I might be one.
I have no intention of letting people believe nonsense without being corrected. It's the teacher in me.

>> No.2109637

lol, you believe fairytales to make up for your atheism
atheism is the belief that god does not exist, atheism is not agnosticism
you must have heard the truth a million times but ignore it because atheism sounds so good, and of course it would hurt you so bad if you had called yourself something all this time which didn't even apply to you

and hurr durr durr at not EXACTLY everyone talking about their opinions all the time
WOW you're right, never thought of that
you can take things literal and pretend you don't know what someone is talking about
must be a mega genius, like most on 4chan

>> No.2109644

what are antitheist beliefs?
they are just atheists who actively speak out against religion amirite?
yes i think i am one as well...not that i actively go looking for arguments, but if a theist starts spouting... i usually have something to say in reply.

>> No.2109645
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>> No.2109651

Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) is active opposition to theism. The etymological roots of the word are the Greek 'anti-' and 'theismos'. The term has had a range of applications; in secular contexts, it typically refers to direct opposition to organized religion or to the belief in any deity, while in a theistic context, it sometimes refers to opposition to a specific god or gods.


>> No.2109653

truth is always either a troll, or really hard to counter
too bad I can counter my opinions, must mean I'm a mega genius
however you may believe it's a clever way to anger someone if that makes sure you don't have to reply, it has nothing to do with doubts of course
because everyone on 4chan knows the absolute truth

>> No.2109655
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>lol, you believe fairytales to make up for your atheism
>atheism is the belief that god does not exist,
no, that is gnostic atheism.
>atheism is not agnosticism
agnosticism and atheism are not mutually incompatable. pic related.

>> No.2109660
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also this

>> No.2109663


I love you.

>> No.2109666


Also, antitheism is generally gnostic atheism, i forgot to mention that

>> No.2109667

your pseudo definition must be right because you have someone explaining it in a picture!
oh wow, what a fool I have been, this hurts as bad as when I found out I wasn't atheistic

>> No.2109674

what if I told you guys religious people are largely agnostic as well? (doesn't apply to amerikkka)
and that there are actually atheistic religious schools
even before it got popular with young people, namely in earliest historical dates

breaks your heart doesn't it. (oh but religious people have faith in god!! they never doubt anything! well guess again, pseudo psychologists)

>> No.2109676

no, gnostic atheists are a very rare group.
in fact, anyone who declares themself gnostic (whether a theist or an antitheist) is deluded, because you cannot be absolutely 100% certain about this. no theist has seen god, there is no evidence of god, so you cannot be certain he is there, so you should not be a gnostic theist.
as an atheist, its logical to disbelieve until evidence comes in, but you cannot know with 100% certainty that god isn't hiding for some reason.
>pseudo definition
the definitions in the picture are correct. look them up in a dictionary if you disbelieve me.
>this hurts as bad as when I found out I wasn't atheistic
...this makes no sense.

>> No.2109682

except 'gnostic' just means 'knowing' and has for thousands of years been used as an adjective to denote religious/spiritual beliefs involving an 'enlightenment' or transgressive philosophy.

>> No.2109683
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>atheistic religious schools

>> No.2109690

gnostic just mean 'knowing'. it doesn't have to be with regard specifically to religion.

>> No.2109693

i was disagreeing with the statement that it means 'absolute knowledge'.

>> No.2109703

those definitions do not capture my position.

-i do not and never will believe (as in faith) in god
-if you give me a self-consistent definition of god then i might
a) assume he exists until proven otherwise (if theories derived from this definition are so useful that i can accept it as conjecture)
b) assume he does not exist until proven otherwise
c) would "know" that he exists once there is proof fitting the definition and theories related to god.

How do you call that?

>> No.2109707

I'm an atheist by your reasoning, I believe it has to be proven that there isn't a creator of nature before I believe there is not
otherwise I'd be an idiot and believe in magic

but yes, your definition of atheism is pseudo
you don't want your believes crushed so you intentionally come up with fake evidence that you have told the truth
really odd huh, how someone doesn't believe a picture of someone else's reasoning to be correct

>> No.2109711

oh dear another picture
EK must be really intelligent

>> No.2109713
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>see atheism vs religion thread

>> No.2109716

It's this simple:
Do you believe god exists? y/n
If yes, you are a theist, if no, you are an atheist.

Do you believe it is possible to know god exists? y/n
If yes, you are gnostic, if no you are agnostic.

That's it, no fence-sitting is allowed. None.

>> No.2109726

look up what 'god' means in a dictionary. then you will see where you stand out of the 4 options.
making up your own definition for what god is, is meaningless.

>I'm an atheist by your reasoning
that isn't my reasoning, that is just simply what the words mean. also, you appear to be a theist. not an atheist.

>I believe it has to be proven that there isn't a creator of nature before I believe there is not
so lack of evidence of a supernatural idea means you will by default BELIEVE it, even without evidence, and demand disproof in order to not believe it? this sounds exceedingly foolish.

>otherwise I'd be an idiot and believe in magic
this is why we require positive evidence in favour of an unlikely idea, before believing in it.

>but yes, your definition of atheism is pseudo
you don't want your believes crushed so you intentionally come up with fake evidence that you have told the truth
really odd huh, how someone doesn't believe a picture of someone else's reasoning to be correct
...you are making no sense. get a dictionary, look up teh following
are you arguing over the definitions of these words?
also, i think you should find out what 'pseudo' means while you are at it.

>> No.2109730

i accidently greentext fail at the bottom.

