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2107312 No.2107312 [Reply] [Original]

Let me prelude this by saying this is not intended to be a Christian bashing/flame war thread.

Christian colleges; Are there any quality ones? My brother seems determined to go to one. I'm asking not because I doubt their quality but because I know nothing about them and I don't want my brother to waste his time/money.

I believe he is interested in psychology or pre-nursing.

>> No.2107338

Personally, I would seek a Jesuit-founded universty. The Jesuits attempt to create people who are intellectually and socially competent.

>> No.2107370

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.2107377

I would vote for Jesuit, if you really had to.

A teacher I knew interviewed for a Christian college, and they asked him straight up at his interview, "How will you incorporate faith in your teaching?"

So, my cautionary warning: be wary of Christian inculcations

>> No.2107378

Your brother is a fucking retard who should be wiped off the face of this earth. He is an affront to progress and his refusal to accept Science proves that he'll never amount to anything worthwhile.

>> No.2107390

I've heard Oral Roberts was pretty good.

>> No.2107401
File: 43 KB, 163x170, caw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Brown University


Their website is full of lulz.
> my face when they have a science department in which they teach young earth creationism and try to refute evolution

>> No.2107404

He really isn't a retard... It's not his fault, he has basically been indoctrinated with it since he was little. I know because I was too.


>> No.2107409

He is a grown adult. It is absolutely his fault. He will never succeed in life. The fact that you're standing up for him just proves how weak you are mentally. You're probably a closet christfag, in fact.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2107412

Gonzaga and it happens to be Jesuit

>> No.2107419

There's a series of homeschooling books called A Beka that does the same. They talk about how evolution is actually the opposite of science, something to that effect.

>> No.2107424


>troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Seriously nothing better to do than try and start a flame war on /sci/?

>> No.2107433

You call me a troll because it makes you feel uncomfortable to be confronted with the truth. That attitude proves that x-tian indoctrination is still present in your mind. You are not welcome in any field of Science. Get out.

>> No.2107448

Define "Christian college". Do you mean one that is religiously affiliated, or one that is more like a continuation of a Catholic high school and tries to shove religion down your throat at every opportunity?

Assuming the latter, I don't know of any.

Assuming the former, you'd be surprised how many universities have religious affiliations. The first one that pops to my mind is the one I go to, Emory University. It's definitely quality (consistently ranks in the top 20 in the US and top 100 global) but at the same time the only thing that reminds you that it's supposedly a religious school is the fact that we have a church on campus and a theology department. Beyond that you're never going to run into any institution-sponsored Christianity.

>> No.2107463

I think we'll define Christian college as a school that teaches from a Biblical perspective. I don't know if that helps... Like I said I don't know anything about Christian schools because I had no interest in them when I was looking.

>> No.2107467

My friend teaches classics as a christian college but is not super-religious herself. It's a good college, though it doesn't offer many majors. She's supposed to at some point draw in whatever religious connections to the material to talk about, but she doesn't really see any such connections... so she doesn't. Once she attended a conference at I think a Mormon college and raged because they didn't sell any caffeinated beverages there. I don't know how that's pertinent, but I thought I would share it.

>> No.2107473

I went to both a christian college and a large university. I really enjoyed the christian college. The normal classes were no different, but they required you take a certain number of religion classes, and they had chapel service every day.

>> No.2107476

Where are you located? If you're in WA, Pacific Lutheran University is a pretty good college, expensive as hell though.

>> No.2107485

We live in Oregon, so that may be a possibility.

>> No.2107500

just stay away from unaccredited schools and be sure to do your own research on an individual basis.

Needless to say, there are quality christian schools, of which Notre Dame is legitimately the finest example.

Does denomination concern him? If so, which is he?

>> No.2107508


Hey, so does that mean he was looking at Northwest Christian University? I'm a student at UO and it's like two blocks from campus. It's supposed to be really good, according to the US News ranking. I don't know how much faith (no pun intended) you want to put into that though.

As for an all-around college, has he considered anything like George Fox or UP? GF is a good school, and not ridiculously expensive. And UP is a good school too, though I think they're catholic if he was looking specifically for a protestant school.

>> No.2107511

As far as I can tell, non-denominational. Pretty much the "Jesus loves you and we should tell other people about Him" kind. I'm pretty sure he's a young earth creationist. :/

>> No.2107520

>Hey, so does that mean he was looking at Northwest Christian University?

I think so, I saw some propaganda for it lying around the house. I know my mom wanted me to check it out because "You get $500 off tuition for going to one of the tour days." which is a gigantic fucking red flag for me.

>George Fox

Not, sure I think me may have expressed interest in it.


Probably not, lolcatholic and my mom has heard bad things about it ("Oh noes, the theology professor doesn't present things from a biblical perspective")

>> No.2107524

>I'm pretty sure he's a young earth creationist
Then there's no hope for him. Tell him to attend Oral Roberts University or Glenn Beck University. He'll love it there and they accept everyone no matter how retarded they are.

>> No.2107532

I was in basically the same position at his age... I didn't abandon my Christian ideals until a few months into my first year of college after I had a chance to actually get away from it all, it's constantly pushed on you in my househould and you don't really have a chance to doubt it. This is why I am sympathetic to him.

>> No.2107546


Yeah, it always looked kind of weird. Its campus is extremely small for an actual university, so I just looked at the wikipedia article. They do seem to be accredited and whatnot, but it also looks like it's mainly a divinity school. It also only has like 500 students according to its own website.

George Fox and UP are pretty much the only Christians universities I know of that are definitely on the up and up in Oregon. Most of the religious people I knew went to either of them, and I'm not religious myself, so I never really bothered to lean about any others. Sorry OP.