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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 513x600, intelligentdesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2042899 No.2042899 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine there would be a person infinitely more intelligent then any other human being yet. He or she finds cures for all kinds of diseases, revolutionizes all fields of science, makes intergalactic space travel possible, ends world hunger, finds a way to safely and clean produce more energy than humankind needs, finds a way to terraform planets etc.

How would people react to this person? Would they fear him because he seems so powerful that he can almost do anything or would they think of him as some kind of messiah (or both)? Would he maybe soon get killed? What do you think?

>> No.2042918

All of the above.

>> No.2042923

Cumdumpster here: I would just NEED to get a kid from this guy (if he is male). I don't know why but every instinct I have tells me that I need his sperm to make as many children as possible. Maybe that's just me but I think many other women would think the same.

>> No.2042926

this is why I chose to let the world continue as it is, and decided to direct my talents to web design

no invention of mine is going to end up a cat toy!

>> No.2042932


Such a person is bound to have strong opinions that go against our current feelings about right and wrong. Since we are not nearly as intelligent he could not make us understand why he thinks we are wrong and he would probably get depressed while we would find him disgusting and think that he is a weird abomination despite all the things he has done for us.

>> No.2042934


Hey, CD...you wanna practice until he gets here? Wokka wokka

>> No.2042944
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what, like this?

>> No.2042947
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>> No.2042960

You an Ayn Rand, eh?

>> No.2042962


No paranormal powers and stuff like this.

People realize he is mad smart. He gets direct access to and control over many teams of scientists and tells them what to do and they achieve because of his guidance all these incredible things.

>> No.2042972

thats because you cumdumpsters think only with your dick.

>> No.2042973

I'd fuck 'em. Hope she's hawt!

>> No.2042980

I believe unless that person had impressive social skills to go along with their staggering intelligence, they'd be either ignored or exploited. Either we wouldn't know about their brilliance because they'd never be able to express it, or we'd give the business brain who found them (somebody like Bill Gates or Thomas Edison) all the credit.

Then we'd treat that business brain like a genius for a few years. Or we'd hate him. Or whatever. There wouldn't be any WORSHIP/KILL issue.

>> No.2042987

I think he'd spend his free time, now that he's solved all of Humanities problems, lulz at the know-it-alls on /sci/

>> No.2042983

>a person infinitely more intelligent then any other human being yet.

>a person infitely more intelligent than Euler


>> No.2042991


Ok sounds reasonable. But how could such a person not at least get much notice? He would probably a subject of studies himself since he can do math better than any supercomputer, beat the best chess players, can play every instrument, knows every language etc. Some people have to notice.

>> No.2042994


the time horizon between when we acknowledge greatness and when we take it for granted is too small for any sort of cult formation

>> No.2043006

Whatever army gets his hands on him first imprison him, torture him unless he cooperates and then they take over the world.

>> No.2043011

Just because this person could doesn't mean they would, or that they'd make a big deal about it or crave recognition for it. There have been polyglots and prodigies throughout history and almost none of them are household names. We know the lucky few who happened to have the charm and acumen to attract the public eye.

>> No.2043016

>I believe unless that person had impressive social skills to go along with their staggering intelligence, they'd be either ignored or exploited.

>the time horizon between when we acknowledge greatness and when we take it for granted is too small for any sort of cult formation

>Ok sounds reasonable. But how could such a person not at least get much notice? He would probably a subject of studies himself since he can do math better than any supercomputer, beat the best chess players, can play every instrument, knows every language etc. Some people have to notice.

Kind of naive views. The way cult-leader type figures are born is that they offer "salvation", they offer something that people desparately want, an answer for their troubles. Look at Ayn Rand; she didn't have great social skills and wasn't exactly an infinitely intelligent being. What she did do, however, was appeal to a certain interest by which people could be easily manipulated. She offered salvation to a certain type of people.

>> No.2043018
File: 24 KB, 250x188, 250px-Primacron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primacron is a being of sophisticated brilliance. His powerful brain conceives of infinitely complex plans. But perhaps he thinks too hard? Maybe your simple instincts can defeat his plans. Therein lies our greatest hope, therein lies our greatest fear.

>> No.2043032

Also if that infinitely intelligent person happens to be born in sub-Sahara Africa, or the industrial slums of Malaysia, they may never learn the scientific and cultural information required to make those cognitive leaps you mention. Hell, even if they're born a fundamentalist Christian in rural Texas.

>> No.2043033

By extension: the way you get popular like this is to offer people something. Simply being more intelligent than your peers will beget jealousy and resentment. Not popularity.

>> No.2043037
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I agree with you bro. But I am not talking about a savant who has one exceptional skill but is just like us (or even much worse) at anything else. I think that the first thing that would happen is that somebody would make a crappy movie about him. Then he gets more and more recognition.

>> No.2043043



>> No.2043040


Well but said person doesn't need to offer anything because he just keeps delivering.

>> No.2043041

and by extension to that: the most brilliant people will often be without many friends. Their talent/intelligence will intimidate or annoy most people. I think this hypothesis is congruent with the famous intellects of history.

>> No.2043069

you dont need to learn things to know things

it is entirely possible to come up with all scientific notions independently (given higher intelligence see observation skills) shit, even i have done this

also there is never just one genius(one of anything), nature always has spares

since your concepts of evolution are mostly incorrect, this will be hard to swallow

>> No.2043074

>Well but said person doesn't need to offer anything because he just keeps delivering.

