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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2078648 No.2078648 [Reply] [Original]

Is time an actual thing in the universe without humans? or is it a form of human organization like north south east west. And what about left right up down?

>> No.2078666

I dont this time actually exists. Its a form of organization. A line of time would mean that there IS fate, which i dont think there is. You cant go forward in time, and u cant experience past events.

>> No.2078665

What is time?

>> No.2078667

This is Science and Math. Not philosophy. Science can only give you the very boring answer that time continues on normally whether or not we exist.

>> No.2078670

All that shit still exists. We just gave names to them.

>> No.2078672

But wouldnt it matter if time wasnt a real factor in the universe?

>> No.2078674

Time is imaginary temperature
Makes perfect sense

>> No.2078675

"left right / North South etc." aren't just human set ups
Plants grow upright (up) so as to better reach the sun light and out (left and right) so as to cover more ground for more surface area exposed
Any animal that has a migratory pattern uses North, South, East and West
These aren't thought up by man, but are instead observable features of the world man named

>> No.2078679

Why would there be any reason that Time would not be a "real factor"?

>> No.2078680

Reminds me of whether or not wave functions exist.

Whether time exists or not, it is useful for calculations so we will keep using it.

>> No.2078684

Up could really be Down, we just decided to call it Up. Up could actually be Squiggle Fuck The Bath.

We named it Up and that is what we associate with it. Before that was even named, I'm pretty sure most people didn't give a fuck what Up was called or if it even still technically existed.

>> No.2078688

Time exists. Evident by the fact that things die and change.

>> No.2078698

How would that be directly tied into time. Because the time it takes for things to die and decay and change and whatnot isnt the same for other molecules, compounds, organic matter. Theres no set time of when things happen in an orderly fashion, it just does.

>> No.2078702


so the question here is that if a tree falls in the forest...?

well did you know that electrons behave like innocent little particles only when you are looking at them bu as soon as you turn your back they go fucking crazy and fly around in every velocity at once. That shouldn't even be possible, those sneaky fuckers.

>> No.2078705

>You cant go forward in time

What ? Are you fucking retarded? We're always going forward in time

God damn.

>> No.2078724

dont scare me
No dont do that tree bullshit,
Could i say time is a line?
and it shows that there is a difference between right now and later, or before?
But is there? Because time is a very useful tool to tune an entire world onto the same clock(timezones obviously) But would it still be here with no human to record it? I think thats the question.
> would time still be here with no human to record it?

>> No.2078729

time is a dimension like length width and depth (updownleftrightlnoertheastsouth)

it is a measurement v=d/t a=v/t.

If time is real then reality is a four dimensional graph/plot, like the two dimensional line graphs used to show statistics and shit.

This doesn't explain whether time is real or not because the world can be a 4d version of a graph depending on how you look at it, so time can be real depending on how you look at it.

>> No.2078737

Oh so you can time travel. Whats gonna happen a year from now.

>> No.2078742

Science does not say what is.
Science only proposes models for describing what is, and whatever tends to work out becomes an accepted model.Treating time as another dimension like length and width is a useful model. Is it true? Who cares?

>> No.2078769

if the rotation of the earth majically slowed down would time slow down with it?

If you can move left and right, up and down, forward and back; why can't you move back and forward through time a differen speeds or stop time, and why can't we only move up, left and forward or down right and back at the same speed constantly. Seems like we are existing in four dimensions but controlling our position in only three.

but position and movement are determined by a reference point, if the reference point moves with us then we are sitting still, but if two parts of me which I control are definitely moving separate of each other then I am definitely moving if my hands are moving apart from each other, but maybe from the perspective of an other dimensional entity they are moving at different speeds through time since one is moving faster than the other. We always go through time in the same amount of time but why not space in the same amount of time? Because we move through space in the same amount of space always, same correlation.

>> No.2078770

Would time mean that there is fate? Cause as a timeline id say so.
but maybe as a clock it just ticks. And we are always on the front end of time and every tic ahead isnt certain what will happen so there isnt necessarily a set fate?

