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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2059275 No.2059275 [Reply] [Original]

Not a secret that /b/ consists mainly of idiots or trolls. Curious what /sci/ is like.

As we know, generalizing, red => ultimate morons, blue => morons, green => morons, purple => smarter than the others.


Naturally I'm not discussing validity of the test here.

>> No.2059277

Would-be fascist pretending to support freedom spotted.

>> No.2059289

Well, there are links that the more someone gets a college education, the more left leaning they get... so draw conclusions yourself

>> No.2059306

Did that test not so long ago and scored almost dead center of the green quadrant, Fuck yeah right between Nelson Mandela and Ghandi!

>> No.2059311

Red master race reporting in

You mad, personal freedom?

>> No.2059321

Right in the goddamn middle master race reporting in.
Feels nice to have my own opinions

>> No.2059338


Between a terrorist and high-hippie? Gj.


Hard to draw any interesting conclusion. You are giving me a mere effects of observation. I, for instance, can say than in the high school I used to attend (best in the capital city, best in the region, in the 1st 10 in the country, maths oriented) in 'dummy' pre-elections for president a somewhat libertarian candidate won - regardless of the fact of being mocked in the whole society. So what? So what?

>> No.2059339

green reporting in

economic libertarians gonna rage

>> No.2059340

...i'm right in the middle of the fucking board

>> No.2059349
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Problem Jewish Corporation Overlords?

>> No.2059355
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Master race reporting in.

To anyone who isn't purple: why do you hate freedom? And why do you think the government is so much better qualified than the individual to control so many aspects of people's lives?

>> No.2059363


As I said, it's just a will to assess how many morons or trolls are there. I would say that a characteristic of libertarians would be an ability to acknowledge reality. And it's somewhat obvious that vast, vast majority are morons. It'd be somewhat unwise to rage in a presence of just another idiot.

>> No.2059366

I am in the green because I think government should control the fuck out of those filthy jewish corporations.

>> No.2059376

>forgets that most college educated people studied the humanities
>implying a modern humanities degree is education

>there are links that the more someone gets a college education
>leftist cannot into language

>dat greentext

>> No.2059384


troll away.

i know what i've done with my life (phd student) and i am confident in my intelligence

rage away

>> No.2059387

I'm talking about scientists fuckwad
Scientists are not conservative for the most part. Even the religious ones
Also, the only reason global warming is still not accepted as facts is because a small group of conservative scientists got bribed by a few corporations to sell fake science

>> No.2059391


> Implying individuals = business organisation
> herpa derpa

>> No.2059392


That's the case in countries with a strong left/right dichotomy where the party that supports capitalism is made up of moralfags and racists. In the US, the only choice is between green and blue because the two established parties have a duopoly on politics and third-parties don't stand a chance, so it isn't much of a comeback to OP's post if most educated Americans choose green when given that shitty choice between personal freedom and economic freedom. If they were allowed to choose both, things might be very different.

>> No.2059397
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hey OP. cool graph bra
Poli Sci and Economics major here.
if you got any other result, ive got bad news..you're wrong

>> No.2059408
File: 12 KB, 243x248, Screen shot 2010-07-20 at 6.23.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this thread, most scientists are morons or trolls.

52% of scientists are liberal, 14% of which are very liberal.

9% are conservative.

In the next pic I will post, 78% of scientists say business do not strike a fair balance between profit and public interests.

OP is just butthurt.

source: http://people-press.org/report/?pageid=1549

>> No.2059409

Jewish corporation overlords will be overlords regardless of political situation, a socialist economy won't stop them from hoarding jewgold.

>> No.2059413


Third person here to get Green,.

>> No.2059417
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More data for OP to butthurt over.

>> No.2059427
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The government is the largest source of funding for science.

More data for OP to butthurt over because libertarian philosophy isn't a huge factor in science.

Another pic to come soon about this.

>> No.2059433

those questions are a bit loaded. and therefore slightly biased. not that i disagree with the results

>> No.2059435
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Government being more of a funder in science than private business.

Butthurt away, OP. Socialism funds science.

>> No.2059440

Ok, too much variables for morons, I guess. So let's simplify it a bit. Let's say that if you are pro leftitsh economy you are conservative when it comes to economy and when you are ~religiously moral (whilst it may not/is not true) you are conservative when it comes to personal freedom. In other words when you call some conservative it means you think he/she is in the blue, red or green. Purple is against any kind of conservatism. It's pro economic and personal freedom.

>> No.2059443

I got green. Left and libertarian? What? I thought I'm right and fascist.

But then again, this is way too generalised test and mostly aimed at American public - Don't agree with church? Must be liberal.

That's not how it works.

>> No.2059444

>Not a secret that /b/ consists mainly of idiots or trolls. Curious what /sci/ is like.
SPOILER: idiots and trolls

>> No.2059456

the graph is misleading. if you got green then you probably arent a libertarian, you're just left. purple is the libertarian quadrant

>> No.2059457

Hmmm, talking to a guy posting this 'statistics'.

I admit, it's sort of cute. Anyway I presume that 'scientists' in you statistics mean guys with maths/physics/some chemistry or some biology and some cybernetics education? No? Oh, I'm wrong? Can't be...

>> No.2059460

The test the OP linked to is immensely flawed. Fuck that.

>> No.2059466


Scientists in this study were in the hard sciences only, OP.

No humanities, no social scientists.

>> No.2059472



>> No.2059475


>website i link can tell morons from awesome

>pew research study? must be bullshit

>> No.2059486


Perfect then. Links, sources to the study please.

>> No.2059490

Since /sci/ons are arguing over government-vs-corporations here, I may as well repeat this...

We need to find a company willing to take a chance and build a space elevator. NASA sure as hell won't do it, after all.

>> No.2059508


I already gave a link to the website, butthurt.

Read a little closer.

>> No.2059527

virgin galactic

>> No.2059558
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Semi purple reporting in.

>> No.2059584


Yeah, I suggested that, all I got was angry responses from people saying how dare I suggest that private companies are likely to take the lead in the journey to space.

>> No.2059586
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Mathematics undergraduate reporting in.

>> No.2059590
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<--------check it bitches.

Liberal, atheist and pro-monogamy. As a smart person who has done a huge amount of contemplation on these issues i like to think i've come to the right answers.



>> No.2059597
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No Gods No Masters

>> No.2059598
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nuclear engineer, reporting in

>> No.2059613
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Minarchist here, masterrace

>> No.2059621



>> No.2059633


>nuclear engineer, reporting in
>nuclear engineer,

GTFO of my /sci/!


>> No.2059640


You gave nothing. Some shitty results. I could disregard these statistics in many other ways but in order to give you a chance I sort of asked for more in depth knowledge. And I didn't receive it. Actually it's not surprising.

>> No.2059660


You are anti-liberal. Who can call oneself a liberal? In the 1st place purples, in the 2nd place blues, in the 3rd place greens.

>> No.2059661
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This thread is not /sci/ related. go back to /new/ you fuck heads

>> No.2059664
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God tier here.

>> No.2059665

>results that don't conform to my retarded worldview are "shitty"

>> No.2059669
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>> No.2059670
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here comes the raging

>> No.2059677

did the test some weeks ago, came out in central green (left-wing libertarian). An interesting comparison on their site is where they evaluate western gouvernments and parties. All governments and major political parties in USA, Germany and UK in the last decades are right-wing authoritarian "blues", just some more to the center and some more to the extreme. We have some small "green" parties, but purples have no option.

>> No.2059681
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>> No.2059694


You disagree with a study so you toss out the results? How else could you disregard these statistics; I'd love to know.

You're just a troll; you post political compass quiz and rank according to personal tastes; just like the hierarchy of college major trolls.

tl;dr data causes butthurt-- ignore data.

