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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2025946 No.2025946 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, why is it the minute an authoritative subject on the matter says something "racist" it's automatically dismissed as lies?
How long are we going to continue this fucking charade of all races being equal?

>> No.2025965

I don't care and why should you. They fail at life because they are stupid, impulsive and violent. There is a reason that all the black people in the US are in prisons and all the ones in Africa have aids. The earth has plenty of places for low waged work that dose not require brains. I just wish we would stop letting them have guns.

>> No.2025982

I care because you could get an entire fucking committee of biologists to pretty much conclusively prove Africans aren't equal to Europeans in intelligence and people would still cry "NO DATS RACIST" and I think it's fucking stupid. We hold James Watson in high regard because of his important and pioneering work in biology yet we're supposed to dismiss this point because, well just because. There is no fucking reason beyond DATS RACIST.

>> No.2025996

i could conclude that rich people are richer than poor people. doesnt mean shit

>> No.2026009

That's the dumbest fucking comparison I've ever seen, but my point is, why keep going around telling the LIE that all races are equal, it's a fucking lie and and soon as anyone says its a lie (even someone who helped discover DNA for fucks sake) they get criticized and hated for it.
It's as ignorant as religion in my books and I know how /sci/ feels about that.

>> No.2026012

Hurr durr cultural differences mean nothing, it must be genetic.
Seriously, what was his sample group? What tests did he use? Of course middle class European/American "white people" are going to be more intelligent (as we measure "intelligence") than poverty-stricken blacks from Africa.

>> No.2026014

because they are

>> No.2026022

Hi troll, I hear black peoples are more athletic. Since athleticism is historically of far greater utility than intelligence, shouldn't we be trying to breed the whites out of existence?

See, the problem is that while we can prove that races differ some on average, we can't predict which differences will pay off, nor should we.

So relax, go suck a dick, and don't worry about the differences that aren't really larger than the similarities anyways.

>> No.2026025

my point is that both children begin equal.

>> No.2026026

Look I dont know the details. All I'm saying is we all respect and admire scientists for their intelligence and logical thinking. But as soon as this scientists says a "racist" thing its all "PAY NO ATTENTION TO HIM HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT."
It's that double fucking standard I don't like.
Are what?

>> No.2026031

>Since athleticism is historically of far greater utility than intelligence
how's that then?

>> No.2026032

What the fuck. How do they begin equal?

>> No.2026033
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Of course they are going to call it racist, because it is racist and that's all they care about.

When it comes to the people who support racial bastardization and general social degeneracy - the basis of their belief is not that races are equal, it's that races should be viewed as equal in order to complete a mass basterdization which will supposedly solve all social problems.

>> No.2026040

when someone says something stupid, you probably should stop listening or else risk stupidity infection

>> No.2026043

I know I won't win any hearts and minds but I need somewhere to rant.

>> No.2026045

Are most organisms more athletic, or more intelligent?

How long have humans been able to survive without any particular athleticism, 1000 years? or perhaps much less?

I'm sucking my dick as I type, you'd like it...

>> No.2026048

"People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think it would great."
Give this guy an award

>> No.2026053

i r the niggest

>> No.2026056

Are the races that have subjugated virtually every other race and animal on earth the more intelligent or athletic ones?
Think logically for once bro.

>> No.2026060

see this race thing youre bullshitting over. the reason why most biologists rightly call you niggers (ignorant motherfuckers) out on your bullshit here is because genetically there is no such thing as race. the amount of genes in a gene pool for the different races is ridiculously small. about the only thing you are going to be able to tell from race is what kind of disease will be likely to kill you, thats it. there is no intelligence function we can measure where people of different races vary with any measurable significance. not only is the idea that its a conspiracy the kind of crank bullshit you'd expect from people without any evidence, the idea that people would have anything to say on the matter when we hardly understand all the brains complexities to even come up with cognitive tests everyone can agree on are fair even independent of race!

>> No.2026069

I hate to admit it, but this belongs in the realm of sociology. Differences between races are in actuality due to differences in ethnicity. It's an issue of culture. Even in America, blacks are typically poorer and less educated by accident of history and America's lack of ease of social mobility.
It's called a spurious correlation: you see blacks performing worse on intelligence tests than whites, and draw a conclusion to quickly. You're missing that *poverty* is the true independent variable here, not race.
Watson is being called racist because he IS.

