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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 148 KB, 550x418, some-god-of-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2095153 No.2095153 [Reply] [Original]

40 % of americans believe in God and think that evolutionism is false.

Creationism is taught at the university.

How is this possible?

>> No.2095156

Because god hates you.

>> No.2095157

I like how he's shaking is fist at the sky as if anyone's listening.

I also like the character's false sense of entitlement. He seems to genuinely believe he deserves to have what he wants.

>> No.2095158
File: 10 KB, 172x148, biblehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How indeed?

>> No.2095161


>Creationism is taught at the university

Not at any respectable university, thats for sure.

>> No.2095162

because christians lie to children

>> No.2095163

Actually, best universities are in USA, ironic.


>> No.2095165

I'll stick with my university that doesn't teach creationism kthxbye.

>> No.2095171

Well, maybe it isn't respectable, but it's taught in university, and that's the point. How can a non-scientific theory be taught as if it was true? Creationism over evolution at the pint that evolution is false? What the fuck is wrong with those teachers?

>> No.2095172

Your university doesn't teach creationism, but other do.

Doesn't it make you fell bad?

>> No.2095178

Our own scientists have become capable of editing lifeforms, which is a precursor step to creating life from scratch.

Once we prove that is possible, there is no reason not to believe that everything on our planet was created by advanced extraterrestrial life.

When we create life and use it to seed planets far away from us, I wonder if they will have these discussions too.

>> No.2095184

Not the same idea life-maker than almighty being.

>> No.2095188

We've already discovered evolution, yet people still deny it. Being able to make life will be no different.

>> No.2095193

Nah man.
I'm fine really. Not jelly or anything.

>> No.2095194

Makes me wonder: What is a more efficient method to give life? Creation or evolution?

>> No.2095206

Creation is a non-reproducible experiment. We'll never know!
At least creationism is still a moving science. After revealing the mystery of life to the world, creationists are now moving to the hard question of the creation of God. I expect ground-breaking revelations in the next 10 years.

>> No.2095210

The revelation that God isn't real?

>> No.2095212

Evolution, all it takes is a few bacteria.
Creationism on the other hand, needs two of every animal

>> No.2095215


Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries of our time.

>> No.2095218

They already dismissed that hypothesis. It doesn't make much sense obviously or who would be Jesus' father? The postman?
We may be onto something.

>> No.2095221

>let's teach both theories and let students decide which they think is the truth
That's not how school works. Why would you let people choose whatever's convenient for them and take it as science?

The best proof of evolution- the presence of asians and niggers.

>> No.2095222

Okay, you're a troll. It all makes sense now. Continue.

>> No.2095230

We may conclude that there was no Jesus just like creationists ALL agree that there is no Allah. Hilarious.

>> No.2095231

>yfw in my country I do NOT get indebted to get taught esoterica bullshit as science

>> No.2095269

Not creationism in the biblical sense, but a bunch of scientists in a lab developing an organism to survive in a specific environment.

Vs. however many thousands/millions of years to get an organism naturally evolved to survive in that environment.

>> No.2095289

BULLSHIT, no university in america teaches creationism unless is for disproving it scientifically.

If you do so, you would have no grants, no endowment, nothing. so its bullshit.

that video is a fucking high school btw

>> No.2095298


>Creationism is taught at the university.
>at the university.

You know, The University of America or U of A, the only university in America.

>> No.2095308


Apparently they didn't teach you much grammar either.

>> No.2095337

Why can't we just put all the scientific, intelligent people in one corner of the country, the rest in another, wait 100 years, and see who's living in floating cities and who's in mud huts?

>> No.2095345
File: 197 KB, 599x800, futurescape3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There used to be a tripfag who pretended he was from a future exactly like that.

Haven't seen him post in months, though. This is the image he used on threads.

>> No.2095363
File: 41 KB, 637x343, 1283791324088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creationism is taught at the university.
If adult idiots are listening willingly to bullshit, that's one thing.

But brainwashing children is simply unforgivable. Check vid:

These poor kids could have become great scientist or at least decent human beings one day.

>> No.2095376
File: 64 KB, 469x386, WHAT!!! FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bible is the history book of the universe

>> No.2095383

I remember futureguy. It was a fucking dystopia. If you weren't in an atmospherically sealed, utopian hab-sphere, you were eking out a life in third-world conditions in the Capital Wasteland.