>> No.2059698
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Mmh. In fact I am more of a fascist than a communist.

>> No.2059705
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Mathematics major.

>> No.2059718

>Those who are able to work, and refuse the opportunity, should not expect society's support.

Is there anyone who didn;t select strngly agree for that one? I really don't see the other side of the argument.

>> No.2059730


>tl;dr data causes butthurt-- ignore data.

which is exactly what is expected of right-libertarians. No worries.

*puts hands over ears* "lalalalalalalalala no such thing as market failure lalalalalalala no such thing as alturism lalalalalala ayn rand is mai waifu lalalalala"

>> No.2059734
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Here's to being an ultimate moron!

>> No.2059737

Red is appropriately colored and also scary as hell, blue means you're most likely a dumbass, green means you are a giant douchebag, and purple should be kept away from molotox coctails lol.

>> No.2059751
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For what it's worth, the test was sometimes utter shit. My answers would depend quite heavily on the definition of some terms, such as "serious crime".

Still, it depicts pretty much where I stand, shotgunning aside...

>> No.2059760

Mid. green God Tier here

>> No.2059763


I chose 'disagree' on this choice. Purely for situations such as this:

The only jobs available are those hazardous to ones health.

>> No.2059766


Jesus fucking Christ. So many time I have changed my opinions cause I was wrong.

So what these results tell me? That some scientists where asked some questions and they answered in some way. Fucking brilliant.

Let's assume that at least 1 side is right. It's nearly impossible that 2 sides are right at the same time so 1 side is right and 1 side is wrong. Now we ask the questions. And what now? Now we see that some scientists are fucking wrong, many of them actually. So scientists can be so wrong? So 'scientist' title means nothing? Also what happens when a scientists is once wrong and once right?

For fucks sake. Statistics are not rly the best way to ultimately assess whether a certain statement is true or not.

>> No.2059768
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Independent master race reporting in. Fun fact, I tend to have a slight lean to the right on many issues, so this poll is clearly fucked, but oh well.

>> No.2059780


failed notice of consentement tacite get

>> No.2059787

most citizens of the western world are in the green area while thier governmetns and parties are in the blue area.

This should explain quite readily to the uninformed the nature of the powerkeg that is about to go off in the world, and that has been boiling for generations.

All you Purple People Eaters need to chill out and leave the greenies alone, they just want to run their communities using a differentness economic arrangement.

ITT: the basic problem with human interatcions: "arrg waaaaa that person isn't the way i want them to be, so instead of fucking off and letting them live their own way and finding my own like minded friends to play with, I'm going to bitch about it and cause drama and maybe even try to force them to be like me and create unnecessary conflict boo hoo"

>> No.2059789 [DELETED] 


A whole lot of verbal dithering just to say nothing.

You say libertarianism is top-tier; saying everyone else is a bunch of morons.

A lot of minds much brighter than yours overwhelmingly identify themselves in the group you label as "morons".

Therefore, either they're all morons or you're a douchebag.

I choose the later-- for empirical reasons (your posts) and parsimony.

>> No.2059790

Guess there's nothing to say but ''SIEG HEIL!''

>> No.2059796
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Einstein was an outspoken socialist.

F.A. Hayek gave much better arguments against socialism than Einstein gave for socialism.
And history has proven Hayek right.

Does that make Hayek a better physicist than Einstein?

>> No.2059804

>>2059766 >

A whole lot of verbal dithering just to say nothing.

You say libertarianism is top-tier; saying everyone else is a bunch of morons.

A lot of minds much brighter than yours overwhelmingly identify themselves in the group you label as "morons".

Therefore, either they're all morons or you're a douchebag.

I choose the latter-- for empirical reasons (your posts) and parsimony.

>> No.2059811

Care to elaborate?

>> No.2059815
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>And history has proven Hayek right.

[citation needed]

here comes subjectivity-- pic related!

>> No.2059840

Green master race reporting in. Rightfags and upfags are morons.

>> No.2059842

ITT: three libertarians arguing against the world

>> No.2059846

You choose something because some group of some people who are in someone's opinion smarter than the average thinks the same. Instead of doing the thinking and deciding for yourself.


>> No.2059849
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>It's nearly impossible that 2 sides are right at the same time so 1 side is right and 1 side is wrong
childish moral absolutism? check

>So scientists can be so wrong? So 'scientist' title means nothing?
doesn't understand the purpose science? check

>Statistics are not rly the best way to ultimately assess whether a certain statement is true or not.
has an irrational and arcane fear of statistical analysis? check

yep, you're a right-libertarian douchebag. I can tell from the confrontationalism and having seen a few narcissists in my days

>> No.2059861
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>> No.2059864

Fall of the soviet union?
Failure of every outright collectivist establishment?
Our current crisis?

>> No.2059869

"...To many who have watched the transition from socialism to fascism at close quarters the connection between the two systems has become increasingly obvious, but in the democracies the majority of people still believe that socialism and freedom can be combined. They do not realize that democratic socialism, the great utopia of the last few generations, is not only unachievable but that to strive for it produces something utterly different - the very destruction of freedom itself...."

Just a little quote from Hayek, there. Democratic Socialism is unachievable and horrible. Any pandering to socialist values is tantamount to deals with the devil in Hayeks eyes.
How the hell has history proved him right ?

The Scandinavian countries pretty much comprise the richest, happiest and most democratic societies on the planet, and they are all current or former Social democracies.

>> No.2059870

He's not left wing, bro.

>> No.2059883
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Troll me runnin'

>Fall of the soviet union?
Communism <span class="math"> !=[/spoiler] socialism

>Failure of every outright collectivist establishment?
Wut? Failure meaning? China seems to be doing well these days.

>Our current crisis?
Engendered from the banking system (capitalism).

>> No.2059892


but he is quite authoritarian, so sieg heil is an apt insult

althoguh Im not quite sure how he thinks the world would look in that area of the chart...


fucking strange

>> No.2059902

I'm right where Gandhi is. Whatever.

>> No.2059903

>Communism != socialism
I've always wondered, is there a qualitative difference between the two or is simply a matter of degrees?

>> No.2059922


nah, he's an authoritarian putarchist

NWO style

>> No.2059955

According to Marx himself, Socialism is the inevitable transitory state of dictatorship by the workers that must arise BEFORE communism.
Marx himself never explicitly defined whether his vision of a communist state would be democratic or authoritarian, once it did come around. But I think it is a good bet that was how he envisioned it, given the general style of the rhetoric of his work. He was pretty Naive Idealistic about the whole thing.

But that's just the original definitions, it's not quite as clear cut in the real world.

>> No.2059963

>But I think it is a good bet that was how he envisioned it,

I meant I think it is a good bet that he envisioned it as democratic.

>> No.2059994


>Communism != socialism
Communism is a form of socialism. This is how communism is defined.What applies to socialism applies (sometimes all the more) to communism.
It would be good to know that what we like to call "the Soviet Union" was in fact officially called "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics".

Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.
Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labour and private property. The exact definition of communism varies, and it is often mistakenly used interchangeably with socialism; however, communist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism.

>Wut? Failure meaning? China seems to be doing well these days.
China may be politically and socially communist but economically they are very capitalistic (=few regulations on business) and their labor is cheap. Wonder why their economy is growing so fast?
And all those factories in china? They don't belong to "the people".

>Engendered from the banking system (capitalism).
Yeah it may seem like it if your only source of information are Michael Moore's documentaries.
This recession was caused by FED's policy of artificially low interest rates and government intervention in the mortgage market (which lead to a creation of moral hazard). In short it was the government that caused it by distorting the market.

Any other questions?

>> No.2060002

>most citizens of the western world are in the green area
>while thier governmetns and parties are in the blue area.

Wrong. Parties vary from red to green. Same as citizens.