>> No.2109734 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit"[/spoiler] - Oscar Wilde

>> No.2109735 [DELETED] 

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" - Oscar Wilde

>> No.2109736

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" - Oscar Wilde

>> No.2109745

burden of proof is on you
you can't just claim I know what god is, without even a quotation of me
or claim I don't know what pseudo is, while I gave you the clear definition of it
or claim that I don't know what atheists, theists, gnostics, or agnosts mean while I was the one asking whether you knew the definitions

also from your posting behavior I can assume a lot, not gonna elaborate on it, but just know your credibility is below zero

gnostic: possessing knowledge
don't just give your own interpretation of a word
words have meaning, you can't just alter it to your own liking

>> No.2109748

lol, who is the dumb christfag who keeps using the word pseudo?
you know EK is intellectually wiping the floor with you?

>> No.2109759

why am I a christfag?

actually I'm hindu, however that does not mean you can conclude whether I'm atheistic, theistic, or agnostic

and how is EK intellectual, sockpuppet?

>> No.2109760

>burden of proof is on you
what? me? as an atheist? nope, i think i will just continue to not believe in supernatural fantasies until any evidence comes in. I have no need to disprove the imaginations of other human beings.
>or claim I don't know what pseudo is, while I gave you the clear definition of it
no, you never defined pseudo. you also appear to be using the word incorrectly.
>or claim that I don't know what atheists, theists, gnostics, or agnosts mean while I was the one asking whether you knew the definitions
i do know the definitions, they are stated clearly in the 2 pictures i posted earlier

>> No.2109764

>actually I'm hindu, however that does not mean you can conclude whether I'm atheistic, theistic, or agnostic
hinduism is a subset of theism.
in fact, you are polytheistic if you are a hindu.

>> No.2109774

gnostic atheists are a very rare group, but the vast vast majority of all gnostic atheists are antitheists.

>> No.2109777

and science is going to become the opium of the masses.
why don't you get informed hinduism is not polytheism those deities are only a few faces of the one and only god brahma

>> No.2109783

>implying vishnu and shiva aren't the other trimurti

>> No.2109787
File: 249 KB, 335x422, beckett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you will find that opium is the opium of the masses

>> No.2109788

This is not how science works. I think it was popper that said, that falsifiability of a claim is what makes a scientific theory science.

Your theory would be "There is a God". That is a claim that has to be falsifiable. Any definition of "Supernatural" includes that it is above nature and therefore not perceivable. From this follows, that no proof or disproof by natural beings is possible. Hence, it's not even a theory. It's a believe.

If though, you claim that god falls in the realm of evidence and therefore in the real of the natural (whereby you would have to forfeit the claim that he is supernatural), you would have to produce a theory that makes a falsifiable prediction. As in "In world A there is no god and only then X behaves in way p. In world B there is a god and only then X behaves in way q".
Now you can test that theory and check whether you live in world A or B.

Welcome to science.

>> No.2109789
File: 13 KB, 240x251, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He clearly defined his terms, for one thing.


How he prevents himself from drowning in the stupid I have no idea.

>> No.2109793

why ignore my reasoning of discarding your pictures as any evidence
just saying it's proof does not make it so :s

and why don't you show some proof of me not knowing all this stuff.
...because you're an atheist?
just being dumb does not make you special, you can't just claim all this stuff about me without telling why..

but yes, I did define pseudo
I said it's deliberately coming up with fake evidence to support your wild claims, now prove to me that it isn't

you can use sources, not random pictures, good moron

and rofl at me being polytheistic because I'm hindu
hahaha, you obviously only tell me about what you've heard
you surprisingly don't know much about anything, yet you come with all these accusations

but yea, I've never said atheistic schools were well considering
neither do I say this about agnostic and theistic schools, but everyone knows most atheists are pretty dumb

however it is funny how you don't even know what an atheist is while you claim to be one
if everyone based their believes on stuff they don't know anything about, then it's really not that surprising that western culture has come up with a great deal of fictional animals in the dark ages
must be in their genes or something

hell, they even believed that people in the east walked around without a head

>> No.2109797

read marx again. He meant that religion blinds the masses for what is really going on.
Any valid doctrine cannot be an opium for the masses in the sense he meant.

>> No.2109804

hey my brown friend,

sorry to tell you but from the perspective of western philosophy and theology hinduism is polytheism.
You might have a different interpretation of it, but in terms of western thought, you pray to millions of gods.

>> No.2109805

can you test any of the theories you believe are real?
can you say without doubt that there aren't unknown variables causing a reaction while it appears it's caused by for example: heat?
do you know anything for sure about reality? science is only experience, you can't say anything for sure

>> No.2109807

>why don't you get informed hinduism is not polytheism those deities are only a few faces of the one and only god brahma
>those deities are only a few faces of the one and only god brahma
Hinduism IS polytheistic, if you really are one, you should know this.
e.g, vinata and kasyapa are both hindu gods, who are the parents of another god called garuda.
so do you believe that brahma mated with brahma and then brahma gave birth to brahma?

>> No.2109811

EK is a girl.

>> No.2109812

From wiktionary

pseudo, adjective

1. being other than what is apparent, a sham
2. insincere
3. spurious

>> No.2109813

>EK is a man pretending to be a girl


>> No.2109816

Hinduism has many gods that are part of the same "holyness". It's a polyteistic religion.

>> No.2109822 [DELETED] 

>why ignore my reasoning of discarding your pictures as any evidence
just saying it's proof does not make it so :s
the pictures are neither evidence nor proof of anything, they simply state correct definitions, and show how atheism and agnosticism are not mutually incompatible.
...the rest of your post appears to be you going full retard. here a a few gems...
>but everyone knows most atheists are pretty dumb
rofl, no, the majority of the intellectual elite are atheists.
>however it is funny how you don't even know what an atheist is while you claim to be one
i do know what it is, it is defined on the 2 pictures from earlier, atheism is simply a lack of belief in god. nothing more. nothing less.

