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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2038385 No.2038385 [Reply] [Original]


The United States ranks 31st among countries with the highest percentage of students at an advanced level of math achievement.
1. Taiwan
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Finland
5. Switzerland
6. Belgium
7. Netherlands
8. Liechtenstein
9. New Zealand
10. Czech Republic
11. Japan
12. Canada
13. Macao
14. Australia
15. Germany
16. Austria
17. Slovenia
18. Denmark
19. Iceland
20. France
21. Estonia
22. Sweden
23. United Kingdom
24. Slovakia
25. Luxembourg
26. Hungary
27. Poland
28. Norway
29. Ireland
30. Lithuania
31. United States

How does that make you feel, America...Taiwan ftw!

>> No.2038395
File: 422 KB, 1438x500, ednext_20111_TeachingTalented_fig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's right

>> No.2038393

Because america requires every single child to take a mathclass until age 16. Thus, math classes have to be dumbed down.

There is no reason to require such bullshittery.

>> No.2038404
File: 156 KB, 690x393, LinkToTeachingTalentedMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more context...

>> No.2038417

Its the same in Canada, although we had to take a math class in every grade in high school. (Mandatory class from grade 9-11 then required math credit in grade 12 but you have a choice of Calculus, Advanced Functions, Statistics, or applied.)

>> No.2038418

what is "advanced level" defined as anyway?

>> No.2038446

Oh, look, the top ten states are democrat-land. What a coincidence.

>> No.2038447

US here. Algebra I, tech math I and II are all the math I have under my belt. No high school diploma.

I don't feel like I'm missing out, to be entirely honest with you. I don't necessarily have to be educated to be knowledgeable. I've never been in a situation where my lack of advanced math skills has hindered me. Actually I've never been in a situation outside of school where I'm required to do anything more than basic arithmetic.

>> No.2038457
File: 333 KB, 768x1259, 2008-10-26-were-not-number-one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me.

>> No.2038477

How do you ever expect to understand banking?
Have you taken out a mortgage?
Do you do your own taxes?
Do you base any of your opinions on statistics?
Have you ever wanted to open your own business and maximize profit?

If you want to live a life of ignorance just because its convenient not to learn math, then you are exactly whom the eugenicists should have gotten.

The reality is that learning math increases your intelligence. It's only the idiots who cant see its applications, and never bother to learn it.

>> No.2038500


You forgot military, son...

We control space operations more than any other nation...that is like looking at an anthill as your adversary.

The red white and blue dick is still firmly in your ass.

>> No.2038503

Hell yeah, we're in the top forty in almost evry category!

>> No.2038501

inb4 Pisa & Finns

>> No.2038504


Yeah, reasoning skills are overrated.

>> No.2038509

> Hong Kong

I don't trust any statistics that come from Hong Kong. Fuckers have no ethic at all. They probably just copied shit from each other to get there.

>> No.2038513

I work for a private contractor. All I want from life is to do my job, make enough money to pay for the things I need, and come home tired enough that I feel satisfied with myself. This much, I am able to accomplish with my current level of knowledge. I rent. I don't want to own a business, that's why I work for someone else.

I see the applications, sure, but that still doesn't mean it's necessary for anything that I want to do in life. I also see the applications of understanding the fundamentals of how to operate a water jet cutter, but this is also unnecessary to my overall goals in life (although it's pretty important in the process of creating some of the materials I use).

>> No.2038659

this doesn't surprise me at all...it actually makes me happy....non-proud american here

>> No.2038700

What good does your military do for you all it does is eat up a shitload of your money and fail at invading 3rd world countries

>> No.2038914

lol, no

>> No.2038951

What good does the space program do if all it does is eat up a shitload of money and fails to colonize other celestial bodies.