>ITT: the basic problem with human interatcions: "arrg
>waaaaa that person isn't the way i want them to be, so
>instead of fucking off and letting them live their own way
>and finding my own like minded friends to play with, I'm
>going to bitch about it and cause drama and maybe
>even try to force them to be like me and create
>unnecessary conflict boo hoo"

My friend. The only thing I want is everybody minding their own business. The problem is that greens, reds and blues are trying to mind other ppl's businesses for fuck's sake.

>> No.2060021
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>> No.2060029

This is me replying to myself.
Because I'm sure the guy I was answering to hasn't studied the regime in soviet Russia as I have I'll add my opinion on why Russia was more socialist than communist.
Simply put, Lenin was a big fan of Marx and his plan was to put his theory in practice. He intended to completely abolish money and give to everyone "according to his needs". But he couldn't find a way to make it work. So money stayed. So did private property (in a very, very limited way) because as it turned out people weren't willing to share everything they had with others in the name of an ideology.

Western Russia and Ukraine are well known for their vast fertile lands, one of the best in Europe. If you want a proof of socialism's inefficiency look up the Russian famine of 1921 and the general lack of ordinary things throughout the whole era of socialism.

When was the last time you waited an half an hour for meat or bread?
When was the last time you waited 5 years for a bike?
Or 15 years for a car?
My own family's everyday experience, just in case someone thinks I'm making shit up.

>> No.2060034
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>> No.2060039

That's just crap that marx wrote during his later years of senility.

The body of work that marx wrote during most of his lifetime directly points to a direct transition between a capitalist run state-structure to direct anarcho-communism. That is, states are the inevitable outcome of capitalism and it's various themes of oligarchal dominance.

Where there is class structure, there the state and oppression. Socialism merely extends the class structure in a compromise with the working class and does nothing to advance the causes of direct democracy and hyper democracy; and egalitarianism and the collectivisation of wealth.

In short, socialism inevitably postpones the transition to a classless society (under a marxist direction) or a sham outreach compromise between the ruling class and the workers in an attempt to temporarily cool class conflicts

>> No.2060042

>Wrong. Parties vary from red to green. Same as citizens.
literally 90% of western government is blue

>> No.2060058
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>everything works fine for centuries
you should totally deregulate business
>deregulate business
good, keep going
>deregulate business more
>everything goes to shit, huge recession
>regulate more

this is how libertarians sound

>> No.2060079

this is silly

assuming a good government (white nationalist, hierarchical, culturally expressive, eugenicist, emphasis on science and art, etc.), I would be (1, 8) from the origin

within the context of the present situation, I'm more like (8, -2)

>> No.2060080

Pretty much.
When there's elections in my country you can't tell the difference between the left and right. Both have leftist agenda (more public spending, more benefits to x y and z, taxing the rich, more regulations, guaranteeing prosperity - this is my favorite, how the hell can a politician guarantee prosperity - best he could do is get out of the way and let people run their shit).
Basically all major parties these days are left-wing, they only vary in degree.

>> No.2060089
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Hey /sci/ - just for the hell of it, I overlaid all the compasses in this thread, to see where /sci/ stands politically.


>> No.2060090

>blue, left wing
your shit's all retarded

>> No.2060102

Wow I am the most down-left of all /sci/

>> No.2060104

It may look that way to someone whose only source of information are the newspapers and television or some deluded economist like Paul Krugman.
I suggest you read the classics of libertarian thought and think about what makes us libertarians stand for what we stand for.
Try the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith or Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises for starters. Then come back and let's have a real discussion.

>> No.2060108


spending on miltary != left wing (left wing parties will but thats not what makes them left wing)

>> No.2060110

When you said blue I thought of the US democrats
ie the left.

>> No.2060111

Imagine what the world would have been like if he had simply used the word "democratically" once in his Communist Manifesto. Que sera, sera.

>> No.2060113
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>> No.2060141

so, to judge the current, real situation i need to read theoretical work from the last century
i'm a natural scientist and i have long ago come to the conclusions, that no matter how good your theory looks on paper, if it doesn't describe reality well than it's a shit theory

>> No.2060151

Nor does it make parties right wing.

Military spending is typical of every authoritarian policy. Be it left or right.
It's kinda sad looking at the republicans today, most of them are neo-cons ie indistinguishable from fascists. Back in the day the GOP stood for freedom and peace.

>> No.2060163
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So basically this means my philosophy is: I don't care what you do unless you are a corporation. If you are a corporation I hope everyone affiliated with you dies.

>> No.2060176

probably wouldn't have made made a difference in Russia, Stalin was a power hungry man. There were members of the revolution who wanted some form of democracy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Opposition..
But Stailn got them pretty fast.
Its the problem with military revolutions they tend to lead to tyranny

>> No.2060193
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What the fuck am I?

>> No.2060198
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The problem I have with libertarianism (specifically when derived from a non-aggression principle) is that it takes a very narrow view of human history. It uses the evils of coercion in order to justify allowing extreme disparities in wealth, but it neglects to mention that all land ownership, and thereby the means of production, and thereby the goods produced, is coercive; the only way for one to make a claim to ownership of land is by the use or threat of use of force, and even when bought from the government -- this is still true. Regardless of rhetoric about the free market, all market activity is based on some level on coercion, meaning that the question is no longer whether or not coercion is justified, but who it should benefit -- those with money; those who manipulate the coercion to their own benefit, or the whole of society that contributes the most utility towards the good of all.

Also, anarcho-socialism up in this bitch.

>> No.2060199

the problem is that the people who are in for a violent revolution aren't that peaceful in the first place

>> No.2060214
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Here's mine guys!

>> No.2060237


>>It's nearly impossible that 2 sides are right at the same time so 1 side is right and 1 side is wrong
>childish moral absolutism? check

Not at all. Just primary/high school mathematics and simple definitions.

>>So scientists can be so wrong? So 'scientist' title means nothing?
>doesn't understand the purpose science? check

Mmmmm. Inability to understand the simplest indirect messages. Interesting, but not surprising.

>>Statistics are not rly the best way to ultimately assess >whether a certain statement is true or not.
has an irrational and arcane fear of statistical analysis? ?

Oh, my friend. I consider statistics one of the best tools the science has. The problem is you can't use it properly.

>yep, you're a right-libertarian douchebag. I can tell from >the confrontationalism and having seen a few >narcissists in my days

I'm not a narcissist. I'm a misanthrope. And there is a significant difference between liking myself more than I should and hating everyone.

>> No.2060241

Your natural science approach is useless in economy. No matter how many equations and hypotheses you make you will never be able to describe the world or predict anything with accuracy.
What you need to look at is how humans behave and go from there.
This is why I recommended you Human Action, because it doesn't try to describe human interaction using mathematical models.
As for your remark about old books not being worthy of your time that's just arrogance and/or intellectual laziness on your part. Very typical of today's society.

>> No.2060247
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this is what it all really boils down to

>> No.2060254
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scientist here contributing

>> No.2060268

I can't be arsed to take this test. I just don't have strong opinions on politics or economics because they're just that: Opinions.

>> No.2060272

>Your natural science approach is useless in economy
the natural science approach works everywhere
Does the theory work? if yes, good theory, if no, shit theory
you don't need equations, only predictions
your prediction that deregulation would not totally fuck up the economy was wrong
>What you need to look at is how humans behave and go from there.
Humans are stupid and greedy.
They will exploit each other and be too retarded to figure it

>> No.2060275

>my /b/ folder

>> No.2060283
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>mfw I'm an anarcho techno primitivist

>> No.2060297
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>mfw I'm a Paleotechnocrat with Republican sentiments.

>> No.2060321
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full leftard here
haters gonna hate

>> No.2060327


What? He's right.