>> No.2026073



>> No.2026074

You forgot to ask what time frame I specified when "historically."

Stop thinking you're important.

>> No.2026086 [DELETED] 




You're assuming that their poverty is not a result of their genetic aptitude and not the other way around.

It's a circular argument.

>> No.2026080

So, when are the scientists right and when are they wrong? Should I dismiss something a scientist says because I don't like it?
Yeah, call one dog breed less intelligent than another and its fair enough. Say it about human races and its WRONG. You ignorant fuck. Saying races don't exist is so fucking stupid and illogical I cant even comprehend it.

>> No.2026089

I don't give a shit about the topic of this thread. I'm just popping in to say that guy in OP's pic is fuckin' BLACK.

>> No.2026092

Yeah, maybe you missed my point of thinking in the fucking present?

>> No.2026095

Stupidity, impulsivity and rage cause poverty not the other way around

>> No.2026101

"Historically" by definition refers to times before the present. Learn2engrish.

You seem a bit dumb, are you perhaps........a nigger?

>> No.2026102




You're assuming that their poverty is not a result of their genetic aptitude when this in fact could be the case.

>> No.2026109

yep. I know plenty of succesful black men because they fucking worked for it, just like anyone else would.
And I don't hate them, like many of you stupid fucks probably think. Would you your dog because it's less intelligent then you? Of course you fucking wouldn't, and I don't hate black people for it either.

>> No.2026114

Seriously dude what the fuck are you talking about. Historically every other race on Earth that has come into contact with African blacks has dominated them. So what IS your point?

>> No.2026118

My dad worked his ass off to provide a good safe life for his family. We had nothing, I worked hard got into a university where i work part time and receive a pell grant. Poverty breeding poverty may be true in India and Africa but it's a bullshit argument in the developed world anyone with a decent head on there solders and the self discipline to actually work can make it here.

People who live off welfare become addicted to a free life and will never advance, the best thing we could do for them is to cut them off and force them to struggle for survival. The smart ones will make it and the stupid ones need to be allowed to die.

>> No.2026125

I said organisms, not humans. My point is that you cannot reliably predict which physiological traits will in future be valuable, so we shouldn't disadvantage any particular trait.

Also the IQ difference, even when ignoring all likely socio-economic biases, isn't significant.

>> No.2026128

Hey /sci/, interesting question:

If it were scientifically proven that people of a certain ethnic group are, statistically, as a result of their genetic traits, less intelligent than the majority, and if the scientific community actually accepted this, what would change in our society? Would we enter a new age of "justified" racism and treat members of the minority in question as second-class citizens? Would the government try to help them out with an even more aggressive form of affirmative action? Or would we just re-define "intelligence" to make it seem fair?

>> No.2026133
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there isnt a difference in breeds in any way shape or form here, what are you fucking retarded? yes you must be you dumb nigger, what part of gene pool dont you fucking understand. if dogs where the same situation race wise as humans except for mutants like dwarfs, there would be no fucking difference between intelligence or temperament. they would all be virtually the same.

anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand evolution OR human history.

>> No.2026140

And yet it is obvious that intelligence has won over virtually every other trait in the world to become dominate. So liek wtf m8?

>> No.2026146

We'd accept that they play basketball and sing really well, and acknowledge that perhaps those will one day be as valuable or even more valuable than intelligence. We'd further note that a statistical average doesn't define an individual, and that we are currently mixing genes at an unprecedented rate.

Then we'd try to give them every opportunity to find their own happiness however they wish within societal limits.

>> No.2026152

dude you are so fucking incoherent I'm not even going to fucking bother with you.
I think it would cut a lot of bullshit obviously. But seriously just because a race is proven to be less intelligent on the WHOLE doesn't mean there cant be intelligent people within that race.

>> No.2026153
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who fucking cares, by the time it happens one of two situations will arise. 1, the collapse of civilization and subsiquently the loss of this information or 2. we will be on the road to trans humanism and the intellectual capacities of our previous shells will seem laughable by any measure.

