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2087930 No.2087930 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently applying to pharmacy school.
I'm going to get in somewhere.
I'm going to be making 100k a year in 6 years.

Talk me out of it/you jelly thread

>> No.2087935

Pharmacy is aiming low. It's boring. Enjoy your $100,000.

>> No.2087936

Well if all you care about is money and a comfortable life then do it.

Probably not a very intellectually satisfying career choice though.

>> No.2087942

i don't understand why pharmacists get paid so much money.

i can't think of a single instance in which my pharmacist made a substantive contribution to my medicine regimen.

my doctor says, "lol give him this card," and then my pharmacist counts out the pills (sometimes incorrectly) and then he hands them to me.

why do you need an advanced degree for this?

>> No.2087947

Enjoy your 65k after taxes. It's really not much at all after rent, food, car insurance, liquor, hookers. You will basically be able to save about 40k a year. Which isn't much considering that a house costs at least 500k (more like > 1 million in big cities). So unless you're in Texas where land is cheap, enjoy getting fucked over by the harsh realities of life.

>> No.2087949

mfw I'll be able to work one year on, one year off, live comfortably, and do research on the side. Imagine the research you could get into with pharmacy.

Main reason for doing pharmacy is that I love medicine for some reason, the actual drugs. Just learning what the fuck it does. Only 2 years more than a bachelors.

Yeah, agreed, for the most part. Retail pharmacy is a joke. Now pharmacists that compound, that is crazy stuff

>> No.2087955
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MFW I am in Texas

>> No.2087960

>why do you need an advanced degree for this?

My theory is so it requires a level of investment to weed out people who go into it to sell the drugs on the side.

Also contributes to keeping drug prices sky high! Because we all know that medical advances belong to the corporations that sponsor them and not the human race as a whole!

>> No.2087961


Careful, it's a deceptively heavy courseload.

101A: Introduction to Reading Labels
M500: Cash Register Theory and Practice
102: Beginning Shelving Strategies
106: Radio Shack USB Scale Operation
106N: Radio Shack USB Scale Installation

>> No.2087964

We could replace pharmacists with robots in the next 15 years if legislation doesn't specifically prevent us from doing so. It's already starting; you will be a glorified machine-tender:



...and I know both of the above are like "Oh, now they'll have more time to talk to patients," but.... how often do you talk to your pharmacist?

So, even if you don't get replaced, you're entering a shrinking job market, I'm betting.

>> No.2087968


>6 years

jesus christ, are you serious?

an MS in pharmacy will get you $100k.

A Ph.D. in pharmacuetical sciences gets you a job in R&D at a pharmacuetical company.

an MS gets you a job at a pharmacy.

the pharmacy job will be easier, and with relatively similar pay, but much more boring.

the Ph. D. will be more interesting/exciting, but you wont have a comparable amount of possible increase in your pay.

the main difference is that with a Ph. D. you can easily transition to a different job focus (like director of process R&D, biosciences, etc) or go into Academics.

with an MS, you are basically stuck working at a pharmacy, as a lab technician at a Pharmacuetical company, or as a high school/CC teacher.

>> No.2087971

Was also thinking of doing med school for a while, I still sort of am. So was looking at possibly going to med school once I get my PharmD. Would be ideal.

>> No.2087975

That is what is needed to get your PharmD. From there you can get your Ph.D, maybe I will. We will see

>> No.2087995

WTF is a biomedical engineer? What is so special about them?

>> No.2087996

Step Mom was a Pharmacist. (Still is to my knowledge) She made 100,000 working 2 pharmacy jobs. However she worked at a hospital and Rite-Aid. So make your judgments. However I'm sure there are higher paying positions.

>> No.2087999


prosthetics would be a part of it

like limbs and shit

>> No.2088004

What is the BEST science degree all around, as far as job opportunity, pay, and intellect goes?

>> No.2088009


Enjoy being outsourced by robots and automation in 10 years. Of course, that leaves you unemployed.

>> No.2088025

>Live in an apartment
>Live off of 20k a year
>After taxes, save 60k (minimal) a year
>Do this for ten years
>Lose my job to robots
>Go back to school with my fucktons of moneys
>Get an engineering degree
>Make my own robot that puts previous robots of a job
>Fuck you robo-assholes

>> No.2088027


(This coming from someone who doubled with math and computer science)

>> No.2088031

Isn't that bro-tier?

>> No.2088036

its mostly because pharmacists are supposed to be able to answer all questions about drug interactions for customers/patients who ask. most people either dont care, or already asked their doctor before they got to the pharmacist.

>> No.2088042

technicians will be outsourced easily. pharmacists themselves will take longer - if only because people will generally still want a human element in the transfer of medications to patients.

also some doctors are dumbasses and a pharmacist that actually gives a crap can spot bad prescriptions.

>> No.2088050

Surgeons, Anything space related engineering

>> No.2088055


>>if only because people will generally still want a human element in the transfer of medications to patients.

