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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 200x200, 01_engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2045353 No.2045353 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ is fucked.

nothing but athiests/trolls spouting their science philosophy and logic crap while legitimately interesting science gets pushed to page 30. And you let all practicality go about 3 years ago, then bitch about engineers who know how to apply scientific concepts because it violates your concepts of science philosophy and they make money while you talk about logical fallacies and suck Dawkin's dick.

/sci/, pull your heads out of your asses.

>> No.2045357
File: 64 KB, 472x362, furever alone holding pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made this for you /sci/.

>> No.2045367
File: 73 KB, 407x405, LOL-U-MAD-BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2045381

Obviously a science bored is doomed to depravity and ultimate destruction. It is created on the basis of the sins of science. Read the bible

>> No.2045424

yeah, I am mad. 4chan starts a /sci/ board, I use it to talk about the space program or biology, I liked to discuss science with other people who knew about science. But now it's full of fags. I'm going to 420chan. They're actually smart over there.

>> No.2045473

You're an idiot and a horrible troll.


>> No.2045478

>I do physics and math. I am hardcore. duuuuuuuur
Fuck you /sci/

>> No.2045495

bumping for justice

nice to see there are a few intelligent beings left who want to salvage this place

>> No.2045507

bumping this again in support for the cause

>> No.2045508

From now on /sci/ is at war
Science vs numberfags (I'm talking about you math/physics assholes)

>> No.2045522

>Science vs numberfags (I'm talking about you math/physics assholes)
idiots like this have to leave
troll the trolls, no excuse for stupidity like this to roam free

>> No.2045528

Mathfag:Its beautiful duuuuur. I'm going to circlejerk with my other autistic colleagues now

>> No.2045551

Do you any of you want to discuss this:


>> No.2045553

Help, there is a deadly virus and we need a cure for it:
Biology fag:I'll do research regarding the properties of the virus
Chemist: I will come with a drug to fight the disease once the properties of the virus are found
Physicist: Duuuuuuuur
Mathematician: Huuuuuuuuur

>> No.2045560

The hate for biology and engineering, get their threads sent to page 30. Nearly all the math threads are either homework or troll, and atheism/science vs religion make up the rest. /sci/ is utter shit.

>> No.2045570
File: 78 KB, 462x356, ching chong wing wong five mirrior dorrars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you let all practicality go about 3 years ago

This board isn't even a year old bro.

>> No.2045572


>> No.2045573

ITT: Righteousfags think moving to a new forum will free them from trollage.

>> No.2045582

What will you accomplish in the future:
biologist: I will find a cure for aging, uncover the secrets of nature for the benefit of humanity and genetically engineer nature to do the work for us
Chemist:I will make new materials such as nano materials and chemicals to help the industry and better the quality of people's lives
Physicist: I will tell you whether matter is made out of strings and then formulate more theories that are even more impossible to test. I will also help the government create a more powerful weapon so they can wipe out the entire human race.
Mathematician: I will do boring shit nobody cares about

>> No.2045612

I remember when /sci/ was good >:(

>> No.2045619

Let's make it good! I just saw this on another thread.


I nerdgasmed.

>> No.2045622

Oh dude we heard about that a long time ago

>> No.2045630

many kids and undergrad fags on this board so it develops into it's current state

I doubt most of you have even finished your base calculus courses

>> No.2045639

I come to this board for science, not math.

>> No.2045646

Can we fix it?

No, it's fucked!

>> No.2045647
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 8cb6859714594941a2360f29ab584e92-d2zynq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They're actually smart over there.

Oh look how intellectual you are.

Shut the fuck up. Nobody's forcing you to come here, you stupid twat.

Pic related, it's you - you fucking beta cunt.

>> No.2045652

Jesus wtf happened to you guys?
Did we get invaded by assholes or something?

>> No.2045655


Er...science cannot be done without demonstrating the statistical significance of the data.

>> No.2045657

You're giving up, retreating.

And you're not even running from a tangible threat. The board hasn't degenerated in any observable way. You just feel a difference.

>> No.2045665

I'm not the guy who wants to go to 420chan
And yes I do feel a difference as matter of fact and I don't like it >:(

>> No.2045682


Convey your feelings through text or image, you silly goose.

>> No.2045699

bump to for OP's cause. He is right. Nothing but cunt atheists here lately. I'd love to see some fun, interesting discussion about real science.

>atheists are cunts
>atheists are cunts
>atheists are cunts
>atheists are cunts
>atheists are cunts
>atheists are cunts