In my opinion i don't know why chauvinistic flock to this fucking racism bullshit, Women being inferior to you are about the only shot you got but so far beyond physical abilities the only measurable difference is spacial recognition, tests repeatedly show nothing like this extremely minor difference between races. there simply isn't a measurable difference between whites and blacks and asians and americans, fucking DEAL with it.

>> No.2026154

Intelligence has been so successful it will soon exhaust its environments.

What will replace it? The same thing? Or something else?

>> No.2026156

How about... nothing. I do think blacks have, on average, lower intelligence than whites and asians. They're still people. They're still entitled to the equal protection of the laws. I just want to stop the active programs that we do have, that give them (blacks) preferential treatment. We should accept that they'll lag behind on many social metrics and move on. That *doesn't* mean we should prevent the ones who can excel from making the best they can of it. I'm against all discriminatory programs. I just want the government to stop preferential treatment and stop fighting so hard against inevitability.

>> No.2026163

>We'd further note that a statistical average doesn't define an individual, and that we are currently mixing genes at an unprecedented rate.
And yet it is white and Asiatic scientists that keep churning out the majority of the big breakthroughs. Who'da thunk it?
If it is statistically proven blacks on the whole are less intelligent then maybe I could get a fucking break from being called a racist for assuming (in all fairness) that that black over there is probably dumber than I am.

>> No.2026175

Intelligence is invention and ingenuity.
We'll figure something out, don't you worry.
Although by your line of thinking maybe we should all hail the bacteria, being the most successful lifeforms ever.

>> No.2026176

Have you read any chink science lately? Most in my field is sub-par, and there really isn't much of it.

I don't think you're a racist for thinking the average nigger is dumb, I just think you're a nigger for being so confident that intelligence will pay off in the future.

>> No.2026179
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I'm not incoherent. you're just retarded and dont know anything about evolution, demonstrably so as i fucking told you there isn't a difference in gene pools that is significant in any way and you immediately jump to your retarded 'dog breed' example like it fucking applies. if you cant see why it no longer does, then you aren't in the position to be complaining about anything scientific because you obviously don't understand anything scientific nor have you tried.

you don't march into this field with presumptions, i'm sorry our findings havent been perfectly designed to masturbate your own sense of superiority and desire to be the best 'race' on a fucking rock the size of an electron. there simply isn't any fucking differences and these 'discoveries' where made (and continue to be repeated to this day) when there was no real opposition to racism at fucking all.

>> No.2026186

he retard
every fucking race on earth is 1-4% Neanderthal...
except niggers who are 0%

We get our peaceful and patient genes from them and there large brains


>> No.2026187

>Have you read any chink science lately? Most in my field is sub-par, and there really isn't much of it.

OH GOD, I had to peruse some IEEE papers a while back, and 99% of the ones from china and japan read like they were sent through google translate. The editor must really just not give a crap .

>> No.2026198
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That's a valid criticism to some extent.

Obviously the White Race is deficient in some area considering we have allowed nonwhites to pollute our countries and form a social order which bends to their every whim.

It would be highly ironic if the 70 IQ'ed nigger outlives the people who have conquered the world repeatedly.

I'm sure chinks won't make our mistakes.

>> No.2026204

What is your field exactly?
Also, I wont worry about the world coming to an end till it effects me. Call me ignorant but its hard for me to care about something that I see NO effects of in my present life at all. Should we all be worried 24/7 about that asteroid that might hit us in the future? No, of course not, until we're sure it's there.
k lol
I never knew that, thanks for posting.

>> No.2026209

Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent race because of Artificial Selection.

Listen to Cognitive Scientist Steven Pinker tell it to you:

FACT: There are demonstrated differences in intelligence among different groups of humans.
Blacks, Australian Abos and Melanesians happen to preform shitty on tests of intelligence while Asians and Jews preform the best.

>> No.2026212

Any scientist should know the flaws of their sample group. It's statistics, so there *will* be flaws.
There is no "science" vs. "everything else." There is only one truth, and different perspectives to find it with. Yes, arguably you could derive all biology with physics, but obviously such a "purist" approach is going to get you nowhere.
Genetics can only make claims within its own little sphere of knowledge. Once you branch into human behavior, ignoring human behavior is not an option. Genetics itself provides no detectable differences between races, no exact cause of intelligence. There are things at work beyond what genetics can cope with; a broader view is needed.