>> No.2109818

however you do not know what these gods represent
just because the west is unfamiliar with hinduism does not make it a polytheistic religion
sure there are hindu's who believe every deity is a god, but canonized literature clearly depicts it mono

and then there's agnostic and atheistic hinduism
let me tell you that you can not just compare the oldest religion to the newest
while religion started off as science, other religions only have their support on faith instead of reasoning
however the myths are alike in nature, but myths are just myths

>> No.2109819



>> No.2109826

you mean; EK showed a picture of a girl when posting once

>> No.2109827

>why ignore my reasoning of discarding your pictures as any evidence just saying it's proof does not make it so :s
the pictures are neither evidence nor proof of anything, they simply state correct definitions, and show how atheism and agnosticism are not mutually incompatible.
...the rest of your post appears to be you going full retard. here a a few gems...
>but everyone knows most atheists are pretty dumb
rofl, no, the majority of the intellectual elite are atheists.
>however it is funny how you don't even know what an atheist is while you claim to be one
i do know what it is, it is defined on the 2 pictures from earlier, atheism is simply a lack of belief in god. nothing more. nothing less.

>> No.2109833

That is the beauty. We do not need any metaphysical notion of "truth" for science. Yes I can test any scientific theory.
That is what a theory is! A testable hypothesis! I won't tell you "heat" (hey you really are a great question asker! Let me do one: soil?) because that would involve tons of micro and macro physics I don't know shit about!

But in the end, thats not what you meant, eh? It's all just "experience". Anything we can't experience, we have no access whatsoever to. So anything that we cannot experience is total hogwash right? Just guessing blindly?

>> No.2109835

>EK is a girl
'woman' would be more accurate. but yes, i am female.

>> No.2109836


>>do you know anything for sure about reality? science is only experience, you can't say anything for sure



>> No.2109838

german here. He wrote "Opium".



>> No.2109839

"intellectual elite are atheists"
lolno, they are agnostic. they have no opinion about subjects they don't know much about because they have a brain.
however atheists like to pretend they are also agnostic, so I see where your error comes from

and it's funny how you base your beliefs on random pictures instead of clear sources, must mean I can also wildly speculate as long as I have pictures with text in it

goodbye, you are incredibly dumb

>> No.2109846

nah, don't try to raise empathy by lying about your gender
women are often more rational than men, you however lack intelligence severely and literally don't know what you're talking about
therefore you must be one of those men who lives in his own world, autistic

>> No.2109847


People who do not form opinions cannot consider themselves intellectuals. What is the prime duty of an intellectual but to debate ideas?

Also, 'agnostics' do not seem so agnostic on the ideas of goblins and a hollow earth, do they?

Reasonable up to a point.

>> No.2109848

A) there are no girls on the internet
B) pix or it didn't happen

EK is a man until he disproves my two claims.

>> No.2109860

sarcastic and butthurt but on to something

however I don't believe you can actually test anything
you can make simulations, and you can speculate about reocurring events that they are somehow linked, but you don't know shit, just like you told me

>> No.2109863

lolno most are atheists. Check some surveys man! Still you could claim that they don't really know what an agnostic and an atheist is...

"the intellectual elite" if you want to call them that, holds that there is no reasonable basis for believing in a god, that there is no reasonable basis to believe there is a god. They do not believe there is a god.
They do not know there is no god, because in general one cannot absolutely know until one has seen everything. still: not believing in a god = atheist != knowing there is no god.

>> No.2109865
File: 131 KB, 702x475, obvious_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are often more rational than men

>> No.2109866

you got 30 seconds to logically refute the hollow earth theory

you try to act like agnostics don't speculate

>> No.2109868

>30 sec to disprove hollow earth
its called gravity bro

>> No.2109869

"they do not believe there is a god"
correction: they are not sure about god

try again

>> No.2109871
File: 35 KB, 572x443, arguepyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"intellectual elite are atheists"
lolno, they are agnostic.
they are both
>they have no opinion about subjects they don't know much about because they have a brain.
however atheists like to pretend they are also agnostic, so I see where your error comes from
clearly you did not understand the pictures i uploaded earlier: "atheism and agnosticism are NOT mutually imcompatible"
>and it's funny how you base your beliefs on random pictures instead of clear sources
the pictures have nothing to do with anything that one could believe in. it defines the meaning of words, it is a fact that these are the definitions of the words. get a dictionary, prove it for yourself. i am both an atheist and an agnostic.
also, you are a hypocrite if you think basing belief off a picture is wrong, because you presumably base your belief on hindu texts...which are written by fallible human beings btw.
>goodbye, you are incredibly dumb
goodbye? tired of arguing? leave if you like, but you are less likely to learn something if you walk away from intellectual discussion.
also, an ad hominem...good for you...

>> No.2109872

oh yes, because gravity comes from the center, and not the actual mass, eh?

>> No.2109875

genders have different averages in traits. both populations have huge overlaps in said traits in a way that it does not make any interesting sense to make a prediction about traits on gender, fucknut.

>> No.2109876

it would fucking collapse. you don't have giant hollow ridged items. Its basic fucking logic.

>> No.2109879

>look up what 'god' means in a dictionary. then you will see where you stand out of the 4 options.
>making up your own definition for what god is, is meaningless.
A dictionary definition is hardly up to the standards required to actually test his existence and they are often non-falsifiable.

Religions have redefined the properties of their deities over time, therefore there is no singular definition of "god". Especially not considering that there are many religions out there, where each has its own picture what god is.

The result is that it all depends on the definition you're working with. If the definition is utter nonsense then i will know with near-certainty that such an object cannot exist and therefore does not exist. If the definition has merit but is hard to test then i'll be a agnostic atheist towards that definition. If your definition is easy to test and turns out true, then you have a gnostic theist at your hands.

But in practice nobody managed to do anything even approaching the latter two stages, therefore i'm a gnostic atheist towards those definitions of god that i have heard of.

In the end binning people into the "he's an (a)gnostic (a)theist" only makes sense if you all operate on a common basis to argue on. And this common basis does not exist.

