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2097422 No.2097422 [Reply] [Original]

Youngfag here I'm atheist family is mega Muslim.
Tell them or not?
What do?

>> No.2097426

Tell them. Honestly, what is the worst that could happen. They're your family...if they don't still love you, they're not worth it.

>> No.2097425

You are the worst type of person on 4chan.

>> No.2097427

got image off google. To lazy to find good res. <3

>> No.2097428

higher res you little faggot

>> No.2097431

If you declare apostasy, won't they kill you?

>> No.2097437

First, tell them you are gay. Then as they panic, be all like "No just kidding, I am not gay."

They will be so relieved that when you tell them you are an atheist they won't care.

>> No.2097446

Have fun getting stoned to death.

I would be anxious too if I were in your shoes Rauggl.

>> No.2097447

Do you live in an Islamic country where apostasy can be legally punishable by death?

If so: probably not.

Otherwise go ahead and do it.

Though if you still live with them then it might be better if you wait until you are on your own unless you are sure they wouldn't disown you.

>> No.2097451

That's what I was thinking. To be honest I fucking hate my family anyway. So I'll prolly tell them the day I graduate from college. Being middle eastern and shit my parents are crazy about grades. Then I'll marry some hot white chick and post nudes of her.

>> No.2097472
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>> No.2097501
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>> No.2097509

OP here any of you motherfuckers want to tell me what you did?

>> No.2097541


taking the hypothetical poster at face value, I had the great fortune to be raised by an atheist father who's not a dick about it, and a Lutheran mother (Lutheranism is one of the most mellow branches of Christianity). So I never needed to have this conversation.

>> No.2097552

I am from Saudi Arabia. My entire family are super muslim.

I don't want ANYTHING to do with islam as I realize it is something a 7th century crazy bandit came up with to aquire bitches power and wealth.

Would I tell my family that I am atheist?


You know what happens when you do that. While they DO love you they will have to kill you or they will be without honor.

So do what I do. MOVE AWAY!

If you live at home and/or are dependant on them then keep your mouth shut.

Pray 5x a day if they are watching you otherwise just give it lip service.

Save up, get a good job and MOVE AWAY from them.

I am serious. Someone in your family will think "I will get to heaven if I kill you" and will gladly slit your throat for a guarantee at heaven.

So stay safe my friend. Know what you are inside but mask that around family until you are able to take care of yourself.

>> No.2097569


Holy shit man, that must have been awful.

My parents are generic christfags, non fundie. I didn't have to go through much more than a few condescending remarks about "going through a phase".

>> No.2097580

Depending on where you live they just might kill you, OP.

>> No.2097611


OP, even if your family loves you they are required by their faith to murder you if you declare apostasy. Failure to do so will make them infidels themselves.

So either they have to kill you or they have to give up their faith.

This will either result in your death or a chain reaction of unfaithfulness until the chain reaches someone who IS willing to perform honor killings.

>> No.2097616

if you tell them they will kill you

>> No.2097651

We live in the USA and my parents are already pretty abusive. I'ma go with you guys.