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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 600x480, mars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2064468 No.2064468 [Reply] [Original]

>The fastest way to send humans to Mars is to not worry about bringing them back


>> No.2064475

It's not easy for a crew to build a rocket capable of leaving a earthlike planet on mars with only rocks around, and bringing the rocket with then will require too much fuel on takeoff

>> No.2064478

Space elevator.

>> No.2064479

They'd want people 60 and over since without medical care and exposure to radiation they probably wouldn't live long.

What the fuck is the point of that?

>> No.2064480

holy shit i think i have been transported back in time to 1937 when this article first appeared on the internet, because that is how the OP is acting

either that, or he is so extremely new and so excruciatingly homosexual, that it would be apt to title him a "newfag"

>> No.2064483

>What we need is an eccentric billionaire

I thought we already had Virgin Galactic.

>> No.2064489
File: 60 KB, 357x500, 1267447209274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just send me to mars goddamnit.
I don't want to come back

>> No.2064491

Even with the reduced gravity of mars a space elevator would still be an enormous industrial project.

>> No.2064493


Yes, but there are plenty of people like you who are actually physically and emotionally fit to make the trip.

>> No.2064498

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.2064500

>implying "we" went to the moon
>implying we could go to mars
>implying nasa is not going to fake the landing again

>> No.2064502
File: 29 KB, 320x240, bush_saudi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO, our current technology is too shit for this yet

but we should still be able to set out a decent unmanned mission (with proper drills, lots of intelligent robots and a shelter -- they should be able to survive the climate long term and repair themselves)

>> No.2064511

>emotionally fit
>suicide on giant space rock

>> No.2064516
File: 53 KB, 400x551, linkrsrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when every suicide so far was on a giant space rock

>> No.2064517


I'd be a prefect candidate for interplanetary exploration. I never leave my room, so it wouldn't even make a difference to me. The only problem is there would be too much lag for SSF4. And they could throw in some space whores I guess. idk why they don't do this already.

>> No.2064526
File: 78 KB, 533x773, nordic_ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064531

who the fuck let /new/ come here?

>> No.2064533

Okay, I laughed.

>> No.2064539
File: 14 KB, 261x251, professor-farnsworth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I want to live on this planet anymore
>Implying I'm not going to play this when I get there:

>> No.2064547
File: 5 KB, 429x410, 1289818883489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly tears bro

>> No.2064548


Not the master race guy, but Countdown is for morons. Deal with it.

>> No.2064553

>I watch Glenn Beck but I think that I'm not a moron

Okkk ...

>> No.2064554

>I'm glad you're there... I wish i was with you.

>> No.2064558
File: 15 KB, 554x433, manlytears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm glad you're there... I wish i was with you.
Stupid captcha...

>> No.2064559

Good job thinking in a dichotomy and attacking other dumb pundits like Olbermann wants. Get an education. And he even calls it a cockamamy idea. He's an idiot for thinking people are going to take years to travel there only to turn right back around.

>> No.2064567

>Jon Stewart had impregnated my vagina with false equivalency

Okkk ...

>> No.2064570
File: 58 KB, 300x400, 300_40396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glenn beck is demonstrably wrong on many things but unless you like watching idiots for the lulz theres no reason to think most people who waste their time watching that dross aren't slobbering retarded rednecks who wish america had a state religion. (namely: theirs)

>> No.2064587
File: 9 KB, 285x446, NordicvsBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064602
File: 33 KB, 313x425, boundvoldieknsimdeureich21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064605

The first people to Mars don't need to come back, they can just turn on the alien air making machine that will melt all of the ice and provide a new oxygenated atmosphere.

>> No.2064621

I hope they find ancient Aryan ruins.

>> No.2064647

I do not watch any of these faggots. Like I said, try getting an education instead.

>> No.2064650

i wouldnt do it. the flight alone would be too much for me.

>> No.2064659

>try getting an education instead... of being informed

I'm doing both at the same time, but thanks

>> No.2064661


yeah keep thinking that. I'm done

>> No.2064670
File: 145 KB, 1025x800, American_Military_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody tell me how much time would it take to get there accelerating/decelerating at 1g

also, how's that different from soldiers being sent to certain death for much stupider causes?

>> No.2064685

why, what the fuck do you watch/read?

