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2086587 No.2086587 [Reply] [Original]

I assume most of you are Atheist but i want to ask a question to a specific group of them

Atheists that came from an overly religious family be it from Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc etc. How did you prevent yourselves from being indoctrinated and how did you parents react when you told them. I'm genuine interested in how you coped with them.

>> No.2086606

i killed them

no god = no hell

so no problem

>> No.2086622

I was indoctrinated until I hit the age of 18 and started looking into evolution.

I left the church, my family didn't speak to me for ten years, even now I only talk to them once or twice a decade. My friends never talked to me again.

I found new friends, I started a new family.

>> No.2086650

Not me personally but I have friends currently dealing with this issue. For them it seems that telling your parents that you don't believe whatever it is, but rather than saying that you outright refuse to participate at all trying to negotiate. All holidays, even minor, but no church seemed to work for the most part.

>> No.2086674

I kept from being indoctrinated by my parents by having a better mind than either of them.

>> No.2086675

I was once the worst of teen christians. I fell away through anger, and realised there was no god based on the evil I saw. It was not easy and it took until I moved away to tell my family. Since then I have analysed religion from a scientific point of view: Hypothyses- There is some form which we call god which exists outside of physically known laws, therefore we can detect this by ??????
Is there a second half to that statement?
If you are young look to yourself for the strength you once took from an invisible man, it is there i promise it.

>> No.2086721


The concept of god and the actions we gain from this concept is different from a wizard in the sky. There is the concept of god and his action but there is no god itself

>> No.2086724

How old are you?

>> No.2086751

God-tier athiest detected

>> No.2086754

Nope, God-tier atheists are Europeans that have good relationships with their atheist parents.

>> No.2086759


>> No.2086770

I grew up in a third world country

My parents are also clinically psychotic, were highly abusive, and lack the ability to perform simple tasks properly. I was basically forced to fend for myself and being generally educated led me to atheism.

>> No.2086784

Did you go to college? What did you major in?

>> No.2086799

My parents weren't very religious, but they always go up in arms whenever their ideas are challenged. I never went to church after the age of like 8, and they said nothing. But when i challenged their beliefs, they just started yelling, they couldn't even defend their arguments. I found that i'm actually much smarter than both of them combined. And i'v later associated respect for people to their intellect, thus i lost almost all respect for my parents by age 14.

22 now, i don't talk to them anymore, not even for the holidays. Not even because of religion, but because they're stupid rednecks

>> No.2086839

Geology BS, currently back learning comparative anatomy. I've always had an interest in vert paleo, but could never afford the lack of salary. I'm a few years retired, so I'm doing what I want to do now.

>> No.2086860

I can't blame you, my father and step mother were like that. They tried to force me to go to church saying it was their right to do so. I quickly proved them wrong at the age of 15, and they were in their 40s... I never expect age to mature people anymore.

I love my parents but they don't love me because I never went to church because I enjoyed study more. Whats wrong with learning? They said it was poison. I can't help but laugh at them. BTW same age here.

>> No.2086884

Even at a very young age I found the supernatural aspect of religion rather absurd, never really believed. Parents are religiously apathetic, probably even atheist leaning or agnostic - it's just not an issue in their lives.

In any case, they're wonderfully understanding and tolerant people in general. They respect me for my (lack of) belief unconditionally. Yeah I have great parents.

>> No.2086922
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My parents are cool with it. They're Methodists (I find Methodism as a whole to be respectable as far as religions go due to their acceptance of homosexuals, other religions, women, etc.). They took me to church when I was a kid, but they didn't force anything on me. I never really ever believed in the whole god thing, and at around 12 I finally said no to going to church and by 15 I said no to god. They were completely cool with it and I still have a great relationship with them.

>> No.2086956

I was raised in a Catholic family, but I never really believed any of it. When I was sixteen, I let my mom know, she was sort of disappointed but overall cool with it. She still made me go to church from time to time, but not weekly anymore.

>> No.2086959

My mom was religious, dad wasn't really. Tried to indoctrinate me, made me go to church. I never believed any of it though.

>> No.2086980

My mom made me go to church a few times when I was around 10, but eventually she stopped. My dad was raised religious and I guess he sort of is still, but he really resented his dad's overt zealousness and really only goes to church like once every decade.

I really bear no animus per se against religion and I can see how it does a lot of people good. I don't like religious people that try to impose their values on others, but aside from that I'm cool with them. I think that's because I never had religion shoved down my throat.

>> No.2086985

I didn't "prevent" anything, I was a Christian until I was fifteen. After I stopped believing, I kept it to myself. My family are mostly a bunch of idiots so it's easier to not waste my time dealing with drama.

>> No.2086996

Yeah, I was raised Methodist too. Kinda nice to see a religious sect whose motto is "open hearts, open minds, open doors." Nice people.

