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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2055036 No.2055036 [Reply] [Original]

What's your IQ guys?
I just got a 122 on my test with my shrink, and you guys seem to be also above average.
I want to see how my score compares.

>> No.2055044

why does it matter? iq tests are flawed anyway.

>> No.2055047

130, and it means jack shit. I still do fuck all with my life.

>> No.2055048

132, then a few years later after I stopped using drugs... 90.

>> No.2055053

Thanks for the warning. I'm never quitting nao.

>> No.2055057
File: 46 KB, 413x541, william_james_sidis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ you ask?

>> No.2055062

Over a thousand

>> No.2055065
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1200, 1283636471481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ average seems to be 120-123ish

you fucks still greatly annoy me, however :)

>> No.2055070

IQ tests give extremely erratic results, you need to take about 30 tests and use statistical analysis to get a measure of your IQ accurate to within 1 point. The fact that you took one test and got an assessment of 122 means nothing. Have fun taking 30 six hour tests if you actually want to know what your IQ is.

>> No.2055071

Took a test senior year of high school and got a 108.
Took a test recently after having played all the Professor Layton games....141.

IQ tests are retarded.

>> No.2055074

what are you implying in your post? that you have a higher IQ than most of /sci/ users? or am I mistaken?

>> No.2055075

Of course you are annoyed. We know you're so wrong on so many levels.

>> No.2055078

135 apparently
IQ is bullshit though, seriously
really doesn't mean jack shit

>> No.2055080

My IQ?

Haven't taken a test since

>> No.2055081


>> No.2055088

Last test I took I scored 136, Was several years ago though.

>> No.2055090


true story.

>> No.2055092

there's two different IQ scales. 130 is nearly average on one, and only a little above average on the second

you don't understand how an IQ test is supposed to work, do you?

>> No.2055095

Does ADD affect IQ? Would someone on Ritalin or Adderall score a higher Intelligence Quotient than someone who is not?

>> No.2055097

inafter everyone says they are geniuses, when in reality /sci/ is filled with asspies with no social lives, and therefore, aren't smart because most don't even have a degree

My IQ is 112, I don't give a fuck because IQ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.2055106

Performance on adderall is a lot like a negative quadratic function. It goes up really quickly and then peaks. Then it goes down just as quickly when the brain holes start forming.

>> No.2055107
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>> No.2055108

I believe my IQ is 201.

Because this way I have to force myself to always do better and never be content with my results.

>> No.2055132

156 IQ.

I'm wealthy, handsome and white. Life is good.

>> No.2055139
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>> No.2055141


nothing to add.

oh actually, one thing, i'll have a degree.. someday...

>> No.2055450
File: 101 KB, 510x362, 1304837v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you fine /sci/entists, but I have firm reason to believe my IQ is well over 9000.

>> No.2055475
File: 65 KB, 260x240, 65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000. U jelly?

Pic related, it's me.

>> No.2055485
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>> No.2055496

>IQ = intelligence quotient
>IQ = some number divided by your age
>be 0 years old
>have IQ of infinity

u mad?

>> No.2055497

I don't know or care what my IQ is. You can't measure intelligence, to think you can is ignorant/

>> No.2055504

all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)
all online IQ tests are bullshit and produce incorrect, and inaccurate results (+/- 15 IQ points)

>> No.2055521

My several-hour shrink session said something 150-ish, but that was over 15 years ago when I could just about tie my own shoes.

>> No.2055535


IQ threads = half trolls, half morons.

>> No.2055549

135. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.2055552

138 last time i tested. i was only 11 years old though.

>> No.2055566

I took a real IQ test (not an online one) and got 130 over all. However, I got borderline retarded on solving puzzles because I took alot of time on it. I also got around 150 for social situations, even though I'm anti-social.
TL;DR: IQ tests are full of shit.

>> No.2055570

lower 130s, wouldn't put much faith in the number tho

>> No.2055576

165, but I have ADD, so I'll never put it to good use. But, I will be starting Vyvanse soon! :)

Whereas it may not be exactly accurate, there are several things an IQ test does show:

1. If you get 70-80 on an IQ test, you are probably retarded.

2. If you score high on a test, chances are that you're of above average intellect at least.

3. If you score in the middle, you're probably average or mediocre intellectually.

So, it won't tell you how well you fit into each category, but that you do fit into it.

>> No.2055578

I can't get a straight fucking answer. Anywhere between 115 and 140. Every test is different.

On the other hand, I think there are geniuses working at gas stations and retards holding office jobs, so it hardly matters.

I'm trilingual and an ace at just about every programming language I've even heard of, but all the same, I live with my parents, without a car, a job, or anything more than a hundred bucks at a time.

>> No.2055591

>I took a real IQ test (not an online one) and got 130 over all. However, I got borderline retarded on solving puzzles because I took alot of time on it.
No, you are full of shit. There is no time penalty.

>> No.2055609

> 5's over 6's

Well played, anon. These were all I drew. ^

>> No.2055613

Got 118 on a non-verbal , anything with word problems is bullshit and I get higher on them.

I breezed through the second half of the test guesstimating the answers so it may be higher.
IQ don't mean shit though , there like xbox live points that don't mean anything but people love to brag about.

>> No.2055624
File: 372 KB, 800x600, 1269958809731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I write the books those loser psych students copy and paste the questions out of!

And I have never known the touch of a woman. Not even that ugly fat one you could smell from the back of the class.

THAT'S how high my IQ is.

>> No.2055639

145, but since I got tested officially when i was 5 years old I am not sure if that still applies.

>> No.2055750


of course that doesn't count

most likely your brain developed earlier than everyone else, and by now you're probably even or maybe slightly above average with society