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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 288x290, cern-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2083823 No.2083823 [Reply] [Original]

CERN researchers have trapped antihydrogen for the first time.

>> No.2083827

shut up fuck off who cares

>> No.2083830

CERN researchers have trapped antihydrogen for a long time.

Fixed it for you.

>> No.2083832

No they didn't. They CREATED it. They didn't trap shit.

>> No.2083851

you obviously know a lot about it

>> No.2083854


They trapped it long enough to make meaningful observations. They can't hold it indefinitely, but they can hold it long enough to study it.

It just happens that this period of time happens to be 1/10th of a second.

>> No.2083865

100ms is quite a bit of time given the measurement equipment we have available.

Not to suggest you don't know this but just trying to add to the conversation.

>> No.2083870

Next, suspend it in a mercury-like globule between two battery-powered magnetic plates, and place it beneath the Vatican...

>> No.2083871


Yeah, I was just pointing out to that guy that I know roughly how long they can trap the antihydrogen for and that, even though it seems like a fairly miniscule amount of time, it's more than enough.

>> No.2084530

In particle physics, 1/6th of a second is forever. It's the opposite of geology, where "recently" means "within the last ten million years".

>> No.2084536

What would be the consequence of that?

>> No.2084542

>meaningful observations

"Yup, it's antimatter."
What else did they 'observe'?

coectabi Basil

>> No.2084571

emission spectrum of it is a big deal that lets you test QED and a bunch of other shit

>> No.2084577
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>> No.2084581


we don't know much about antimatter's caracteristics.
especially it's gravitational properties

>> No.2084583

>Doesnt know what antimatter is

LMAO, we know just as much about the gravitational properties of anti-matter as we do regular matter. The mass of a particle and its anti-particle are the same you dumbshit.

>> No.2084584
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>implying there's any evidence that supports antimatter gravitationally attracting matter with the same magnitude that matter attracts matter
>implying antimatter has been produced in quantities high enough to measure gravitational properties

>> No.2084590

Theist/agnostic/religiousfag detected.

>> No.2084592
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>Implying you know shit about particle physics, and arent just some underage troll

Gravity only depends on mass (+ mometum). Things with equal mass behave the same way graviataionally. FUCK OFF TROLL!

>> No.2084595

You're assuming that based on current models, fuckwit. It's kind of important to actually test things instead of just assuming, that's why it's called science not philosophy.

>> No.2084600
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>Gravity isnt correlated with mass


>> No.2084602

>talking about someone being underage
>misspell momentum, gravitationally, and back up points using high school physics

>> No.2084605
File: 64 KB, 675x600, STFU_and_GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"gravity" is defined as the interaction associted with mass.....DURRR. Its the fucking definiton.

If an iteraction doenst depend on mass, it is not called gravity, it would be called somthing else (other forces exists too dumfuck).

>> No.2084606


Now, to be fair to him, you have to see it like this: most cases of mental retardation is genetic. It's not HIS fault that he's so dumb.

>> No.2084607
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>> No.2084609

The theory of gravy has been proved to be accuratte

>> No.2084612


>> No.2084616
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You seem to be underage and retarded.

>> No.2084619
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Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2084622
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Dis tiem, we didunt foggoets teh gravy.

>> No.2084621
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I haven't actually taken classes in particle physics but I have skimmed through a couple of textbooks out of interest. However, I do know how science works. Science doesn't work by assuming that the current model is always correct. Science works by testing the current model to see if it is. At the moment, we have a model for gravitation that would imply that matter attracts antimatter at the same rate as it attracts matter. However we also have models with an asymmetry between matter and antimatter. For example, anti-neutrinos and neutrinos have different chiralities. (If I recall correctly neutrinos are left-handed, but I forgot.) There's also a neutral Kaon particle that can decay into either anti-matter or matter, but does so with unequal probabilities.

The CPT theorem guarantees that antimatter attracts antimatter like matter attracts matter. But we don't know about matter-antimatter attractions.

>gravity depends on momentum
Stress-energy tensor?