/I'm imagining Fox News yelling in the background in this closeted Republican child's room/

>> No.2064770

Let's recap:
-This is a board dedicated to SCIENCE!
-Everyone here loves math and SCIENCE!
-NASA will send you guys to Mars, but they don't want to see your ass ever again
-BAWW! I won't go! My life here on Earth is too good to just give up! Never mind the fact that I'm still a virgin (meaning that you are uncool and that your opinions don't matter, as science has proven those things don't happen until after you've lost your virginity) and will always be one and spend most of my days posting on 4chan!
-The only difference between life here and life on Mars is that there is no internet on Mars.
-You are all staying on Earth so you can post pictures of underage girls, call people faggots, and act like EDGY teenagers on an anonymous image board.
-Carl Sagan is spinning in his grave

>> No.2064783

Here's an idea:

What if (and bear with me here)... What if we asked Moot to send the servers to Mars with us?

>> No.2064785

What will do they for fun once they get to Mars?
Play dungeons and dragons? (you may rip on it but that game can literally last for eternity)

>> No.2064796

Every year a supply drop comes with a new monster manual and some quest modules.

>> No.2064806

Send word to /tg/, they're are going where no man has gone before. And they're going to stay there. And play rpgs. On Mars.

>> No.2064807

I think Mars has a satellite though so its not that far fetched

>> No.2064810

monster manuals are for those without imaginashun

>> No.2064838

They would probably do math (the hardest game known to man)

>> No.2064854

I hate maths. My head explodes from even thinking about the math classes I had to take for my CS major.

>> No.2064887

every point moon hoaxers make about the moon landing being faked can be easily disproven. just google moon landing debunked, proof is everywhere, it happened.

>> No.2064897

Have you seen Space Station 13? They're DOOMED!

>> No.2064904
File: 81 KB, 640x480, leaving-earth-1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064907 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 460x288, CaseyAnderson_1393321c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>(and bear with me now)

>> No.2064910
File: 91 KB, 460x288, CaseyAnderson_1393321c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>(and bear with me here)...

>> No.2064923

Chuck Yeager and Neil Armstrong would bitchslap all you upside the head. The first man on Mars will live forever, why the fuck wouldn't you go? Pussies.

>> No.2064938

why don't we have underground basses made with bots?

I mean having the base underground on the moon or on mars would help with insulation for temperature,radiation shielding,and base expansion!

>> No.2064946
File: 28 KB, 525x349, 1280887427152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to do shit in space is to make remote robot.

Letting human in orbit or on Phobos or Deimos will be easier, and if there is a catastrophic breakdown on the robotic ground station, you keep another chance.

>> No.2065073

carl sagan was concerned that having all of humanity living on only one planet increased our risk of extinction. this is one of the reasons he wanted humanity to colonize mars.

>> No.2065142

Actually, you could still view the internet from mars, but due to latency, you're looking at a latency of 30 seconds to 15 minutes, depending on the position of the sun, mars, and earth.

Also, communications would be virtually impossible for several months every year when the sun is between the two planets.

>> No.2065152
File: 19 KB, 480x288, Flag_North_Korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not only sagan's fear

>> No.2065204

this is bullshit

there's only weak circumstantial evidence of Moon landing and the tapes look very suspicious

>> No.2065208

Dear gods help us.

>> No.2065209

That's bullshit.
They were real.

>> No.2065218

>They were real.

yeah, right, if YOU say so ...

Harry Potter too is a cool magician, isn't he?

>> No.2065222


not that you're even going to look into it. i'm sure you've already made up your mind and no ammount of irrefutable logic will make you change your mind

>> No.2065228

is that all you got?

telegraph is worse than Fox "News"

>> No.2065237

>moon landings were faked
Enjoy living in your make believe world

>> No.2065240

Without full-cgi rendering, it's pretty much impossible to produce fake moonwalking. I've seen a lot of attempts at doing so with messing with the film speed and weight supports, but you can always tell the difference of dealing with the greater weight. Even today, it would be difficult to do a convincing moon-walk video -- much less hours upon hours of them -- and it could only be done with full-cgi, which obviously didn't exist in the 60's.

>> No.2065243

>Ad Hominem

>> No.2065249


Both Fox and Telegraph are shit tier sources of information. Get over your butthurt, faggot.

>> No.2065250

there were definitely remote controlled robots there but if you wanna be honest, you too would admit that nothing else can be objectively proven

>> No.2065257


Lots of things can be objectively proven. Men walking on the moon, f'rinstance.

>> No.2065269

don't forget that they had insane resources to fake it

>In 2009, NASA held a symposium on project costs which presented an estimate of the Apollo program costs in 2005 dollars as roughly $170 billion.

>> No.2065278

Ok, you're a child. Go watch kids' movies.

