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2037888 No.2037888 [Reply] [Original]

Being stranded on a raft and dying of starvation on open water

Being encased in concreate(remember reading something about a girl in Japan who had a run in with the Yakuza and they did this to her *Shudder*)

Being kept alive and tortured with chemicals


Being crushed to death

Being burned alive

>> No.2037984


You would die of dehydration before starving in the ocean (other way around in fresh water of course).

Concrete would simply suffocate you, so it's kind of the same as drowning. Horrible either way..

>> No.2037997

Being simultaneously raped and eaten to death by a bear.

>> No.2038004
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Not beautifully.

>> No.2038011

shitting out my bowels.

>> No.2038012

Fire. Dying by fire is the worst way to die.

Dying in a fire isn't that bad, because you die of smoke inhalation.

But actually burning to death, dying some days later because of your burns. That's the worst way to go.

>> No.2038017

Locked in an oven that slowly heats up to a temperature that's just hot enough to burn me but just cool enough to keep me from losing consciousness quickly

>> No.2038025

Also read a news story of a young girl who was swimming and placed her ass on the jets in the pool and got her insides sucked out. Doesn't sound pleasant one bit.

>> No.2038027
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Dont listen to this FAGGOT! He is an english major (a failure).

>> No.2038036
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>> No.2038077

You can stay alive on a raft in the middle of an ocean.. It isn't hard to make clean water with some very basic materials, and its the ocean so presumably you can find some sort of food, even floating seaweed would be enough.

I'd personally say the worst way would be tortured, probably by the slow removal of my bowels.

I'd say my favorite way would be freezing to death

>> No.2038170

Freezing would be ok, but I'd rather be instantly disintegrated instantly by a massive explosion.

>> No.2038178

trapped and burning seems pretty horrible

some people near here were killed in a car crash the other week. they couldnt get out of their car and burned to death

>> No.2038180

I was k with freezing to death after Jack London made it sound all relaxing and cool in To Build A Fire.


>> No.2038181

Strangely, someone died in a car crash like 5 minutes from where I live. One of them died and the other was arrested.

>> No.2038185

Also I would like a gunshot to the back of the neck for quickest way
This way sounds alright considering you could have the chance to freak out with someone you care about

>> No.2038197

The best way to die is to ride a ATV off the back of a plane, do a back flip, then a barrel roll, then have a atomic bomb detonate below me as I ride into the fireball in slow-mo

Worst way, getting sit on by some naked fat chick.

>> No.2038207

what movie was that from?

>> No.2038232

If I could just pick a way, I'd say eaten by T-Rex

>> No.2038235

die of old age, slowly withering away, body and mind for decades until one day they finally decide to turn off the machinery (without transferring me first)

>> No.2038247

I guess getting bound and gagged and left somewhere remote to die would be the worst. I mean really really bound, so tightly that the only thing you can move is your eyes. The gag is some oversized ballgag or something that you can't remove without hands. It could take week or two before you die and you swim in your own pee and shit for days until there's nothing to shit or pee. And you know that rescue is not coming and you can't get free no matter what you do. Nobody knows where you are and you can't be found. Days and nights pass and you slowly wither away.

>> No.2038251
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Being scooped empty with an electrically heated(to cauterize the wounds) teaspoon. Starting from the extremities, proceeding with the torso, from the groin upwards.

>> No.2038302
File: 282 KB, 742x572, LoB_stabbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2038321

Dying as a virgin
I am a virgin.....

>> No.2038340

The current 'humane' way to kill people in hospitals in the UK and the States is probably the worst I can think of that could potentially happen to me.

Permanent vegetative state but still with brainstem and some cortical function, followed by the removal of the feeding tube. Dehydrate over three days unable to move or say anything all the while in agonising pain. Said to be a peaceful way to go, all because politicians don't like the idea of euthanasia.

>> No.2038344

Exposure to HARD VACUUM!

Drowning isn't that bad of a death. Water filling your lungs is a horrible feeling, however after 15-30 seconds it will feel like you are inhaling nitrous oxide and you pass out between waves of euphoria simular to what nitrous feels like.