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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 350x494, pi=4 square-circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2068413 No.2068413 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, there has to be some mathematical fallacy in this pic somewhere. I just can't find it.

Little help here, /sci/?

>> No.2068417

You've posted this already today.

>> No.2068423

the right angles don't just go away

>> No.2068424

pi =/= circumference

>> No.2068427

yes it is, asshat

>> No.2068431

>Okay, there has to be some mathematical fallacy in this pic somewhere. I just can't find it.

The square-like object converges to the circle in area but not circumference. As such, using it's perimeter to approximate the circumference of a circle is wrong.

>> No.2068435

Different person. I was browsing /v/ lol when this showed up.

Usually I can see through these troll physics threads, but I guess I'm tired or something right now.

Any links or proofs to clarify?

>> No.2068456

taxi cab metric (the one used in picture) and the euclidean metric are not compatible

pi is defined using the euclidean metric

>> No.2068459

The perimeter is still made up of really tiny vertical and horizontal lines.

>> No.2068465

Draw a circle. Draw a bigger circle. Both circumferences cannot = pi.

>> No.2068468
File: 2 KB, 260x208, DURR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom in. The two lines are clearly not the same length.

>> No.2068500
File: 17 KB, 585x294, zigzag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Providing their diameters are = 1, yes they can.

Hey OP - imagine an example where you have a zig-zagged line, and a straight one - then you fold in all the zigs, ah shit, I'll just draw it.

See the picture - it is a logical fallacy - even if you make all the tiny angles so small that they cannot be seen, they are still logically there, and you are NOT dealing with a straight line.

>> No.2068501


>> No.2068507

>taxi cab metric (the one used in picture) and the euclidean metric are not compatible

This probably explains it best. Is it all really just an issue of incompatibility?

>> No.2068512

Its a prollem prolly over 20 lb. of pussy and ass!

>> No.2068519

He's assuming that the limit of those little line segments at right angles will converge to the circumference as you approach infinity. Apparently he is mistaken. This can be easily demonstrated by taking other shapes and showing that the circumference can converge to some other number. Obviously it is broken.

>> No.2068523
File: 6 KB, 120x120, 903397_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats eite

>> No.2068531

This. Do it with an octagon (Or a triangle) and you can prove that it is wrong. This false proof implies that all shapes inscribed in a same-size square have the same perimeter, which is false.

>> No.2068536

You all really,
Misunderstand Infinity.

The closest answer is >>2068468 >>2068431



It's easy to get confused in a problem like this.

>> No.2068548

>Providing their diameters are = 1, yes they can.
Two circles, one bigger than the other, cannot both have a diameter of 1, or they would be the same size.

>> No.2068552

Holy hot hells, you should not have skipped 7th grade.
Draw a circle with a diameter of 1. ( Kilometer or meter or cm or yard or inch or just defined as 1 )
And the circumference will be pi ( km's, meters, cm, yards, inches ).
Which leads us to define the circumference of the circle as (2 * radius * pi) - protip, radius = 1/2 * diameter.

>> No.2068554

they are distinctly different ways of measuring distances, they are comparable in some senses, but not equivalent

if you take a point and consider all the points that are a distance R away from it, in the taxi cab metric that would make a diamond shape, in the euclidean metric it would make a circle.

>> No.2068558
File: 34 KB, 221x214, GunshowObvious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarcasm, idiot. Learn to spot it.

>> No.2068565

>learn to spot sarcasm in a medium that eliminate inflection and body language, two key indicators of sarcasm

>> No.2068577

See this.

Although it's obvious he cried 'sarcasm' to cover for his stupid mistake.

It's okay bro, everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.2068602

Samefag, I'm guessing.

Person A, a troll, said "Draw a circle. Draw a bigger circle. Both circumferences cannot = pi."
Person B responded with "Providing their diameters are = 1, yes they can.", pointing out how stupid his logic was.

Tell me why it wasn't obvious as shit that he was joking

>> No.2068608

Actually, I wrote both
but not

I am a little puzzled as to how you are seriously not understanding what pi is.
It is the ratio of the diameter to the circumference. Provided you have a diameter of 1, you will have a circumference of pi, in a perfect circle. Whether you mean 1 kilometer or yard or inch doesn't matter. So two circles of different sizes can both have a diameter of 1 and a circumference of pi.

>> No.2068617
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he doesn't know that "pi" is defined as the circumference of a circle with a diameter of one

>> No.2068621

And I am >>2068558
That was my first post in this idiotic thread.

Gee, I guess names would be helpful here. I shall henceforth be known as "Anon 88"

>> No.2068620

Fucking fractals, how do they work?

>> No.2068641

Okay assholes, here's the tl;dr:

pi=4 in Taxicab Geometry

pi=3.14~ in Euclidean Geometry

Fuck, you /sci/s are slow.

>> No.2068662

>Taxicab geometry
>In which all shapes have ratio-to-distance-across-flats of 4

>> No.2068669

What is the practical use of Taxicab Geometry ?
Do you know ?

>> No.2068670

The square intersects the circle at only countably many points. The circle and square each have uncountably many points (assuming we're doing this with real numbers). Therefore, there is a chunk of the square of measure 1 which does not coincide with the circle, and a chunk of circle of measure 1 which does not coincide with the square. So of course they can have different perimeters. You're not even measuring the same thing.

Imagine doing this with a triangle, or a pentagon, or a hexagon... any convex polygon will do. You can even use a similar procedure from the inside and construct a fractal which is arbitrarily close to the circle at all points and which has *infinite* perimeter.

>> No.2068675


>> No.2068736



>> No.2070059



>> No.2070069


>> No.2070079


>> No.2070082


>> No.2070088


>> No.2070090


>> No.2070092

what is it, yesterday already? my how time flies

>> No.2070115

Time flies like an arrow;
Fruit flies like bananas.

>> No.2070123
File: 608 KB, 800x2500, M1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, my cubician skills comes in handy.

>> No.2070129
File: 558 KB, 800x2500, M2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2070131
File: 343 KB, 800x2500, M3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2070140

umad pifags?

>> No.2070694
File: 18 KB, 267x400, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, it's you, pifags

>> No.2070703

I'm more into cakes.


>> No.2070711


yeah, because sarcasm doesnt exist in written form. on an unrelated note, what is satire?

>> No.2070707

Son of a bitch.

This image has been posted, and questioned for the last week.

God fucking dammit.

>> No.2070712

OP of this;
My captcha was
look double-re
Just look at them doubles.