If there is some religion that worships a flying, 500m tall alpaka that eats a village every day as god then i would say everyone here would be a gnostic atheist towards that god, simply based on the fact that we know that there is no evidence for a village vanishing due to oversized grazing every day.

But if we argue about the christian god, which is <insert some definition according to sect here> then people will start to disagree.

And yet both of those things were labled "god".

>> No.2109880

actually "there are no girls on the internet" is the theory with predictive qualities.
Your second point "Pix or it didnt happen" would be the falsifiability.

youre good at science after all! well kinda good...

>> No.2109882

my gender is irrelevant, but how would being female 'raise empathy' anyway?
hollow earth we can prove is false...goblins... i suppose not. like god, perhaps they are hiding, and are just not seen by humans.... but anyway, that makes me an a-goblinist, and a goblin agnostic. :)

>> No.2109889

oh shit an ad hominoom
of course I can't state my opinion about someone while they are actually reading it
I should just tell my friends about how dumb this person is

as for they are both, do you believe they are both atheist and agnostic or do you believe atheists are also incredibly smart, just like most agnostics?

funny how you so desperately cling to someone else's picture depicting some reasoning
you so want me to believe it's true, that you just say it over and over again, must be rooted from your christian parents who you so dispise

as for pictures define words, yea so do dictionaries but you rather cling on to what you thought was real

and what am I supposed to learn from you? you are incredibly lazy and retarded

>> No.2109891

you can redefine the terms however you like but in the literature atheists just do not believe in a god for whatever reason. whether they would say that they "cannot know that there is no god" depends just on their philosophical sophistication.

>> No.2109893

Lets take this for example.

The christian god has no evidence, thus i don't believe it.

EK being a girl has no evidence, thus i don't believe it,

I don't believe EK is a girl, and i don't believe in god.

>> No.2109895

>we know that there is no evidence for a village vanishing due to oversized grazing every day.
You've obviously never been to Bolivia...

>> No.2109896

>i'm a gnostic atheist towards those definitions of god that i have heard of.
oh really? you are 100% certain he is not real?
you shouldn't be.

>> No.2109901

sorry there can only be one definition
make it your life's goal to make it two

and how is the hollow earth theory proven false?
because we base the assumption of it collapsing to incomparable situations?

>> No.2109906

hi EK, do you already know the definition of atheist?

>> No.2109909

I'm an agnostic denier to you being a girl. Why should i believe you have a vagina? you've shown no proof

>> No.2109910


Ah, but you know that females exist, therefore you have greater reason to believe she is female than that a god exists (or that she is a god)

>> No.2109911

I slowly start to question your ability to reason.

youre basically stuck on humes standpoint that one can only assert correlation and not causation. This is true and false depending on what you call "causation". If it's just part of a theoretical framework, one can assert causation.

That "on to something" was a neat trap. And you fell for it. Think about how you can experience supernatural stuff and how all that you cannot experience is hogwash.

>> No.2109913

you are forgetting that "EK is a boy" has no evidence to support it either.
technically you should be agnostic with regards to my gender, seeing as we are on the internet, so you can't be sure either way.

>> No.2109917

we have calculated earth's mass and comparing to other planets and using math, physics and our knowledge on geology and our seismologic observations we can make quite accurate predictions about Earth's structure which can be verified by multiple indepedent observations.

>> No.2109918

But i have reason to believe theres no girls on the internet. Thus i'm slightly in favour of the thought of you being a grown man pretending to be a female.

Just as i'm less likely to believe there is no god, rather than have no thoughts either way. Because the general principals of god are just silly and irrational

>> No.2109920

If you do not want to pray any more, do this instead!

>> No.2109923

I say you're on to something, you say it's a trap and I fell for it
yea fucking right

and nice to know I am right and wrong, I will continue to believe I'm right then I suppose

>> No.2109928

scientists know that the earth has an inner core, an outer core, a mantle, and a crust.
they also know the approximate thickness of each.
i'm not completely sure how it is worked out, but i think it has something to do with electromagnetic waves that can be sent through the earth, and detected on the other side, and it is something like P waves can pass through liquid, but not solid, and S waves pass through both...or possibly vice versa (im going to research this in a moment)
anyway... long story short, it does disprove hollow earth theory.
yes i do.
why should you believe i have a penis? i have shown you no proof ;)

>> No.2109929

that's why empirical methods like tits or GTFO and rule 32 exist since the existance of girls in the internets and especially a science-related board is in its ownright an extaordinary claim

>> No.2109930

I say you're on to something, you say it's a trap and I fell for it
yea fucking right

and nice to know I am right and wrong, I will continue to believe I'm right then I suppose

and yes, you can never be sure you ever had a religious experience
what's your point?

>> No.2109932

Every religion has a dogma that pretty much defines as exact as possible what their god is and is not. That's the definition. It is no moving target. People get burned in these discussions. Literally.

gnostic atheist means testament (one of the three schools) believing non-believer... but i guess it makes sense in your world.

>> No.2109934

>Just as i'm more likely to believe there is no god


>> No.2109937

>so do you believe that brahma mated with brahma and then brahma gave birth to brahma?

yeah i pretty much do, see that's the problem with atheists they are more logical instead of being relaxed and let themselves go with the believe in a god that is benevolent, merciful and loving

>> No.2109940

that's why empirical methods like tits or GTFO and rule 32 exist since the existance of girls in the internets and especially a science-related board is in its own right an extraordinary claim

>> No.2109938 [DELETED] 

yup we have compared planets and suddenly theorized how hollow planets should always collapse because we have observed "something"
is there any basis for that thought, or just a hunch?

>> No.2109950

explore buddhism

yup we have compared planets and suddenly theorized how hollow planets should always collapse because we have observed "something"
is there any basis for that thought, or just a hunch?

