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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2072729 No.2072729 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry if theres already a thread about it, if so please point me there.



I am so fucking glad I live in this generation. The next 20 years are going to be awesome.

>> No.2072767

>Sorry if theres already a thread about it, if so please point me there.

>implying /sci/ cares about science

It's all bout the religiotrollin man, get with the times.

>> No.2072772

I can work for a better world. If I don't discuss Science, the religiontrolls win.

>> No.2072815

So noone cares about Anti-matter being successfully contained?

The possible solution to the energy crisis?
Space travel?
Stronger bombs?

>> No.2072836

Oh, I care. It's interesting. It's fucking revolutionary. It's the most exciting thing happening in particle physics that I can think of. I can't wait.

But you know the first thing they'll build is an anti-matter bomb. So all the energy-solving is irrelevant. Kind of sad really.

But at least we know it's possible to collect the stuff - what does this mean for the probability of other intelligent life forms actually visiting us? It now doesn't seem so far-fetched.

>> No.2072840

> "This a big step."

Fucking reporters.

>> No.2072841



>> No.2072846

True, the bomb will be the first thing to happen, but after that, and perhaps using some of it's research.

Any estimates on how long until we see this in a usable form?

Also, Anti-matter isn't the thing that turns everything else into anti-matter right? It just fucking explodes?

>> No.2072852

I'm also curious if the current collection methods actually produce more energy than consumed. It's actually irrelevant since once we get enough of the shit we'll switch to energy derived from antimatter.

>> No.2072863

what the fuck is an anti-proton/hydrogen/neutron?

>> No.2072867

uh, they didn't "collect" it they just slowed it down long enough to be studied more than they previously had

>> No.2072872


"If the strange matter hypothesis is correct and a strangelet comes in contact with a lump of ordinary matter such as Earth, it could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter."

>> No.2072875

> anti-matter bomb

>> No.2072877


If bonobos had evolved into a lineage that dominated earth, the first think they would have done is build an antimatter dildo.

TL;DR we should be more like bonobos. They have sex to resolve differences.

>> No.2072890

>they just
Progress is progress. By studying the particles more closely doesn't it stand to reason that we'll find a way to harness their power?

>> No.2072896


>> No.2072901

it's certainly a huge deal, but it's no where near "oh man they're about to make a bomb out of this shit"

>> No.2072927

It's very cool . Trapping antimatter will enable new ways of studying it. We know there must be differences between matter and antimatter which caused the universe to be full of one rather than the other, but the one difference we know about is very small. This may enable a solution of that mystery.

But antimatter is not a viable power source, and has nothing to do with solving the energy crisis (unless perhaps we figure out how to make antimatter without simultaneously making matter).

>> No.2072930

again, wtf?
from the name I'm guessing this shit somehow collides with other matter and destroys it releasing a fuckton of heat?

>> No.2072941

Still, you have to admit that it's great being one of three species who employs sex for the lulz.

>> No.2072944

Herp derp. We could always trap antimatter this method just provides a slightly longer time to contain it before they annihilate. This is just sensationalism.

>> No.2072963

are antiprotons made of antiquarks or does nobody know?

>> No.2072972
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The banana on my counter produces antimatter with alarming regularity.

>> No.2072977

I'll care in 10 years when it stops being just something cool that scientists can do with the lhc.

>> No.2072980


Dolphins, humans and bonobos?
Or housecats, or pigs, or...? So, it's really probably a much wider variety than originally thought.

>> No.2072985



>> No.2072991

This isn't a big deal. Antimatter isn't going to solve the energy crisis or be viable as a weapon. It takes too much time and energy to produce.

>> No.2072992

I don't think we'll see anything big for at least forty years, OP.

>> No.2073004


>> No.2073005

this is fucking mind blowing

>> No.2073007

At best it could become a very compact processed fuel for applications where mass is at a premium (eg: space vessels).

>> No.2073014

um, no. We will always have to make anti-matter. When you have to make the source of your energy, you will never gain anything.
IE - Expending energy to make something that you will use to get energy is redundant and will never yield a net gain.
It's pretty close in principle to electrolyzing water to make hydrogen to recombine to power cars.
It works, but it's a net loss since you still have to get power from somewhere else to make the hydrogen.

>> No.2073015


You're going to sage because a thread is talking about sensationalist science and isn't a homeworkthread or a religionthread?

>> No.2073031
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>mfw reading this thread

What the fuck? Are you all 10?

>> No.2073049

I don't think so. If the antimatter takes 1 megajoules to create it but releases 1 gigajoule that's 2 orders of magnitude larger than what was needed.

>> No.2073059


That's a big "if"

As in it won't happen.

>> No.2073061

If that's your face I suggest suicide.

>> No.2073064

Thanks God. Your omniscience is most valuable to discussions.

>> No.2073065

Do you not understand how energy works?

>> No.2073072

fuck. someone

>> No.2073085

We're talking about ANTIMATTER here. Forget everything you know about conservation of energy or whatever the fuck you think you're talking about.

>> No.2073094

"forget every rule of physics"

k. I'm going to go jump in my rocket ship and head to uranus(LOL)

>> No.2073097
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>> No.2073103

The only good use I can think of for antimatter is energy storage on interstellar journeys.

>> No.2073104

It's always sad to see people get left behind during a paradigm shift.

>> No.2073127
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>> No.2073134

How would you get the energy out of it? Matter would be a much better source..

>> No.2073145

I regret studying social sciences at a time like this. I might end up coming back to school for a second degree.

>> No.2073149

READ mfer.
You are on the internet. If we spent 2/3rds of every discussion on /sci/ catching up people like you we would never get past "why can't we go faster than the speed of light"......oh wait.

ANYWAY, go Google it. Or better, read the whole large hadron collider website and don't come back until you have finished it.

>> No.2073178

btw, I should have smileys in there or something. I mean this is completely good humor.

We honestly cannot get bogged down with just teaching these complex ideas before we even get to talk about it, although; if you make a thread that says "what is antimatter and where can I find out more about it" that will probably get some good assists so long as you have googled it first.

>> No.2073215

Listen to this man. He is not a cunt.