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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 640x480, cannabis-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2099442 No.2099442 [Reply] [Original]

and this is why it should remain illegal

fuck off potheads

>> No.2099449

also cannabis users are obsessed with their drug, doesn't that tell you something?

>> No.2099452

nah brah its not addictive, i just talk it about all the time because i feel like it.

>> No.2099457

LET IT 404

>> No.2099459
File: 16 KB, 220x350, marcemery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be trollin

>> No.2099461


do you see his eyes? that can't be healthy

>> No.2099460

fuck off OP, you think you know better than Sagan?

>> No.2099463


how much science did carl sagan actually?

>> No.2099466

more then you.

>> No.2099467

Its none of your fucking business what substance I choose to put inside my own body, deal with it.



>> No.2099468

carl sagan was a pot head

he did very very little science

cannabis = bad for science

>> No.2099473

he actually the whole science.

>> No.2099474
File: 40 KB, 726x604, trol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why alcohol should be illegal

>> No.2099479
File: 207 KB, 801x411, skier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why skiing should be illegal

>> No.2099483

fuck of ski heads

>> No.2099492

and this is why cars/fire/aeroplanes etc should be illegal.jpg

...point is, just because something has a risk factor associated with it, doesnt give you the right to tell people what to do.
they assess the risk themselves, make their own choice, and live with it.

>> No.2099496

seriously, legalizing would do worse than better

>> No.2099500

just realised I spelt 'skier' wrong. Twice.

>> No.2099504


>> No.2099509
File: 21 KB, 438x400, o_rly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2099514


>> No.2099517

nope, if it is legalied, it can be taxed, money goes to the government, not scumbag dealers.
also, if it is legal, tossers who take it just because 'its cool to be illegal' will be put off, and the rest of us who actually enjoy it for what it is once in a while, are free to live our lives in peace.
it is less harmful to the body than both alcohol and nicotene.
probably some risk...for excessive overuse anyway.

>> No.2100085
File: 50 KB, 450x285, heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in mexico if a politician suggests that it be made legal he can expect to die very soon after the announcement.
that it is illeagal insures it has high street value, when in reality this is only the result of artificial sarcity.
it is the assumption that we must be governed into correct behavior that is to blame for many of societies evils.
i personally feel i know better than my parents and also better than the government that is attempting to hold me down as if i were still a child in their care.
pic related ; too late to legalize it in mexico

>> No.2100101



There you go.

>> No.2100110 [DELETED] 

How much does the drug war cost American taxpayers?

$40 billion per year and climbing. In 2000, the National Drug Control budget exceeds $18 billion(1) and the states will spend upwards of $20 billion more.(2) This is a dramatic increase since 1980, when federal spending was roughly $1 billion and state spending just a few times that.(3) Between FY1991 and FY2000 more than $140 billion(4) has been spent at the federal level to curtail drug abuse, yet drugs remain cheap, easy to obtain and with higher purity levels than before the war on drugs was initiated.

>> No.2100109

Dude, they're two different layers, the 'cannabis-user' appears to be farther towards the front, so of course the cross-section would be smaller...

>> No.2100116 [DELETED] 

What competes with the drug war for budget money?

Education. Because prisons and universities generally occupy the portion of a state's budget that is neither mandated by federal requirements nor driven by population, they often must "fight it out" for funding. As state governments sink millions into corrections to house America's exploding population of incarcerated drug law violators - now nearly 500,000 nationally(5) - education loses.

* From 1987 to 1998 state spending on corrections increased by 30% while spending on higher education decreased by 18.2%.(6)
* State prison budgets are growing twice as fast as spending on public colleges and universities.(7)

>> No.2100119 [DELETED] 

By the government's own standards, are we winning the drug war?

No. Despite the exponential growth in spending on the drug war, illicit drugs are cheaper and purer than they were two decades ago,(8) and continue to be readily available. In addition, according to White House estimates, 57% of Americans in need of drug treatment do not receive it, in spite of its proven cost effectiveness in reducing drug use.(9)

* Between 1981 and 1998, the price of heroin and cocaine dropped sharply while their levels of purity rose.(10)
* According to a 1999 survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, drugs continue to be widely available to America's high school students. Almost 90% of twelfth graders participating in the survey said that marijuana was "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get, over 47% said cocaine was "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get and more than 32% said that heroin was "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get.(11)

>> No.2100120
File: 35 KB, 253x247, headsfloorwriting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got the full text of this
what are they saying?

i get the parts about not killing for pay, not killing women and not killing inocents.
and the bit at the end about devine justice.

>> No.2100134

im not convienced it's not two layers from the same brain with these two lables stuck on by the magnet-car-troll

>> No.2100142

The key point is that they're different layers, so they can't be compared.

>> No.2100150

OP, I can have evidence that every single person in the world that has some sort of brain/mental disease has consumed H2O (street name: Water).

Do you feel that water should be illegal also?

>> No.2100165 [DELETED] 

This is why Marijuana is still illegal. Stupid fucking arguments like this.

>> No.2100163

You're right, dihydrogen monoxide should be made illegal!

- Found extensively in tumors
- Fatal when inhaled
- Causes billions of € in property damage each year
- Major component in acid rain
- May cause severe burns
- Contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect and erosion

One of my all-time favorites...

