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File: 276 KB, 440x440, a_a6_1272526222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2045564 No.2045564 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we tracked down the exact location in the universe where the big bang happened yet? I suspect such a place would be a great source of information about the coming into existence of all that exists.

>> No.2045569

no center
big bang was everywhere

>> No.2045577

Well if we're in the middle of the big bang right now it would be even easier to pinpoint the start of it I suppose.

>> No.2045584
File: 31 KB, 180x171, 128323561841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look around you. That is the Big Bang.

>> No.2045599

>the universe is expanding because of the big bang
>implying the big bang is everywhere
>implying the universe isn't expanding at all

I was hoping for some solid answers here instead of the random crap you get when googling this subject but thanks anyway.

>> No.2045607

>solid answers

Try an astronomy forum.

>> No.2045620
File: 268 KB, 574x476, 1289289837765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the universe is expanding into a certain direction
>the opposite of that direction is where the source of the big bang can be found

>> No.2045625

The big bang is the expansion of space itself. Therefore, it does not have what you would call a center. All of the universe that we can see was, at the moment of the big bang, within the exact same infinitesimal point of space.

>> No.2045629

On the offchance that this isn't a troll thread, the big bang didn't HAVE a location. The big bang created the universe, it didn't happen in the universe. The entire universe is the big bang, which is still happening.

>> No.2045635

The big bang created space as it went. It's still doing so. Creating space is quite a trick in fact, because if you can create and annihilate specific bits of space I understand it's thought you'd be able to travel faster than light with no inertia.

>> No.2045638
File: 56 KB, 351x336, 1287923226034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical ignorant response, lol...

>> No.2045645

The big bang happened in New York, center of the universe.


>> No.2045697

Wrong it happened in California.

>> No.2045726

If you inflate a balloon what is the exact location of inflation?

>> No.2045731

The point where the air gets blown into.

>> No.2046233

There is nothing there OP. It's just nothing.

>> No.2046259

Y'all postin' in a troll thread. Also, I have donkey underwear on.

>> No.2046267

Somebody has already formulated a pretty accurate sounding theory on this Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu_wcV9nP0 I apologize for the link, but I haven't found them anywhere else.

>> No.2046271


>> No.2046290

Initially created to solve a number of paradoxes in cosmology, the concept of inflation, a rapid expansion of the early universe, is now well established due to its success in explaining the WMAP results and other data. Many models of inflation predict eternal inflation, in which an exponentially expanding universe forever spawns bubble universes, of which ours is only one. In a 2006 paper, three scientists, notably including Alan Guth, the original inventor of inflation, point out a surprising consequence of this: Each bubble universe has a center which can only be detected by collision rates with other bubbles. The further you are from the center, the more likely you are to be hit by another bubble.

Needless to say, such a collision is likely to be fatal for humanity. The bubbles expand at the speed of light, so there's no way for us to see one coming. The survival probability decreases exponentially with time; only the center of the universe is safe.

Since humanity is in grave danger, and we have no natural means of saving ourselves, we must turn to supernatural means. After extensive prayer and meditation, I have determined that the center of the universe is located in the spiral galaxy HCG 87c. For the salvation of humanity, preparations must begin at once for the transport of the human race to its new home. All our resources must be brought to bear on this task, which though Herculean, is absolutely essential for our continued survival. Please write your country's legislators and urge them to act now on this most pressing matter.

You can find Garriga, Guth, and Vilenkin's paper here:


>> No.2046311
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, green boxxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that in your photo, OP?

>> No.2046386

Draw 9 dots on the surface of a balloon.
Inflate the balloon.
Dots are now further apart.
No center of expansion.

>> No.2046391

There is no such 'place'

>> No.2046419
File: 35 KB, 400x400, star-trek-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you watch trek?

Sha Ka Ree, the place where creation began is at the centre of the universe. Its where Kirk battled god in V.

>> No.2046421

actually ur mom is EXACTLY SHAKIRI! I'd run if i was a rat in a hellhole

>> No.2046423

Doesn't run fast enough... failz

>> No.2046503

you kinda need a reference point to find that place, and if we assume that the only physical space that matters is our universe, then... yeah you get it.