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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2046979 No.2046979 [Reply] [Original]

>My face when hardly anybody I know is aware of the current model of the Universe

I mean, okay, I don't expect everybody to know EVERYTHING, but standards need to be set. Many people don't even seem to know what the fuck a galaxy is. Stars? Not a damn clue.

I mean, fuck.

People just don't care, man.

>> No.2046987

most people don't care about what is beyond the realm of their local neighborhood.

I feel we are losing our curiosity.

>> No.2046988

a star is like a really famous celebrity, right?

>> No.2046991

Who the fuck are you hanging out with?

>> No.2046998

Most people HISTORICALLY never even LEFT their local neighborhood. Traveling 5 miles out of town? MAYBE for a special occasion.

Only a small portion of humanity ever had the lust for exploration, and only a small portion even well.

>> No.2046999

What do they gain if they know these things? For mother fucking trivias and shits. They can't even apply those IRL unless they're doing sciences.
Deal with it.

>> No.2047000
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Sad, and true.

Nobody cares about space anymore.

Well, a small percentage of the modern world do.

>> No.2047002

It's fucking miracles and magic, that's what it is.

>> No.2047006

people here are not willing to look up anything they think they know
that's why they're so autistic

>> No.2047008


Understandable. However, basics should be common knowledge.

>> No.2047011


The human species in general... Or just /sci/?

>> No.2047015

My university level astronomy class started with what scientific notation is.

>> No.2047023

Seriously? Like... seriously seriously?

That shit should've been learned in the 6th grade and having to teach it wastes the time of learning shit that's important.

>> No.2047027

Completly agree with OP, it's just kind of sad.

>mfw i'm on /sci/ and have no idea how i came here

>> No.2047034

God wills it

>> No.2047037 [DELETED] 

>Many people don't even seem to know what the fuck a galaxy is.

Wut? Aren't a bit exaggerating?

>> No.2047038

>Many people don't even seem to know what the fuck a galaxy is.

Wut? Aren't you exaggerating a bit?

>> No.2047042
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OP here.

And no, I'm really not.

Feels bad man.

>> No.2047044


Was meant for:


>> No.2047051

This statement epitomizes the issue. Human beings survive by intelligence.

People who make inane statements like why do I need to know this demonstrate the failure of our education systems. You do not need a reason to learn anything. This is the same principle that drives governments to ask scientists what the practical use of their work is.
As if the massively overwhelming examples of beneficial products that result from scientific progress are not enough.

Essentially, the more the general populace knows about what science has discovered, the more we see random people creating new and useful ideas and generating more scientific progress.
The ideal situation would be that all of humanity were scientists in their spare time. That's much preferable to the masses being decades behind current knowledge and spending their time vegging out in front of MTV.

>> No.2047056

China and India care. They are in a bit of a race to build a base on the moon and get mining rights. :D
This pleases me. I may go work for them.

>> No.2047058
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They... are??


>> No.2047067

That statement is too biased.
Some people just don't give a fuck because it won't make any difference. They're cooking burgers at McDonalds and thinking shits about galaxies and ohlolbigbang will just be another way of them wasting time. Even if they know those things, it's very unlikely that they can create anything productive from that knowledge, unless as stated above, they're into science.

>> No.2047068

Shut the fuck up, seriously you live in a free society. That means you have the right to be a complete lecher and waste of skin. Stop complaining or go somewhere else. In the end nature will determine who is left.

>> No.2047070

Here is a brief bit:


I saw a different one on /sci/ a few days ago that talked more in depth about the contention between China and India and really focused on China's intent to get mining rights one day.
I'm still looking for that.

>> No.2047076

to be into science is to be into knowledge
some people do get interested when you explain how stuff works, but it never occurs to them to look anything up themselves
maybe a concentration issue

>> No.2047077

Here's more:


>Ouyang repeated his view that the moon could provide energy and resources for Earth. "Whoever first conquers the moon will benefit first," he told Whitehouse.

>> No.2047080

Most people think our solar system is the galaxy.

>> No.2047081

Ten bucks say the first person to revisit the moon is either Indian or Chinese.

>> No.2047086
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>> No.2047087

or maybe they just don't give a fuck

>> No.2047092

Your statement is rife with internal conflict.

If a free society entitles individuals to be leeches then why do you believe nature will determine who is left?
By your definition, the society will carry the leeches on.

Does it give you pause to consider that they may be flipping burgers because they did not care to learn?

>> No.2047094

I'm only a GCSE student and I find it really disappointing how barely 3 lessons of physics is devoted to Space when Space is so fucking awesome...

I Fucking Love SPACEEEE!

>> No.2047100

No srsly, source please.

I can't believe that level of ignorance is still widespread, especially among the young adults.