>> No.2065292

google moon landing debunked. find plenty of fucking sources. multiple sources all taking every point made my moan hoaxers and then explaining why that point is wrong.

but you wont do that because you've already decided what you want to believe, you don't need logics and facts. you're shallow weak mind is like that of a small animal and i pity you and question your sentience.

>> No.2065296

>More ad hominems

>> No.2065299

google moon landing hoax. find plenty of fucking sources. multiple sources all taking every point made my moan landing believers and then explaining why that point is wrong.

but you wont do that because you've already decided what you want to believe, you don't need logics and facts. you're shallow weak mind is like that of a small animal and i pity you and question your sentience.

>> No.2065302

>Implying those theories weren't proven wrong ages ago.

>> No.2065304


>Implying those theories weren't proven wrong ages ago.

>> No.2065309

guy comes up to buzz aldrin and calls him a liar about the whole moon thing

old man buzz just starts punching him


from the moon to your face bitch

>> No.2065311


>> No.2065313


Can't you name one claim of the people who believe that the moon landing was a hoax that stands up to scrutiny?

>> No.2065316

well apparantly someone in this thread didnt get the memo. so i posted that for his education. don't know why i bother.

>> No.2065320

no, that's the whole point of the link i posted. can any of you fucking morons read? i'm posting to say those who think the moon landing was fake are wrong.

>> No.2065322

Wow. That was epic.
Bitch got what he deserved.

>> No.2065323

sorry i didnt post a link. i just said moon hoax debunked, google it

moon hoax = man didnt land on the moon
debunked = to prove a theory wrong

moon hoak debunked = proving the moon landing happened

>> No.2065328

but the moon landing did happen faggot

>> No.2065329

You are wrong because it's like asking somebody to prove that there are no small teapots orbiting the sun.

>> No.2065334

I mean didn't

>> No.2065344
File: 36 KB, 280x289, Derailed_tread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, guys, it's all fun and games and everything but let's return to Mars, shall we?

>> No.2065349

I've never seen any photos of these teapots, nor have I ever seen any rocks which have been retrieved from them.

>> No.2065358

to those saying the moon landing never happened. you HAVE to read both sides to a story before making a decision.

google moonlanding debunked. read at least one good page of that. you don't have to change your mind, just read it. unless you're so fucking afraid that you might be wrong and how that could shatter your tiny ego that you wont actually look into it.

please please please google moon landing debunked before mentioning your conspiracy theory again. untill you read the evidence against your theories you have no right to argue.

now let us return to mars talk and speak of this no more

>> No.2065369

You realize people won't believe you went to Mars either.

>> No.2065373

Where do I sign up to get off this rock?

>> No.2065374
File: 182 KB, 900x900, Moon%20Landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do the moon landing pictures and super mario sunshine have in common?
Neither one of them has stars

>> No.2065382

L2photography, idiot.

>> No.2065390

You don't see stars during the day on earth, why should you do so on the moon? The sun is equally bright there, enough to bleach out the itty bitty teeny tiny specks of light that is stars.

>> No.2065391

meant to say google moon landing hoax debunked. whatever. same results. read some of them.

>> No.2065394

oh gee. I guess all of those are faked too. I was just beginning to think that that space stuff was pretty cool

>> No.2065397
File: 40 KB, 600x400, trumanshow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your life is "truman show".
prove me wrong.

>> No.2065398




>> No.2065400


I'm looking out my window and I don't see any stars either.

I must be in some giant movie studio.

>> No.2065406

photos can be faked, robots can collect rocks and you know it

c'mon, don't be a child

>> No.2065413

Robots seem to be able to land on the moon, collect some rocks, and then take off again, something we haven't done on any other world too. Damn you sure got me there!

>> No.2065420

even the Soviets did it, you fucking ignorant moron

>> No.2065425

Wasting money on human habitation is stupid.

Robotic exploration is a far better investment.

>> No.2065428

this is why i can't take you people seriously.

>> No.2065433

They were fake.

>> No.2065440
File: 31 KB, 250x187, apollohoaxes_flag_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Claim: The American flag appears to wave in the lunar wind.

The Science: If you look closely, you will notice the flag's edges are pulled taut. This effect, which was done purposely as to not allow the flag to just hang flat, it was created by inserting a stiff wire into the fabric. The "flutter" was created as the astronauts worked to erect the flag. As the wire was adjusted, "Old Glory" appeared to wave.

>> No.2065449
File: 9 KB, 183x275, stupid cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that's air you're breathing now?