>> No.2087030

Lol, I was sent to a catholic all-boys high school in the deep south, and a pretty damn expensive one at that. At age 15, I was really thinking about becoming a priest. But over the course of the next 3 years, I started thinking about how maybe people back then believed in a deity because they didn't know how else to explain things. Then, at age 18, I officially (secretly) declared myself to be apathetically agnostic. (I know, not atheist, "choose a side," etc etc, but it's close enough to what you're talking about)

Also, never broke it to my family. Though I don't like their religion, I still love 'em to death, and I'm scared they'd start growing away from me if I told them. Hell, I still go with them to church when I go to visit.

>> No.2087117

Raised as a Jehovah's Witness. I was never really that into the idea of a God I think... or the three weekly church attendences simply bored me. I gradually phased out of it though, after I decided to seriously look into the creationism vs evolution issue for myself.
Watched some of thunderfoot's videos on youtube, recognized pretty much all the shit he debunked. Realizing everything you based your worldview on is either plain wrong or an outright lie was strangely satisfying. Maybe because I've been inherently interested in science ever since I was a kid.
Also felt incredibly decieved though. Both by my family, who never really gave me the chance to decide for myself, and by that whole religious community.
Don't know how the rest of my family took it. My parents and brothers are diehard fundies, they believe that Armageddon will come in our lifetime, and since I'm not a believer anymore, I'll perish in a holy war and they will have to live an eternity in a paradise on earth without me. So I could imagine that my mom cried at some point and dad getting sad.
They've accepted it now however. I'm working on my bachelors degree in astronomy, so they stay away from any kind of scientific or reasoned discussion with me about touchy subjects. Good thing for me too, because I'm still incredibly pissed at fundamentals in general because of the poor hand I was dealt, so I can't get into a discussion with them without frying up at their hypocrisy and bullshit.

>> No.2087141

I didn't prevent it and I just avoid the issue at this point. I'm sure my mom knows that I don't believe in things without evidence anymore. I used to believe in the Judeo-Christian God when I was a kid through high school, but it was easy enough to relinquish once I learned more about religion, specifically Christianity.

It took one "Pray to a jug of milk" video and reading the Holy Bible cover to cover, to stop my belief instantly and start living my life freely.

My mom believes in Christianity, Astrology, The Secret, and all kinds of horse shit supernatural ideas. I bet if she actually READ that bible she keeps, she'd drop it once she hit Numbers. It's a horrible, appalling, and disgusting tome. The christian bible is the single most repugnant and offensive book I've ever read.

>> No.2087155

Oh shit are you me? I lost all respect for my mom and hate talking to her retarded ass.

>> No.2087205

No one in my family is religious, how's that. They're either agnostics or they believe in god but meh, they don't go to church, pray or anything (I'm an atheist).

>> No.2087342

Give the Quran a whirl. Chapter 1: The Hebrew sacrifice a yellow cow, cut it into sections, and then wail on a dead body with the cow pieces to resurrect it so that it can name its murderer.

>> No.2087379

>How did you prevent yourselves from being indoctrinated and how did you parents react when you told them.

I started asking some targeted questions when I was around 6 that they and the various ministers we went to had no answers for.

> The christian bible is the single most repugnant and offensive book I've ever read.

I don't know... it's a horrible book to live by but some of the KJV is just as inspiring as Shakespeare.

40For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever.

41If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.

42I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy.

>> No.2087402


Assalam Alaikum brother.

Except for the fact that is nowhere in the holy Qur'an.

First Sura (chapter).

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1)
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (2) The Beneficent, the Merciful. (3) Owner of the Day of Judgment, (4) Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. (5) Show us the straight path, (6) The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7)

Seems atheists anger towards Islam, the true religion is based on ignorance.

I hope one day you see the truth in Allah.

>> No.2087410

>>2087402Seems atheists anger towards Islam

We don't hate Islam, it's just a collection of stupid beliefs. We hate Muslims, the people that put those stupid beliefs into practice. Please fuck off and die.

>> No.2087425


Stupid? Except for the fact that the holy Qur'an is a historical document and has been proved accurate time and time again.

Go on, name ONE contradiction.

>We don't hate Islam
>Please fuck off and die

You contradict yourself.

It's funny really, the madness of atheism, they contradict themselves at every corner. It's madness. What proof and evidence do you have that atheism is accurate and correct?

>> No.2087438

They deny that I ever said it and then they get all surprised when I say "That wasn't a ghost it was..." or "There is no proof of God.

>> No.2087442


good god muslims are retarded. Proof, and contradictions? your head is full of shit, you can't even build an argument with meaning. Your language doesn't allow thoughts.

And like anon said, fuck off and die.

>> No.2087453

>your head is full of shit

Oh the irony, you contradict yourself continously and yet I'm the one "full of shit"? Ha! You contradict yourself yet again, it's sad really, atheists have no critical thought processes, it's no wonder why they deny the obvious.

>you can't even build an argument with meaning

I asked you what evidence do you have for your assertions, are you illiterate as well?

>fuck off and die

So you resort to ad hominems? You don't have any evidence to support your assertions? Thought so.

Atheism really is madness. It's sad that people actually fall for it, some people are just credulous.