>> No.2047114

Go around and talk to people. Ask them what our solar system is called. They'll say the Milky Way.

>> No.2047123

Your claim has a more broad scope than that. did you find a survey or poll somewhere which indicates this misconception on a broad sample group?

>> No.2047125

nobody gives a shit.

a pro athlete or a tv celebrity, or a movie star or any shit like that have no idea what is the solar system and yet they make in a month what you (knowing these things) will make in your entire life.

so why should the general population care about this type of knowledge? if most of the successful, rich and famous people out there have no understanding of this basic scientific stuff why would anyone besides a scientist or a kid who enjoys science care?

>> No.2047133

Who cares, you probably don't even know what the benchmark model is yourself.

>> No.2047149

Your lack of understanding is exactly why you should care. If you only knew the statistical likelihood of becoming famous versus getting good pay to something interesting you would not need to ask this question.
This is true for the general populace as well. Additionally, if people were more educated, Hollywood stars would not be so well paid. It's a matter of the society's priorities.
Would you rather live in a society where learning and honest work get rewarded or one where luck of the draw makes you rich and famous and everyone else works for shit?
We are somewhere in the middle but leaning on the wrong side atm.
Furthermore, look at the top richest people, they are not Hollywood stars. The richest people in this society are well educated in their field and decently educated in general.
Inb4 bill gates dropped out. He was well educated enough to know that he didn't need a piece of paper to make is goals happen.

>> No.2047180

You're really blowing this out of proportion. In my experience, many people seem to believe that our solar system IS the galaxy, as evidenced by their belief that our solar system is called the Milky Way and their knowledge that the Milky Way is the galaxy we live in.


>> No.2047189


Arbitrarily broad statements are a potential issue in common language. In my experience, such statements encourage listeners to create superficial stereotypes and biases that may not actually have any support.

>> No.2047216
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Welcome to the desert of the real.

>> No.2047255

Wait, does our solar system have a name?
Or is it simply the Solar System?

>> No.2047271

I am completely on track with you OP. While my social interaction with others is limited and superficial, the few opportunities I've had to discuss things with some few quickly reveal they are mostly ignorant and careless about the universe they live in. I by no means say that our social sphere of influence is meaningless and useless, but currently we live in a society (in the United Stadian sense) in which good looks and popularity at all levels of discourse, determine the amount of emphasis any particular subject gets.

It's a sad reality and one that I myself do not know how to even propose to fix. On a side note, I feel I'm one of the few people who bothers looking at the stars in a clear night sky, to the extend that I've noticed some weird looks from people who happen to stand by.

>> No.2047286

There is nothing to "fix". Nature will figure itself out.

>> No.2047306


Segmentum Solar

>> No.2047310

That makes me moist.

>> No.2047367

Yea, in the form of those with a mind for science going to another planet as fast as possible, solving aging and creating a technological singularity leaving the religious nuts on earth to get wiped out by a meteor or nuke each other in the next religious war.
For the time being, however, we need these people to keep funding science and we need to train as many budding scientists as we can to come with us to space.

>> No.2047380

srsly tho, no it's just the solar system.

>> No.2047382

I was mostly saying we live in a very free society, so it's their choice not to be educated, and i find it funny when people think they are light years ahead in intelligence when everyone is a mental infant to what will come. Don't get me wrong stupid people suck I just think there is some room for healthy humility.

>> No.2047383

I'm calling it that from now on. Just like I call Earth Terra, and homo sapiens Terrans.

>> No.2047391

No doubt, but the point of this thread is that people should know that very basics. Agree/Disagree

I cannot speak for everyone else but I personally am humbled before the vastness of that which I do not know.
What surprises me is the attitude of those who do not even realize how much they don't know and therefore do not realize the value of learning.

>> No.2047400

I just say fuck it, nature will catch up with us one day. Its evolution. I'm not against what you are saying I just figure it's a waste when we could be focusing on other things.

>> No.2047402

The sun is solaris or sol and the moon luna then?

I'm okay with this. Those names have a more grandiose ring to them, it think it may foster a greater respect for the objects themselves, even if only due to unfamiliarity.

>> No.2047407

Yeah it is a little bit of pretentious bull shit on my part, but I prefer those names. I like them to have a bit of elegance and flair.

>> No.2047419

A necessary waste then since knowledge evolves through learning. If we don't put forth the effort to teach then the masses will, in fact, continue to fall behind. And they have quite a ways to fall before they cannot even use the technology to survive and procreate so natural selection is no savior there.
It seems to me we have no choice but to continue this wasteful back and forth on education and the value of science until the public reaches a point where the average person is aware of how little know and begins to value learning.

>> No.2047436

We only need a few really smart trans-humans. I just think it would be a better use of time to work on science and technology.