>> No.2026214

nah that scientist is wrong coz racism.

>> No.2026221

My field of study is morons and how they survive.

Niggers are interesting specimens, much like yourself.

>> No.2026226

haha ur funny XD XD ex dee

>> No.2026272
File: 4 KB, 154x150, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google it

wow is this natural, new loli fantasy

>> No.2026275

>Look I dont know the details. All I'm saying is...
>Look I dont know the details.
>Look I dont know the details.
>I dont know the details.

>admitting his own ignorance, yet still espouses his ignorant views.

>> No.2026276

This thread shows "science" at it's worst. A bunch of douches masturbating their intellect, but pointedly ignoring the fact that THEY'RE FUCKING WRONG.
Watson (and the rest of you) are taking your egotistical, misguided opinions, and forcing the data to fit them. That's bad science. That's how shit like spontaneous generation and the luminiferous aether becomes accepted.
There are factors missing that genetics doesn't address. Until we find the "smart gene," this is all bullshit speculation not unlike your dearly hated string theory (worse actually).

>> No.2026280

You think string theory is a crock of shit? Or are you saying /sci/ at large does? In either case, why?

>> No.2026284

This thread isn't science, it's high-school neo-nazis pretending at science badly.

>> No.2026288

>missing the point of my entire thread
THE POINT IS (well half the point anyway, if you bothered to read my original post), dear retards,
When are we supposed to hold scientists such as James Watson as masters of their field and when are we supposed to dismiss them? Is it okay to dismiss them because they say something we don't like? Sounds very CHRISTIAN D= to me. Forget about all the race bullshit for now and answer that question for me, would you kindly.

>> No.2026291

People are incredibly terrified of racism. More-so they are terrified of being labelled a racist person. The fact is that socio-culturally and genetically people who are different racially are DIFFERENT.

>> No.2026295
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string theory is misshated in my opinion its not science but no serious follower of string theory will tell you it's science, even on public television channels like discovery known for its bullshit, they still told viewers no less than 20 times that currently string theory is not testable and is therefore not science, its philosophy.

>> No.2026297

Okay yeah you're right, Watson was right about everything else but this is wrong for some reason. Okay then, sounds perfectly logical to me.
But then someone posts something real and credible
and you fuckers ignore it without posting a single SHRED of evidence for your side of the argument.


>> No.2026298

>When are we supposed to hold scientists such as James Watson as masters of their field

When they're demonstrably correct.

>and when are we supposed to dismiss them?

When they are NOT demonstrably correct.

You really don't science, do you?

>> No.2026299
File: 72 KB, 430x615, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dismiss them when they have no facts to back their views,

we accept them when they have facts/evidence

watson/crick were on shaky ground anyway, theyre thieves. but thats a different story.
also-pic relevant

>> No.2026300

not sure where the fuck that came from.

>> No.2026303

When you investigate for yourself what they are claiming to be true. You can't just say "oh, a scientist said it, so it's true", just as you can't say "well this sounds very outlandish, so I'll dismiss it without further ado"

>> No.2026308

Nah, I dont science often, but I logic a fair bit. And logic SCREAMS to me that white man is smarter than black man. Statistically and historically and the MINUTE someone finds proof of this everyone gets mad with their ONLY FUCKING CLAIM being "nah he's obviously wrong and racist", NOTHING more.

>> No.2026315

Logic has nothing to do with observation. You can't prove white supremacy logically, like you could logically prove that 1+1=2.

>> No.2026316

>When you investigate for yourself what they are claiming to be true
hahaha that'll be the day, when someone is allowed to conduct empirical and scientific tests regarding race without being criticized to hell and
back, let me know.

>> No.2026319

did you say "proof"?

fucktard, you haven't even the basis for logic.

Proof is deductive, science is inductive. Learn logic, learn science. Abandon your ignorance, it's embarrassing.