The questions that the test uses to determine you position on the social scale are all basically about religion and shit nobody would care about if not the people with Abrahamic upbringing. I'm talking about abortion and sex. I could be seriously authoritarian without caring about the way people fuck and what they do with beings with no sentience...

>> No.2060351

Libertarians are retarded.

The government has its problems, and i'm all for repairing it, even a full overhaul. But government isn't fundamentally bad like they claim it is. And claiming "private business will solve our problems" is the worst fucking thing. God damn its like they don't know goddamn history.

>mid to late 19th century
>government doesn't regulate business
>we have child labor, retardedly low wages, 80 hour weeks, rancid meat is sold legally, etc etc
>early to mid 20th century
>government adds regulation to everything
>we get rid of all of those problems

god damn it, its not difficult

>> No.2060359
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Tryed to get Stalin and failed miserably, the questions are well suited to get full leftist authoritarian because alot of them deal with religion or sexuality.

>> No.2060365

Dat strawman.

>> No.2060420

What you are talking about is how land ownership developed. Yes, back in the day people took other people's property by force if they had the means.
Back then they didn't have private property rights or the rights weren't enforced equally.

Today you have private property rights but it's pointless to look in history to find out who was the original owner because you'd have to go back further beyond the known history.

Now, whether private property rights are today being respected no matter who's property or what kind of property it is that's a different matter.

Free market is based on mutual benefit.
If both parties don't benefit then there is no exchange.
People often make the mistake of thinking that they have a right to someone else's product because they desire it.

Not a single person in the developed world who is willing to work, learn and improve can die of malnutrition.
Not only that but because of aggressive entrepreneurs whose only concern is to maximize profit, everything from ordinary goods to luxury items are available to everyone today.
Average worker today enjoys greater luxury than kings in previous times.
It wasn't the government that made cars cheap, it's not the government that innovates computers and makes them smaller, faster and cheaper every year.
It's not the government that looks for more efficient ways to produce, distribute and sell groceries. Often the government works against this process.
Capitalism isn't perfect but give me an example of a system has proven to work better.

>> No.2060424
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Mechanical Engineer

>> No.2060428
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Can i has hitler?

>> No.2060459

I support this. Up the Blues!

>> No.2060472


>Communism is a form of socialism. This is how communism is defined.What applies to socialism applies (sometimes all the more) to communism.
It would be good to know that what we like to call "the Soviet Union" was in fact officially called "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics".

Again communism != socialism. You amended my statement none.

>China may be politically and socially communist but economically they are very capitalistic (=few regulations on business) and their labor is cheap. Wonder why their economy is growing so fast?
And all those factories in china? They don't belong to "the people".

If by capitalist you mean the government telling what business to do where.

Even so, Nordic Europe defies your claim.

>Yeah it may seem like it if your only source of information are Michael Moore's documentaries.
This recession was caused by FED's policy of artificially low interest rates and government intervention in the mortgage market (which lead to a creation of moral hazard). In short it was the government that caused it by distorting the market.

Housing market and banking market worldwide
collapses, blames the fed, not the markets.

>> No.2060482


>Or 15 years for a car?

23 years now, still trying to get one.

USA here.

>> No.2060496
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22 year old Aerospace engineer here

>> No.2060505

There's a reason there are no first world full-on libertarian nations.

They don't work.

Small government (or none?) I'll steal your fucking shit; what you gunna do? You jelly?

I'll burn your business down? You gunna hate? Gunna make me pay for it? Who says I have to?

>> No.2060506

>mid to late 19th century
>government doesn't regulate business
>we have child labor, retardedly low wages, 80 hour weeks, rancid meat is sold legally, etc etc
God dammit. Are you that stupid? You don't make people any richer by enforcing minimum wage laws. You can either have 100 people working for $1 an hour or 50 people working for 2$ an hour. All you do is increase unemployment and make some people richer (the ones who stay employed who also have to do double the work to make up for the labor of the other 50 people) and some poorer (the ones who lose their jobs because a firm can't afford to employ the same amount of people with wages above what market wages are - it's either that or bankruptcy),
As for child labor. Even before the industrial revolution children had to help their parents on the farm (for example) from a very young age. Not because the parents hated their children but because it was the only way to get by and it taught the children a lot. This doesn't seem to be a problem for you but when they start working in someone else's factory because it was the only way to get by you raise objections.

You should thank your predecessors for working so hard and creating all the capital that you are now consuming with your 40hr weeks, benefits, plasma TVs and vacations.

>early to mid 20th century
>government adds regulation to everything
>we get rid of all of those problems
20th century government adds regulation to everything you have 2 depressions early on in the century, 2 world wars - the second one definitely at least in part caused by the great depression, people relying on the government for support their whole lives like children, people refusing to work because they get can get by either way, social alienation, creation of new classes - the ones working and the ones benefiting from the work of others etc.)

>> No.2060523
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a lot of those questions are fucking stupid

>> No.2060534
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Because being an extremist is for children.

>> No.2060544

This isn't at all what libertarianism is about.
Libertarianism is based on liberty, respect for the liberty of others AND respect for private property.

There's a greater chance someone would get away with that shit in this system if they knew the right people or found a loophole in the system (because it's so complex nobody even knows what is allowed and what isn't).

Stop making stupid shit up.

>> No.2060548


green master race coming through

>> No.2060553

>minimum wage is bad
this can be debated, i'm not the one to do it.
>child labor is okay, they weren't mutilated by crawling into machinery
nigger wut
>WW II was the economy
I think a Mr. Hitler wants to have a word with you.
>people are lazy who rely on the government for everything
If people don't want to work then fuck them, don't give them benefits. But don't just fucking get rid of a safety net, are you retarded nigger?

>> No.2060557

And I assume you've been working hard to make the necessary amount of money.

>> No.2060578

I didn't say any of that. Stop that straw man shit and make real arguments or stop wasting our time.

>> No.2060582

You implied all of it.

>> No.2060587

>Libertarianism is based on liberty, respect for the liberty of others AND respect for private property.

lol wut? No. it's about having private property. I don't have to respect shit, faggot.

I can be a libertarian and belittle your property and destroy it.

If there were no government, what the fuck would you do if I stole your shit? Attack me? That's all you could do.

Libertarianism boils down to "who has a bigger stick"

Because you fucking know human nature; expecting all humans to "respect personal property and liberty" is like asking all humans "to sacrifice for the greater good; to each according to their abilities, etc"

Quixotic nonsense. No pragmatism at all.

>There's a greater chance someone would get away with that shit in this system if they knew the right people or found a loophole in the system (because it's so complex nobody even knows what is allowed and what isn't).

It's not hard to bust a window, bust you upside the head with a bat and steal your TV.

mfw no government to punish or pursue me.

>Stop making stupid shit up.

Stop ruining my mental paradise!

>> No.2060591


PhD student, working for 18,000 a year, classes full time supporting two people.

Only have health insurance because of our fine president.

Faggot. I have been saving up. And to get my teeth fixed too.

Enjoy your parents' money while you can. I am also 40k in debt because I paid for my own undergrad education.

>> No.2060593

Nice job.

>> No.2060615

This deserves more thought than just brushing it off by saying it doesn't work because it can't be found anywhere in the world.
First of all that's not true. Hong-Kong, Singapore and Switzerland are all small government or free-market countries compared to the rest of the world and people are more fleeing TO these countries than away from them.

America pre-WW1 was close to classical liberalism and it prospered greatly. How do you explain that?
How do you explain that since around WW1 America has been losing it's place as the Mecca of capitalism and liberty and along with it it has been losing it's position as an economic superpower.

>> No.2060620
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>> No.2060624

The USA shouldn't even be allowed to call itself a "first world country". Jesus christ, the US is an embarrassment to humanity as a collective.