>> No.2047451

I'll concede to that but I hold that the waste will continue until the trans-humans are created.

>> No.2047456

Nah man, there only need be a few people work on it. You don't have to live in this society.

>> No.2047474

my ex-girlfriend didnt understand how the solar system worked...i mean what the fuck was she doing all through primary school.

conversation in the car one day while i was rambling on about the universe thinking she understood
>so where are the planets in the universe?
>lol (thought she was joking) oh wait you are serious
>yes, i mean, do we even know?
>they move in a roughly circular orbit around the sun....have you ever seen a picture of them with circles traced all the way around the sun.
>yes, but i thought that was just a representation of what we thought could happen
>are you serious, haha (seriously thought she was trolling me)
>stop laughing at me, just because i dont find that stupid stuff interesting.

needless to say that got me thinking i should break up with her

>> No.2047501

I think you need to try again.
>planets in the UNIVERSE
you answered around the sun.

miss-communication # 1
She said universe, you thought solar system.
There are likely planets around most stars.

miss-communication # 2
You said around the sun, have you seen the circles?
she thought sun=stars as in all stars have planets orbiting them like the sun does.
You emphasized that the planets are mapped she thought you meant planets around other stars have been mapped and responded that she was under the impression that scientists only postulated that other stars had planets like the sun does.

Just another intrepretation of what may have happened there. I think you may have had preconceived notions about her level of intelligence that lead to a misunderstanding there.
Take it as you will.

>> No.2048930
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>my ex-girlfriend didnt understand how the solar system worked

I hear that. My CURRENT girlfriend didn't know what the fuck the Solar System was.

It's a good thing she puts out.

>> No.2048936
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Annnnnd spoilers don't work on /sci/

God damn it.

>> No.2049051
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This is a Galaxy.

>> No.2049064
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Many of these people had the same dreams you do, before they were crushed by today's reality.

Change is coming.

>> No.2049076

ITT: virginity and world of warcraft players, enjoy your faggotry

>> No.2049078
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The whole of /sci/: Pic related.

>> No.2049085

Are you sure Australia doesn't mind us just, you know, taking a massive chunk of land?

>> No.2049087
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>> No.2049088
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You sure told us.

>> No.2049090
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What I will offer will make them love me.

>> No.2049097
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>> No.2049100
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>> No.2049110

my astrophysics lecturer sent me a video where they interviewed harvard graduates and asked them what caused the seasons. 80% of them didn't know.

>> No.2049118


Like we care about Tasmania.

>> No.2049133

Inurdaes, you're a pretty cool guy, but you have no idea how hard it would be to sell something like that. Historically speaking, people are resistant to any significant change, no matter how much it improves their lives.

>> No.2049135


Once I was debating with this Creationist, and he claimed that the workings of our Earth seasons is just a "theory".

God, man. I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.2049136
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This is what I'm playing on. The area I included has less than 15,000 people that could be relocated or given the option of dual-citizenship with free travel across Australian/TRS borders.

>> No.2049140



>> No.2049142

http://www.youtube (dot) com/watch?v=DutJLb-c0vs

You rage you lose.

>> No.2049143
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Oh no, the improvement in lifestyle has never seen before.

>> No.2049150

Actually closer to 2035.

>> No.2049168
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I'm a physics major, so you would think most of the people in my classes are pretty damn sensible. However, even they are pretty damn... er, well, I suppose I'll just tell you what happened.

Physicists are more likely than the average population to be atheists, probably because they actually know how the world works instead of chalking everything up to magic. And, as one would expect, a good portion of my physics major friends are atheists. However, the other day I was rushing to get my thermodynamics homework in and someone brought up evolution. One guy, a damn decent programmer but a devout Christian shut in with proven psychological disorders (nice guy though), makes a remark about his doubts on evolution and looks at me, as me and him went on for about an hour last year about evolution. I say "last year I would have loved to spend an hour discussing this stuff with you [insert name], but I'm taking 17 credit hours so I just don't have the time". So he leaves. There are a bunch of other physics majors around, two of which I know are Christians and another who I have no idea. The topic continues for a minute, and wouldn't you know both Christians display doubt about evolution. They don't outright say they don't believe in evolution, but they say stuff like "I don't know, some things about evolution don't make sense to me... like how cingle celled things can become multicellular". Cringing at this, I couldn't help but explain to them how it could have happened and the modern day examples of the steps life too such as colonies of amoebas taking on special tasks in the larger organism.

I don't get it. I don't remember any sort of brainwashing when I went to my Lutheran elementary school or church, and yet it seems everyone else thinks to be a Christian one is required to take shots at science. If I have to put up with things like this in a physics department I can't imagine what "lower tier" majors are like.