You could still outsource it to a harder working third worlder in India via tele-prescence.

>> No.2088057

pharmacists = doctors you don't need to pay for

>> No.2088058

>implying americans would go for that

>> No.2088065

have you worked in retail pharmacy?

shit sucks bro

>> No.2088070

Yeah I have. Compounding sure is fun though

>> No.2088067

>Make my own robot that puts previous robots of a job

I lol'd.

>> No.2088085
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I'm not going to talk you out of it.

I will say that it sounds boring as fuck. Especially if you end up as some Walgreens drug dealer to the elderly. If that sounds like fun to you, by all means do your thing. If you are hoping that money will make up for doing fuck all meaningless work for 8 hours a day, I've never seen it work for anyone else. Good luck.

>> No.2088137

Very well put, my thoughts exactly.

>> No.2089674

What is pharmacy research like, op?

>> No.2089846

I am a reasonably newly registered pharmacist (2 years) and am in my early/mid twenties. I have left the profession and gone back to University to study Medicine.
If i could go back to my late teens I would tell myself to have chosen Medicine to begin with.
As a pharmacist you are the most overqualified, under utilised and under appreciated of all the the health professionals which is a real shame and frankly was probably the main reason I have gone back to study Med.

You asked me to talk you out of it, there you go. Questions?

>> No.2089865

100k a year in 6 years will be less than the median family income in the US.

Already it's nothing special in many parts of the country. Where I live if you don't make at least 100k you're broke.

house=400k, car=50k, living expenses=30k, your student loans=200k. Welcome to poverty.

Do what you love, don't worry about money too much because as you get older you'll see that it's just the game.

>> No.2089873

That being said however, I don't regret doing it. As a pharmacist you will end up knowing 80% the physiology and %500 the pharmacology that your Doctor colleagues will know. But therein lies the problem, unless you are working as a clinical pharmacist on a ward and doing rounds with the Medical team, it is very difficult to have meaningful input into patient care.

If i can offer one final piece of advice: don't let money guide your decision.

>> No.2089875

Well you need something a degree to get into med school. Why not pharmacy? Only an extra two years.

I know that if I was looking to hire a doctor, I would hire the one who was also a pharmacist and a doctor, instead of the guy with a premed degree

>> No.2089892
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car=50k, living expenses=30k

Yeah if you want to drive a corvette to work every day and have dinner at high class restaurants every night.

>> No.2089903

>Ph.D. in mathematics
>any job I want
>300k starting
u jelly?

>> No.2089907


>house=400k, car=50k, living expenses=30k

get the fuck out of here.

I'm only making 60k at the moment and last month i purchased my first home. A $250k, 4 room house, 2 car garage +pool house in FL, and my mortgage is a comfortable $1500 a month.

>> No.2089914

>Get PharmD
>Get MD

>> No.2089945

>Yeah if you want to drive a corvette to work every day and have dinner at high class restaurants every night.

50k, averageish sedan, truck or suv, or the very worst possible corvette.

When I eat out I spend about $100 on food and drinks for two, that's not at a fancy place.
If I did that every night, that would be more than 30k a year leaving nothing for utilities, insurance, other meals, car expenses, and on and on.

>> No.2089954


However I did state that prices vary. I own a condo in Kissimmee, I bought it because your property is cheap compared to much of the West.

I know places in texas and pennsylvania where you can still get a 2 bedroom house for 20k, but I can't imagine wanting to live there.

>> No.2089966

>mfw my university tuition is 6.5k a year.

>> No.2089981


Hopefully my kids will manage a deal something like that...

>> No.2089984

They just have a good union. Nothing new here.

>> No.2090227

>100k family income
>At least two people bringing home money
>MFW I ain't gonna marry no paperweight bitch

>> No.2090296


>implying i dont hate house and want don't want to live in apartment

I'm not OP, but I just like apartments more because they're cheaper and I find them more cozy.

>> No.2090308

I am OP and I agree 99.9%.

The only thing I don't like about them is that I can tear up a yard with 4wheelers if I live in an apartment. Guess that's why my grandfather has a ranch

>> No.2090320

Yes, I'm just going with what most americans seem to think is necessary.

100k a year doesn't buy much, unless one is willing to live cheaper than the next person. And for such a person, making 100k a year probably isn't necessary or all that impressive.

I'm just pointing out that money isn't a good reason to do something, we tend to get by fine with or without it.

>> No.2090321

>100k a year in 6 years will be less than the median family income in the US.
Already it's nothing special in many parts of the country. Where I live if you don't make at least 100k you're broke.
I bet you think you're so special
>implying you know the living cost of every region in the country
>implying I even live in the same country as you
house=400k, car=50k, living expenses=30k, your student loans=200k. Welcome to poverty.
bahahahaha 400k house? try 200k, I'm not going to live with 4 kids. living expenses 30k? maybe...
student loans 200k? I know some cardiologists and neurologist who only had to pay between 100k-150k

>> No.2090327


>> No.2090343

In Texas. I will probably stay here. Combined income here is roughly 160k, we live in a nice house, building a huge fucking addition right now. Land here is fucking cheap.