>> No.2087457


Well, gods dont exist. Religions fail at explaining everything, where science easily succeeds. Most theist gods happen to be logically inconsistent (problem of suffering etc)

Now, what evidence do you have that a-unicornism is accurate and correct?

>> No.2087463

your english sucks.
your latin is worse.

just go

>> No.2087464


Again, show me where the holy Qur'an says this. I've already demonstrated your comment as false, now either concede defeat, or show me the verse.

>> No.2087471


My English sucks? Ha! I see you're resorting to ad hominems again.

Nice grammar by the way.

>> No.2087474
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>> No.2087478

he's probably not here retard.

you really don't realize you're retarded, do you?
you demonstrated nothing, except that you're retarded.

now prove me wrong or your contradictions will concede defeat ad hominem madness.

>> No.2087483


Ad hominems again? You guys should be able to do better than that.

It's funny really, when someone asks atheists the question, what proof and evidence do you have to prove atheism is accurate and correct, they all run away, like cowards, or resort to ad hominems.

Thanks for demonstrating how ridiculous the atheist position really is though.

>> No.2087486
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>> No.2087489

learn what an ad hominem is you fucking retard.

>> No.2087495
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Just got here Bro. It is pretty obvious you are a troll.

Anyway, what is your question to atheists?

>> No.2087496


>you demonstrated nothing, except that you're retarded

I've demonstrated that all the objections to Islam are lies based on ignorance and how atheists contradict themselves, you are just embarrassing yourself now.

I like how all you have is "you is a retart", you have no valid arguments, in fact, you contradict yourself yet again,

>you can't even build an argument with meaning

Oh the hypocrisy.

Sad really. The atheists are going crazy now that their religion has been exposed for what it really is, madness.

>> No.2087505
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nice trolling bro

>> No.2087507


What proof and evidence do you have that proves atheism is accurate and correct.


"An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise."

Perhaps you should "learn what an ad hominem is you fucking retard."

Again, you atheists contradict yourself.

>> No.2087510

Holy fuck.

Not just Christians on /sci/, but Muslims too? This board is now officially /rel/.

>> No.2087511

my parents never forced me into it. we went to church sometimes and my parents prayed and shit like that, but i think i was 12 when i started asking questions in my head about it. never really told anyone or was bothered by religion vs atheism, just kind of knew for myself that its the same principle as santa claus. when i matured i started to understand the true values and historical significance of religion, and although my own opinion has become stronger about being atheist, i don't really look into a mans views on religion when judging them. its a little harder to respect a man who simply says he believes in god (most likely out of fear and frustration) but lives his life in complete opposition to his "sacred text." its one thing to interpret the bible differently, its another to disregard it and still be going to "heaven." also, it often confuses me that well-educated people create their own version of an established religion in order to manipulate modern knowledge into accordance with their god, such as stating that evolution and christianity are perfectly ok with each other.

>> No.2087513
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pretty shitty troll

>> No.2087516

It's funny how once I've defeated all your arguments and exposed the atheistic religion for what it really is, you resort to ad hominems and calling me a troll.

But thanks for exposing how weak the atheists position really is though.

>> No.2087521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2087525

Nope, just laughing at you. I believe you actually are a mudslime, not a troll.

you use false logic and words you don't understand, just like every other mudslime I've met.

And I'm not trying to insult you, I think you should honestly be aware that you're using english, latin and logic all incorrectly. You also may wish to know that you are retarded.

it might be useful information.

>> No.2087526


Intelligent response.

>> No.2087537

I wasn't brought up christian, so it doesn't matter than I'm atheist. We never went to church or even acknowledged that there was a god. My first experience with religion was in cub scouts during the christianity intro section and even then, I thought it was complete bullshit.

>> No.2087545


>your english sucks.

You contradict yourself yet again.

>words you don't understand

Wow, your arguments are terrible. You use arguments which have already been refuted and ad hominems.

It is you how does not know what an ad hominem is, I have already demonstrated why this is so. Again, you are making an assertion without providing evidence for it.

>you use false logic

Oh the irony.

>I think you should honestly be aware that you're using english, latin and logic all incorrectly

Except for the fact that I have already refuted this statement.

It's funny really, atheists really do not understand simple logic, if you make an assertion, then you must provide evidence for it.

This guy is just a posterchild of how illogical atheists really are. It's funny really, the whole channel is laughing their arses off at you. You should really at least wikipedia the concepts you are talking about before debating them.

Again, stop avoiding the question, what proof and evidence do you have that proves atheism is accurate and correct.


It's been 20 minutes now, why do you continuously run from the question? It's driving you atheists nuts. It's sad really, some people will believe anything.

>> No.2087547



Correction, who

>> No.2087563

No response? Thought not.

I'll consider this a forfeit.

You should think about this, and how illogical you are acting. Think about it, what evidence do you really have to support your assertions?

>> No.2087573
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>What proof and evidence do you have that proves atheism is accurate and correct.

Atheism is the only logical conclusion that can be made regarding religion. The proff is as follows.

Pay attetion TROLL:
There is not any scientifc evidence for the existance of "god" or "gods". Religion is akin to "old wives tales" or "fairtales".