>> No.2095387
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>When you look at the bible, scientific evidences

Poor people.

>> No.2095400
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>> No.2095404
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>> No.2095409


Seems like we're already kinda moving in that direction.

>> No.2095421
File: 11 KB, 450x355, clinton_laughing..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held my laughter until that woman started talking about the flood. I can't take anyone who believes a 100% literal interpretation of the flood seriously.

>> No.2095436

poor kid

his parents brought him to a room full of lunatics and this is his facial expression when his brain shut itself off to avoid further damage.

>> No.2095496
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>> No.2095506

new meme

>> No.2095508
File: 9 KB, 563x148, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2095511

Oh god I lol'd.

>> No.2095525

god blatantly doesnt exist, if you believe, you are a fucking retard who is wasting only 1 life.

enjoy fucktards.

>> No.2095535
File: 6 KB, 292x153, 1283789932070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I mean.. did your grandfather look like that?"

oh the irony!

>> No.2095552
File: 670 KB, 400x283, cdedb75562fe1009cb574f8aa4297ba6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here


>> No.2095564


it's one thing to believe in something because you've had time and experience to make a decision, it's a whole 'nother thing to have something pounded into your skull from the day you're born.

brainwashing is bad, mmmkay

>> No.2095579
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>Bob Jones University

>> No.2095583
File: 151 KB, 635x477, problem evolutionists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2095587



This is a book they use at some "Christians" Universities

>> No.2095590
File: 1.68 MB, 400x212, jesus_camp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this video...

Jesus Camp all over again..

>> No.2095605


>"When the Moon came into being, were there any people there to get facts through their senses? Then do all our ideas about where the Moon came from rest on science or faith? What anyone believes about the beginning of things rests on faith, not science. Hebrews 11:3 says that "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God"

.................shit. I am speechless

>> No.2095608
File: 45 KB, 497x315, state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what fills the brainwashing void even if you completely remove religion.

>> No.2095613


That woman is the new anti-queen of /sci/!

>> No.2095619
File: 78 KB, 882x789, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheists checkmate!

>> No.2095625


I challenge the notion that there is such a void. The modern atheist movement is not in any way Communist. We get more libertarians by far than socialists, but it's a pretty diverse mixture overall.

If you're saying everyone needs some larger purpose to their life, sure, but it's not always a religion. There's also business, political movements, personal projects and so on.

>> No.2095657

cross out the mass, speed of light is energy, bowling ball,
just saying, you can' t top that

>> No.2095669

brainwashing and propaganda do work. decline, u.s. and a., decline

>> No.2095693
File: 83 KB, 490x538, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has any human being always been there? Yes or no?
>No. Has any scientist always been there?
>No. Who's the only one who's always been there?
>God! Who knows everything?
>So, in a big loud voice, who should you always trust first, God or the scientist?
>God! And I want you to remember that!

all. my. hate.

>> No.2095695

Rock cycle on earth. only tiny meteors crash into earth. - Granite is formed by volacanoes and huge pressures under tectonic plates, such things don't exist on the moon.

Moon gets hammered by meteors bringing in alien compounds which won't reside on earth in nearly any abundance.

'nuff said.

>> No.2095715


>> No.2095717

So many logical fallacies in Ken Hams argument. I didn't think that much derp was possible, but I believe he has created a derp singularity.

>> No.2095720

> Creationism is taught at the university.

lol what university?

> http://www.bjupress.com/about/look-inside-science-4.php
> This is a book they use at some "Christians" Universities

That's not a college-level book, bro. That's tenth-grade reading level, at best. There's no way you're not trolling.

>> No.2095749
File: 297 KB, 641x480, 1283791010213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why he's targeting children with his bullshit, they usually believe anything adults say without questioning it.

>> No.2095755



Bob Jones University

see the "bjupress" part of that link? It means Bob Jones Press.

That book is taught at that University. And no, I am not trolling

>> No.2095761


In that case, I mad.

>> No.2095765
File: 8 KB, 212x159, 2582279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creationism is taught at the university.
Actually, absolutely no university (at least in America) teaches creationism or intelligent design because its illegal. It was determined by a supreme court justice that it is not science.

