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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2052687 No.2052687 [Reply] [Original]

>biology teacher tells us that we have DNA inside every atom of our bodies
>says DNA stands for 'deoxyriboneucleic acid'
>if we really had acid in our bodies, we would melt
>that's when I stopped being an athiest

>> No.2052696

Just like all atheist just never debate.

>> No.2052700

>DNA inside every atom

>> No.2052703
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just say to your teacher, no, we are our DNA

>> No.2052708
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>> No.2052709

The most popular religion (Christianity) is the only sane choice it a world such as ours.

>> No.2052712
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>if we really had acid in our bodies, we would melt

suddenly i wonder how his stomach works.

>> No.2052715


>> No.2052716

Not all acids are corrosive.
Vagina's are acidic.

>> No.2052717


Why arent you outside throwing molotovs at policemen, aether, you said you were going to change the world.

>> No.2052733
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Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm doing my best to make an abomination that spans across the whole interwebs. A social virus, ya know, the 'word-virus'; see, I know quiiiiite a bit about the word virus, so I'm manipulating it. If I get around 25 people enlightened, they'll be like me, and it will spread 25x faster. L2 fake-oneist-math.

>> No.2052737

I believe in god (small 'g') and I believe in evolution.

Where do I fall in the Religious/Agnostic/Atheist category?

>> No.2052739

ur going to hell, evilution is lie created by satan.

>> No.2052748


You're the one going to hell.

Do you not believe that a thousand years are but 6 days to God?

Then you have no confidence in your God.

>> No.2052754

Aether, you seem relatively consistant in the fundamentals of your non-traditional symbology. This is rare in a schizotypal, I wonder how much you rely on your writings and diagrams to maintain sanity.

I personally run into a similar problem in that I also see meanings in symbols that others do not, often many possible meanings and some best meanings that escape common detection. Meanings shift on me though depending on the depth of my mania and psychosis. Perhaps I should write every shitty thought that comes to mind, and make little posters and pictures like you do.

Crazy fuckers are kinda interesting, it's a fine line they say...

>> No.2052753

If evolution is real, how come I have never seen a tornado passing through a junkyard assembling typewriters on which half-monkeys half-bananas write Shakespeare?

>> No.2052760

wel if humies camed from mud how ceom theirs still mud?? checkmate creationists

Seriously though. Filtering 'athiest' as well as atheist now.

>> No.2052788

You see, if you follow your mind and go total 'retard' (by academia) you'll almost always reach the same conclusion I did; that nothing makes sense, and God is 'nothing'.

>> No.2052809

I hate you because of your similarity to me.

I wonder if it's yet crossed your sick mind that all psychopaths are atheists...

That is, if a person cannot engage in the abstract personification necessary to recognize another person they can see, there is no way they can recognize a person they cannot see.

I am a psychopath, I don't believe in my own mother, let alone you or your flimsy god ideas.

Just doing my part to feed the trolls today, we obligate solipsists are funny like that...

>> No.2052815
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>psychopaths are atheists

>> No.2052818

Take it, run with it.

>> No.2052824
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Let's ask the Inca

>> No.2052832

>I wonder if it's yet crossed your sick mind that all psychopaths are atheists
psychopath is not a choise

if God was real why there would be people without conscience and empathy? how could they have an equal chance in heaven?

>> No.2052834

Free will is both a gift and a curse

>> No.2052838
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If you're a psychopath you believe you're in heaven, kind of.

>> No.2052840


>if God was real

god isn't real.

>how could they have an equal chance in heaven?

Indeed- heaven would be hell for a psychopath.

>> No.2052843

'Call me crazy driven because nobody is born crazy'

>> No.2052847

>>2052832if God was real why there would be people without conscience and empathy? how could they have an equal chance in heaven?

Herp derp because no where in the bible does it say it's any harder for psychopaths to go to heaven. Old Testament: just say God did it, he's always telling people to slaughter other people. New Testament: it's cool, just ask Jesus to forgive you.

