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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 132 KB, 725x275, 1264538922527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2088006 No.2088006 [Reply] [Original]

An infinite amount of mathematicians walk into a pub. The first one asks for a beer, the second asks for half a beer, the third for one quarter of a beer. The barman looks down the infinite line of mathematicians, thinking his going to be there forever (literally) and then he gets a brainwave and... pours two beers.

A mathematician, a physicist and a biologist are sitting at a coffee shop watching pedestrians. They observe two people enter an empty building but later on three people exit.
The physicist; 'The measurement wasn't accurate
'The biologist; 'They must have reproduced
'The mathematician; 'If one more person enters the building it will be ...empty again'

A biologist, a mathematician and a logician are on a tour through Scotland. They notice a black sheep.
The biologist: "Scottish sheep are black"
The mathematician: "At least one Scottish sheep is black"
The logician: "At least one Scottish sheep is black on one side

Some helium floats into a bar and the bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve noble gases here" The helium doesn't react.

All the numbers went to a party but they didn't mingle as intended, the evens stayed with evens and odds with odds. Whilst Two was chatting to Four he noticed Zero was on his own in the corner and suggested to Four that since Zero was sort of even he should join the even numbers. Four agreed. So Two went to invite Zero into their little group. "Would you like to join our little group" Two asked, to which Zero replied "I have nothing to add"

The number 1 is the sluttiest number because it goes into everything

>> No.2088007

An engineer a physicist and a mathematician volunteer for a psych experiment. They are given separate rooms in a fancy hotel. When they are all asleep, a small pyrotechnic device starts a fire in a waste basket in each rooms and the fire alarm sounds.
The engineer wakes up, find the fire extinguisher and spays down the entire room, eventually putting out the fire.
The physicist grabs the fire extinguisher, does some calculations in his head and uses a squirt just enough to put out the fire.
The mathematician wakes up, sees the fire extinguisher, says "a solution exists", and goes back to sleep.

A physicist and a mathematician sitting in a faculty lounge. Suddenly, the coffee machine catches on fire. The physicist grabs a bucket and leaps towards the sink, fills the bucket with water and puts out the fire. The second day the same two people are sitting in the same lounge. Again, the coffee machine catches on fire. This time, the mathematician stands up, gets a bucket and hands it to the physicist, thus reducing the problem to a previously solved one.

A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer are asked to find the volume of a red rubber ball.
The physicist submerged the ball in water and measured the volume of the displaced water.
The mathematician measured the diameter of the ball, divides it by 2 to get the radius, and calculates 4/3 pi r^3.
The engineer says "sorry, I don't have my red rubber ball handbook."

There are 10 kinds of people in this world; those who know binary and those who don't.

>> No.2088016


>> No.2088033
File: 137 KB, 700x714, 1264921717589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it unfortunately, i have some images though

>> No.2088039

What's purple and commutes?
An Abelian grape!

What's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's Lemmon!

>> No.2088043

Why did the Bourbaki group disband?
They were discouraged when they realized that Serge Lang was a single person.

>> No.2088066

Some motherfucker jacked my copy of his text 'Algebra'. Like he was gonna sell that at a pawn shop or some shit.

Anyway, Serge Lang is batshit insane and says things like "AIDS isn't caused by HIV"

>> No.2088068
File: 16 KB, 297x255, 1264922655073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great jokes guys, keep 'em coming

>> No.2088084

This one is slightly less obnoxious than the "there are 10 kinds of people.." one.

What's yellow, linear, normed, and complete?
A Bananach space.

>> No.2088090

In a psychology experiment, a hungry physicist and a hungry mathematician are seated in an empty room.
A plate of hot food is placed across from them on a table. The psychologist gives them the rules:
"You must remain in your seats. But for each minute that passes, I will move you one half the distance closer towards the food."
The mathematician is outraged. He gets up and yells "that's ridiculous! We'll never reach the food!" and storms out of the room.
The physicist sits there, and even starts drooling a little.
The psychologist asks "what's the matter? don't you realize you'll never reach the table?"
"True. But I'll get close enough for all practical purposes!"

>> No.2088094

A proton and a neutron walk into a bar, the neutrino walked through it.

>> No.2088095

>The engineer says "sorry, I don't have my red rubber ball handbook."
Someone mind explaining this part of the joke to me, this is the first time i've been out of the loop on these.

>> No.2088098

So a bar walks into a physicist, OH WAIT... wrong frame of reference!

>> No.2088102


The joke is positing that engineers need a reference to do anything whatsoever and have no knowledge of how to do things without having the protocol laid out in front of them in no uncertain terms.

>> No.2088107

>The engineer says "sorry, I don't have my red rubber ball handbook."
Low blow, man.

>> No.2088122

>>The engineer says "sorry, I don't have my red rubber ball handbook."

Fortunately, I have here my handy "Witty Responses for All Occasions."

It says, "fuck you".

>> No.2088130

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and it doesn't

>> No.2088132

What's the difference between a math degree and a large pizza?
you can feed a family with a large pizza

>> No.2088138

Many famous scientists and mathematicians are playing hide and go seek in the afterlife. Einstein is counting. While all the others run and hide Newton simply grabs a stick and draws a square meter box in the ground and sits in the middle. When Einstein turns around he says "I found you Newton." Newton says "No you didn't."