>40% of Americans believe in god and think that evolution is false.
How is this possible? It happened. People aren't educated. End of story.

>> No.2095767


But but but...

The BJU Press main page says "books for all ages" on it.

>> No.2095773

> illegal

It's not illegal.

There are private universities, and they can do whatever the hell they want. Maybe it would be illegal in a public high school, but not necessarily a university.

Obviously, though, the universities that do teach creationist science are the same ones that give out worthless degrees that won't get you a job in any field of science.

>> No.2095779


actually you are both right. I went to check the sources. I got confused because they were a "Bob Jones University" book, but the books aren't used in their universities

my mistake

>> No.2095785


BJU isn't a real university. It's a white supremacist camp.

Technically, it's accredited. But that speaks poorly of the accrediting body, not highly of BJU.

>> No.2095794
File: 41 KB, 658x747, jew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this possible?

>> No.2095800


according to wikipedia

In May 1975, as it prepared to allow unmarried blacks to enroll, BJU adopted more detailed rules prohibiting interracial dating and marriage—threatening expulsion for any student who dated or married interracially, who advocated interracial marriage, who was "affiliated with any group or organization which holds as one of its goals or advocates interracial marriage," or "who espouse, promote, or encourage others to violate the University's dating rules and regulations."[93] In a 2000 interview, the then-president, Bob Jones III, said that interracial dating had been prohibited since the 1950s and that the policy had originated in a complaint by parents of a male Asian student who believed that their son had "nearly married" a white girl.[94]

>> No.2095808
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1287720270560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't say I'm surprised

>> No.2095809

I vote yes to proposition intelligence segregation. Now, you know that would mean that essentially all technological innovations past a certain point would be completely alien to the lower class.

for all we know it already happened and the better part of earth genetics is conquering space-time somewhere.

>> No.2095810



>> No.2095824

here is an important point a lot of people are missing. regardless of intelligence, if someone is continuously and consistently brainwashed, it is unlikely they'll break free without some outside intervention to break the control.

It's like a hacked computer. It's excellent faculties are compromised no matter how good the computer is. And sorry, but yes, humans are pretty easily programmable if you control their environment and conditioning, like any other animal.

>> No.2095826



Transcript of an interview with Larry motherfucking King

"JONES: Well, being a Bible believing institution, Larry, we try to base things on Bible principle. The problem we have today is that our principle is so greatly misunderstood. People think we don't let them date because we are racist, in other words to be racist you have to treat people differently. We don't. We don't let them date, because we were trying, as an example, to enforce something, a principle that is much greater than this."

"We stand against the one-world government, against the coming world of anti-Christ, which is a one world system of blending, of all differences, of blending of national differences, economic differences, church differences, into a big one ecumenical world. The Bible is very clear about this"

"We said, you know, way back years ago, when we first had a problem, which was -- by the way, we started this principle, back in the mid-'50s, I was a college student at BJU at the time and it was with an Asian and Caucasian is -- we didn't even have black students for another 15 years. So it was not put there as a black thing, I think people need to understand that."

>> No.2095888
File: 18 KB, 250x230, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw Bob Jones University
> "The Physics major provides preparation for a career as a physicist or physical scientist, and it lays the foundation for the pursuit of graduate studies in special areas such as astrophysics, medical physics and others. It offers theoretical, laboratory and observational studies of the physical nature of the universe dealing with the behavior of matter, radiation and motion. While offering scientific and philosophical refutation of the theory of evolution, our program teaches each course within a Biblical creationist framework. This program requires 40 hours in the major."
> implying any graduate school would accept anyone with a science degree from BJU
> implying a "philosophical refutation of the theory of evolution" is even remotely related to physics


They're trying way too hard to piss me off.

>> No.2095890


...They're literally anti-unity.

>> No.2095892


Forgot link to this madness: http://www.bju.edu/academics/majors/viewmajor.php?id=1152&p=0

Also, triples. Check 'em.

>> No.2095906


>we were trying, as an example, to enforce something, a principle that is much greater than this.

the principle of white supremacy

>we didn't even have black students for another 15 years.