>> No.2026324

ok calm down, and take a step back. look at this from an outside, unbiased perspective. what youre saying is very indicative of someone who has already made up their mind and wont hear anything else.

im not even saying who's right or wrong. if theres evidence of something, anything, in science, it comes forward and is accepted/rejected by science. there is no biological basis for the concept of race

>> No.2026326

Nah, because history doesn't burst at the seems with white supremacy does it?
The Tasmanian aboriginals couldn't make fire because they just didn't feel like it right? Africa hasn't gone to shit since white man left has it?

>> No.2026329

Isn't that your entire argument? That someone has done this and found evidence that black people are intellectually inferior to white people?

>> No.2026330
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you dismiss what they say when their arguments are bullshit. do you understand you are basicaly asking us when we should disregard authority? we never regard it in the first place. the only reason authority has a place in scientific community still is simply because one person cant know it all and you then defer to experts who are up to date on the latest hub bub. but that does not mean that they are an actual authority on the subject and what they say goes, criticism is expected from even the most promising discoveries and almost nothing is stopping most provincialized scientists from expanding their field besides the time to pick up a few books and some studies.

to further answer your question, you should never trust one authority regardless of your inexperience. scientific consensus is the safest bet although for completion you should know what skeptics are saying as a matter of course. if you are looking at a particular scientists work and judging his discoveries whether you find him popular or infamous you are doing it wrong. your research needs to include a broader scope of criticism and previous research before you should be willing to shovel down new ideas just because you like them or think they are right.

>> No.2026333

look at that fucking hotel. LOOK.
>inb4 that web-page is wrong coz racism

>> No.2026335


>When are we supposed to hold scientists such as James Watson as masters of their field and when are we supposed to dismiss them?

Just because Watson was one of several people who helped determine what DNA looked like, it doesn't make him infallible.

He's prone to say some pretty crazy things and, to my knowledge, doesn't study genetics of intelligence or difference in heritability between populations.

Watson has also called the man who allowed the Human Genome Project to come in underbudget and way before the deadline "Hitler."

Venter is a master of genetics too so whose ideals do we follow? This is why appeal to authority is fundamentally flawed. You must first choose which authority is more important and that's entirely subjective.

>> No.2026339

yes but in this case there are hardly ANY scientific studies with regards to race, and none can be done without creating a lot of mad. Do you not see my conundrum? My only other option is to blindly believe that "all men are created equal" because of some PHILOSOPHICAL bullshit. Do not fucking deny this, it is pure philosophy and wishful thinking.

>> No.2026344

well yeah, but apparently is wrong because it just is.
How is THAT scientific?

>> No.2026345

>there are hardly ANY scientific studies with regards to race

So not only don't you science or logic, you're also not current with the relevant literature.

You're in for a shock if you pursue some science after you graduate high school.

>> No.2026346

Just /sci/ in general. Mostly to analogize my argument to something /sci/ knows well. I made sure to add the "(worse actually)" to try to make it a little less scathing towards string theory... That's not the topic here.
Relying on others to think for you is generally not a good practice. Yes, there is always someone that knows more than you about some subjects, but when there are many other dissenters who claim "mastery" in this field who disagree, something suspicious is at work. I believe I'm informed enough to see that Watson is being retarded. Unless someone can specifically point me to a detailed reason why he actually IS right, I'll be here.

>> No.2026353

Haven't you been proven wrong already? Someone said there is no biological basis for our concept of race, which should kill your argument and this discussion.

>> No.2026354

Okay then, tell me why I should believe all races are equal.

>> No.2026355

I didn't say you should.

I said you need to learn the basics of logic.

>> No.2026358

But again there is no proof to me that all races ARE equal. It is as blind and foundation-less as religion (I'm not even joking). But if what you are saying is true, then why do races look so fucking different? What are we to call them?
>inb4 we're all people one love

>> No.2026359

Of course people aren't identical, it's just that it has nothing to do with your concept of race.

>> No.2026361

please elaborate.
And don't call me fucking stupid or anything. I'm resigning myself to your teachings so please, teach me.

>> No.2026363

Isn't that simple semantics?
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Races by any other name would still be different.
What are you saying?

>> No.2026368

Your argument for enormous genetic differences is that people look different. You are arguing that intelligence is related to cosmetic differences.

