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2039586 No.2039586 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about www.truthism.com?

One of the most interesting things I've ever read in my life, I'll say that.

>> No.2039596

It's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of.

>> No.2039607
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>> No.2039614


>> No.2039615

I think the first half of it is pretty interesting, how the writer was talking about how people deny the truth and how they are not actually rational etc. etc.

Does anyone actually know anything concrete about the origin of this website? Is it some cult thing?

>> No.2039696

It could be true maaaaaaan

>> No.2039715

What I do know is the common practice of paleontology, archaeology, if the EVIDENCE doesn't fit with the theory then it is discarded or you'll be fired/discredited. History is just filled with false absolutes and mostly written by biased victors, who knows what secrets they were hiding.

>> No.2039723

How do you know the reptillians didn't make that correlation when creating a false history?

>> No.2039731
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A picture is worth a thousand words, and no this isn't shoop.

>> No.2039777

what is that supposed to be?

>> No.2039793

it started off good,
they ended up fucking it up by shoving too much crap in there. this is how my train of thought went

we're under alien control... cool
half of human beings are actually mindless bodys being controlled by the reptillians, which could include you... uhh...
also, the world is hollow, sonic is a masonic chain, and theres a proven civilization on mars.... ok fuck off

>> No.2039814

David Icke is an insane genius. He shows typical symptoms of schizophrenia, just look at his biography. He openly stated that he's the son of God on life TV.

>> No.2039825

first five minutes of website isn't actually stating any truths, just statements saying if you don't swallow their shit your an ass hole,

then they claim we came from aliens,

they should have saved that one nearer to the end so they can actually get people to swallow their shit rather than putting it at the start.

so I stopped reading.

oh and the bit before aliens on science is only half true
just because most scientists who appear on the media are closed minded fascist fucks don't mean that all are, or that science is, science is a process, it is not good or evil or anything stupid like that...

>> No.2039828


That's a well known fake commonly used by creationists like Ken Ham. The track is totally flat on the bottom where a real dinosaur would've left a more varied impression, as the weight on the bottom of any foot is never evenly distributed.

And what's with the hole? It looks like he picked that feature to start carving from and made it the big toe because that seemed to fit.

>> No.2039911

you can't deny the parts about how people claim to be rational by saying they trust the government while at the same time they admit that the government is lying to them (area 51). That's a pretty solid argument, really.

>> No.2039947

I believe it.

However, I am also a faggot.

>> No.2039978

Only a nigger would believe a shitty cult website like truthism.

makes me lul

>> No.2039991

"Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.3 billion people) are organic portals--soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions" (Thomas Cox, montalk.net).

Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal."

Holy shit, I might be an organic portal!

>> No.2040046
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>the main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships.

>> No.2040188

it's working if true

>> No.2040411

Anyone ever watch Soul eater?

This reminds me of an Excalibur lecture.



>> No.2041773

yeah man, they be tellin the truoth!

>> No.2041789


Well, they sure are doing a fine job if you ask me...

>> No.2041842

"In order to grasp the truth, you must use your free will and freedom of thought. Do not let your mind get trapped within the religious or scientific paradigms."

I stopped reading this crap after the author made spoke about religion and science in the same sense. I will agree, religion is bullshit, but science... to say that science is "a form of control" is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Science is the reason that piece of shit has a website. Truthism can suck a dick, and I read the first 2 paragraphs.

>> No.2042076

first half is true, reptilians half is so damn stupid, this guy can probably start a cult with impressionable idiots easily

>> No.2042092
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I read half of it, skimmed the rest and laughed. I'm sure its purpose was something else tho.

>> No.2042109

>science is a government-controlled religion
stopped reading there

>> No.2042112

too bad no one values the opinions of anons who post fursona emotions with posts they make

>> No.2042115

Do you know the definitions of science and religion?

>> No.2042117
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1. create bullshit theory
2. backup with bullshit facts
3. say rational people would understand
4. ???????????????
5. PROFIT!!!1!!!!!!

>> No.2042125

No matter what, science isn't purely government-controlled. All the world shares scientific knowledge except for some secret researches information about which is released a few years later.

>> No.2042133

not purely of course, but I doubt nasa and google keep secrets like how our north and south pole look because they don't agree you should see them
even the japanese government does not allow you to see it
wonder how many other ground breaking stuff is hidden away

>> No.2042251