>didn't have black students

Again, white supremacy

>> No.2095918

I'm sure the only reason they have black students now is that the federal government would shut them down if they denied a black person entry.

but seriously who the hell would want to be black or any other race and attend that fucking crackpot school

>> No.2095932


Have you seen their rules?

# Posters of movie and music stars and fashion models are not permitted. The subjects of personal photos should not exhibit immodesty or inappropriate physical contact.
# Music must be compatible with the University’s music standards: New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted. Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).
# Televisions, DVD/videotape players and headphones are not permitted in the residence halls; computer DVD players may not be used to view movies.
# You may not possess or play computer and video games rated T, M, A, or E10, or having elements of blood and gore, sensual or demonic themes, or featuring suggestive dress, bad language, or rock music.
# Due to space considerations, appliances such as mini-refrigerators and microwaves are not permitted in residence hall rooms. A refrigerator and microwaves are provided in each residence hall.
# Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.

>> No.2095959

Okay, so BJU is a joke.

But does any other university teach creationism? I think not, unless there's another fake "university" out there.

>> No.2095962

the fuck? who would ever want to go there?

>> No.2095963


Man, I almost want to go to that Uni. Just imagine all those bible freak chicks hungry for cock.

>> No.2095968
File: 93 KB, 488x516, nofunrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Children who were brainwashed into thinking that fun is a sin and science is the devil.

>> No.2095971

sounds like where control freaks send their brainwashed prodgeny so they stay brainwashed.

Can you IMAGINE what kind of people the students are? lol

>> No.2095975


And those rules are just the tip of the iceberg.

It's a cult. Not a place of higher education.

>> No.2095985
File: 58 KB, 260x180, 080410aacs_candids-19-cr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the token "ethnic" student obviously

but all in all, those girls look decent. I'd stick my dick in their virgin, dry vaginas

>> No.2095988
File: 61 KB, 600x600, wtf_am_i_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music must be compatible with the University’s music standards
>computer DVD players may not be used to view movies
>You may not possess or play computer and video games rated blablabla.. (pretty much bans every video game)
>Residence hall students...may not attend movie theaters.

I'm quite sure people have more freedom in fucking prisons.

>> No.2095993


I wouldn't go for the religious girls. They might be starved for sex but they're too fucked up to want it.

If they're anything like my ex-girlfriend, they'll wait until you're about to have sex before telling you that they have no intentions of having sex. Actually, I take it back. My ex-girlfriend let me get to third base. The girls at this college, on the other hand, are probably so overcome with religious guilt that they wouldn't even hold your hand, for fear of spending an eternity in hell.

>> No.2095999
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>> No.2096009

I thought my halls of residence were going too far when they tried to ban illegal drugs (actually, security would just confiscate a bit as a bribe, the only guy I knew who ran afoul of this rule was a heroin junkie that started pissing and shitting all over the floor) and fireworks.

>> No.2096019
File: 10 KB, 247x248, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw a university that teaches young-earth creationism actually lists geophysics as a career option on their physics major page


>> No.2096020

that's awesome, what school? I'm imagining the opposite of this control freak shit, I'm picturing some little slum school in a ghetto, lol

hey i'm just saying. hell it's probably better than BSU

>> No.2096029

holy SHIT


#Men's hair is required to be traditionally styled with a conservative cut. Hair must not be colored or highlighted and is not permitted to be shaved, shelved, tangled or spiked.
#Sideburns may not reach past the center of the ear. It is recommended that men be clean-shaven at all times.
#Men may not wear earrings, necklaces, or bracelets of any kind.
#No hats are allowed indoors except in the gymnasium.
#Tattoos and body piercings are forbidden.
#"Abercrombie & Fitch and its subsidiary Hollister have shown an unusual degree of antagonism to the name of Christ and an unusual display of wickedness in their promotions. In protest, we will not allow articles displaying their logos to be worn, carried, or displayed (even if covered or masked in some way).
#Morning dress consists of the following: dress shirt (no denim or chambray) with tie, dress or ironed casual pants (no jeans, cargo, carpenter, or sloppy pants), dress or leather casual shoes. Sweaters should show shirt collar and tie knot. No sweatshirts are allowed.
#Afternoon dress will include a collared shirt (no crew necks), neat casual pants, dress or casual shoes (no slippers or sandals). #Socks should be above the ankle, and sweatshirts or sweaters are permitted.
#Sunday dress requires a coat, tie, dress shirt, dress shoes, dress or dressier casual pants.
#Recreation and work dress may include jeans and t-shirts. Sleeveless athletic shirts may be worn during indoor activities only. #Shorts may be worn at athletic facilities but not as spectators at sporting events. Socks are required at all times.