Well it depends on what he delivers. If he delivers salvation then he might be seen as a god. If he brought wealth and health to the poorest then I could see them worshipping him as a god.
Say that he solved mankind's energy crisis for millenia to come; I doubt he would be worshipped. He would definitely be made famous, and some would marvel and some would be envious. Centuries later he would be unsurpassingly revered. However, without that "salvation" element I don't think he can ever become a cult leader.

>> No.2043075

let's see; a person with such high intelligence that they have solutions for all of Humanity. Then that person would know that us humans are violent little fucks that are prone to destroying that which we don't understand.

SO, I think this person would just be an observer and occasionally plant little seeds of knowledge, as a muse, in people he deemed acceptable to further the human race towards these goals, slowly, so we don't end up killing ourselves with the knowledge we just gained.

>> No.2043082
File: 6 KB, 240x200, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread leans heavily on the myth of the "great man". That somehow there might be a person who, alone, solves the problems of the world. Such an idea is absurd. Every great idea is simply the extension of ideas that came before it... and every "great man" is the lucky (though often also hard working) schmoe who was in the right place at the right time to get his name in the history books. Luck and timing are the twin forces which govern who seems brilliant and who seems dumb... intelligence and skill only govern which pool the lucky schmoe is plucked from.

>> No.2043114

>implying that Leibniz and Newton weren't more intelligent than Euler

>> No.2043119

>it is entirely possible to come up with all scientific notions independently

Only the most basic of notions. To come up with anything remotely complex you must first have some knowledge of science.
A lot of prior mathematical and scientific theory had to be established and learned before Einstein could derive his theory of relativity. I doubt someone living in the woods from birth could work his way from Euclid to Einstein. He couldn't even perform the scientific experiments required to verify the intermediary theories.

>> No.2043138

Plus our current understandings seem so obvious today that it's easy to forget how valid the theories they replaced (or out-competed) seemed at the time. It is just as easy to turn intelligence towards defending the wrong ideas as it is to turn it towards defending the right ones.

>> No.2043206
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>> No.2043223

>implying society won't hang the outsider just for being different.

>> No.2043251

People say this all the time, but I've seen very little proof of it. Not many geniuses get killed. It's much more profitable to exploit them and take the credit for their successes while they die impoverished by legal battles in patent court.

>> No.2043266
File: 591 KB, 950x1382, YouShouldBeAbleToSolveThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, let's see.
>He could only read one line at a time
>He could only work with his hands or tell other people what to do when making apparatuses
>It still takes hours upon hours to collect meaningful samples of data and no matter how fast he can type, it will still take several hours to write automated data collection/analysis programs
>It still takes hours to write out any meaningful theory
It's also important to remember
>Problems presented by nature aren't necessarily solvable in any way this person would ever learn. It's likely he would need to invent entire branches of mathematics just to make significant headway in physics.

For these reasons, I would suggest this person would be VERY productive, but at the same point not idolized to the status of a god.
OP, the person you're describing is Isaac Newton.

>> No.2043268

i agree

shit saddens me

>> No.2043316

I think they would react to him like they would to the emperor in 40k.

>> No.2043318

>He could only read one line at a time


There are people who can read an entire page in a fraction of a second.

>> No.2043330
File: 352 KB, 1161x980, Boltzmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2043343

OP must be talking about Marko Rodin.

>> No.2043349

not really. I have seen people who can read both pages at the same time, one with each eye, very quickly. They re-assemble the two pages after they're done reading them. Though even we're talking about only double the speed of some of the fastest normal readers.

>> No.2043362

He'd definitely be killed.

Go around solving all those problems and the people who were making money off milking the problems will be pissed.

>> No.2043363
File: 103 KB, 850x531, sample_220deaf68a1fe75b84cbeea8de8b02784b961664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd be his fuck slut if he wanted, i'd finaly have someone i could worship whos reasonably smarter than me and not a gigantic asshole

>> No.2043375

What makes you think he would be a gigantic asshole?

>> No.2043397

Wait, so there are women who would fuck me simply because I'm significantly more intelligent than them?

Though, if I wanted genetic children I don't need to take care of, I'd take a mensa test and donate to a sperm bank. Is it possible to sign a contract where you fuck someone for the purpose of getting them pregnant and not have to pay child support?

>> No.2043398
File: 232 KB, 561x800, 41307020_20Ranko20Ranma_Saotome20ranma_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assume you mean wouldnt?
mainly because hes sharing all this information to help people, if he didnt like us why the fuck would he give us the time of day, let alone his secrets for high technology, if i was a misanthrope with that kind of ability born now i would be halfway across the galaxy exploring at near lightspeed looking for aliens with wormhole opening technology. screw the earth

>> No.2043404
File: 136 KB, 600x600, eb83804d2c6eb43c2fbabddf419d2b02e1ceecd2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're really smart, why arent you successful enough to pay child support? not saying its a requirement but you still have to have a good reason to claim superiority over me and not be more successfull than most avarage people

>> No.2043423

Because it's based on a percentage of income. And I'm certain if I amass a large sum of money, it will be quite high regardless of whether I have an income or not.
The problem is having more than a few children.

>> No.2043438

>>% based
well i guess thats one way to keep the rich rich,