Grandfather saved his ass off while he was doing research for SwRI and bought his house CASH.

Dad bought 15 acres on a teachers salary. Just bought a 1965 Chevrolet truck for fun.

Texas, fuck yeah

>> No.2090362

OP here. This is how I view it:
You should do something you enjoy, but also have time for other things you enjoy that you cannot make a career out of. For me it is racing cars, and will probably be a family at some point. I can do research with a PharmD. I can support a family with a PharmD. I can own a track car with the pay I'll make with a PharmD.

Pharmacy is interesting too

>> No.2090373

ITT douchebags brag about things they haven't yet accomplished.

LOL no matter how much money you make you'll still be a loser.

White trash 100k-e-naires are a dime a dozen in Texas.

>> No.2090433



>> No.2090454

I've already been accepted to Rutgers' pharmacy school, so, no, I'm not jealous at all.

>> No.2090471
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And it's still more money that you will be making.

>Texas. Fuck Yeah.

>> No.2090481

>50k, averageish sedan, truck or suv, or the very worst possible corvette.

Am i being trolled
You can buy a really nice used car which will last you damn near forever for 5-10k.

>> No.2090488

I never said you couldn't live cheaper.

I implied the average american doesn't want to.

what's the point of bragging about your salary, as OP did, if you won't spend it on some expensive shit?

>> No.2090498

By being financially stable? Fuck bragging rights, especially in Texas. Its not like we have any fucking neighbors in the middle of the country anyways.

>> No.2090513

>mfw people in our digital information age still think a house is more ideal than an apartment
>mfw people think they need $40k/year spending money
>mfw OP thinks the job market 6 years from now will need much more pharmacists
>mfw OP thinks he's the only moron going into pharmacy right now
Enjoy pissing away your student loans on an expensive degree that won't guarantee you a decent job. On the other hand, you could do something productive that actually has future job security. And once health care becomes universal and the government refuses to pay the health care industry outrageous prices for things, you won't be making $100,000/year assuming you even get one of those jobs to begin with.

>> No.2090515

Yeah. In Texas its all about you, a big yard, and a dirtbike

>> No.2090519
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guess it would have been helpful to show the face i make

>> No.2090539

financially stable is where it's at. and living in texas you can easily be quite comfortable on less than 100k a year.

I'm just saying 100k isn't much to brag about if you live in one of the many parts of the country where that puts you in the lower end of the broke-ass middle class.

Personally my house is only worth 250k, but it's paid off. I drive cars worth altogether less than 20k, but they're paid for. I'm worth millions (several, it varies) but you'd never know it unless you're my banker or my employee. I make more than 100k a year, but I can survive on 20k if I have to. I do what I want, don't worry about money, and I have free time. That's more important than money, and doesn't necessarily cost that much to achieve.

>> No.2090576

You sound like my grandfather. Millionaire who wears the same boat shoes for the last 10 years

>> No.2090610

Most millionaires are pretty frugal anyway. That's why they're millionaires. Pew or Gallup or one of those did a study and found that most millionaires live pretty middle-class and say that their own kids wouldn't even know they had that much money saved up.

of course, Americans are retarded and think they become millionaires by being miserable with a $100k job and thinking they need to piss it all away. People are pretty stupid like that

>> No.2090617

> Americans are retarded and think they become millionaires by being miserable with a $100k job

I hope that wasn't a stab at me. I like pharmacy, a lot.

>> No.2090623

I have four outfits, all of them from walmart, when one wears out I buy another just like it.

that's how a person gets wealthy, and stays wealthy. not that wealth matters, it's the not having to worry about money that matters. travel is fun also.

I'm far more impressed with someone that makes 30k a year and only spends 15 of it than I am with someone that earns 150k and spends 200.

>> No.2090654

I was impressed with his frugality for the longest time. Then I found out he paid for his cars cash, and his house was paid for in cash. He has 5 cars total. That seems like a waste, but it is his passion, and he only uses his nice cars for long trips. To get things in town, he uses his 1990 Mazda Truck

>> No.2090737

Yeah, there's usually a contradiction somewhere in there. I don't spend much but when I splurge I go big. My wardrobe is worth less than 100 bucks but a few years back I built a saltwater aquarium in my basement that cost almost 20 grand including fish and corals and stuff.

I spend more on two weeks of vacation than most people make in a year, and then I go home and pirate my neighbor's internet...

I guess frugal is only part of the equation, you have to spend some every now and then too.

>> No.2090803
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>drug education

>> No.2090812

Jesus christ, that couldn't be any less interesting.

>> No.2091209
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