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2077247 No.2077247 [Reply] [Original]


why is it that men on average have more sexual partners than women? i can understand a difference on the MEAN, but not on the average, are people just such fucking liars? even when being anonymous? or maybe both men and women use different criteria to determine what constitutes sexual partners (e.g. men consider someone who gave them a handjob a sexual partner while women only consider men who penetrated them a sexual partner).

For men to have had that amount of partners it is necessary that women had the same amount of partners (unless, of course, that homosexual men are having so much sex that they're skewing the statistic, but i doubt that)

>> No.2077361

c'mon, anyone?

>> No.2077381

gays, gays everywhere

>> No.2077387

they don't
excluding homosexuals (small minority)
for heterosexuals, every time a man has a sexual partner, a woman must also have a sexual partner, so the numbers are the same

>> No.2077392
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>i can understand a difference on the MEAN, but not on the average

>> No.2077402

Well durp! It's fucking obvious.

All the guys getting loads of bitches are all sharing the local bikes/slags/sluts around them. The girls get far more partners than any of the guise. The are AIDS ridden too.

Proper GF material saves herself for her man.

>> No.2077415

Some women are whores and will sleep with anyone. So you have 15 guys who slept with the same 3 women. Also some people are liars.

>> No.2077417

the means between the sexual partners of both sexes could be different if a small minority of males were having lots of sex while a great majority had little sex, or did i misunderstand the term?


that's exactly what i was thinking, so you think they're lying on the poll?

>> No.2077476

the average partners would still be the same for both sexes in that scenario
>Some women are whores and will sleep with anyone. So you have 15 guys who slept with the same 3 women.

again, that doesn't change the AVERAGE of partners:

lets say we have 10 guys and 10 girls
5 girls fuck no guys
and 5 girls fuck the 10 guys
that means girls on average fucked 5 guys each and men on average fucked 5 girls each

that's how it is possible for only a few women to fuck lots of dudes and still have the same average than men

>> No.2077502

This is true - I have had great difficulty when interrogating my conquests about their partners. I have asked them the total, mean, mode, and average shags per guy, and never got a satisfactory answer.

>> No.2077554

this wouldn't affect the mean, lets say there are 15 guys and 15 girls, all guys are sleeping with only 3 women.
so each guy has 1 sexual partner, 3 women have 5 each, and 12 women have 0
the means are still the same.
15X1/15 = 1
3X5/15 = 1

>> No.2077564

what poll?
and, erm yes, probably

use the 'american pie 2' law
whatever a girl says, divide it by 3 and get the real answer
whatever a guy says, multiply it by 3, and that is the real answer
(and do it with a factor of 9 if said guy/girl has watched american pie 2...)

>> No.2077610

by poll i meant the study, my bad.

what's the difference between mean and average?

>> No.2077616


>> No.2077648

statistical 'average' is vague, it cold mean mode, median, mean, range...whatever, several different types of descriptive statistic...but is most commonly meant as the mean
and the mean is the sum of the frequencys divided by the number of results.

so, if i have 3 people. 1 with 2 sweets, 1 with 7 sweets, and one with 6 sweets, the mean is (2+7+6) / 3 = (15/3) = 5, so the mean is 5 sweets.
when people say 'average' they usually mean 'mean' though (mean mean...lol)
so yeh, just treat them as synonyms..

>> No.2077690

oh ok, thanks , english isn't my first language so i wasn't quite sure what the difference was

>> No.2077732

for any survey there is a population to be considered.
obviously for this survey the population isn't "everyone in the US". thus the difference is perfectly possible.

what this could also mean is that adults over 20 are having sex with people under 20. and the fact that gay men are more plentiful than lesbians and they have more sexual partners on average.

>> No.2077741

The mean needs to be about the same, but the median (sometimes used as average) can definitely be skewed.