>> No.2096047


did somebody say Tesla coil?

>> No.2096050

University of Reading

>> No.2096055

Forget the dictates about hair, but I fucking love that dress code. I wish people still had de facto uniforms at Academic Institutions.

>> No.2096063

>no one has ever felt electricity
Try telling that to someone who has been tased, or received any kind of shock.

>> No.2096065


holy fuck

what page did you find this on?

>> No.2096070



>> No.2096085

and now, imagine those people take over the usa. happy tea party..

>> No.2096086

These people absolutely must be exterminated as soon as possible and by any means necessary.

>> No.2096087


Oh that one? I must have missed it the first time.

>> No.2096090


you can't see the electricity chapter in the preview, you can only see the entire first chapter.

read it, you will lolz/rage.

>> No.2096107
File: 240 KB, 720x480, 1289113505747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be fucking time

>> No.2096233

The reason why we will never get rid of retarded people:


>> No.2096267

I hope you're not the one who said "It took me a few years of wondering why humans weren't evolving anymore to realise that it was that we had gotten rid of natural selection.

We need to bring back some selection of some sort as soon as possible. Hopefully people will be forced to take very hard test or else have their genitalia removed. That seems fair to me.

Because that's hilariously stupid.

>> No.2096274

so true

funny and frightening at the same time

>> No.2096284

>I hope you're not the one who said...

Nope, wasn't me.

>> No.2096322


I realise the irony of what I am about to type, but DEAR EVERLOVING CHRIST.

>> No.2096339
File: 131 KB, 800x600, 1278875916008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he doesn't have a point (even if he's kind of an idiot himself for coming up with ridiculous ideas like cutting off genitalia)

in case of some people, child birth should be strictly regulated

>> No.2096366


No, that wasn't me. I recognize evolution is still occurring.

>> No.2096377

One would certainly, certainly hope so.

>> No.2096390
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1284413179968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you answer >>2096267 when it was clearly addressed to me and I already answered (>>2096284).


>> No.2096399
File: 6 KB, 190x157, 1284718362852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurofag here, we fucking hate gypsies!

>> No.2096440
File: 24 KB, 301x222, 1289944234960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow eurofag here

who doesn't!?

>> No.2096486


That just makes me feel sick to my stomach.

>> No.2096589

That was me check out this video for some of my other brilliant ideas.


>> No.2096624

how could a flood be metaphorical?

>> No.2096646

ask the author.

>> No.2096652


that's actually lower than what I'd expect it to be.

>> No.2096657


The authors meant it literally.

You're the one who claims it's a metaphor, so explain your metaphor.

>> No.2096894


this made me so happy.

>> No.2096994


Granite: Requires tectonic activity to form near the surface, which the moon does not have. Lunar composition at lower depths is unknown.
Armalcolite: Found on Earth
Pyroxferroite: Found on Earth
Tranquilityite: Found on Earth, associated with Pyroxferroite

Science phoned in from thirty years in the future. It says it wants to see a stronger effort on your part towards keeping up.

>> No.2098577
File: 224 KB, 730x469, boxxy52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread needs moar boxxy

>> No.2098610

>This is what fills the brainwashing void even if you completely remove religion.

This is what Americans actually believe.

The three happiest most peaceful and least corrupt countries in the world are Norway, New Zealand and Sweden.

All of them are (a) majority atheist and (b) not authoritarian states.

>> No.2098615
File: 11 KB, 180x231, 1267858543958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creationism is taught at the university.


>> No.2098617

>The three happiest most peaceful and least corrupt countries

This is misleading, the correlation is the other way around. Being happy and prosperous means you have less need for religion.

Religion is like a painkiller, people will use it when they're down on their luck.

The best way to spread atheism is to make people happier. Notice that all three of these countries have big welfare states. America doesn't, and so Americans are unhappy, and so Americans are religious.