>> No.2026374

because there is no biological difference between the races beyond the only major selective pressures that have occurred after our exudes from Africa, IE, diseases and plagues. the need for certain levels of salt and sunlight and the geographical diseases and viruses are basically the only attributes that are strongly correlated with race because they are the only super different selective pressures for race.

just to give an easy example, if you are African, you will die much easier from aids. why? because white people have some built up resistance due to the similar infection method of the black plague. disease already killed all the undefended white people voulnerable to aids and as a result we are much more resistant to it than them. these are the real 'differences' or inequalities in race, beyond that there are no differences, genetically speaking the gene pools are otherwise homogeneous

>> No.2026375

Holy fuck. When did I ever say this?

>> No.2026380

I am saying that your concept of race (white, black, asian, etc.) is outdated and wrong, and has no biological basis.

>> No.2026382

It's already been explained to you.

Proof is an internally true argument based on a priori assumptions, for instance 1+1=2 only because of our definitions of "1,2,+, and =." It can be proven because we invented it to be true.

Science deals in part with observations of reality, it can never be proven completely because reality doesn't conform to logical definitions.

It is ironic how much you don't understand here, because you're arguing that others are unintelligent and that intelligence has merit, when you aren't demonstrating much intelligence by seeing the problems in your argument even when they're pointed out.

>> No.2026384

Right here:
>But if what you are saying is true, then why do races look so fucking different?

>> No.2026393

So the TOTALLY different appearance of races is attributed to what exactly?

>> No.2026399

You're embarrassing yourself. It's time to leave.
You don't understand, he's not "just wrong" because people hate racism, he's "not even wrong." His data is true, obviously; his conclusion is skewed. He doesn't want to see the whole picture. Other experts see his mistake, see his reluctance to see his mistake, and draw the same conclusion I have: he's a white-supremacist ass.
I find the same thing true about you, tbh.
You want the data to fit your preconcieved views.

>> No.2026400

Totally different point. I'm asking, if we're so biologically similar why do we look so different and what are we supposed to call it if not race.
But again, this is a totally separate thing from intelligence

>> No.2026406

>You're embarrassing yourself. It's time to leave.
Maybe if you guys stopped adding in this personal, smug shit I'd be inclined to listen. Why can't you fucking argue with me subjectively for once? You just start to sound like the idiot then.
And no I don't want the data to fit my preconceived views, I want data PERIOD that fits with YOUR preconceived views that all races are equal.

>> No.2026412

Genetics, obviously. But you wouldn't even believe how tiny a variation in your emaculate, beautiful, intelligent white genome it would take to churn you out as a filthy nigger.
Genotype and phenotype. Look it up.

>> No.2026414

Environmental adaption. Black people have ape like features because that's favourable in Africa, where black people traditionally live.

I can't remember the details, but the broad noses allow for air to flow right in and out. Whereas white people have narrow noses, to heat the cool northern air, so as to not lower the body temperature when the air reaches the lungs. If I remember correctly.

>> No.2026421

Define "data," "races," and "equal."

I think the argument you request is objective, though the topic is sadly quite subjective. For such argument to take place you really must define your terms.

>> No.2026429

>Why can't you fucking argue with me subjectively for once?

Objectively. The word you're looking for is objectively. Unsurprising, really.

>> No.2026430

So, how does that explain blacks still being in the stone age when White man was sailing the oceans and forging evil, jingoistic empires? The blacks didn't need it? Fucking bullshit. Invention isn't only about survival it's about IMPROVING your way of living.

>> No.2026434

OP, I need to see some evidence, some peer reviewed articles, or you're full of shit and defending a racist.

You're judging before you know the facts. That's pre-judging. That's prejudice. That's racism.

>> No.2026436

>it's about IMPROVING your way of living.

THAT, is subjective :)

You only think it's good because you think you're good at it.

It may not be good, and you may not be good at it.

>> No.2026437

totally different how? theres almost no differences. what differences do you prescribe to be difference in race? what traits do one population share that the other has almost none if any of? because beyond stupidly cosmetic things like hair shape and eye color, i'm not thinking of many.

