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2099104 No.2099104 [Reply] [Original]

Question to those of you who believe in God....which I suspect aren't many in number.

What do you believe God is? Just in your own opinion really there aren't any wrong answers just what you believe.

Before any Hichens or Dawkin wannabes start posting "Hes a being made in the bowls of the Human imagination" and that other shit just please do me a solid and let the comments slide.

So what do you believe God is (for those who believe)

>> No.2099111

a way to escape responsibility and a blanket to protect their fragile minds against the cruel realites of life.

>> No.2099112

God gave us free will.

>> No.2099114

>there aren't any wrong answers
gtfo this is /sci/

>> No.2099116

If a god or gods exist.
He's a lot less malovent than I am.
I would make some kind of anime and then impregnate a women to get reborn in that world and do things they do in anime...

I do have some kind of deja vu...

>> No.2099119
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>> No.2099121

>He's a lot less malovent than I am.
Holy shit! Your bodycount must be in the hundreds of millions!

>captcha: the mormlic
Yeah, lick that mormon good you dirty captcha.

>> No.2099124
File: 9 KB, 203x251, 1267472508855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you believe God is?

I am a dumbfuck with no critical thinking skills

>> No.2099125

More like billions.
With games I always like to fight with only the weakest I'm always fascinated with numbers the bigger the better.
Fighting with 100 units to see 98 of them getting destroyed is so much better than seeing 1 unit steamrolling my enemy.

>> No.2099126

God as concept: In this form, god is described as being something that already exists, but given additional, implicit agency. God is love, for example. God is the universe. This is done because we all accept the existence of love, or the universe, though we may not understand them fully. The problem comes when you have agreed that love exists, and you accept that god may indeed be love, or love may be god, and they try to hang other traits utterly unrelated to love onto it. God is love, if you accept the existence of love you accept the existence of god, AND god made everything and wants certain things.

God as cause/creator: In this form, an unseen god is said to be required for the existence of everything. Everything has a cause, and the cause of the universe is god. The problem here again is that even if you agree that a cause is require, and you accept that this cause may indeed be god, all kinds of other traits that are not implied by the first are added onto god without substantiation. It is logically impossible to conceive of a universe with a creator, we call this creator god, AND he wants you to avoid shellfish.

>> No.2099127

As far as I can tell, being non-religious. He is the creator. He is sentient and capable of anything. He is widely regarded as "good" but personally I think he's a dick, if he is real. Seriously, how can people think he is good? The whole idea of religion is fucked up, when you think about it.

>> No.2099129
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Question to those of you who believe in Unicorns....which I suspect aren't many in number.

What do you believe Unicorn is? Just in your own opinion really there aren't any wrong answers just what you believe.

>> No.2099131

Because it makes me stand out.
Be it negative or positive attention is always good

>> No.2099135

God (capital 'G') is usually taken as the Judeo-Christian concept of Divinity. This 'name' is just a place holder.

Personally, I prefer the concept of "Brahman" (nameless) in that all of energy is all the same, just rearranged. This can also be applicable to consciousness of us humans. The universal energy, or 'Brahman' is just rearranged to form matter into consciousness.

>> No.2099134


The difference is, most people agree on most things about unicorns, they only differ on the minutiae. Most people disagree on the major and minor aspects of god, I have literally never heard a good description of what it is supposed to be.

>> No.2099133

you think you are smart
you actually are not
you failed a question they usually put into iq tests

>> No.2099140

God is the being which may or may not exist.
You'll only find the truth when you close your eyes for the last time and even then you have to pray God isn't a dick.

>> No.2099141

I believe in science and I believe in evolution and I don't follow the bible to the letter.
I'm a very progressive christian
I believe in God because the more I learn about science, the more I find the workings of the world amazing. Also, I'm scared shitless of death so it helps me sleep at night. Believing in God lets me sleep at night without panic attacks

>> No.2099142


My view of God isn't the all powerful super being that you hear the Christians and Muslims ranting about all the time.

Who is is fighting? why is there always a battle? God isn't a warrior hes a concept. Hes just the glue that holds everything together and allows this reality to take form. Its not a matter of right and wrong or here and now its a matter of realizing we exist and that life is the reason.

God isn't the judge or the jury, hes not the sword or the shield hes a light breeze brushing against your face in a warm spring afternoon.

Basically just experience what you can and realizing if God didn't like you then you wouldn't be conscious in the first place.

>> No.2099145

I wonder from time to time of God has any difficulty micromanaging the other life forms on other planets unimaginable distances away, or across infinite timelines/universes.

I can barely micromanage 12 zerglings with 12 hydralisks while trying to keep my hatcheries popping.

>> No.2099146

What he said.

>> No.2099147


It probably helps that literally nothing in the universe requires gods presence or intervention to function.

>> No.2099149

Well,if I was God I would first try out an "endless" orgasm for 10 billion years.

>> No.2099151

I'll try to apply that theory to my game on Fastest Possible Map.

