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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 556x340, befor_after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2081316 No.2081316 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who just got a 97% on their Calculus test because of binaural beats anything.

>> No.2081324

You do know binaural beats is all placebo, right?

>> No.2081320

I got 100%, OP.

>> No.2081327

How does it feel knowing that everyone on /sci/ right now can achieve the same result or better without some shitty placebo?

Kudos for the pseudoscientific thread though.

>> No.2081325

Enjoy your placebo.

>> No.2081328

And also that the pic in your OP is complete and utter horse shit, right?

>> No.2081332


so much mad.......so much fucking mad.

>> No.2081334


1. Prove binaural beats have some effect on the brain. Cite articles, websites, whatever, but they must be good sources. Inb4 I-Doser.

2. The (Perceived) Slowing of time is achieved by paying great attention to detail in a particular object. Is there any way to mimic this process (Essentially speeding up the brain) With binaural beats?

3. Heightened awareness can also be attributed to being more "In the moment". Not thinking about what tomorrow will be like, or what yesterday was. Is there any way to achieve this state with binaural beats?

>> No.2081335

>Ask someone who just got a 97% on their Calculus test because of binaural beats anything.

>> No.2081337

>actual bird-eye's-view brain scan
Oh lawds, 7/10

>> No.2081341

Are you aware that you would have scored much, much better if you instead of horrendous noise would have listened to the blessed angel Freddie Mercury?

>> No.2081343
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>> No.2081344

no mads, just asking (>>2081324, >>2081328)

>> No.2081347

1337 only comes once in a blue moon. Congratulations.

>> No.2081354

OP Here: It is proven that binaural are able to adjust quantum brain wave patterns.

>> No.2081359

>>2081354 faggot op, see >>2081334

> Cite articles, websites, whatever, but they must be good sources.

>> No.2081360

Not OP, but the research proving this is 50 years old. Find it your fucking self.

>> No.2081361
File: 40 KB, 726x604, trol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really, I don't suppose you have a citation on that?

>> No.2081362

It works. In which way it works is another question.

Its like proving that gravity works and assuming, that turning yourself upside down so the molecules in the brain are more "relaxed" would make you think faster.

>> No.2081366

>[citation needed]

>> No.2081369

>the research proving this is 50 years old.

>world is flat, proven

>> No.2081370

It "works" to do what. What is proven is that brain waves synchronize to the binaural beats. What it is useful for is an open question.

>> No.2081372

> 8=====D~

>> No.2081377

Quantum Mind Power System.

>> No.2081375

Useful to increase gamma brain wave functioning.

>> No.2081373

Lol, which "binaural beats" did you use, OP?

Which brand?

>> No.2081378

>[citation needed]
That's like asking for a citation for the existence of neutrons. If you're too ignorant to be familiar with shit we've known for 50 years, I'm sure as fuck not going to find you the material.

>> No.2081379

soldja boy

>> No.2081383

But turning yourself upside down does make you think faster! More easy blood influx in the brain.

>> No.2081386


>> No.2081387


citations....citations everywhere.

>> No.2081388



But really, audio-visual brainwave entrainment isn't complete rubbish, though it'd be nice if there were more studies on it than currently available.

>> No.2081394

>I Can't find anything that proves this so I'm just going to call you a dumbass


>> No.2081396

Not OP, but I've used it to try to get my alpha waves up around 12 hz from 10 hz, where they tend to lag around, for better concentration. At the end of an hour-session, I'd get them up about 1 hz higher than where they started. I don't use a "brand", I programmed it myself, so I could interface it with the EEG I built.

>> No.2081400

Just search for binaural beats in google scholar. There are hundreds of studies.

>> No.2081401

>OP Here: It is proven that binaural are able to adjust quantum brain wave patterns.
>quantum brain wave patterns

My palm has become fused to my face, thanks a lot asshole.

>> No.2081398

Why is everyone in this thread ignoring the Standford research?

>> No.2081403

>not op, stick sharpies in my ass for an oc of 2kHz in the beryllium beta phase

>> No.2081407

I don't know why this is so funny....it must be the binaural beats I am listening too fucking with my head.