>> No.2065450

The Claim: If the astronauts had left the safety of the Van Allen Belt the radiation would have killed them

The Science: The Van Allen Belts are created by Earth's magnetic field, and protect the planet from dangerous solar radiation. The belts collects this radiation, and traps it in a layer surrounding the Earth. But unless you deliberately caused your spaceship to hover within this layer, for many hours or days, the radiation exposure is well below dangerous levels. The Apollo astronauts passed through the Belts in less than four hours total for the trip. "It's not much more serious than getting a chest x-ray," said Plait. Outside the belt, the radiation drops to low levels that are only dangerous over extremely long periods of time.

>> No.2065455
File: 26 KB, 320x320, Jackie Chan, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I knew this when I was 12

>> No.2065458

The Claim: Multiple-angle shadows in the Moon photos prove there was more than one source of light, like a large studio lamp.

The Science: The astronauts were taking their photos on a hilly, brightly-lit landscape while the Sun was close to the horizon. Imagine taking a photograph of someone on a rolling, uneven field of snow during a full, low-hanging Moon. The contours of the ground would produce shadows of many different lengths.

>> No.2065460

The Claim: In the Sun, the Moon's temperature is toasty 280 degrees F. The film (among other things) would have melted.

The Science: No one was leaving bare film out on the hot lunar surface. All material was contained in protective canisters. In addition, at the time the Apollo missions landed, they were either at lunar dawn or dusk. As a result, the temperature was more easily manageable.

>> No.2065463

The Claim: To leave a footprint requires moisture in the soil, doesn't it?

The Science: Not always. If you take some dry fine-grained dust such as talcum powder and dump it out, it's easy to make tracks in it that hold their shape. The particles hold their positions due to the friction between them.

>> No.2065465

fake rocks from the fake Moon?

>> No.2065466

I don't, in fact.
I believe we are living in a simulated reality, like the matrix. The writers of that story were actually people from the 'real world' getting that info to us to get us to wake up.

>> No.2065469

The Claim: Space is filled with super-fast micro meteors that would punch through the ship and kill the astronauts.

The Science: Space is really amazingly big. While there are indeed an uncountable number of tiny pieces of debris travelling through the Solar System at speeds in the neighborhood of 120,000MPH, the volume of space keeps the density low. The chance of any given cubic yard of space having a micro-meteor passing through it is incredibly close to zero. Additionally, the astronauts suits included a layer of kevlar to protect them from any tiny fragment they might encounter.

>> No.2065474

The Claim: When the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) landed, its powerful engine didn't burrow a deep crater in the "dusty surface."

The Science: Beneath the layer of dust, the Moon is made of fairly densely-packed rock. What dust and loose dirt there was though, was "kicked up" as referenced by the astronauts and captured in their landing films.

>> No.2065476

The Claim: How come in that one video of the LEM leaving the surface, the camera follows it up into the sky? Who was running that camera?

The Science: The camera was controlled remotely from Earth.

>> No.2065479

The Claim: There's no way that big moon buggy they were driving could have fit into that little landing module!

The Science: The rover was very cleverly constructed to be made out of very light materials, and designed to fold up to about the size of a large suitcase.

>> No.2065485

The Claim: Space is littered with little points of lights (stars). Why then are they missing from the photographs?

The Science: If you've ever taken a photograph outside at night, you'll notice that faint distant objects don't show up. That's not because the air blocks them -- it's because the brightness of the nearby objects washes out the film. In fact if you were standing on the day side of the Moon, you'd have to somehow block the landscape out in order for your eyes to adapt enough to pick out the stars.

>> No.2065492

solar wind, aerogel look it up, reflection from the earth/sun, you can leave a footprint in anything, really what or atomic particles moving at superspeeds?
Your understanding of science is weak, and obviously skewed by the distrust of the government you never got over from being a product of the internet age.

>> No.2065511

this just proves how desperate the Moon believers/defenders are

they make up these lists all day and it's all bullshit

>> No.2065515
File: 8 KB, 408x149, mountns1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The claim: "These two photos seem to have the same mountain backdrop, yet the lunar module is only visible in one of them. Seemingly impossible since the LEM never moved, and its based remained even after the mission. Some suggest the same artificial backdrop was used when shooting two entirely separate pictures."

The science: Examination of Apollo-15 photos clearly proves that the mountains in the background are so large and distant that they can be seen without changing their appearance from myriad points of view with or without the LEM in the foreground. [3] The mountains above are the Apennine Front on the left and Mount Hadley Delta on the right of each photo. [4] The astronauts went up to those mountains and walked on Hadley Delta. How could they walk into a fake backdrop?

