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2102863 No.2102863 [Reply] [Original]

>10 commandments
>go from 1-10 instead of 0-9
>10th commandment at 11th digit instead of 10th
> Christians believe God is all knowing


>> No.2102881

>doesn't know how to count, the ten commandments are bijection to the set of natural numbers, not whole numbers.
CAPTCHA: gothou yourself

>> No.2102888

>>10th commandment at 11th digit instead of 10th
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.2102892

0-9 = 10 digits
10 = 11th digit

>> No.2102895


Depending on who you ask, the naturals include 0

The construction isn't any different and they don't behave any differently if you exclude/include 0

>> No.2102898

This is dumb..
It can be defined any way you want. It is more natural that the "first" be number 1.
The fact that you can't see this tells me that you are are probably a programmer.

Furthermore, I don't think you know what "digit" means.

BTW: I'm not religious at all.. but wrong, is wrong, regardless of whose side I'm on.

>> No.2102902

Who ever said the commandments go from 1-10?


>> No.2102906

not defending christians but you cant really have a rule 0 :/

>> No.2102907

In the early days of the Hebrews it would have merely confused them to have added a 0, a concept they didn't have at the time. Presuming God must list the commandments from 0-9 to show he's all knowing and would obviously foresee the creation of 0 is absurd.

>> No.2102911

see "zeroth law of thermodynamics"

Although, I still think the OP's point is invalid.

>> No.2102916


>> No.2102931

I bet if we only had one finger in each hand we would have 2 commandments. So much simpler. ;_;

So to explain to OP: we have 10 fingers total, hence 10 commandments. It would make no sense to list commandment number 0 when it implies non-existance or void, at least in a rudimental context such as the one when the bible was written. So if god is responsible for that, he obviously would use the most easy to understand way to spread his word. Derp.

>> No.2102958

data_type varname[10];

1-10 or 0-9

or 0-10 in lesser languages

>> No.2102963

>indexing from 1
>fucking lua
>also Matlab and Mathematica
>fuck all of them