With no "assertive" evidence for the "existance of somthing", the logical conclusion is that the "somthing does not exist", or we just "dont know if it exists or not". This is atheism and agnosticism.

Logically, both viewpoints initally seem valid, however Agnostism ends up leading to absurdity. The idea that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon the sceptic to disprove unfalsifiable claims, has in been refuted already. See Russell's teapot.

Hence, with no scientifc evidence for the belief in "god" or "gods" and agnostism being logically flawed, atheism is the only logical choice. As the choices were a disjoint set to being with.

now fuck troll!


>> No.2087574

The only assertion I made is that you are retarded.

As evidence I offered your incorrect use of two languages and a formal thought process.

I'm fine with that, my work is done. You're too stupid to understand, but that's ok.

>> No.2087578
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ITT: Religious fag god pwned

>> No.2087582


[ ] told


>> No.2087589

I rejected it because it was boring and a waste of time. I eventually slowly turned to atheism after going through an agnostic, nihlist, and taoist phases.
Just believe what you want to believe, dude. That's your right

>> No.2087595

I questioned it when I was around 10 but was too afraid of hell to not believe. I wanted to find out what religion would most likely get me into heaven and I found out how rediculous it all is. At age 15 I was full atheist.

My mom yelled at me for half a day and made me still go to church on xmas, no big deal.

>> No.2087597
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>> No.2087600

>Atheism is the only logical conclusion that can be made regarding religion

That is a non-sequitur and demonstrably false.

>There is not any scientifc evidence for the existance of "god" or "gods".

See: Holy Qur'an/Reality.

>With no "assertive" evidence for the "existance of somthing", the logical conclusion is that the "somthing does not exist", or we just "dont know if it exists or not".

See: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence fallacy.

>Hence, with no scientifc evidence for the belief in "god" or "gods" and agnostism being logically flawed

Except for the fact that the existence of Allah has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.

>The only assertion I made is that you are retarded.

Which is why your argument is fallacious and you end up being a hypocrite.

>atheism is the only logical choice

This is a non-sequitur.

>As evidence I offered your incorrect use of two languages

No, you contradict yourself in you post. You do not understand the meaning of the word 'retard', nor do you have any proof.

>your incorrect use

Unsubstantiated (sorta like your religion). I have demonstrated why this is not true, however, you have merely asserted it. You just keep on piling up the fallacies don't you?

>You're too stupid to understand

Oh the irony.

>> No.2087603


Not if the American taliban - or the REAL taliban - have their way.

>> No.2087604


Indeed, saved me time, since he demonstrated how atheists do not understand formal logic all by himself.

>> No.2087608
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>> No.2087614


Actually it's ironic that first you would bash other peoples' assertions then dump the mind-bogglingly false one that 'allah has been proven'. If you assert that you have proof, SHOW US THE FUCKING PROOF.

>> No.2087620

You atheists don't learn do you, I've completely destroyed all your arguments and humiliated you, but you keep on coming back for more. HAHAHAHA, wow, so sad.

Again, stop running from the question, what proof and evidence do you have that proves atheism is accurate and correct.

>> No.2087622

What question?
You religious-fag may think that God created the world from nothing, but have you ever thought what created God? What created the being that created God? It's an unanswerable question.
Do you use your brain or do you simply just fucking listen to the Qur'an, the Bible or what other shitty religious text your religion offers you?
Think bout this fags, Why do you let your life be controlled by some imaginary omnipotent, omniscient, self-contradicting "God"?
Fucking retards get off my /sci/

>> No.2087624
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ITT: religious fag who got told, making up nonsense

Show the the scientifc evidence of "god"?
Holy books are not scientifc evidence dumbfuck!
Well Im Waiting troll...LMAO

>> No.2087627


You are shifting the burden of proof. You made an assertion, now prove it.

>> No.2087632

You're mixing up posts from two anons.

As much as I'd love to claim that brilliant bit of work up there, I'm far too lazy to offer you logical proof you wouldn't understand.

and I feel I made the right choice, since you clearly didn't understand. This is no surprise, if you understood logic you wouldn't be a mudslime. You are an apostate, your imaginary god hates stupid people like yourself. The rest of the world does too.

>> No.2087638

Wow, you atheists still aren't able to answer the question. You guys are dropping like flys, no wonder atheists are the least trusted demographic. They continuously lie (demonstrably so) and their religion is based on blind faith, faith in nothing. It's madness.

>> No.2087642

> I'm far too lazy to offer you logical proof you wouldn't understand.

Ahh, the good old, "you can't handle the truth derp" cop-out.

No, the reason you wont is because you can't.

>> No.2087645

I like Obama. He leads the nation and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2087648

I first realized Jebus was a lie when I was 9. I played along until I was 11, then I started acting out.

I started wearing dark clothing and listening to heavy/death metal "debil music". I stopped praying and standing up in church. Then, one day, I outright refused to go. My pa wasn't happy and beat my ass, but I took it like a man and stood my ground.

Now I am an enlightened atheist libertarian scientist.