>> No.2049174


>> No.2049175
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Those who have vision can come in, those who don't, well, those are the masses of terminally future-shocked luddites that will drag the Singularity down to a crawl, and there will be no Singularity, and with time there will be no Century of Wonders, no Golden Hour, no America, no cities, no people, because of Conservatives who think they can barricade themselves with old ideas pretending the Universe is still and motionless and doesn't change.

To quote Pellegrino,

"So we named our rocket Valkyrie, after the beautiful Norse maidens who, in the shape of eagles, descended to snatch up the souls of the brave killed in war, carrying them heavenward, to Valhalla, the legendary Hall of Odin. If Earthly sapience cannot live up to its name, if we are foolish enough to ascend beyond Earth orbit with our old ways of thinking still intact, if we move to the march of tribal drumbeats, then surely the souls of the brave will fly up with Odin's eagles, for we shall all be killed in war. We carry with us, in our rocket's name, a chilling and timely reminder: Chose the wrong path, and we are, every one of us, flying to Valhalla."

-- Charles Pellegrino, afterword of Flying to Valhalla

>> No.2049182

The trick is to not pretend that we're 100% sure of that being the answer, but remind them that it's just the best answer we have so far. Also, mention that it would be far more amazing for God to have spent billions of years making them, rather than waving his wizard wand 6000 years ago.

>> No.2049204

I thought you didn't think the singularity was a thing? Or are you a nanotech > AI guy?

>> No.2049213
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Yes I'm the nanotech > AI guy.

>> No.2049245

My whole neighborhood lost power yesterday for about an hour. This was at around 9pm so it was fucking crazy dark outside. Everybody walked out of their house complaining and bitching while I was in my backyard laying down, it was the first time in a long time I had seen more than 3 stars in the sky...

I can't wait to move away from everyone.


>> No.2049268
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I'm pretty damn sure all but the programmer one aren't creationists so there really isn't much to argue about. The thing is not too long ago I realized I've become a lot less... "aggressively informative" when it comes to ignorance tied to religion. In fact I sometimes feel a pang of shame coming out of some conversations because I may ventured too close to be downright apologetic for being an atheist. I had excepted a very good portion of the nation is Christian and most of which have what they see as very good reasons for their belief albeit not all too logically coherent reasons. But this latest scientific "blasphemy" not only hit home in that it was coming from fellow physics majors and it drove the idea into my mind that to be even the slightest bit religious one leaves themselves open to wide range of absurd notions. I mean, if these people didn't accept single celled organisms can evolve into multicellular organisms then they have either throughout the book on the history of the universe or they believe life simply *POOF*ed into existence on this rock... as if it Earth's surface was a barren world complete with a rock zoo, an ocean, and another rock zoo and then in front of the eyes of onlooking aliens a big cloud of smoke enveloped the world and viola, life, as if it were some parlor trick.

I don't want to dwell on this despite my long post, I just wanted to write it all out. This is probably going to be some sort of existential formative event for me.

>> No.2049284

You do realize that AI would facilitate much quicker gains in nano-tech research right?

>> No.2049296
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If we could make posthuman level intelligences, sure.

But we won't. Not in this century.

>> No.2049325


You're right, sadly.

Although we will see men on Mars!

Uhhh what other major achievements are possible for the next sixty or so years?

>> No.2049339
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Oh gee I dunno, molecular nanotechnology and molecular assemblers/"Nanofactories" revolutionizing human civilization, roughly three or four decades into the future?

>> No.2049343

I'm keen for decent prosthetic limbs, and also for people to let go of the idea that they need to be identical to what we have now.

>> No.2049476

I'm fucking lost, what happens 2035?

>> No.2049505

Oh, I see coffee mug... Isn't it hypocritical of you to rag on singularityfags and then turn around and spout on about how candy and rainbows nanotechnology will be?

>> No.2049533

Jesus Christ, let it go. What good is arguing about it going to do? You each hold opposing viewpoints that won't be changed by yelling at each other online. Just chill.

>> No.2049535
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>My thread is still alive on the front page

This pleases me.

>> No.2049591



>> No.2049601
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You fucker ;___;

>> No.2049604

so what to most people it is irrelevant and they dont need to know anything about anything outside of their world.

how the fuck is knowing what a galaxy is going to help a builder, politician, writer etc (although there are some obvious replies, e.g. a writer writing about outer space, or a new galaxy. but they dont need to know)

>> No.2049613

>they move in a roughly circular orbit around the sun

It sounds like you don't know how the solar system works either.

>> No.2049618

This kind of thing depresses me too.

>> No.2049620

Opposite nothing. I don't hold any view on the matter.

>> No.2049670

So I'm still lost, what's supposed to happen in 2035.
Stealing land, and then what?

>> No.2049747

I think he oversimplified on purpose to make it a bit easier for her to understand.