>> No.2109951

"P-waves can travel through solid rock and fluids,
"S-waves cannot travel through fluids, thus when an S-wave encounters the outer core of the Earth (liquid iron and nickel), it is disrupted, indicating the boundary between the mantle and outer core and the boundary between the inner core and outer core."

>> No.2109954

you're missing the point. i don't "believe" in something because i don't even know what i'm supposed to "believe" in or not. To know that i first need a definition that makes sense. Something that can be reflected on.

Secondly, there never is 100% certainty. I can't even be 100% sure that the chair i'm sitting on exists.

Let me put it this way:

Gnostic Atheism: Logically inconsistent. No point in either knowing or assuming, it doesn't make sense.

Agnostic Atheism: Logically consistent, but i assume it to be false with near-certainty until proven otherwise due to lack of any supporting evidence despite attempts to gather such evidence and alternative, better theories being available

Agnostic Theist Stage 1: Logically consistent and i don't make any assumptions on its value of truth due to the lack of further information and only equally murky alternatives.

Agnostic Theist Stage 2: Logically consistent and i assume it to be true until evidence to the contrary shows up because that's currently the best theory we have

Gnostic Theist: Logically consistent, we have positive evidence that this theory may be correct. Therefore i know that it's true, until proven otherwise.

All of these viewpoints heavily depend on the very details of what we're talking about. Just talking about "some god" according to some random religion doesn't make sense because i can't even classify it.

>> No.2109963


We've explored computer models that operate solely on physics facts, gravity, etc, and found that an object as massive as a planet would collapse if hollow.

Like if theoretically we had a hollow core that was 10 meters wide, thats alot less physically unlikely (still wildly silly), but the notion that the majority of earth is hollow is just silly.

>> No.2109970

I have realized that you only seem to read parts of the messages. It is a skill a certain type of people acquire. Check out "selective memory" if you are interested.
And you have won this argument in the only way I can see you winning an argument: frustrating your partner. It is not an exchange of arguments with you, but rather one making an argument and you saying "NO I AM RITE ALL ALONG!"

lastly, you misunderstood. I never said that YOU are right and wrong. I said that the position that one can never assert causation and only correlation is. Your level of sophistication seems to forbid that you actually understand what that means so I can know as much as I can know anything: you are wrong.

>> No.2109974
File: 41 KB, 799x626, sciencevsfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2109975

lol wikianswers

either way, how does this prove anything about the hollow earth theory?
remember that they just shortly discovered that there is actually something solid inside the earth
people assumed this already, but like most science it was based on other assumptions

>> No.2109976

I study sinology. Thats chinese language and culture. I have "explored" buddhism. Thank you.

>> No.2109989

yea is it really silly?
can you show me these models that know everything about gravity? I could send it to hawkins, he might learn something from it
according to him gravity is god

>> No.2109993

so what's its dogma

>> No.2110010

logically you would not expect the earth to be hollow anyway, with an understanding of gravity and how the planets are formed.
heavier elements are likely to coagulate around the centre of mass...surrounded by slightly lighter elements, and lighter and lighter up the layers.
and this is exactly what we find.
a dense iron core in the centre of the earth... surrounded by heavy elements (rocks)
water is lighter, so it is on the surface, and gaseous molecules are even lighter, so these are above the earth, forming an atmosphere.
you wouldn't expect empty spaces to be near the middle of the earth..it wouldn't happen because of gravity.

>> No.2110013

>people assumed this already
>they just shortly discovered that there is actually something solid inside the earth

so you mean they had like a theory which made a falsifiable prediction and tested it? Wow sounds like science! lock the children away! they must be wrong!

maybe you are mixing up the two categories an "assumption" can be. I assume that you are an idiot. Thats a pure educated guess based on what i read from you.
A theory includes certain predictions that are based on the things we already have tested. Those are assumptions too but a complete different category.

>> No.2110026

oh its the question asker again! answer me "soil?" first!

or give me your email and i shall send you the essay i wrote on buddhist-religious structures in tibet before the invasion/liberation by the PLA. in german.

>> No.2110037

okay EK, i feel i deserve something, having battled at your side against the horde of numbnuts. Post some nudie pix before i go to bed!

etc here

>> No.2110044

>implying that if a girl really ever were to spend time on 4chan, on the math board no less, she would even be remotely attractive

>> No.2110046

yes thank you. you have been arguing well...the hindu guy... i decided to stop responding to...he was making little sense, / was a probable troll.

as for nudie pics, i'd prefer not to upload any of myself.
why not just watch some porn before bed? theres no shortage of nudity on the internet, and i'm nothing special.

>> No.2110051

apparently i am somewhat attractive... guys flirt with me all the time.

>> No.2110057

>EK claims to be a girl
>now he claims to be an attractive girl

okay now we know you're lieing

>> No.2110063

>answer me Word? please

you are entirely correct, I have been a fool

>> No.2110064

i would know that you just posted them for me and me alone which would make the pictures special. porn has never been shot for me (only by me but thats for another day...)

so yeah, i dont even want anything i could identify you by, so whats the harm? if youre afraid of the meanies here, just dont look at this thread again afterwards...

and yeah, if you black out the face, remember the exif data.

>> No.2110067

well, im pretty average i guess... i'm probably about as attractive as most of my mates.
maybe guys just arn't particularly picky with who they flirt with.

>> No.2110071

nachtrag: i cant watch porn also. i got a guest tomorrow and she demanded i save up for her...

see, it wouldnt even be a spank bank item. it would just be... nice :)

>> No.2110073

oh you are making little sense
>NO YOU are making little sense
great arguing

and then you tried to sway me by saying I could learn something from you
and just questioning has little to do with trolling
people get emotional about anything that differs from their believes

on a sidenote: have you already discovered the definition of atheism
fucking moron

>> No.2110074

>maybe guys just arn't particularly picky with who they flirt with.

no offense but...true story

>> No.2110076

Yeah EK! me too! we all love you

>> No.2110078

lol, 'save up for her'?
you know sperm is renewable right?