>> No.2087652

>You are an apostate
>your english sucks
>words you don't understand

>a·pos·tate (-pstt, -tt)
One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.


Man, you just continuously contradict yourself don't you.

I highly suggest you pick up a dictionary, because you clearly don't understand a word you're talking about.

>> No.2087656

My mom took away my video games when I told her. But I persisted.

>> No.2087658


As epic win guy explained earlier, the burden of proof is on the believers, not the skeptics. If you state that a god exists, you have to prove it, because just as it is impossible to search the universe in vain for an interstellar teapot, it is impossible to falsify deism (not theism, which defeats itself thru contradiction).

If someone told you they believed in goblins, would you immediately search the universe, and when you finally realised there were no goblins, confront the idiot, or simply ask him what reason there is to believe in goblins?

An eternity of searching cannot falsify these questions, whereas it should be a simple matter for god to show itself given that he actually exists.

>> No.2087662


Someone's projecting.

>> No.2087663

The proof of God is all around you. Open your eyes and look.

>> No.2087666


The proof for Sauron is all around you. Open your eyes and look.


>> No.2087671
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I couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.2087676


>epic win guy

Except for the fact that I completely refuted his entire argument.

>the burden of proof is on the believers, not the skeptics

No, you do not understand the burden of proof. You are making an assertion, so you must present evidence to support that assertion. I highly suggest you read a book on logic, it looks like it will be useful to you.

>> No.2087677

That's just another word for God. All religions make indirect references to God. It is all one God: Jesus Christ.

>> No.2087682

But I pray to Jesus Christ's evil twin brother, Tsirhc Susej. What now?

>> No.2087685
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>> No.2087686

>Except for the fact that I completely refuted his entire argument.

You are the only person who believes that.

>> No.2087690

He's really Jesus. Do you believe in Evolution? How do you know Evolution is not God?

>> No.2087706


The definition of god and the definition of evolution are not the same.


>> No.2087708
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LMAO, its over troll. You got pwned, just give up.
You didnt refute shit. You just stated incohernt nonsense.

How exactly is epic win guy wrong?
Show me one statement he made that was incorrect. And I will give you an education in logic.

>> No.2087710


No, I have demonstrated why he is incorrect, anyone who understands even basic logic will know this.


I'm not surprised that you atheists worship an idol that presents their opinion rather than empirical evidence.

Your religion is absurd, you will worship anything.


There is no evidence to support the assertions of Darwinists, in fact, there is lots of evidence that shows how Darwinism is impossible.

>> No.2087715

There is no proof Evolution exists. No evidence. However, everything around us is proof of God's existence. Jesus Christ is more real than you.

>> No.2087717


How about the fact that he presented fallacies, not evidence.

/sci/ clearly doesn't understand the principles of logic or argumentation.

>> No.2087718

Learned about a thing called science.

Religion and theism became irrelevant and invalid.

Problem solved.

>> No.2087722


Worked for me.

>> No.2087724
File: 507 KB, 778x778, atheistfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ pwned by a Muslim. Love it. Inshallah brother Islam will save the world from irreligion.

Pic most definitely related

>> No.2087726

I pretended to agree until I got the fuck out.

not hard, just nod and go back to what you are doing.

how I actually avoided becoming christian? I am not really sure either but It might be that I played WoW with a guild in Israel that raided at a convenient time for me, they would often call raids on account of bomb scares. I just got sick of the religious turmoil and learned more, decided it was all bullshit

>> No.2087727


Teleological argument, eh?

If everything needs a creator, so does god. If not everything needs a creator, god is superfluous and is destroyed by occam's razor.

>> No.2087729

Never suggested everthing needs a creator.

Troll harder

>> No.2087730

>Logical fallacies, logical fallacies everywhere!

>> No.2087733
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What logical fallacies? What did he say that was logically wrong? Please state the exact statment and the "type" of logical fallacie.

The basic types of fallacies are here:


>> No.2087737
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>He doesn't identify a single one

>> No.2087740

Well what is the first paragraph on that picture suggesting?

>> No.2087741


No, causality is temporal. Allah always was and is.

>> No.2087744


Evidence, please?

Also, why allah and not brahma, vishnu and shiva?

Surely you have just as much reason to believe in them. They even have books that say so.

>> No.2087745

ITT: trolls pretending to be Muslims

Silly trolls. Muslims can't operate a computer. They're too busy fucking goats and stoning women to death.

>> No.2087747


>Religion is akin to fair tales

Fallacy of accident troll 0/10

>> No.2087748


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and his non-sequitur that atheism is correct because he does not understand the evidence. I have already explained this, please gain some literacy skills and learn to read.

>> No.2087749
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I know this is a troll thread, but I am bumping cause of this one post. Religious fag got owned!

>> No.2087752


His post has already been refuted.

>> No.2087753


Well, you may have a point. I'm sure no one has even been invaded, raped, murdered or tortured because of fairy tales. They admit they're fiction.