>> No.2026439

Ya know what you're right. My mistake. Now swap what I said with the correct word then answer my fucking question.
>Define "data," "races," and "equal."
Another fair point. What the fuck does it actually mean that all races are equal? In what way? Can you tell me guys?Then I may be inclined to believe it.

>> No.2026442

Racism is the BELIEF that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

This is the proven FACT that one race is superior to another in the field of intelligence, which is definitely not racism.

>> No.2026444

>Fucking bullshit.
You're so scientific! But seriously, if you wish to learn more, then set out to DO so, instead of trolling /sci/. Read Guns, Germs and Steel by Diamond, to balance out the racist preconceptions you've been reading up until now.

I'm not saying Diamond doesn't have preconceptions of his own, but they're other preconceptions from your own, which should be beneficial for you.

>> No.2026447

>That's racism.
Way to go captain obvious.
for example.
Yeah I know the source is a crock of shit but the point still stands.

>> No.2026448

Nobody here is likely to show you that all races are equal.

What they'll show you is that race is (genetically speaking) a figment of your imagination, no two humans are equal, and you are an nigger.

>> No.2026453

>Read Guns, Germs and Steel by Diamond
hahaha I'll add another tally to the times I've been recommended that book.
Are there ANY others?

>> No.2026456

Are you suggesting that those links are sources to peer reviewed articles backing up your claims? I think you are in jest. The URL names alone bely their lack of scientific rigor.

Please, peer reviewed scientific articles in respected journals or get the fuck out.

>> No.2026459

>no two humans are equal
I'd be interested to know how nationalistic you are.
And of course no two humans are equal but isn't that the point of what you guys are saying?
Races are equal and all that. Where DO you stand?

>> No.2026465


Actually, no. Invention is exactly adaptation, specifically in response to a need, made possible by opportunity, resources, and usually society.

Not every culture has the same circumstances. Are Native Americans genetic rejects because the Chinese discovered gunpowder before them and shared it with the Europeans who developed muskets? Much of the West's development can be attributed to convenient geography, racial diversity, political climates, war, and and a bunch of other factors.

But if you want to just reduce everything to "lol niggers," feel free.

>> No.2026466

And there you have it.
>Post documents.
>Get ignored because of some arbitrary bullshit.

And the circle of life repeats itself.

>> No.2026467

OP proving he is Chinese.
Plus, everyone knows there's no loser like a racist loser.
Fuck off back to your 方便面, you sick, sad, brainwashed cunt.

>> No.2026468

are u still on this?

Oh come one politically correct fags.

Black are dumber, cry all you want it wont change a bit.
I have had 1000 times more debates on racial intelligence differences than anyone else here.
Been in shoes of all of you here.

But its clear that blacks are just dumber.

inb4 racist, moron etc

try critical thinking instead what tv or ethics tells you is true.


Why not say dogs are smart as human?
I could prove that dogs are smarter than human with the same arguments ppl use that niggers are smart as whites.

go grow a brain.

>> No.2026471

We are operating under the assumption that all races are equal because:
1. They are genetically near-identical (See >>2026374)
2. There is no study significantly linking intelligence and genetics
As you atheists of /sci/ love... burden of proof lies with the positive claim.

>> No.2026473

>But if you want to just reduce everything to "lol niggers," feel free.
the only people who've done that are you guys.
And no, not all inventions are a response to a need. Many are a response to a WANT.

>> No.2026475
File: 1.27 MB, 1700x1000, 1289014952197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess my post got eaten but i wrote something addressing that, part of the reason's whites won is because of guns germs and steal, but to understand why some cultures never get technological civilizations on par with classical civilization, all you really need to take into account are two things, 1, do you have domestic able animals and plants to form (in their time) complex economic systems? no? well tough luck for you, you dont get access to writing and you have no incentive to form a state when dense populations are stupidly impractical. the second aspect is of course. are you near anyone that can provide it? sub saharan africa is a shit hole because to get there you have to wade through that shit hole, no one is going to bring civilization there, enough people died just trying to make EUROPE habitable (it wasnt ready for civilization at all when farming developed) now you're telling me you expect those pioneers to head right back down into a desert through a marsh and jungle to subjegate and tax the people who live side by side with every super wild undomesticated animal ever to evolve and survive lock step with humans? fuck that shit. similarly, there aren't any domestic able animals to really speak of in the Americas.
they are just as undeveloped really as African tribes but strangely enough in places where you could get turkeys and lamas there did happen to form some kinds of civilization.

if you really want an answer to that question you cant look into genetics because there isn't an answer there, the answer is in anthropology.

