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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2098619 No.2098619 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see how long it takes /sci/ to solve this!
Answer doesn't need to be exact and can/should contain radicals

>> No.2098621


>> No.2098622

give me a minute

>> No.2098627

its a race between /sci/ and /b/ lol i wonder who will win

>> No.2098629

if /b/ wins i am going to bed.

>> No.2098633

smaller length = 5.7 (approx)
larger length = 8.7 (approx)

>> No.2098636

lol. cant use calculator. Answer has to be in radical from this is a algebra question

>> No.2098639


my bad misread the question
smaller length = 1.34 (approx)
larger length = 5.68 (approx)

>> No.2098643

you misread it once again....

>> No.2098649


dude that's 14 year old maths.

fucking pain to type out.

smaller length = (-12 + 2sqrt[161])/10

longer length is 2*that + 3, i can't be fucked

seriously i did this shit when i was 14

>> No.2098657


er, no i didn't. despite the question being fucking stupidly worded, you let one piece = x and the other piece = 2x + 3

x^2 + (2x + 3)^2 = 109

and solve from there

>> No.2098668

i cant believe /b/ won.... guys im sorry if i worded it wrong but its not a question where you solve for the exact answer.... answer MUST include radicals...

>> No.2098674


protip dude, radicals (otherwise and better known as surds) are for 12 year old middle-schoolers.

your shitty homework's already been done, make sure to pack your lunchbox for school tomorrow

>> No.2098676

U mad because you lost?

>> No.2098677

u mad?

>> No.2098683

U mad brah

>> No.2098684

hey /sci/fag, the rules were clearly posted by OP ( who is a faggot as always) . Sorry you probably wasted 20 minutes doing something thats for 12 year olds and still couldnt get it right.....

- /b/

>> No.2098686

Here you go:

x = <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{12 + \sqrt{2144}}{10}[/spoiler]
y = <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{24 + 2\sqrt{2144}}{10} - 3[/spoiler]

>> No.2098689
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wrong fag is still wrongfag....

>> No.2098690


i think he mad

>> No.2098693

Try asking /b/, i hear they are good at that stuff

>> No.2098694
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>> No.2098697

Yeah man, not ten minutes ago they solved a question within ten minutes that /sci/ couldn't get right after half an hour.

>> No.2098698



>> No.2098701
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and still can't get......

>> No.2098702


>> No.2098704

Maybe someone should link the /b/ thread, so these poor guys can learn something about maths.

Really I don't know why OP went to /sci/ first, this is just middle school stuff and the /sci/entists are really struggling.

>> No.2098705

Ok here:

x = <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{-12 + \sqrt{2144}}{10}[/spoiler]
y = <span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{-24 + 2\sqrt{2144}}{10} + 3[/spoiler]

>> No.2098706
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solve this /sci/

x > /sci/

>> No.2098711

x² + y² = 109

x = (y*2) + 3

there you go, /sci/fags

>> No.2098713

dude seriously..... stop using calculators.... its ALGEBRA. If you were to do that without a calculator you would get it.

that was an easy one: /b/

>> No.2098714

(2sqrt(134)-6)/5 and (4sqrt(134)+3)/5
What do I win?

>> No.2098715



>still in grade 9 at school

tell me this bro, what's the square root of -2?

>> No.2098719

>not symbolic

My brain is full of fuck.

>> No.2098720

SQRT(2) * i.

No need to thank me, I'm just happy to help you /sci/fags out. I know this is complicated stuff to you.

>> No.2098722

err I did not use a calculator. If I used a calculator I would have written:


>> No.2098723


rounded down

>> No.2098728


>> No.2098733

Go back to your cp/ gore/ baww threads now and thanks for your help.

>> No.2098734

<span class="math">\sqrt{2}i[/spoiler]

because /b/tards can't TeX

>> No.2098736

>please leave, you're hurting our sense of superiority :(:(

>> No.2098738
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because using tex makes you soooooo special and sophisticated

>> No.2098741
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>> No.2098751

u mad, broski?