>> No.2098623

first i don't know where you are getting your stats.
second in response to you picture death was actually a consequence of man's choice to sin, so blaming God if you believe in him makes no sense. Before Adam and eve ate from the tree of wisdom there was no death

>> No.2098624

also creationism isn't taught in our colleges unless it's a christian school or a religion class

>> No.2098625
File: 24 KB, 375x601, 004b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creationism is taught at the university.
>How is this possible?

Well, you are a troll posting bullshit. Happens all the time...DURRR

>> No.2098626

>Notice that all three of these countries have big welfare states. America doesn't, and so Americans are unhappy, and so Americans are religious.

Hence the Religious Right. They're drumming up sales for their megachurches by destroying America.

>> No.2098635

>Private Universities
>Can teach whatever they like

So where did that one chap get his PhD in Bible Study now?

>> No.2098800

fundamentalism of any kind is on the rise. the wealthy times are over. america will fail. i can hear china laughing..

>> No.2098809
File: 73 KB, 600x265, samuel_l__jackson_pulp_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am american and get to watch the downfall out our society because the fundementalist fucked it all up

>> No.2098840

>Creationism is taught at the university.
>40 % of americans believe in God and think that evolutionism is false.

You almost answered it yourself!

>> No.2098846
File: 38 KB, 317x233, 1289682051462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dieing, I can't breath anymore. Thanks a lot, I have lost faith in the peoples general ability to superseed superstition.

>> No.2098892

chinese govt knows how to deal with fundamentalists..
you can learn from china. adopt or decline.

>> No.2098914

I am american, I think we could actually take a few lessons from china regarding fundementalist!

>> No.2098928

if grorious Peopre's Repubric is treating budhists rike shit... how wourd they be dearing with gunfreak Christian fundamentarists?

>> No.2098941

At the least, torture the shit out of them, "re-educate" them. That is pretty much the only way to deal with people that are so brainwashed (religious people).

At the most, kill them.

Its a win-win situation!

>> No.2098944
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>> No.2098947

you just can´t discuss with fundamentalists of any kind. they will lead it always to their constructed infaillable doctrine. the massive rise of indoctrination in diverse forums is a sign. they got money. they want power. there has to be a reaction or..
so why are they allowed to spread their slab here? is moot sleeping?

>> No.2098948

You are fucking evil. It is usually a side effect of having a tiny dick.

>> No.2098964

Nope, I got a massive cock. Ask your mom if you don't believe me.

>> No.2098965
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>> No.2098966

tiny dick > unused dick because sex is a sin

>> No.2098972


You're a bad person and you should feel bad.

>> No.2098977
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>torture the shit out of them

mfw a "re-education officer" in the Peoples republics of China is the funiest job in the world

>> No.2098978
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>> No.2098979
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What's bad about saying that the religious should be "re-educated". It is a mental disease you know. Belief in imaginary friends is a psychological disorder.....DURRRR.

>> No.2098981
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>> No.2098985
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I c what you did there.
You pressed the WIN button.

>> No.2099501

why are those troll threads so successful?

inb4 because faggots like you bump them

>> No.2099530

Universities offer people the chance to take Creationism.
It's not like they force people to believe in god, so as far as I'm concerned, the only people who deserve shit for the class are the people who take it/teach it.

>> No.2099548



1) because faggots like you and me bump them
2) because atheists on 4chan are extremely insecure about themselves
3) because religious people on 4chan are extremely insecure about themselves
4) because stupid children always respond to obvious trolls, and there are a lot of stupid children on this site

>> No.2099552

>creationism taught at the university
lolwut? i go to a bumfuck nowhere, shitty college in the South and i have never heard that.

>> No.2099563
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>> No.2100048

OP here, not a troll lulz

>> No.2100225
File: 40 KB, 514x514, Flying_Spaghetti_Monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is still alive!? Wow.

>> No.2100232

Oh great flying spaghetti monster, touch me with your noodly appendage's.

>> No.2100246
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>with your noodly appendage's

With my noodly appendage's what?

Finish your sentence and I'll see what I can do.

>> No.2100278

pastafarian master race reporting in

>> No.2100345


pastafarianism is actually really relevant to this thread

the guy who came up with the idea got pissed when they started teaching intelligent design in public schools as an alternative to evolution, and that's why he started the whole parody religion

>> No.2100464
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