>> No.2060634


>> No.2060635




>> No.2060638


>small government

>How do you explain that since around WW1 America has been losing it's place as the Mecca of capitalism and liberty and along with it it has been losing it's position as an economic superpower.

Due to capitalism. Other countries are competing and specializing; now we can't dominate everything.

>> No.2060640

You are one ignorant prick.
Libertarianism is a LABEL used to describe ideas and principles.
The ideas comes first then they are labeled.
When I talk about libertarianism it is already well understood what I mean by it, because it has been defined.

You're basically saying "no, red is not red, it's yellow".

>> No.2060648

>Jesus christ, the US is an embarrassment to humanity as a collective.

>US has developed almost all medicines in the 21st century.
>US has developed almost all inventions in the 21st century.
>US has developed almost all art. in the 21st century.
>US has developed almost all scientific ideas in the 21st century.


>> No.2060652

Exactly, capitalism has brought other countries to compete with USA and by doing so it also greatly improved the living standards of it's citizens. I'm glad we can agree on something.

>> No.2060653

>Libertarians: Even HOMOSEXUAL COCK SUCKERS think they're faggots.

>> No.2060659

Everything you just said is a complete and utter lie. But, eh. What can I expect from an American-fag? The lierally don't know anything of any importance. They should all just put a bullet between their eyes; they're useless anyway.

>> No.2060664

And you assume you have an intrinsic right to have a car, or a salary above a certain level no matter what?
A PhD doesn't guarantee you a good salary. Someone else can easily be making three times as much with elementary education and his bare hands. It's all about how you use your capacities.
In the end nobody owes you anything, you chose your PhD, you chose to go in debt.
As for your health. Everyone is born with a defect. It's nobody's fault that you have the defects you have and again, nobody owes you anything.

>> No.2060668


this is a red herring.

I can be a libertarian and not respect property.

Even ignoring that-- if there were no government what would stop me from stealing your shit? Respect? Are you fucking kidding me?

Libertarianism BREEDS income inequality. You then think poor people with nothing are going to "respect" the property and wealth of a millionaire?


You're ideas are unrealistic. They work on paper, but hey, so did communism.

>> No.2060680

Eurofag reporting in.

Fuck yeah, between Ghandi and the Dalai Lama, I'm officially awesome now.

>> No.2060692
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First page: few questions
Second page: what the fuuuu-
Well, since I already started, ............... grmpf

>> No.2060701

Well, the US have produced one exceptional thing at least.
It's you.
You are an exceptional faggot. Please die. Now.

>> No.2060714


>And you assume you have an intrinsic right to have a car, or a salary above a certain level no matter what?

I never said that, fool. Learn to read.

>A PhD doesn't guarantee you a good salary.

Well, speaking the average salary for the PhD I am earning is 87,000 (92,000 to profess) and unemployment is below 5% in my profession (ecology) I can make some safe bets.

>Someone else can easily be making three times as much with elementary education and his bare hands.

Sure. This is where I turn to statistics and show you are pointing out an extremely rare case to bolster your point.

>In the end nobody owes you anything, you chose your PhD, you chose to go in debt.

PhD doesn't cause debt. And people do owe me something: respect for my rights, correct, you libertarian fag?

>As for your health. Everyone is born with a defect. It's nobody's fault that you have the defects you have and again, nobody owes you anything.

I was born far sighted. I never said I was unhealthy; I said the new health law is the reason I have coverage. Again, learn to read.

>> No.2060723

Libertarianism isn't anarchism. If it were anarchism there would be no reason to call it libertarianism.
As I said libertarianism is based on a right to liberty and respect for private property.
By that I meant that the state's essential task (and they would be few) would be to protect these 2 basic rights.
This is why it's called small government, because it wouldn't interfere in stuff like health of it's citizens, communications, transportation, food, medicine, etc.

>> No.2060734


>This is why it's called small government, because it wouldn't interfere in stuff like health of it's citizens, communications, transportation, food, medicine, etc.

Sounds like socialism to me.

I do not have to respect your property to be a libertarian. If I get mad and smash your fence I am still a libertarian.

This bullshit no true scotsman fallacy needs to stop.

Likewise, if I am down on my luck and steal your shit, that doesn't mean I am not a libertarian.

>> No.2060736
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Not even American.

>> No.2060765

To all libertarians here, what do you value more: liberty or happiness?

>> No.2060769


money and myself

>> No.2060798

Libertarian here
I don't think one can be without the other.

>> No.2060806
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>> No.2060808

I think you have your terms confused.
Socialism is all about the state controlling and redistributing wealth.


>> No.2060810

liberty, and with that, one can be able to achieve happiness if they please

>> No.2060812
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Weird, I guess I'm technically purple like everyone else, I thought I'd end up further down to the bottom-right by the answers I was giving.

>> No.2060816

Can you be happy without being free?

>> No.2060819
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why are you not purple?

>> No.2060824

If you say you're a libertarian and at the same time you do not respect private property then your words are in contrast with your actions.

>> No.2060832

You sir seem to be confusing not interfering with not fucking with. A socialist state will PROVIDE things such as health care and transportation for its citizens in exchange for either higher taxes, or complete garnishing of wages(with reciprocation of course). A "small government" on the other hand basically says, fuck it, we're gonna hang over here and make laws, you guys can do your thing. I'm not saying that one is better than the other in every situation, but I am for a true small government, which is not really all that similar to what current republicans(or equivalent in other countries) are saying.

>> No.2060841

Who doesn't value liberty? All political positions grant liberty to some at the expense of others. Libertarians grant liberty to corporations at the expense of the middle class. We can't all be free.

>> No.2060842
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I ain't even mad.

>> No.2060858

Actually if you understood economics at all you'd know that under libertarianism the poor and the middle class would be much better off than they are today and monopolies + corporations would be in a much worse position.
But I guess I won't convince you because you don't understand basic economic principles.

>> No.2060862
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>> No.2060863

I majored in economics for a semester(switched to law), and thats a load of crap. Socialism makes its much better for the middle class, and the lower class ceases to exist.

go fuck yourself you lier

>> No.2060867

Also you seem to be confusing liberty with privileges.
Libertarians don't grant special privileges to people based on their status, group affiliation etc.
No special privileges for anyone.

>> No.2060876

The problem with politics:
"Governments should penalise businesses that mislead the public."


>> No.2060880

It depends on the type of regulation. Regulating corporate activities that are harmful is going to be good for the economy. Monopolies are bad for the economy. Price gouging is bad for the economy. More people die from hazardous working conditions than people who are murdered. Anyone who does not want to regulate these things are soft on white collar crime. There is a correlation between the disparity of the rich and poor and many social ills, such as low education, teen pregnancy, suicide, etc. This correlation is true between countries and between states within the US.

>> No.2060882

Your pic really isn't all that accurate.

>> No.2060891

The type of freedoms that exist allow access for certain groups to gain privileges. Deregulation allows more privileges for the rich, since they do not have to obey the law.

>> No.2060892

The fuck is this sentence even?

"Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries."

>> No.2060906

Exactly what I thought you'd answer.
There are in fact situations where a choice has to be made, or where at least priority of one has to be given over the other. It is well known that security (which is often enhanced through regulation/restricting liberty) is an important determinant for happiness. Would you still value a policy with regards to security that leads to more happiness, but at the cost of some freedom?

I'm just not at all impressed with freedom rhetoric, if people are given a choice, they would rather be happier than have more liberty. It's just that people (especially Americans) have associated liberty with happiness too much.
So yes, liberty in general leads to happiness, but not in every situation, sometimes happiness can be won at the cost of liberty. And sometimes happiness can be lost by creating more liberty.
I'm firmly on the happiness side, and I'm pretty sure I'm correct seeing as we're hardwired for happiness rather than freedom.