>> No.2110081

>an understanding of gravity and how the planets are formed

lol, thinks we already know everything just like people in the old days

>> No.2110083

meh, works for me. :D

>> No.2110085

if you have the energy to argue with religious people the way you do then you are really special

>> No.2110087

the evidence we currently have points towards this conclusion. if any evidence comes in to oppose it, perhaps i will change my views.
see the left side of this image >>2109974

>> No.2110089

Yeah EK, you're a special person. You're much appreciated in the /sci/ community

>> No.2110091

Are you broken? What is your major malfunction?

>> No.2110094

so what's its dogma?

don't get emo because I want to know more about your knowledge
if you have any at all

>> No.2110092 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 472x472, retreiver_of_identical_digits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If doubles get, EK must show tits

>> No.2110096

theres more and it comes with more force if you save up for a few days... and one is easier stimulated. sucks when the girl has a thing for bjs and oneself cannot orgasm from them.

if you are the guy that made up all these new definitions with gnostis having 2 stages and ignoring that its limited to the religions of the testament, then i have some bad news for you...

>> No.2110098

>you are the guy that made up all these new definitions

sorry, I am not "EK", try again

>> No.2110100


ill still be here like 5 mins and then ill sleep. so hurry.

>> No.2110103

eh, sometimes... if you can actually make them think, consider things they hadn't thought of before...then it is worthwhile. feels good man.
half the time it is just like banging your head against a brick wall, they don't even understand what you are saying.
today was probabky the latter.
"herp derp, atheists are evil and stupid, agnostics are better"
EK: agnostics don't know if god is real, atheists dont believe god is real, you can be both. i do not know if god is real or not, but i will presume he is not, because there is no evidence.
"herp derp, some scientists are agnostics and not atheists"
EK...clearly you misunderstand me and i am wasting my time.


so yeah, i think i will go to sleep soon. also, the hindu guy is pretty rude anyway. and hominems etc. i dont care if he believes in brahma, or visnu, or any of the other dozens of hindu gods. it isnt my problem. hinduism is as unlikely to be correct as any other type of religion.

>> No.2110105

how are pictures instead of sources even arguing in the first place?
do we all have to have blind faith in someone else?

>> No.2110118

thats a "yes" then. I recognize your writing style anyway.
While we are at this level, do you realize that I could beat you up? like really bad? and easily? It seems that my academic career has and will outperform yours also. Do you feel like a lesser person perhaps? I mean you could get more girls than i do if you drag the bottom of society, which would be a point for you in some peoples eyes...

>> No.2110120

ohhh was the hindu guy rude?
maybe you should be more precise in your arguing, then people don't laugh their asses off at your false notions

but yea, just avoid questions and arguing like a good boy, and quickly go to sleep to make sure no one can trouble you anymore

>> No.2110126

easy there dude i'm just a roman polytheist chilling and reading arguments and watching pictures

>> No.2110128

questioning whether someone has his definitions right does not make anyone else less right actually
and yea beat me up, if you want, I'll show you my facebook

>> No.2110132
File: 19 KB, 500x224, 207_not_sure_if_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't make up definitions, i always use the correct ones, as stated in the dictionary.
guys seem to last longer if they have had sex more recently. when we wake up for 'round 2' it always seems to last a lot longer than the first time. feels so much better.
erm...pic related.

>> No.2110137

very serious at least for me

>> No.2110141

theres actually some new schools of thought that frame christianity as polytheism too. By rigorous standards it actually is because of the worshiping of saints, angels etc. like maria, raphael, saints for barter, traveling etc...

>> No.2110144

>as stated in the dictionary.
>the dictionary

Oh EK, you're so crazy. Theres more than one dictionary, and just cuz its in a dictionary doesn't make it automatically true. Language doesn't work that way.

>> No.2110148

i know but they don't recognize that fact christians are not too open minded

>> No.2110150

i said i could, didnt say i wanted to. I meant to imply that you are inferior in everything that we recognize as a valuable human being... maybe i was too subtle.

>> No.2110152

a picture is a type of source.
the pictures i have posted wern't any form of evidence (i think i have already stated this...banging head against a brick wall much?)
the pictures were to make a point, and to clear up any misconceptions about certain definitions of words.
>maybe you should be more precise in your arguing, then people don't laugh their asses off at your false notions
false notions? wat? i have been pretty accurate and argued pretty well, as far as i recall.
kudo's to this guy as well, he is clearly intelligent. >>2110037

>> No.2110155

there is no round two. ever. i need at least 12h. duration isnt a problem either as im pretty insensitive and can go a while. stamina and enthusiasm usually only last an hour though...

>> No.2110156

Hey hindu douche! You're being the same cunt my old roommate was: arguing with those terms (agnostic/atheist) based on their literal Greek translations, as opposed to their commonly afforded definitions!

Yes, gnostic means 'knowledge' but it was used for philosophical reasoning about 'God' to mean 'knowledge of God', i.e. gnosticism, in the context of 'God', means having 'knowledge of 'God'. So, if you profess to be gnostic (in the context of 'God') then you claim to have 'knowledge of God', and to have knowledge of something one must have knowledge that it exists (for one may not 'know' of the non-existent)! Therefore being gnostic (in the context of 'God') automatically entails knowing that 'God' exists! This is why gnostic and agnostic are, respectively, conflated with "Knowledge of the existence of 'God'" and "Lack of knowledge of the existence of 'God'".

If you can wrap your head around that, then figuring out the 'theism' / 'atheism' thing should be a snap.

>> No.2110159

aww, thanx hun :)
any decent dictionary will have the correct definitions...oxford dictionary will be correct.
wiktionary is pretty good as well, if you need an internet dictionary.
>and just cuz its in a dictionary doesn't make it automatically true. Language doesn't work that way.
you mean the definition might be false?
i doubt it. besides, as people use the same definition as each other for a particular word, it has meaning, and can be used when communicating with each other.