>> No.2088139

Q: What is the first derivative of a cow?
A: Prime Rib!

>> No.2088143

Jimmy was a chemists son but Jimmy is no more, for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4!

>> No.2088146
File: 68 KB, 390x548, kepler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2088149

A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender passes him the beer and the neutron says "How much will that be?" The bartender says, "For you? No charge.

>> No.2088150

Why did the obtuse angle go to the beach?

Because it was over 90 degrees!

>> No.2088154


That one is my favorite. I smile everytime I think of it

>> No.2088158

the bartender exclaims, "we don't serve tachyons here!"

>> No.2088160

a tachyon walks into a bar...

>> No.2088162

Goddammit /sci/, you always make me feel stupid and i love it. Not many places i actually have to put any mental effort into.

>> No.2088168
File: 3 KB, 126x124, HueHueHue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played

>> No.2088172
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>> No.2088177

Jesus that was terrible.

>> No.2088176
File: 70 KB, 640x426, 1264922144036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, nice,

>> No.2088178

I know, right? :(

>> No.2088190

I smirked, but it was terrible.

>> No.2088192

I am rolling my eyes so hard at you right now.

>> No.2088196

Yo momma so fat, the escape velocity from her surface is 3x10^8 m/s

>> No.2088200

I don't get this one. Can someone explain?

>> No.2088204

This is the only one i dont get =[

>> No.2088208

If we had 4 fingers instead of 10, we would not count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011,
we would count
0 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 20
"base 10" for us contains 9+1 to get to double digits
"base 10" for them contains 3+1 to get to double digits

>> No.2088207


>> No.2088206


All bases are base 10 with respect to themselves. For instance, counting in base 4:


Therefore someone working with base 4 would consider their system base 10...

>> No.2088210

i dont get this :p

anyone clare to explain?

>> No.2088211

because we humans really only think in base 10, just as we see only certain spectra of light, and this page is in English, etc.
In CS class, everything ended up in base 10 at some point

>> No.2088222
File: 453 KB, 2160x934, GravityWells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this on tumblur, which means it has no place here.

not a joke, but interesting nonetheless: see pic

>> No.2088226

Snapple = Sn+apple

Sn is the chemical synmbol for tin

>> No.2088239
File: 57 KB, 500x500, rbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2088242

It was written on my friend's pencil case back in highschool, so it's probably been around for ages

>> No.2088286
File: 23 KB, 293x343, ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt find the original one I had seen of this so I recreated it from memory

>> No.2088301
File: 29 KB, 650x520, gram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2088302

That got me pretty good ._.

>> No.2088314

>Iron with 3 bonds in the wheel
>implying it's ferrous and not ferric

>> No.2088315

don't understand it, Can someone explain? Also, keep em coming, very funny

>> No.2088348
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 113301295v13_400x400_Front_Color-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2088350
File: 19 KB, 293x343, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right, fixed (sorta) version

Fe = ?, + 2 bonds, + wheel shape

>> No.2088370



Two niggers walk into a bar.
The bartender says "we don't serve niggers here".
Two niggers walk out of a bar.

>> No.2088373
File: 441 KB, 637x478, RIqYD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2088400

Yeah, I didn't see it coming.

>> No.2088460

xkcd, no?

>> No.2088465


Its only win if you guess the post number in your first post

>> No.2088503


before I root you?
square root of you?

I don't understand that part.

>> No.2088515

yeah i didn't get that part either, wtf?

>> No.2088537

'root' being a term for 'have sex with' in Australia

>> No.2088539

Before I root you, are you over 16, cutie pie?
(root = fuck, maybe some Amerifags doesn't have heard of that slang)

>> No.2088549


And the age for consent is 18 here, so that made a little odd as well.

>> No.2088607

A policeman pulled over Heisenberg and asked "Mister, do you know how fast you were going?"

Heisenberg replied "No, but I know exactly where I am."

>> No.2088637


Violating the uncertainty principal, are we?

>> No.2088643

>NOT violating the uncertainty principle, are we?

>> No.2088648

There are 10 kinds of people in this world; those who know binary, those who don't, and 8 degenerate cases.

>> No.2088669

a man walks into a restaurant called "entropy." the waitress asks "may I take your order?"

>> No.2088835
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>> No.2088866
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1279717669224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went past this post a few times, then I figured out the joke. I feel so smart now.

>> No.2088930

Still don't get it.

>> No.2088932


Blue is a longer wavelength than red, if you move a red object fast enough it looks blue because the wavelength of the light increases.

>> No.2088944


Yes. Although that really doesn't fucking work in spoken language, (every b is 10 in base-b, but only ten is "ten") so it kind of struggles as a joke if you try to make even the slightest bit of literal sense of out of it. Not that any of these are really all that funny.

>> No.2088952
File: 66 KB, 706x458, serge_langs_algebra_tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serge is always related on /sci/.

>> No.2088955
File: 137 KB, 1440x870, serge_langs_analysis_riemann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Serge, you so crazy!

>> No.2089043


Or it's just a language thing.

His base 10 is your base 4.