>> No.2060908
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Does this make me a Hippy Fag? Or an Anarchist Cunt?

>> No.2060910

Well I guess you haven't learned shit in one semester of college.
But don't worry. There are people who got a major in economics and don't know shit about it.
I could go into detail about how socialist measures to create full employment create inflation AND higher unemployment AND higher prices for goods at the same time. All to the determent mainly of the poor and middle classes. it would take way more than one post but it's not difficult to grasp.
The key is not to look at INTENTIONS which may very well be honest and in good faith but look at actual (often unintended) CONSEQUENCES.
I could also go into how keeping artificially low interest rates with the intention of providing poor people with cheap money (for houses for example) has the unintended consequence of more or less periodic boom-bust cycles (and economic recessions).

>> No.2060916

Let's throw in MBTI types, just for the hell of it.

INFJ Zoologist reporting.

>> No.2060920


>> No.2060926
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>> No.2060931


>doesn't understand sarcasm

>> No.2060935


Hello friend.
Which graph were you?

>> No.2060938


>>2060806 intj

>> No.2060941

All of /sci/ is anarchists and hippies.

>> No.2060942
File: 6 KB, 480x400, hatershatin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all small time.


Your pic doesn't make sense. Nazis would be high red close to the blue. High blue would be Theocracy.

>> No.2060967

Good point but I disagree.
This is very psychological stuff.
I live in a country that has "enjoyed" 40 years of real socialism and I can tell you that even though everyone was taken care of (food, work, home etc) people weren't happy.
You probably wouldn't believe me but I can tell a difference between a person who has lived in through 40 years of socialism and a person who hasn't and I'd rather be around the people who haven't. I'm not saying everyone who grew up in socialism is the same but they have some common traits (some of those are passivity, negativity, laziness, lack of interest in anything etc).
It's not a coincidence that during socialism we became major alcohol consumers and the other socialist countries weren't that far behind us.

When I meet people older people from the west they seem much more "alive" than our people of the same age.

Carl Jung made an interesting case about the role of the government and a person's individuality.
You can read a little about it here

>> No.2060973
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'Sup commie.

>> No.2060975

>some of those are passivity, negativity, laziness, lack of interest in anything etc
i have that shit and i've lived in america my whole life
also i'm anti-socialist

>> No.2060984
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>> No.2060989


Warning: The quoted post contains no science.

>> No.2060992
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I think I became a little less liberal over time

>> No.2061024

Your argument is not contradictory to mine as I acknowledge that liberty can and will in many situations lead to more happiness, however there are situations in which this is not so. This is the fundamental flaw of libertarianism imo. Libertarians need to prove me that every policy (or abolition of policy) which leads to more freedom, also leads to an increase in happiness or
1) accept the fact that their system is flawed or incomplete.
2) state that they do not care for happiness, only for liberty, in which case libertarianism will never get accepted by people.

>> No.2061035

im at -2.25, -2.15. You?

>> No.2061039
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>This is me giving a fuck.jpg

>> No.2061042
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marxist here. come at me bro

>> No.2061123

right here with you

>> No.2061136

No libertarianism isn't about making people happy.
You are naive in thinking that any political ideology is about making people happy.
Politics isn't and never has been about making people happy. Politics is about distributing power.
Politicians aren't trying to make people happy, their job is to get elected and they often use any means available to them to do so
Every person is responsible for their own happiness. The advantage that libertarianism has is that it doesn't have the ambition to make a pre-selected class of people better off and the rest consequently worse off.

>> No.2061298

Your post makes my brain melt.
Political ideologies usually try to create the best possible society based on a certain criterion, though happiness is almost never explicitly mentioned, it is definitely implicitly mentioned. Libertarians and communists alike will almost always defend the view that their ideology results in most happiness, why would they defend this if happiness is not important?

So you are saying that politicians don't care about making people happy, they just want to get elected, I can agree with that. But it's obvious that the people vote on who they think will bring them most happiness. Thus politicians have to explain why their policies are better to win more voters.

>Every person is responsible for their own happiness.

This is egotistical, rhetorical idiocy. What if you're born in a poor household and can't get a decent education? Education as you should know is important for happiness. In what way can you hold this person responsible for his relative unhappiness?
>The advantage that libertarianism has is that it doesn't have the ambition to make a pre-selected class of people better off and the rest consequently worse off.

You're right it doesn't have the ambition, but it sure as hell doesn't try to hinder the formation of a class that is better off and a class that is worse off.

>> No.2061410
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what does this mean?

>> No.2061725
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pic related

>> No.2061768

so i'm a mix between centrism, social democracy and paleolibertarianist, never would have thought that

>> No.2061791

This graph sucks cock

>> No.2061800


What did you think you were?

Most people believe they're some extreme ideology like Communism or Fascism or Anarchism, but they're dumb and just want to be unique.

>> No.2061809



>> No.2061823

I can't read it that well :(

>> No.2061857

conservative like anti mass welfare and handouts, except for legitimate reasons. not anti-corporation, but corps shouldnt have the rights people have, due to them having no morals. and very much into personal freedom. Also, kind of am idealist, even thought i know that that is stupid.

>> No.2061865


>Again communism != socialism. You amended my
>statement none.

My friend... Unicorns are not horses. But if you claimed existence of unicorns you, generalizing, would look for them in horse societies. Your alleged intellectual indirectness is petite.

>If by capitalist you mean the government telling what
>business to do where.

Nice to meet another guy knowing shit about China economy. Ofc they are knowledgeably capitalistic like (almost) none country in the world. They subsidize/support the greatest companies in order to overtake the international market. It's obviously the best way to choose. And it's libertarian also. 3^2 + 0 is more than 3^1.5 + 1.

>Even so, Nordic Europe defies your claim.

Again, pitiful. Norway and Sweden seem to be the most discusses ones. Sweden is in visible downfall. Also you can't disregard somewhat considerable Sweden's resources. And Norway... The great plus for Norway is it's not in the quasi-socialistic EU. What's the great, awesome minus? Its GDP growth is ridiculous regardless of having shitloads of oil i.e.

>Housing market and banking market worldwide
>collapses, blames the fed, not the markets.

I'm not at liberty to discuss this at a level of in depth knowledge but I can give you examples of not 3rd world countries that are fine when it comes to their banking and housing systems regardless of the alleged crysis.

>> No.2061870


>> No.2061872

It's an attempt to force a huge number of ideologies, representing numerous varied ideas, onto a two-dimensional spectrum.

>> No.2061880
File: 72 KB, 355x355, Pol_02003d6e81f74742830ac7cb9243a847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like you're at the right spot. Also called Social Democracy. You're one of those evil 'socialists'. Here is another image showing the major ideologies. The other image showed the ideologies broken down specifically. You'll have to rotate this image 1/4 counter clockwise to make it fit the test you took though.


Buy glasses? or hold the control key down while pressing +.

>> No.2061942
File: 24 KB, 640x512, compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The algorithm they use and the questions they ask are a little questionable, plus there should obviously be more dimensions than there are; however, I'm okay with this.

Self-proclaimed technocratic socialist. While my economic position rarely fluctuates between tests, it's always interesting to see which side of the social spectrum I'm going to land with these things.

>> No.2062008

fuck, i guess i'll have to change ideologies... fuck being an evil socialist

>> No.2062035
File: 64 KB, 617x472, nationalist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try this one: www.moral-politics.com

pic related: my results.

>> No.2062044
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm apparently a libertarian socialist. Interesting. I always thought of myself as more of a classical liberal, but they appear to be ideological neighbors.

>> No.2062145
File: 158 KB, 1920x1200, moralmatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

test is stupid

>> No.2062188


What is stupid about it?

>> No.2062211
File: 9 KB, 400x300, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't need a god for morals, why the fuck would you need a government for law?