>> No.2081408

>More retards on /sci/ today than normal.
>Think I'll go to /tv/ and bitch about the harry potter movie

>> No.2081411


>> No.2081413

>No homework threads on the front page of /sci/ today.
>Can't show off that I know calculus....T.T
>Leaving until kids get home from school to post their homework

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.2081416

I once performed a voodoo ritual right before a history test and got a perfect 100

I'm not going to question why this is so, and my house now stinks of chicken blood, but it WERKS!

>> No.2081423

stare long enough and it looks like a vagina. indicated op's mind is fucked.

>> No.2081433
File: 19 KB, 500x497, 1286771760492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have gotten 100% you fail.

>> No.2081439

As an experimenter in this field, I've had a lot of good discussions on binaural beats in /sci/. Too many trolls ITT for a discussion though.

>> No.2081444

I didn't study at all before the test. I just listened to binaural beats and then took the test.

haters gonna hate

>> No.2081447

not OP but come at me. I am interested in this.

>> No.2081479

Creditable peer-review


>> No.2081606


I don't really feel high. I'm not sure what exactly I'm feeling right now, but its not high. Its like a headache without the pain.

>> No.2081615

Does this shit really work? I am going to download a couple of these off demonoid and see if it can help me learn math.

>> No.2081619

That means your brain likes it. Keep going!

>> No.2081630


No I didn't mean the ethereal/surreal feeling, I meant the mildly annoyed/cut that shit out feeling.

>> No.2081639
File: 694 KB, 2354x3400, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule #7

>> No.2081647

Keep doing it.

>> No.2081651

Rule #12: Everyone on /sci/ thinks they are smarter than every other scientist currently living.

>> No.2081668

rule #9

>> No.2081680

It'd be best to focus your brainwaves (I can't believe I'm actually saying this) to areas that are needed, instead of making a funny picture.

>> No.2081694

Riiiight... because the brain works completely independent of its other regions and any given activity only uses a specific region of the brain

>> No.2081708

Rule #13, /sci/ wouldn't recognize science if it bit them in the ass.

>> No.2081720

you have no idea what you're talking about, just supposition on top of supposition

>> No.2081728

can you prove is not a placebo?
Oh you can't?

>> No.2081746

Some are used more than others.

>> No.2081756

>Ask someone with a very tenuous grasp of causality and correlation anything.


>> No.2081774

Better question guys, how does music not effect your brain? That's like saying that someone talking to you doesn't effect you. Its organized sound, so it forces your brain to organize while it interprets it. Fucking complicated shit in here.

>> No.2081790

Real men don't need noise to help them meditate.

OP is a faggochini.

>> No.2081792

The entrainment of brainwaves by binaural beats was proven in the FUCKING 1940's you retard nigger.

>> No.2081805

rule #8

>> No.2081812


not to insult your intelligence or anything, but you guys are posting in a troll thread.

>> No.2081816

>Post in troll thread
>Post in homework thread

pic one.

>> No.2081853

rule #18: Find it yourself, ignoramus.

>> No.2081856
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>> No.2081883

>taking calculus
>mentions binaural beats
not even going to argue with this goon. hope those sick beats help you pseudoscience your way into your dream job (cash register at a retail store is your best bet, guaranteed).

>> No.2081887
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>> No.2081888

I got 100% on mine by doing the homework. Bow down before me, mortals!

>> No.2081897


>> No.2081910

What butthurt? I'm simply not gonna abide by those bullshit rules. If I happen to be in accordance with them that is not due to your nonexistent authority but rather my own accord. Deal with it.

>> No.2081923
File: 1.97 MB, 320x240, 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have a winner!

>> No.2081938

The rules were voted by /sci/
learn them, love them, kill yourself

>> No.2082133

Voted by /sci/, so what? Rules are there to be broken. Also good luck enforcing them if you think otherwise.

>> No.2082182


im so proud that /sci/ has developed it's own subculture

it's one of the big boys now

>> No.2082185




>> No.2082186

>Rules are there to be broken.

Hey, is there a rule about philosophers being dickwrinkles yet?

>> No.2082197

Um, no. I disapprove of several of these rules, and have several others, and I am the king of /sci/. Your rules are invalid.

>> No.2082204

>implying we have a hierarchy
So whats it like being a freedom-killing faggot by wanting to enforce bullshit (rules)?

>> No.2082215

Rule #3294: STFU, FAGGOT

>> No.2082225

Too bad for you, I'm unlawful.