>> No.2052852
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ITT: 2 Psychopaths, one theist one atheist and a bunch of dead fish swimming with the stream.

>> No.2052853

theist of some sort, evolution has nothing to do with it.

great pick, we have lecturers with accents that pronounce it like that,

also the nonsence you are blurting, we had kids in haighschool who thought like that made me rofl

>> No.2052860

>>2052716Vagina's are acidic.

My friend's vagina tastes like nectarines :3

>> No.2052870

all psychopaths are atheists... we don't believe in people, not even invisible omnipotent ones.

that throws our count off a bit.


>> No.2052885
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Well. By nature I guess you're correct, the Atheists are the Psychopaths, the deluded ones under mysticism. But to society, and since that's how we communicate here, theists (real ones) are psychopathic. Under the impression that the term 'I' cannot be said without the term 'You', (I and You, You and I) or even better, I don't exist, I am 'You'. Understand that?

>> No.2052892

Evolutionists are desperate in their search to find transitional or intermediate forms to validate their "THEORY" of evolution. If, as they believe, millions of species of plants and animals have evolved during hundreds of millions of years, many billions times billions of transitional forms would have lived and died during those hundreds of millions of years, and thus there should be no difficulty in finding fossils of a very large number of these transitional forms.
Why is it so hard to find man's missing link (PS: it's not Lucy)?

>> No.2052901

All atheists aren't psychopaths.

All psychopaths are atheists.

There is nothing complex or symbolic going on here, a psychopath simply cannot believe in god. Don't try to fit my words to your symbology, just notice the essential truth... or don't.

As far as I'm concerned you are me, or you are nothing. I really don't care either way though.

>> No.2052906
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>word salad

>> No.2052907

Psychopaths are usually very good at hiding the fact that they are psychopaths. Often they act very religious in order to diffuse suspicions. I don't think you'll find that many psychopaths that are openly atheistic.

>> No.2052911

Of course, it is convenient to pretend not to be an atheist unless atheism becomes trendy...

and any psychopath will pretend to be whatever is expected when necessary.

>> No.2052913

If I'm in heaven, and 'hell' would be 'sensible' or 'normal' -- cause it is! when you know or 'think you know' what I know, then there are two paths, the road to hell, or the dangerous road to heaven. I pick the danger, cause I'm not a slave. However, I do regard society high, ergo, unionism.

>> No.2052924


word salad

The failure is yours, not mine. Is english your second language, or are you just having a particularly schizoid day today?

>> No.2052928
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I just don't want people to lose their imagination, or think of it as chemicals, or apply 'knowledge' to explain it. If everything doesn't make sense anyway, then there is no valid reason one man can have enough power to make people lose their 'nonsense' in their imagination. That's the inner-child, and that's what makes life good, otherwise it's pointless - drink, fuck, smoke. No. I enjoy taking control of characters I see in movies and applying them to my personality, cause it's enjoyable, it's fun, entertaining, makes me a better person to be around and I care a lot more for the people, when I'm not following the 'stream' like every other fish who only cares about themselves and their income, rather than caring for everyone existing alongside them.

>> No.2052936
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And yes, I'm a huge fan of neo-feudalism.

>> No.2052948
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If I asked you to describe my personality, based on how well you know me from /sci/, how would you describe it? I've been a number of different characters, what exactly am 'I'?

>> No.2052961


A faggot.

>> No.2052967

>implying people read your posts

>> No.2052971
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>> No.2052980


You are the irrational belief that anything you say or do will ever matter, or even be understood.

We all are mostly.

>> No.2052984

You're .14, whilst I'm 0.

>> No.2052993

You just made me scared of vagina's.

good job, dick.

>> No.2053015
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>Scrolling through /sci/
>See this thread
>Obvious 0/10 troll is obvious
>43 Posts omitted

>> No.2053017


That's right, putting your dick into a vagina will cause it to melt. DON'T. DO. THAT. EVER.

Ok guise, one less competitor... Not that /sci/ would pose much of a competition...