>> No.2062241


I am the one you originally suggested the test to, not the one you were responding to just now.

But I agree that I really didn't like this test. I thought the questions were juvenile and overlapping making appropriate placement nigh impossible. As a point in case, it classified me as a democratic socialist, which is uproariously incorrect. I hate democracy and am actually more of a communist than a socialist.

Otherwise, the axes they chose are in one sense too broad and in another too specific to be able to divine actual socio-economic positioning.

>> No.2062244


it's just as silly as the first

>> No.2062271


I think you both just don't really know what you're talking about. I can get whatever political ideology I want on either test, because I actually know about politics. Y'all just picked a political ideology that you know fuck all about and then think the test has to conform to your belief or else it's wrong. You're wrong. You must not really know what 'communism' or whatever entails because you don't how how extreme communism really is. High School doesn't go over all the ideologies between capitalism and communism, it makes you think it has to be one or the other. Which is ridiculous.

>> No.2062302

Hey, one of the strength of capitalism as an ideology is that it easily absorb other ideologies.

Anyway, rating political stances on axes is ridiculous.

>> No.2062320


>Hey, one of the strength of capitalism as an ideology is that it easily absorb other ideologies.


>Anyway, rating political stances on axes is ridiculous.

No it isn't. Explain what other axis do you think should be added?

>> No.2062328
File: 42 KB, 377x384, trivia_mockup_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Doesn't realize he's condescending to a graduate level political science student.


Seriously, you're an idiot. Are you really willing to support the argument that someone doesn't know what an ideology entails simply because you, with your narrow worldview, believe that it is extreme?

Pic related, it's mfw

>> No.2062351

Axis aren't suited to describe politics. There's no political unit.

>> No.2062380


You probably go to East West Roast Beef Tech anyway.

>Seriously, you're an idiot. Are you really willing to support the argument that someone doesn't know what an ideology entails simply because you, with your narrow worldview, believe that it is extreme?

This doesn't make sense. I was just remarking on all the faggots who take the test and say, 'nah uh you're wrong im a communist'. When they really don't know the first thing about communism. Probably only 2-3% of the world is communist.

No one has actually made a legit criticism of the test. Including you. I've taken the test a few times to test the legitimacy of the test. I've taken it with the thought process of a communist, and got a commie, for fascism, got fascism, and for centerism and got the center. Those getting something different than they though (especially way different) just didn't know what they really were.

>> No.2062388
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green. Fuck yeah, master tier.

Aerospace Engineer

>> No.2062390


>In short it was the government that caused it by distorting the market.

Ah, so its the government's fault for distorting the market? But I thought you americans lived in a Capitalist society? Perhaps capitalism isnt all what you make it out to be

>> No.2062393


That's stupid. There are only two components to government which are government control of private life and government control of business. Name another aspect.

Protip: there isn't one.

>> No.2062397

>graduate level political science student.
Is that supposed to impress us? Because it doesn't.

>> No.2062398


How incredibly presumptuous.

You're even more of an idiot than I imagined before.

>> No.2062401

I don't think your idea of the "thought process of a X" is valid or accurate.

>> No.2062412

Capitalist doesn't mean free market.

>> No.2062413

Thats retarded. Pure Capitalism is terrible. America has a regulated free market.

It's dumb to say that the recession had a single cause, it was really just a giant snowball from years of bad practices from everyone.

>> No.2062414

>Can't respond with an intelligent rebuttal
>Settles for an ad hominem
Conceding the logical high-ground already? As expected of a graduate student in a bullshit field.

>> No.2062415


Samefag detected

>> No.2062422


If the government distorts the market then it isn't true capitalism. True Capitalism would have all the ups and downs with no Keynesian intervention. Lately the USA has been Keynesian (like back in the 40s) which doesn't allow shitty businesses to fail and forces businesses to do shit it doesn't want to do (like give loans to poor people).

Though I do agree, modern society cannot exist with the true ups and downs of a free market.

>> No.2062424

Your detector is broken.
Belong to me.

>> No.2062426

How the hell is a free market good for anyone? You'll have the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The only people who don't notice this are the ones who are rich anyway. Fucking dicks, if you make less than 100k a year how the fuck can you support a free market

>> No.2062432
File: 62 KB, 600x429, govt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is a failure.
Communism is a failure.
Fascism is a failure.
Socialism is a failure.
Feudalism is a failure.
Why do we bother having a dickwad government anymore?

>> No.2062433


One need not argue with imbeciles.

>> No.2062448


>he doesn't know how to check for samefag


How about explaining why I'm wrong. I've wrote detailed posts as to why I'm correct.


Then you don't know what you're talking about. I know enough about every ideology to score what I want if I think like a certain ideology. If you can't do that then you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2062460


God damn greeks yo

>> No.2062462

>I hate democracy and am actually more of a communist than a socialist.
>Doesn't realize he's condescending to a graduate level political science student.
You're either an obnoxious contrarian at some backwater state school or further proof that, even at its best, poli sci is the bastard child of philosophical masturbation and high school statistics.

No point in arguing with an idiot.

>> No.2062467

There is only one aspect to government : control of the population's activities.

There is 7 aspects to government : control by repression, control by infrastructures, control by ideology, control by flux regulations, affiliations with each social class, associations with each social class, balance of the civil and military power.

What I mean by that is that you're retarded.

>> No.2062468


Even though I'm far left I recognize why people like capitalism. Look at history. There is no doubt capitalism creates wealth like no other and can create a good solid middle class.

There is no stupid ideology, only stupid people.

>> No.2062469
File: 15 KB, 220x270, jake_gyllenhaal_eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe someday you'll understand why all the people who know what they're talking about laugh at you when you pretend to be one of them.

>> No.2062478


>There is 7 aspects to government : control by repression, control by infrastructures, control by ideology, control by flux regulations, affiliations with each social class, associations with each social class, balance of the civil and military power.

All of those are represented on the graph. You're stupid.

>> No.2062479

>I know enough about every ideology to score what I want if I think like a certain ideology.
That only prove that you agree with the test's authors. We disagree with them and with you.

>> No.2062482


Point in case.

>> No.2062487

No U. They're not.

>> No.2062489


Come to >>>/new/ bro. They will all fucking laugh at you guys because /sci/ has no idea what it's taking about ITT. They will all back up what I'm saying.

Seriously, just read this thread. Your head will explode with ignorance by just reading it.

>> No.2062498


>That only prove that you agree with the test's authors. We disagree with them and with you.

But you haven't said why you disagree. Just stupid shit like 'hurr polytixs cant be put on an axis". When it really can. Tell me what political ideology we're missing?

>> No.2062500
File: 178 KB, 764x744, 1250005964848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/new/ is an expert on politics

>> No.2062532


More so than /sci/. Reading this thread would be like watching /mu/ discuss the LHC.

Though /sci/ shouldn't talk. You guys get trolled by every religion vs. science thread. Your entire board is high school fags who think they can discuss experimental physics when they haven't even passed algebra 2 yet.

>> No.2062547

It's "case in point" you wonderfully obvious troll.
/new/? The board moot admittedly created for the sole purpose of filtering political trolls into one place, just as /sci/ was created for religion trolls?

No thanks.

>> No.2062552

First, politics can't be reduced to ideologies, and ideologies can't be listed as equal categories.
Second, you're missing my political position.
Third, it's as stupid as trying to put human history on one or more axis.

>> No.2062556


>High school fag in Calc 1.

>> No.2062563

Calc 1, you give too much credit.
Remedial math is moar like it.

>> No.2062567

You seem to think your board is any different. Your board's wonderful political discussions can be summed up as:
>High school Anarcho-"whatever sounds cool and edgy"ists.
>High school "My dad said this was right and he's in the Army!"ists.

Riveting discussions, I'm sure, but hardly substantial.