>> No.2087761


>atheists are the least trusted demographic

>their religion is based on blind faith
Atheism isn't a religion. We don't worship a nonexistent god and we don't go to atheist church where we read from a nonexistent text and donate nonexistent money.

>> No.2087762


cool story tard


Dude no. Is humaity superfluous and nonexistent just because watches require a human creator? Nice try though. Also Ockham was a believer.

>> No.2087770


Pretty much this.

>> No.2087773

Religionfags, why aren't you all Hindu?

Hinduism was around before all your shitty religions so is obviously going to be the right one. Enjoy dying and then being reincarnated as a stick insect.

>> No.2087775

I grew up as a christian, struggled in 'my relationship with god' during 17-19, then while high watching Cosmos suddenly -BAM- I realized that if I hold science to be true, then I can be 99.9999999% confident that religion is man-manned bs (which should have been obvious in the first place).
I haven't told my parents, nor do I intend too; they aren't pushy and prob figured it out since I now disagree with them on a ton of issues.

>> No.2087777
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>This is what passes for thought among atheists

>> No.2087778

>2 more logical fallacies!

>> No.2087781


that the existence of creative intelligence in humans suggests the posibility of a higher creative intelligence

>> No.2087788

I was hardcore fundie after I finished reading the bible. Then I read some kiddy science books, realised it was bullshit. Stuck around in name because of pascal's wager before I read about russell's teapot and methodological naturalism as part of the scientific method.

>> No.2087792
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Thank God I'm an atheist.

>> No.2087794


Which will need to form somehow via evolution or human construction.

>> No.2087795


Umm.....no the comparison is valid as consciousness is one of the major things that leads people to question whether there is a higher intelligence and an appeal to authority is only bad when it is an appeal to a FALSE authority. I'd say Ockham is a pretty good authority on THE PHILOSOPHICAL TOOL HE HIMSELF CREATED.

Nice try though freshman

>> No.2087796




>> No.2087798


Not necessarily

>> No.2087802


Newton was an alchemist. By your logic alchemy must have been a great success!

Nice argument from authority dumbass.

>> No.2087803






>> No.2087809
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Irrelevant comparison. Try harder.

>> No.2087812

Argument for the existence of god

1. I'm scared of death
2. There are these people who say if I believe them I won't have to die! Sort of.
3. I'm going to believe them and say their stuff is true.
4. So there.
5. Oh, and if you disagree you are being offensive.

>> No.2087813


He said it was an argument from authority. Learn your fallacies.

>> No.2087816

I originally bought it all, that mashiach would come and all that jazz. At one point I even believe in Christ. It was the thought of death that kept me believing. The atheistic thought of eternally residing in the earth after death, being skullfucked by maggots, was too frightening to contemplate. What did it even mean to not exist? But eventually my logical faculties overcame this mental barrier; the world does not conform to our expectations or desires. As much as I hate the thought of it, I will one day cease to exist.

>> No.2087818
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>> No.2087823

>I'd say Ockham is a pretty good authority on THE PHILOSOPHICAL TOOL HE HIMSELF CREATED.

But not on the existence of God, which is what you implied. lrn2readingcomprehension

>> No.2087826


And I said his comparison was irrelevant


>> No.2087833

Being intelligent?

>> No.2087832

I was an agnostic since birth. Never went to church with my family because I told them I don't care about fiction. Only non-baptized person(my brother is, I am not). I have turned my family into at least agnostic theists. My mother handled it well, since she was pro-choice, but my father despised me.

Currently, my father is an extremist catholic and is forever alone.

>> No.2087835


But on the question of whether or not his tool refuted God's existence? I'd say he's excellent authority. Just like if you asked Newton whether or not his specific laws disproved alchemy (which they did not), he'd be a good authority to go to.

>> No.2087842

i believe that science can only provide natural explanations for natural phenomena. religions (the roman catholic church in particular) are placing themselves outside the realm of science when they reference a soul but acknowledge evolution. i think this is an effort to stay modern and attract new members as the theory of evolution (in particular) becomes more accepted.

any scientist completely ruling out any type of 'soul' is commiting to final causal thinking. science can only work off of efficient causation

>> No.2087849



>> No.2087854
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>Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

He addressed this when he talked about agnostism, and russels teapot. You should read this agrument again, and feel free to ask questions.


>non-sequitur that atheism...

I don't think you understand what Non-sequitur means.


He sets out to prove "atheism is the logical chocie". The statement that "Atheism is logical", is a correctly constructed propositional statment (ie it either has a "positive turth value", or a "negative truth value"). He then goes on to prove this statment has a positive truth value, he does this quite well. His logic is sound.

An example of a non-sequitur is somthing like.
"The Table is Happy". This statement does not have a positive of negative truth value, as happiness is not an attribute tha table can take.

Maybe you should read more about logic, so you don't make an ass out of yourself. Unless you are a Troll, and enjoy others laughing at you.

>> No.2087856

Seems to be an interesting trend here
>My whole family are idiots
>I'm not an idiot
and people say intelligence is genetic.