>> No.2065523

your reading comprehension is weak. each and every one of those posts you linked is proving the moon landing as real. as in it happened. as in man did land on the moon; and each one of those posts prove it. actually read the posts this time

>> No.2065526

I'd take a one way ticket to Mars. Even if I only live a few months, what the hell else would I do with my life? Have a career, have a family, retire then die, just like everyone else? I'd rather be the first human being to set foot on another planet, thanks.

>> No.2065532

wow. way to disprove those arguments


no logical argument, no rational thinking, because you've got none. you moon hoaxers don't have a single shred of proof that can't be ripped to part by science. so you just give up and say "bullshit". fucking retards.

>> No.2065538
File: 13 KB, 639x148, mountns2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This panorama, a composite of single photos, shows that the Apennine Front and Hadley Delta can be viewed without the LEM in the foreground, since when the camera views them at 180 degrees (as marked below the panorama), the LEM is behind the camera at 0 degrees, out of the picture frame for that photo. The panorama also gives a sense of how far away the mountains are. Because there is no atmosphere on the Moon, objects do not fade over distance and thus distant mountains can appear very close, as they do in the two photos

>> No.2065551

i bet you didnt even read these posts you're bashing as bullshit. took one look, saw that they werent agreeing with you. and you looked away. people who only read what they agree with sicken me, that is no way to find proof, read both sides you coward. read the "bullshit" list

>> No.2065559

wait because there is no atmosphere objects do not appear to fade in the distance.....holy shit I do not even know where to fucking start.

>> No.2065572

Hey man like I reported you for like spam, and illegal content man. Well because like your spouting spam and illegal illegible desperate poor knowledge.

>> No.2065574

you don't know where to fucking start because you're stupid and wrong

>> No.2065585

i won't even get into the claims the moon hoaxers make about the crosshairs as it would take way too much typing to explain. but if you google it like i know you wont there are loads of websites that explain it perfectly. like this one


>> No.2065589

No fool you are wrong. Man please tell me you live in California so I can come bitch slap you with some facts. I got knowledge on my side, you got a crack pipe.

>> No.2065601

lmfao I noticed that too.

anyway, the russians are planning to send people to stay for a few months.
every country is kind of making hollow promises cus no one has the resources to do it... yet.

>> No.2065607

what knowledge? find me sources proving me wrong. give me logical arguments.

>> No.2065615

definition 32
I guess sci is illiterate

>> No.2065627
File: 18 KB, 300x300, Dealwiththebabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerial perspective or atmospheric perspective refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance. As the distance between an object and a viewer increases, the contrast between the object and its background decreases, and the contrast of any markings or details within the object also decreases. The colours of the object also become less saturated and shift towards the background color, which is usually blue, but under some conditions may be some other color (for example, at sunrise or sunset distant colors may shift towards red).


appear smaller as you move away? yes of course. but would the details fade as they would in atmosphere? nope.


>> No.2065637

proofs that man did not land on the moon offered in this thread that havent been debunked = 0

retards who don't need proof to believe man did not land on the moon = too many

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. and you're shitty "moon landing was faked" evidence doesn't stand up, it gets knocked down by science, as has been proven by many posts in this thread.

face it, man landed on the moon, not everything is a conspiracy

>> No.2065650

i guess aspiefag cannot simply into joke.

>> No.2065674


>> No.2065698

well, moon hoaxers were proved wrong. so was the guy who didnt understand that aerial perspective requires an atmosphere. then they left rather then having the good deceny to admit they were wrong. typical.

>> No.2065724

yes, you clearly won the internet fight that's true without doubt, congrats. congrats for not actually accomplishing anything since you were arguing with retards anyways, and retards never know when they're wrong even when proven wrong, because they're retards. so winning this argument got you nowhere. you will never get those hours of your life back.

>> No.2065736

>extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I moon landing denier could claim the same thing. Please don't repeat that drivel.

>> No.2065755

but a moon landing denier could not justifiably claim it, that is the difference. the evidence proving the moon landing happened is extraordinary. and every moon hoakers evidence is easily debunked just check this thread or google moon hoax debunked.

>> No.2065778

the ultimate in moon landing proof! Go get a powerful telescope, at least 14" and look at the moon. NASA has the landing sites clearly marked on lunar maps. check for yourself for the equipment left behind, but you have to actually look kinda hard to see it.