>> No.2062577

This thread is at least as good as any on /new/.

>> No.2062582

No. Not enough trolling for this to be considered good.

>Circumcision is mutilation, and circumcised people can't be considered white.

Ok, let's end this one with a bang.

>> No.2062592


No. /new/ can be summed up as 'JEWS DID IT'.


>First, politics can't be reduced to ideologies


> and ideologies can't be listed as equal categories.

Did you miss this graph? >>2061725 which is an explanation to the political compass. They're not equal categories.

>> No.2062646

Yes. An ideology is a non-necessary and non-exclusive way to engage in politics.

And that's not what I meant by equal. Of course they are more or less narrow, though I did miss that graph I did not expect the test to not recognize that.
They're not on the same level : they can stack, they can hide one another, and those who claim to be and/or are influenced by one don't use it the same way those ifluenced by another do.

>> No.2062815
File: 3 KB, 480x400, Political Compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free market is best market.
Purple master-race reporting in.

But seriously though, a shit-ton of those questions were loaded, misleading and presented false dichotomies. Especially the first one, it implies there's a difference between groups of people and "corporations".

>> No.2062844

I can tell you straight up, I am from canada and I am a bloqhead all the way. (too bad they will distroy the country if they are ever elected)

>> No.2062845

Try reading the FAQ.

>> No.2062846

Seeing as how other posters are revealing their occupation, I should probably mention that I'm a high school student. I go to class everyday and rage at all the pro-government, ant-individualist propaganda being shoved down my generation's throat, especially in "Environmental Science" class. It feels like they all think its perfectly normal that there are over 9000 government ordinances regarding issues that are solely the individual's responsibility. It feels kinda hopeless. But one day, we'll take America back.

>> No.2062852

Red = Brutal Communist Regime
Blue = Brutal Fascist Regime
Purple = Bioshock
Green = The Culture

>> No.2062863

LOLbertardians cannot into language and eloquence.

>> No.2062882
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm... i knew i was right wing, but i always considered myself more libertarian

>> No.2062888

Finn here, Social Democracy is the only way.

you stupid americans and your stupid faith in capitalism, i cannot wait until china destroys you.

>> No.2062894
File: 17 KB, 400x300, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Culture


>> No.2062905
File: 107 KB, 293x483, 1281593467754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW You typed that in English
MFW You probably have knowledge of English
MFW That is because of America's economic and cultural dominance
MFW America's success was borne from its capitalist, individualist, free-enterprise supporting system.
MFW You know it.

>> No.2062906

You will never be a cyborg hermaphrodite who plays video games and has sex while strung out on drugs all day long.


>> No.2062916

Sup yo, and i'm another highschool student, senior year. I skip fucking pre calc every day because the teacher is a dick and i already know everything hes teaching. Some weed erry day btw.

And i'm fucking sick of you dumbass libertarians who think that the left is shoving everything down your throats. Do you not fucking know the concept of a hidden curriculum? Right wing shit everywhere. I bet a significant other in your life is a libertarian too.

My parents were too dumb to have any ideas, and the only other family i had, my uncle, is a christian fundamentalist military officer republican. I'm completely un-indoctrinated, i'v made all of my own decisions.

Nordic europe has the best system, and social democracy is the best possible political ideology until we reach the singularity

>> No.2062921
File: 22 KB, 320x320, kid_laughing1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

>> No.2062922

i study astrophysics while tripping on acid... fun shit to visualize

>> No.2062927

Big Red here, purple only makes an iota of sense if you think the highest and only good in life is pleasure. Green if you are easily influencable and haven't got over your community college/ high school courses yet, and blue if you haven't got over Daddy yet.

>> No.2062928

>MFW You typed that in English
i used google translate for a few words
>MFW You probably have knowledge of English
mhm yes i do, i'v actually been to ENGLAND
>MFW That is because of America's economic and cultural dominance
lol americans think they made english, and that the wide spreadness of it is from america
>MFW America's success was borne from its capitalist, individualist, free-enterprise supporting system.
again, britian, etc
>MFW You know it.

god damn it you stupid ass americans. You think youre all responsible for all the world's inventions, youre wrong. You have such a douchebag attitude to everything, thats why everyone hates america.

Oh, btw, the reason english is so damn popular is because Britain kicked some major ass back in their day.. The sun never sets on the british empire you know

>> No.2062930

China is more capitalist than US that's why they grow faster. lrn2economics moron

>> No.2062936

You don't have any ideas of your own, boy. You just absorbed them through osmosis when you went to school. The "left" has a strangle-hold on our high school curriculum, just open your eyes and you'll see. I used to be kind of like you until 9th grade, that's when I noticed how fucked up everything was. That\s when I noticed how much control the government wishes to have over our lives, despite what our constitution states, implies, and what the founders of our country wanted. I realized we were slowly getting our freedom and right to earn a living whittled way, bit by bit. Can you smoke weed legally in most of America? Exactly.

>> No.2062937

calm down, and ask yourself this, how is an arrogant attitude developed? Normally in a environment where life is easy and one is given information of other's lives which face many more trials

>> No.2062942

China is fascist as fuck. "whatever serves business is what serves china" etc etc

The government serves business and business serves government. Doesn't seem capitalistic, no?

>> No.2062953

Its the jews, amiright? Just because the current american government is retarded as balls doesn't mean that government is fundamentally bad.

The government just needs to be destroyed and restructured.

>> No.2062964
File: 22 KB, 511x416, Political compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I am a moron.
Oh well, no hair off my balls.

>> No.2062974
File: 135 KB, 430x500, 1283974819019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>2062936 here

Not destroyed, just re-elected. That's the beauty of our country and it's system. People have faith in the system and think they can get a regime change by speaking out and electing officials they agree with. That's why we don't have fucking juntas every three years. Armed rebellions where government is "destroyed" destroys the people's faith in such a system and as a result, undermines the integrity of the country.

>> No.2062981


Oh yeah, and BTW, I don't buy into retarded anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

>> No.2062987

republicans = democrats = anyone else who has the money to run for office

Do you know how many millions of dollars you need to run for office? like a hundred million dollars.

Do you know how you get that? YOU SUCK THE DICK OF CORPORATIONS SO THEY SPONSOR YOU. Change is functionally destroyed by the process to aid business.

The american system of government is broken, it needs to be destroyed and restructured. Just ask this man
>PhD in mathematics
>any bomb he wants
>life in prison starting

>> No.2062990
File: 53 KB, 485x480, 3de49f5656c69529f8ba89f7531fee1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking recaptcha etc etc

>> No.2063011
File: 1.39 MB, 2216x2236, 1284691919447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that?

>> No.2063013
File: 15 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpngwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New and improved graph!

>> No.2063016

Thedore Kaczynski, the unabomber.

>> No.2063058

>China is fascist as fuck.
70% of chinese economy is in private sector.
and tax revenue is only 17% of GDP

>> No.2063080


fascism =/= communism

>> No.2063643

the questions of this test are too ambiguous

>When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
"better"? what do they mean by that? and does agreeing with this question imply we should take care of distracting each other from troublesome thoughts?

>First-generation immigrants can never be fully integrated within their new country.
what do they mean by integration? on one hand you're immediately integrated as you're legally a citizen of your new country, but on the other hand you'll always remember that it hasn't been that way so you'll always have a fundamental difference from other people. so it depends on how you define integration. the question should not be if one is integrated or not, since that's too vague, but if i'm ok with it.

>The rich are too highly taxed.
this really depends on what the money is being spent on. i don't think there anything fundamentally wrong with high taxes, but if the government doesn't function well the damage should of course be limited by lowering taxes if possible

they ask whether i fundamentally agree or disagree with some things, but my answer depends so much on the situation that the 2-dimensional result doesn't mean anything