>> No.2100176

Imagine what the world would be like in the first few days after global legalization. The global economy would be destroyed beyond repair but for a short time everybody would be happy.

>> No.2100182

You're forgetting that all violent criminals, rapists murderers etc, consumed dihydrogen monoxide only a few hours before their crimes.

>> No.2100184
File: 58 KB, 468x683, 1284693365479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erryone gets high
>Sales of cheetos skyrocket
>Erryone gets interested in space again
>70's enthusiasm for galaxy colonisation reborn
>Cheetos team up with NASA to build a moon base with the excess trillion dollar profits generated from corn based snacks and marijuana taxation.

>> No.2100212

Good point there, should add it to the list...

>> No.2100266

Broken bones can be healed
Brain damage from smoking pot in permanant...

>> No.2100275

If you want to cause the decline of civilisation as we know it, be my guest, hedonistic fuck.
Marijuana should only be allowed for medicinal purposes.

>> No.2100276
File: 131 KB, 331x459, 1289511612152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5 star post, man

>> No.2100280

At least it ain't a recreational drug that people regularly use to get high, and it isn't something that you can get from every fucking corner in the street.

>> No.2100281 [DELETED] 

>thinks brain damage occurs with exposure to THC.

>> No.2100295


>> No.2100298
File: 2 KB, 196x171, 1285101439692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pot's not addictive, I can quit any time I want to. I just don't want to.

>> No.2100307 [DELETED] 

There is a difference between abnormality and brain damage.

>> No.2100309

>Implying that inhaling something other than oxygen doesn't kill brain cells by oxygen deprivation no matter how minute.

>> No.2100316 [DELETED] 

Who says cannabinoids have to be inhaled?

>> No.2100317

>tea isnt addictive i just like to drink.
nice logic man.

>> No.2100325 [DELETED] 

You logic, more so lack of, ain't much better.

>> No.2100327


I know they don't. Eating it doesn't pose any problems as far as I know, but most these derps here like to go with the traditional sense of getting it into your body so I did as well.
Could always just extract the THC from the marijuana but I doubt any of them are smart enough to know how.

>> No.2100336

so pot is addictive, because people like to smoke it?

>> No.2100342

>implying smoking it in itself causes any significant brain problems.
i cant believe this board.

>> No.2100358


It does because your brain is getting less oxygen, unless you think the increased brain cell deterioration rate isn't a significant brain problem. Also the fact you'll raise your chances for lung cancer, but that's for inhaling anything pretty much.

>> No.2100363

>Could always just extract the THC from the marijuana but I doubt any of them are smart enough to know how.

Troll, if you could pull that off, there's a position in pharmaceutics waiting for you with a fucking huge salary.

>> No.2100374


You are nitpicking. An adult loses roughly 10,000 brain cells per DAY just by...well, being alive due to natural cell aging. Clearly Life causes brain damage.

>> No.2100380


Not trolling, you guys are just fucking dumb if you don't know how. You can get people to pay more if you sell them the THC instead of the whole bud as well.

>Go to /sci.
>"You must be a fucking scientist to be able to extract shit."
>My face.

>> No.2100406


Do you mean hash or binding the THC with dairy products, or something else?

Because the former two aren't really an extraction

>> No.2100417


No, this is seperate from Canna-butter and everything else. You extract the THC crystals from the pot, somewhat the same way you can extract the pure cocaine from coke.
Can also make DMT from common store materials, though I believe that's more common.

>And I don't even do drugs.

>> No.2100430

LET IT 404

>> No.2100435

treat it like a religion thread?

time to get postin'!

>> No.2100439


You mean extracting the crystalline material off of the bud part? That crystalline material still isn't pure THC, it's a combination of psychoactive chemicals. It would be more potent, yes, but it's not a pure extraction of THC.

>> No.2100442

>Can also make DMT from common store materials

>> No.2100445
File: 25 KB, 317x240, alcohol-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why alcohol should be illegal... Or you know, you could expect people to use with discretion and know what they're getting into, and just, make Marijuana legal too.

>> No.2100448


His sentence was misleading. You can buy all the chemicals needed to create the extraction in common stores, but the source itself is somewhat difficult to get ahold of (a popular source is Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark, which can be legally bought online).

>> No.2100449
File: 12 KB, 208x294, smokers-lung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget cigarettes

>> No.2100455

Might as well make sex illegal too, while we're at it. OP isn't getting any, so it must be hedonistic.

>> No.2100468


>Take pictures of same brain from different parts of the brain
>Label them as two different people

Seriously, look at the shape of the skull, both sets of pictures are not pictures of the same part of the human brain.

>> No.2100483

no shit man, that's what i was making fun of in the troll OP's pic.

>> No.2100531

I remember about a decade ago, now, some kid was explaining to me that marijuana put holes in your brain. His reasoning was thus: He himself used to ingest a bunch of both pot and cocaine. At one point, he had to get an MRI performed of his head. There were holes in his brain that the doctor pointed out to him, and obviously they were the result of marijuana, and not cocaine.

It's amazing what bullshit people think up/let themselves be taught about drugs.

And if there's one thing that I've learned via pot, it's that no matter how smart, intelligent, or well-read you are, you'll still be a fucking moron every once in awhile, and very likely because you know you're intelligent.

Remember, you might always be wrong. Period.

>> No.2100540

stupidity isn't a crime.