>> No.2087859


>Implying the first unified theory of the universe didn't come from monk

>implying that the Catholic church's relationship to science, Galileo aside, hasn't always been excellent

0/10 Nice fantasy though

>> No.2087864
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I had never been to this board and found this thread appalling. What is this, /12yo/? Are you guys seriously arguing with religious morons on Internet? Oh, well I'll state my opinion anyway. My reasoning is actually quite simple and consists of two steps:

> we have this tool for understanding our world called science
> science fucking works, your religion doesn't

As for the original topic of the thread. My family was never very religious but still Catholic. I was a Catholic myself but never really bought the whole religion thing. I remember asking my teacher why the school books said one thing about the origins of our world and the Bible said another thing and she said "it's the same thing but told in a different way". Bullshit.

I still remember the moment I decided to distance myself from religion altogether. I was watching a documentary on some aboriginal people and their gods and thought to myself "why do these people still believe in those gods? haven't anyone told them about the Bible?" and then it hit me. An hypothetical third person watching me could say the same thing about me and the god of the Bible. Then I understood just because you've held a belief your entire life doesn't make it true.

>> No.2087865
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you have nothing better to do then troll /sci/?
pretty sad bro

>> No.2087870
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>implying I'm trolling

>> No.2087871


cant see your points through your sarcasm.

i only stay here to learn.

>> No.2087872

i cant believe sci is getting trolled by a internet muslim

>> No.2087878
File: 88 KB, 520x494, muhammad666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I developed critial thinking ability I went from Islam to atheist. I then over the next year proceeded to convert my family. We are all now much happier! We live our lives to the fullest, knowing that this is the only chance we get.


>> No.2087880
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>> No.2087881


My point is the Catholic church has always been intensely committed to science. Therefore, attempts to come to paint the church as "modern" when it accepts scientific truths are ignorant and ahistorical

>> No.2087883


As I said I don't argue with religious morons/trolls on Internet. I read your image and it doesn't really phase me. Just stating my opinion and personal experience with religion.

>> No.2087885
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>> No.2087886


You probably went straight to Zionist too didn't you you fucking Murtad. Your day of judgment is coming inshallah

>> No.2087891
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When I developed critial thinking ability I went from Islam to atheist. I then over the next year proceeded to convert my family. We are all now much happier! We live our lives to the fullest, knowing that this is the only chance we get.


>> No.2087896
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>> No.2087897
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All religions are shit

>> No.2087901
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>> No.2087903


Inshallah may Allah most merciful assist your return to us before death so that you may receive that which is your birthright traitor

>> No.2087905


>Atheism is shit


>> No.2087907
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>> No.2087909


That's it commie. Show your nature. Everyone knows you people are murderous tyrants dormant in waiting for the opportunity to destroy the rights of the ummah. But Allah will lead his people to victory over you just as he did in Afghanistan and you will face a resistance not based on materialism or selfishness but on ideas and purity in your home country sooner rather than later inshallah

>> No.2087910


Christianity has produced the most powerful countries in the world while you Muslim savages can't even drive the Americans out of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Come join the true faith before it's too late.

>> No.2087916


We are currently defeating the atheists and the crusaders in Afghanistan and Allah most merciful will soon deliver the lands of Islam into the hands of their peoples

>> No.2087922


Yeah sure thing, Muhammad. They've managed to kill a couple thousands troops while hundreds of thousands Muslims are dead. Nice going there, desert savages.

>> No.2087937


The great shahid have died a honorable death in the service of the rights of their people to define their own nations. Even though our losses of life are worse than those of the crusaders, Allah will not allow the will of the Muslim people to break and our lands will soon belong to us again. Does anyone debate that the Union won the American civil war even though it suffered more casualties? Our victory will offer a better proof for God's love of the ummah than any proof for God's existence given here

>> No.2087946

I was indoctrinated, but at the same time I always had a bit of a skeptical streak that caused me to ask too many questions. My mom is dead and never knew, and I haven't talked to my dad too often in the last 13 or so years, but I doubt he'd give a shit. He is super conservative, but never once talked about God or religion around me.

>> No.2087948

I actually coped very well.

I demonstrated my intellect expansion as I grew up time and time again. When I told my folks how I felt about God, it was at a point where they could not control the development of my mind. I kept it to myself until such a time that when I revealed my choice, there was nothing they could do.

These days, they still love me for what I am. They tell me they pray for me, and even though it's preposterous, deep down, I know it's because they love me. And I love them. They'll always be my parents. No amount of Jesus VS Darwin warfare will change that.

>> No.2087950


Did you ever give Islam a try?

>> No.2087954
File: 35 KB, 463x396, 1277951536158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait let me get this straight. Allah won't allow stuff to happen yet he needs people to do it for him? I thought your god was almighty? Is your god some sort of pussy-god who can't do shit on his own? I never knew Muslims worshiped such a failure of a god.

Christian God, styling on Allah for thousands of years, fuck yeah!

>> No.2087957


What about you, have you ever tried God's true faith?