No but srsly, either he's truly all-being, all-knowing, or there aren't any other life forms in the vast reaches of space, or he's just really fucking quick with his hotkeys.

I wonder if the effect of time doesn't apply to the Big Guy so he's able to observe all occurrences before and as they happen

>> No.2099152
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>> No.2099154

I have a dream that one day this board will rise up and live out the true meaning of its rules: "No "religion vs. science" threads."

>> No.2099155


Or there is no reason to think it exists?

>> No.2099159

The reason to think a god exists is simple.
Less stress because you can "ask for help" which means less heart attacks and this is where my capitalistic thoughts come in.
But wasn't it tested believers in a god had less heart attacks,suicides etc.

>> No.2099165


Unless it can be shown that it was due to the existence of god, and not simply due to faith in god, that doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.2099176

The proof of God is all around you, you just have to choose whether to accept it as proof or not.

I believe in God but still refuse to believe that 0.99... = 1

Because it fucking doesn't, bitches

>> No.2099178

God is the Infinite Mind. From this comes everything -- both of the conscious world and of the physical world.

>> No.2099179

It is because of faith in "god".
But it works...

>> No.2099190

It is because of faith in "unicorns".
But it works...

>> No.2099194

As a Deist, I believe in God. I'm not going to elaborate any theological ideas in this thread just so they can be insulted. This board is full of stereotypical angry atheists.

>> No.2099208

To all Christards in this thread: do you believe Adam and Eve literally existed? If not, you're not a fucking Christian. If you can't figure out why, maybe you need to understand your theology a bit better before you start worshiping a flying zombie Jew.

>> No.2099215



The point of this thread is to try and get a straight answer about what god is supposed to be.

Like I said up-thread, I have never heard a good, consistent description.

>> No.2099225

More likely, you've heard many and various internally consistent descriptions from different people but you've chosen to disregard them out of prejudice.

>> No.2099238


I just find that in order to remain compatible with both reality and doctrine, descriptions of god are always vague and distant.

I'd love to hear your idea of god, though.

>> No.2099248

God is just the nothingness that everything relies on to exist. Really, Religion is to try and work it out so we can live harmoniously without a sovereign or leader -- this sometimes involves a monarchy with a wise leader. When you worship God (nothing) you use your wisdom to obey laws and live peacefully whilst abolishing criminals and similars using rules which were wisely created. I believe in God, yet I'm fed by the government -- so I don't really believe in God, I just say I do.

>> No.2099257

God is a man who lives on a mountain in Greece. If you're a good soldier you can definitely wound him with a well-placed spear attack, but I wouldn't recommend it because he gets mad easily. He has the power to make himself invisible by wrapping himself in a cloud, and can travel at great speed in his chariot drawn by flying horses. If you offend him (e.g. by forgetting to offer a hecatomb or by dishonoring his priest), be prepared to be struck down by terrible plagues or get slaughtered by your enemies.

>> No.2099269

God is a great oak in the forest. If you're a bad person you can definitely wound her with an ax, but I wouldn't recommend it because the forest belongs to her. She has the power to make your prey unseen, and turn your spear from its mark. If you offend her (e.g. by forgetting to offer a part of your catch or by taking wood near her), be prepared to be struck down by a falling tree or get set upon by the animals of the forest.

>> No.2099293


This is why paganism is stupid. At least the monotheistic God doesn't have all these completely arbitrary attributes.

>> No.2099298

Creator being, supremum of power, center of all ethical and moral issues (ie, to the materialist, the centeral question is physical sensation, pleasure or abscene of pain. Central question is what our purpose and role ascribed by God is).

>> No.2099312


No, they just have attributes so subtle and vague you can barely describe them at all.

I suppose there's a reason the only belief system for which we ever have genuine proof for is also the only one we all stop believing in eventually. Santa Claus.

>> No.2099313

powerful computer that runs this freaky, freaky program called the Universe

>> No.2099314

Yep, instead the monotheistic god has all attributes so he gets to be internally contradictory.

>> No.2099323

nice straw man

>> No.2099340


All descriptions of god are a strawman until someone comes up with a description that has both semiotic content and general consensus.

>> No.2099349

You're just arbitrarily redefining terms (e.g. "straw man"). I'll ignore the irony that meanwhile you talk about "semiotic content and general consensus." I'll also ignore the admitted fact that you rape babies where "comes up with" in your posts means "provides babies for me to rape." I will neither provide you any babies to rape nor credit your argument.

>> No.2099366


Okay, I was being a bit clunky with language. But that doesn't change the fact that there is no clear definition of god, or that any gods with clear definitions so far are also clearly non-existent.

This means, in practice, that if an anyone tries to criticise a god concept, they are more than likely attacking a straw man. This is the situation that exists until they hear whatever definition or description of god that their opponent or audience holds to.

Shades of 'No True Scotsman', and all that.

>> No.2099376

Report and sage for non-science thread.