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2080477 No.2080477 [Reply] [Original]

There is five exabytes of information on the internet.

That is all.

>> No.2080483

and most of it is porn.

>> No.2080488

i take that not as a sign, but a message

>> No.2080495


I love porn don't get me wrong. But since the internet can really be looked at as essentially the current world....the fact that almost half, if not more than half, of the traffic in that world involves masturbation material is kind of funny.

>> No.2080497

I wasn't saying it in a bad just stating teh facts.

>> No.2080500

as the first and third poster, i tell ya, i went from a 30 second to a 30 minute masturbation time.

Good ol days, thirteen or something years old, looking up lezzy porn on Kazzaa

>> No.2080501


The internet is always credited for changing the way we communicate and do business.

Nay, the internet mainly revolutionized the way we pleasure ourselves and how often we do it.

>> No.2080502

seks maeks bebbes

>> No.2080506
File: 46 KB, 750x600, 1288480852638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2080512

as the OP, i say, four internets to who finds out when the first porn site went up

>> No.2080515

and if you post your internetometer adress, ill give em myself.

>> No.2080537

That's 5 billion gigabytes (if I converted it right).

>> No.2080541

>he thinks bytes are in base 10

>> No.2080554


>he thinks he's hot shit

>> No.2080564

>he doesn't realise its 1024 GB to a TB.

>> No.2080571

>doesn't realize that for a long time now there has been a considerable amount of dispute on the issue ultimately culminating in the creation of binary metric prefixes e.g. kiB, MiB, GiB, TiB etc

>> No.2080575

>is unaware of the fact that nobody uses those

>> No.2080584

>Has never heard of a hard drive manufacturer

>> No.2080585

>is unable to entertain the notion that they only do it out of dishonesty

>> No.2080587

>somehow thinks motive is important

>> No.2080595

as retarded as this sounds, you are actually wrong.
Computer Science actually "borrows" these concepts and applies them in bases os 2.
In the International System, a Giga relates to 1000 Mega which relates to 1000 Kilo.
Now a Gibibyte is 1024 mebibytes which is 1024 kybibites and so on.

>> No.2080597


I actually think all of those are the same person

>> No.2080602
File: 50 KB, 720x400, 1224473803359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2080610

5.37Bn Gigabtes. that is a fuck of a lot of porn. and just think how much of that is funny pictures of cats...

>> No.2080643


>There is five exabytes of information on the internet.

Not infomation, data.

>> No.2080661 [DELETED] 

1024 and 1000 are close enough. Shut the fuck up.

a grainweight is 27.4 drachmas, but since a stone is 14 pounds, for common operations 28 close enough.

lol, lets see you start a flamewar with this

>> No.2080664

1024 and 1000 are close enough. Shut the fuck up.

there is 27.4 grainweight to the drachma, but since a stone is 14 pounds, for common operations 28 close enough.

lol, lets see you start a flamewar with this

>> No.2080667

Lol TiB

>> No.2080672

True. Probly be about 800PeB with absolute compression

>> No.2080674

I can fit the whole of geocities on my portable harddisk.

>> No.2080677


>> No.2080844

1024 and 1000 are close enough, but 1024^6 and 1000^6 are pretty different

>> No.2080928

Here. The ratio of Comp Sci's binary powers compared to SI's decimal.
From Ki/K up to Googol.