>> No.2087963

>MFW when both my parents have advanced physics degrees and nobody pushed religion on me, the most I was exposed to was a morning prayer at my grandparents house who both also had advanced degrees

>> No.2087965


Those who know Al-Islam know that there is an absolute separation of this world and God's world. We aren't true creationists in the modern sense of the world. Rather the physical world is man's proving ground, a place where we and we alone must build God's kingdom. We do not worship God the welfare check giver but rather God the neutral, God the realist.

>> No.2087977
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> a place where we and we alone must build God's kingdom
> all Muslim countries are shitholes

Hmm, OK? You don't seem to be doing a very good job at it. You should consider switching to other less savage religions.

>> No.2087997


My friend, we are not enemies. Our purpose is not this temporal life but rather the hereafter. It matters not what we create in this world nor the standard of human life but rather the depth, breadth, and intensity of our love of Allah. Do not hate us or judge us for choosing a more impoverished yet less corrupt/corruptible way of life

>> No.2088010


You suddenly changed the tone of your reply, why is that?

As for hating or judging. I don't mind if you savages want to live in the stone age in some cave back on your shithole of a country. It's only when you come to the civilized world and demand people join you on your cancerous cult that I get upset.

>> No.2088026


I think there are a few of us posting here and you may have me confused with someone else. Also, this idea that we force conversions is wrong. We merely point out the advantages of reversion to the current life and myself being a proselytizing type, I know that our target demographic are upper middle class European nonbelievers who are young. Without us they would never know the word of God exists. It seems there are many of our potential converts that hang out around /sci/ and I think I can have dialog with them in a way that could lead them to the light. At any rate, may Allah light your path. I must take my leave.

>> No.2088056

I never told them, my parents aren't really actively religious, but they'll associates things to god's will which aggravates me sometimes, but religious discussion never really comes up so I just let them go with what they believe and they let me go on with what I believe.

>> No.2088073

Hey, gaytheists, if God doesn't real, then who wrote the Bible?

>> No.2088093

I was also pretty much indoctrinated to the same apathetic form of Christianity they were until I was around 14 or 15 and started questioning some of the stuff to myself, but I didn't really become full blown atheist until I was 17ish, on a related note, I've only been to church twice my entire life, when I was 12. They were having this Easter thing where they broke a bunch of painted pots and god was supposed to repair them over Easter weekend. I thought it was the largest load of "horse shit" I had ever heard, and I was still religious at the time.

>> No.2088106
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My mother was from an extremely hardcore Christian family. My father was from a Hindu family; she met him while she was going through a 'rebellious' phase.

Even though both families tried to indoctrinate me, I grew up seeing that different religions say different things, are sure they are the only ones who are right, and have no evidence. I hated that conflict as a child, but I'm now glad that it kept me from mindlessly falling into bullshit.

>> No.2088571
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Apparently I'm late in replying. I figured anyone interested enough would just read it, but here you go. From Surah 2, "The Cow"

2:71 (Moses) answered: Lo! He saith: Verily she is a cow unyoked; she plougheth not the soil nor watereth the tilth; whole and without mark. They said: Now thou bringest the truth. So they sacrificed her, though almost they did not.
2:72 And (remember) when ye slew a man and disagreed concerning it and Allah brought forth that which ye were hiding. (2:72) "Allah brought forth that which ye were hiding."
2:73 And We said: Smite him with some of it. Thus Allah bringeth the dead to life and showeth you His portents so that ye may understand.

>> No.2088634

around 9th grade in high school I became an atheist.

My dad was more or less agnostic to begin with.. we had rational conversations about the subject and soon he himself became atheist.
i decided not to indoctrinate my mom, because it would just make her sad (my grandmother died and my mother sometimes prays to her for our family's safety). My mom doesn't rub religion onto anyone's face and hardly talks about the subject...so why bother..let my mom be happy.

but I'm lucky i have sane parents i guess.

>> No.2089360
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>Be a Muslim turned Atheist
>See this thread
>My face

No wonder people hate us so much

>> No.2089704

Muslim nations have been handed technology but reject the basis on which the tech was developed.

Christians often have the same problem.

It's difficult to fathom the hubris of unintelligent people attempting to educate their superiors, but Dunning and Kruger explained it nonetheless.

It ultimately doesn't matter though, intelligence is linked with success, and we are at this moment producing environmental pressures that will destroy the unsuccessful, as individuals and as nations. Religion will soon be gone, the religious seem to sense it.

>> No.2089715
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>> No.2089751

I never had to deal with my parents, I had to deal with my grandparents. Who are now so disassociated with my life that what they say means nothing to me.
Both of my parents didn't give two fucks about what I believe. They never told me what they believed religiously or politically so that I could come up with my own ideas.
Although my mom is so fucking retarded that when I told her I was agnostic (before becoming a "fully fledging" atheist), she was worried that I was in a cult... yeah.

>> No.2089768
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>> No.2089779

How many in this thread are DF'd or dissassociated JW's? I am, one other way up near the start at least, that's two so far.

I have a sneaking suspicion JW's are responsible for making a great many atheists and agnostics. And breaking up a great many families.

>> No.2090049
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>> No.2091085

Muslims or atheists?