>If an iteraction doenst depend on mass, it is not called gravity,
>mfw the geometric nature of general relativity shows that the mass of a test particle is irrelevant to its trajectory

>> No.2084627


>> No.2084636


Actually shit brick, this is an important thing to test. Science is all about checking things we assume as well as things we've no idea about

>> No.2084646

>I haven't actually taken classes in particle physics

That explains why you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, and you sound like a dumbshit. I agree that experimental obervation is nesscary, and that our theories can (and do) change.

However, the problem is that you are not actually debating science. You are misunderstanding the fucking way we define "gravity" to being with.

Gravity is fucking defined to be correlated to mass only. WHAT PART OF THAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND? If we discovered some other force, that depended on shit other then mass, IT WOULD NOT BE CALLED GRAVITY!

Since a particle and its antiparticle have the same mass, they are Gravitaionally equivalent, (according to the way we defined gravity).

Are you really that fucking retarded? Trolling? If you aren't a troll, then feel free to ask me some particle physics questions. Maybe I can clear up some of the shit you are misunderstanding.

>> No.2084654
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>Gravity is fucking defined to be correlated to mass only.
>mfw stress-energy tensor

>> No.2084656

Gravity is not defined as attraction proportional to mass. Magnetism is attraction proportional to mass, for the right objects.

If they detect attraction between the Earth and some antimatter that differs from the expected amount of attraction for the inertia that the antimatter has, then we've seen something new. If you've got a problem with this, I suggest getting the fuck out.

>> No.2084658

>feel free to ask me some particle physics questions
Explain why even though each gluon carries a color and an anticolor and there are three of each, there are eight gluons instead of nine.

>> No.2084665
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I was dumbing shit down. Mometum is equivalent to mass in particle physics dumbshit.
As mometum generates a "relatistic mass"...DURRR

>> No.2084668

>Mometum is equivalent to mass in particle physics dumbshit
Except the part where mass is an invariant and momentum isn't? Where mass is a scalar and momentum is a vector?

>mometum generates a "relatistic mass"...DURRR
>misspells relativistic
>thinks relativistic mass is still used as a concept

Also if gravity depends only on mass, explain frame-dragging.

>> No.2084673
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Dumb question maybe, but matter is attracted to the earths gravitational forces, so is anti-matter repelled by it?

>> No.2084675

We don't know yet. Most physicists believe anti-matter would fall downward too, but it hasn't been tested.

>> No.2084678
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Well, it has alot to do with the group theory involved in QCD. Becuase of your question I will assume you know alittle.

The simple answer: The local symmetry group for QCD is SU(3). From group theory, we know that, a local symmetrygroup of dimension N has N²-1 generators that generate the transformations under which the physical quantities are invarient.

Hence for QCD, which is represented by SU(3), we have 8 generators (hence 8 gluons)....DURRRR

Make sense?

>> No.2084681

Yes... yes it does... but can you give a physical interpretation of it too?

>> No.2084685

This guy is either a very bad and unoriginal troll or a generic 13 year old suburban kid. It would be for best if you just ignored him... nothing to gain talking with such mental midgets

>> No.2084686
File: 17 KB, 444x299, 1267601489075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is painfully obvious you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

If you want to get technical, particle physicsts deal with 4-vectors. The square of mass is equivalnet to the square of the 4-mometum.
They are the same type of object.

That is what is ment by "mass is equivalent to mometum". Go read a book son.

>> No.2084688
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>> No.2084706
File: 20 KB, 254x296, troll_5116425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A gluon cannot be truly white, else it wouldnt interact with shit. Hence from our nine possible combinations, we rule out the truly white one. (Truly white = White with no color preference).

Hence we are left with only 8, gluons.

>> No.2084710
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>> No.2084715

Racist motherfucker.

>> No.2084759
File: 17 KB, 359x439, 2394Big-20Tits-20Big-20Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid this thread needs to be put out of it's misery

>> No.2084766


Oh lawd those titties

>> No.2084841

Wake me up when they finally dig a black hole

>> No.2085211

this is amazeing

>> No.2085225
File: 16 KB, 1280x720, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2085244

you're late op.

>> No.2085273
File: 381 KB, 420x423, 1289692218565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ don't know SHIT about sciences