>> No.2110160

yes, the dictionary says EK is always right, just like the little kid himself believes

lol I can has literal meaning of everything and pretend I don't know what you're talking about
you know exactly why your pictures can be discarded straight away, but you've obviously found out on google that you could not prove anything without just those pictures

and while we're at it, (head banging against a wall?) your definition was a sham, hence pseudo

and nice to see flattering can get you labeled intelligent, can I please see your massive cock? I love you I love you I love you

but no, you didn't argue well at all, you just speculated some bullshit and actually believe it's right because it sounds logical to you


>> No.2110163

thank you :) ill be off now. without your picture :(

i like you. you were needed a couple of minutes ago.
uh, but dont forget, that in the sciences at least, gnostic is usually used to refer to knowledge about the jewish/christian god...
in general though it has been applied to all beliefs though, as you correctly stated.

>> No.2110166


just saying definitions are wrong and you are right does not make sense
make new words if you hate the old ones

>> No.2110169

wow you last longer than an hour?
wow that kinda wierd... no round 2? sometimes i go several times in a night.
the guy i had round on saturday kept me up for most of the night ;)

>> No.2110170

Words can mean different things in different contexts. Language, words, are just symbols that we humans use to communicate. They don't necessarily mean anything, words' meanings change over time.

There isn't one correct definition to any word, thats just not how words work.

But i do agree with the definitions you presented in those images you posted, i just have a problem with that you're implying that words fundamentally each mean something in particular, not that we just add meaning to them.

>> No.2110172

please go tripfag so i can harass you anytime i see you. Its the veil of anonymity that protects you from people calling you on your bs...

>> No.2110173

these sciences you are talking about, might they also be pseudo?
either way, good night, scared retard

>> No.2110176

>you just speculated some bullshit and actually believe it's right because it sounds logical to you.

yeah no one else does that......oh wait everyone does
>you didn't argue well at all,
and....you did?

>> No.2110178

can you get more butthurt, I already offered to show my facebook to potential hardcore murderers

>> No.2110183

babby's first rebuttel
I declare you stupid, you assume I think I'm smart

yea nice reasoning retard

>> No.2110185

yeh, i'll be going as well.
night /sci/
lol, you didn't even link to me...but you mean me...

>> No.2110189

cleverly disguising the fact that words have meanings
you must also think you're atheist, if you get so fucking retarded

>> No.2110190

I agree that words have the meaning we want them to have.
Alas, the definitions we refer to are meant to clarify what we are talking about, as in what they commonly mean.
If someone, like happened here, comes along and makes up their own definition for words, its just hard to have a discussion because these same people will usually add aspects to the meaning of the word to reinforce their argument. So while it is true that words have different meaning in different contexts, its always good to refer to a dictionary first.

>> No.2110194

bye firsttimer in arguing

as long as people love your attention whoring right? xDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.2110195

>implying a dictionary is a good authority on this matter


>> No.2110199

fuck you, she kicked your arse you retarded spotty hindu cunt!

>> No.2110200

and what happens if you just want to know more about someone's conclusions and definitions? without presenting your own opinion, if you even have one

oh yea, you're called a troll

>> No.2110202

i can, but i dont want to. as i said, racing towards 30 so after i got my O and she had her O or Os depending on her, I just want to sleep. Being awake the whole night and feeling shitty the day after isnt as attractive as it used to be. I like my morning run i guess...

>> No.2110205


pwned, because I say so

>> No.2110208

>[come and say that to my face, and not on the internet, and see what happens]

hahahahaha oh wow. whats your facebook?

>> No.2110212

Listen cuntlips, there are only so many words to go around, and some very intelligent philosophers decided on this convention well before you were ever even a mote in your dad's eye. Nobody uses the words Gnostic and Agnostic like you're suggesting they should, except you, and an exceptional minority of extremely anal people. You are using an extremely uncommon definition for a common word, and saying everyone else is wrong because they aren't conforming to you! The definitions of words change, as you have said previously many, many times, so to have these.

And if you won't take the god damned dictionary as the truth for definitions, then we can't even talk to each other properly, because you can just make shit up!

>> No.2110213

>if you are the guy that made up all these new definitions with gnostis having 2 stages and ignoring that its limited to the religions of the testament, then i have some bad news for you...

no, that's me. and you misunderstood my post it seems. i basically outlined how the assumption of (non-)existence is more of a continuum that is highly dependent on the definition you're working with and the available evidence instead of some clearly separated bins that you can sort people into.

And what you saw there weren't really definitions but the way these things would actually make sense. Claiming absolute knowledge in the first place already is pointless. And ignoring logical inconsistency in the spectrum makes it even less useless.

To put it in simpler words: All that (a)gnostic (a)theist mumbo jumbo as used in this thread is non-sense. For several reasons:

a) we did not even agree which "god" (including definition) we're talking about
b) the 4 options do not cover varying degrees of certainties and require absolute statements
c) they do not account for tentative viewpoints

>> No.2110215

lol u deaf? she already left.

>> No.2110218

nah, i guess my english is deteriorating... i meant the weird kid thats anonymous. Id like him to go trip so i can always see that its him. makes it easier to spot inconsistencies in their arguments.

>> No.2110220


>> No.2110222

deaf? you mean blind, obviously.

>> No.2110223

you must believe anything of hearsay

you must also believe he's a girl, and really just left like he said

>> No.2110225

>implying the ability to hear has any effect on the typed word

>> No.2110232

Actually, i'v never seen EK leave when he said he was gonna. Hes probably reading this right now. He might post again, but maybe not. I'v seen him do this atleast 5 times.