>> No.2078805

>if the rotation of the earth majically slowed down would time slow down with it?
No thats along the same idea that the sun moves across the sky in relation to time.
If you can move left and right, up and down, forward and back; why can't you move back and forward through time a differen speeds or stop time, and why can't we only move up, left and forward or down right and back at the same speed constantly. Seems like we are existing in four dimensions but controlling our position in only three.
If time is a dimension they i guess technically. Wouldnt that mean that there is some force causing to move everything in the 4th dimension? GRAVITY

>> No.2078808



>> No.2078820

is the 3rd dimension the 2nd dimension bent? would that apply for the 4tH?

>> No.2078834

say you were going to move two meters in two seconds. You decide to move twice as fast through time for two meters. You move two meters in one second

say you were going to move two meters in two seconds. You decide to move twice as fast through SPACE for two meters. You move two meters in one second

there is a point to this I swear

say you were going to move two meters in two seconds. You decide to move twice as fast through time for ONE SECOND. You move two meters in one second

say you were going to move two meters in two seconds. You decide to move twice as fast through SPACE for ONE SECOND. You move two meters in one second

>> No.2078844

so tell me what you think about the data I presented here
, and I'll tell you what I think

>> No.2078854

time is bent 90 degrees to length width or depth

>> No.2078859

i kind of get it.
When you move 2 meters, time and space are sorta different options for the same outcome? Is that because its different dimensions?
thast just D=Tr
2=2x1 or 2=1x2
multiplication must have alot to do with this idea.

>> No.2078885

Is rate equal to time when finding the distance?

>> No.2078891

say you were moving at an angle so that you would move two meters up every time you moved two meters left. You decide to go twice as fast UP for TWO UP METERS. you move two meters up in one left meter.

say you were moving at an angle so that you would move two meters up every time you moved two meters left. You decide to go HALF as fast LEFT for TWO UP METERS. you move two meters up in one left meter.


time is interchangeable with any other dimension.

>> No.2078897

is it literally bent? Cause that could tie into string theory. Time is a giant line that makes the universe. BUT CONTINUES and makes para universes forward and backwards from where we are.

>> No.2078901

"rate" in this case would be velocity which is always equal to distance/time. v=d/t is fundamental.

>> No.2078918

time is hyperbolic, and not interchangeabl

>> No.2078922

this is a totally different thing altogether. String theory says that everytime a choice is made between two options (i.e. an electron choosing to move in one of two directions) a reality is created for each choice. Everytime a choice is made that effects you you shift to one of the new realities. Reality kind of divides like a cell in this manner.

>> No.2078925


>> No.2078936

If a tree falls in a forest, is there still a sound? If a man says something and there are no women around, is he still wrong?

>> No.2078952

If a tree falls in the forest and a woman hears it, what the fuck is a tree doing in the kitchen?

>> No.2078949

oh i was thinking of string theory, ive been trying to understand it more and more. Ive gotten the idea that things are made of strings and they vibrate, or react differently to vibrations, i guess im way off it doesnt matter.

But what i was getting at was if time is bent to make length width or depth, so everything. But its either i forget my point or i proved myself wrong in my head so it doesnt matter. Thanks for explainng things to me im goin to bed,

>> No.2079098
File: 91 KB, 450x595, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.2079113

This one's easy. There was a severe storm, and the tree fell through the roof.

>> No.2079124
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>> No.2079155
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I concur wholeheartedly, MOTHER FUCKERS.

>> No.2079161
File: 9 KB, 366x367, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fags. Get some Heidegger up in this motherbitch

>> No.2079172
File: 8 KB, 200x263, 200px-Edmund_Husserl_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My greatest student, my greatest...disappointment.

>> No.2079184

My theoretical neuroscience professor once told us that he thinks that time doesn't exist objectively and that it's a trick of the brain.

I suppose it depends on whichever philosophy you hold closest.

>> No.2079209

There's definitely alot of polarized opinion about H, that's for certain.

>> No.2079220

I would imagine they way in which we intuitively interpret time is an illusion. But the idea of time is greater than the way we intuitively interpret it.

>> No.2079243
File: 107 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got here as soon as I could, guys. It's handled now.

>> No.2079494

The way in which we perceive time is subjective. However, time must exist objectively in order for perception to be possible in the first place.