>> No.2110236

>you can just make shit up!

wow, babby's first realisation of truth
and cuntlips, wow, I guess I really impress you in some weird way with my texts

as for true hardcore murderers who want to murderkill me
my name is chris fatels, you can search me up and throw darts at my face while I dream about becoming god
doesn't phase me

>> No.2110238

>implying you'd actually be able to tell when someone said they were gonna leave, over the internet

>> No.2110246
File: 12 KB, 200x227, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110249

ROFL! look at that dopey look on his face. He really is retarded

>> No.2110254

he reeeeeeally is retarded, nah just loads of drugs mate
feels good man

>> No.2110257

Holy fuck dude, I know people like you, I really want to put them in a room with each other and watch the chaos unfold as they all die.

You're so full of yourself to cover up for the fact that you're a god-damned failure of a human being.

>> No.2110260

>destroys his mind
>not retarded


>> No.2110263



>> No.2110265
File: 3 KB, 126x92, consensus evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2110269

sage for /sci/ence vs. religion and for degenerating into a bunch of raging retards slinging shit at eachother

>> No.2110270

so why am I retarded? because I question women?

one day you will become as brave as me, don't worry, sad bro

>> No.2110272

Just because you can make shit up doesn't mean it's right, and just because it's all made up doesn't give it all equal bearing. The moon is made of cheese is just as made up a statement as the moon is made of rock, they're both made up of meaningless squiggles in a meaningless order which are assigned to arbitrary meanings, but one of them is buttfuck retarded. Guess which side you're on?

>> No.2110274

just so long as you know there's nothing wrong with trolling dumb people

>> No.2110275

>implying i think you're retarded because you question women
you're digging your hole deeper brahski

>> No.2110276

so what did I make up, angry retard?

>> No.2110279


>> No.2110283

well isn't that the reason everyone became so pissed?
I was only having a debate with the moron called EK and everyone tries to defend her and get pictures lol

how pathetic

>> No.2110288

chris fatels has already left
you're talking to his associates

>> No.2110292

Oh wow. i don't think i even wanna waste more time talking to you.

1st, EK is an annoying cuntface
2nd, he left, thus noone would be arguing with you if thats what our goal was
3rd, your opinions are dumb and so are you
4th, you believe in hinduism, haha
5th, go fuck yourself
6th, ???
7th, profit

>> No.2110294

You're a retard because you're attempting to undermine perfectly coherent points with asinine yammering such as "Dictionaries aren't the authority on the definitions of words", "That's not what that word means", and when presented with evidence that that word does actually mean that you attempt to discredit the source, even if it's THE FUCKING DICTIONARY. If you honestly believe you can't trust a fucking modern dictionary you're extremely far-gone. Yes, they're not always 100% correct, but using that is an extraordinarily weak argument, an really goes to show that you're just grasping at straws here.

>> No.2110295

know your meme

exactly what do I believe? implying you are not as dumb as EK

>> No.2110299

did EK come with a dictionary?
what did I even say about them?

>> No.2110304

I'm smarter than EK, and hes smarter than you.

>> No.2110310

because he can't argue with me, he is smart?


>> No.2110313

Sounds like someone's insecure with the fact that they suck.

>> No.2110316

>mfw this thread

>> No.2110317

You're so dumb you can't even tell how dumb you are.

Everyone else on /sci/ continues to formulate wellrounded arguments that thwart everything you say, yet you continue to post ignorance and retardation.

Just go away

>> No.2110320

>links insecurity to saying: "so?"

sorry, I am not like you, you can't just project your own shortcomings to me because you usually react that way

>> No.2110327

"everyone has good arguments"

so howcome they are invisible?

either way, I just asked for some explanations and all you kids became massively insecure like you always do when something like that happens

and then I'm the one who thinks highly of himself, haha
you don't see me becoming defensive about certain topics

>> No.2110331

Actually it's the whole 'rabbadabbadabba' thing, it sounds fucking stupid. Good try though.

>> No.2110334

Has anyone else become confused over whos who now?

This is the type of situation that names/tripcodes were designed for. FUCKING USE THEM.

>> No.2110335

oh mommy, it sounds so stupid

however you know that I am just showing why you're so queer, I show my balls by not immediately leaving after spouting out loads of bullshit, and I get all this whining and crying and accusations thrown to me

really now, is this site really just for the hopeless?

>> No.2110338

this thread is chris fatels
EK is chris fatels
my best friend is chris fatels
my worst enemy is chris fatels
fuck why does he always do this???

>> No.2110348

Where did your God come from? Why do you believe in your God? What makes you so sure your God is the right one? Why would your God create and allow such hideous suffering if they are in the position to have never created it and stop it? What exhibition / experiment can you repeat to show that your God is the one true and existing God? What reasons can you give me for the existence of your God that cannot be applied to any other God?

>> No.2110352

sorry, agnostic, can't answer any of those questions

>> No.2110355

Dude, you do realize you're doing EXACTLY what you're claiming I'm doing, right? Psychologically projecting? It's pretty funny.

>> No.2110361

So you believe something, but you don't know why? Do you even think about your thoughts?

>> No.2110362

are you all the people I'm talking about?

oh yes, can only be one desperate retard who thinks I'm wrong at something
something he does not even know or care about, he just doesn't like me

well boohoo

>> No.2110365

what do I believe?

not saying I don't have knowledge, but exactly what do I believe?

>> No.2110368

Alrighty, mr. fucking infallible over here. Never made a mistake, or did anything wrong, ever. Not once. It just doesn't happen.

>> No.2110372

nice that you speak so highly of me
but what do you know, I might have been atheist when I was young as well

>> No.2110378

bye for now

gonna rape EK when I see him again
fucking dumbass who thinks he knows everything

>> No.2110392

Okay, since i can't tell whos who, that hindu guy is fucking retarded.

EK is stupid too, but hes not nearly as retarded as hindu guy.

everyone else is awwwrrright