>> No.2026477

Why don't you try READING it instead of keeping count of how many times you've had it recommended? Too challenging to your view of the world?

Any way, I'm done talking to you. You'll either reflect over what's been said in this thread, or you'll stroke yourself to your race's perceived superiority, which I find more likely.

>> No.2026478

Let me get this straight. If I go there, I will find links to peer reviewed articles published in Nature, Science, or some other respected scientific journal?

Please. We both know that's not true.

>> No.2026480

>OP proving he is Chinese.
and how did I do that exactly?
>1. They are genetically near-identical
so are humans and chimpanzees. It all depends on how far you're willing to go doesn't it?

>> No.2026482

Yes, please, leave.
If I see the book I'll pick it up. But I'm sure I can get everything from the title can't I?
I don't know what others call "respected journals". Did you even follow the links?

>> No.2026483


There are no races. That's the point. Genetically, the differences between black people and white people are insignificant and nearly irrelevant. Human beings are something like 99% genetically similar to chimpanzees. We're around 95% genetically similar to mice. What you call "race" is mostly phenotyping - differences in body shape and skin tone. You can't draw blood from someone, run panels, and come back saying "welp, you're a nigger."

>> No.2026485

motherfucking tripfags.
If you seek recognition so much gtfo of 4chan, this is a place for anonymous.
Females= attention whores

>> No.2026486


Nationalistic? I'm a United States Marine, I'll take your nation on without hesitation, if it's right that I should do so.

You asked me earlier what my field of study is, it's actually comparative anatomy. I work in vert paleo, but I've read plenty on the topic at hand, including your side of the argument as indicated by morphometrics.

Where do I stand? I think you're a nigger. Not a very bright one either.

>> No.2026489


>> No.2026490

Have you ever even heard of the scientific journals Nature or Science? Do you understand what peer reviewed means?

>> No.2026491

Black are equal, there isn't scientific proof that indicates otherwise= gravity isn't proved so there isn't gravity.

how about observing EVERYTHING ELSE?
Only ONE thing you can observe about black people.
Its that they are fucking dumb.

>> No.2026492

>You can't draw blood from someone, run panels, and come back saying "welp, you're a nigger."
Technically, you could, but I get what you're trying to say.

>> No.2026495


>> Human beings are something like 99% genetically similar to chimpanzees

Precisely. 98.% similarity. That 2% makes the difference between chimps hurling shit and humans walking on the moon.

The difference between races therefore doesn't have to be much at all for there to be a drastic disparity in intellect and behavior.

It is also the case that individuals within a race often differ more overall than they do with members of other races. This ignores the fact that race constitutes the prevalence of specific genetic traits within different groups. It's the frequency of their expression across the various ethnicities that define them.

Yes, virginia, there is such a thing as race. The claim that there isn't is a little white lie most repeat because it's for a good cause.

>> No.2026496

>United States Marine
>Not a very bright
right back at you bro
> You can't draw blood from someone, run panels, and come back saying "welp, you're a nigger."
assuming thats true, out of curiosity, how to forensics determine race then?
see my second point

>> No.2026498

>>You can't draw blood from someone, run panels, and come back saying "welp, you're a nigger."

Actually you're completely wrong about this and the exact opposite is true:


I wonder how your worldview will cope? :3

>> No.2026500
File: 175 KB, 600x295, 1284918770657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day the world took off is a pretty good documentary if you want to know why other cultures didnt evolve rather than just why they lost wars bad. I'd really suggest you read and watch some stuff about how civilization actually started before heading off into those two avenues of research.

anyway something is wrong with my copy paste, go type african american eyes or black people eyes in google images and tell me how many pictures in there look like the stupid image you gave me of the guy with some kind of eye tumor.


>> No.2026501

Nope and Nope.

>> No.2026504

Fine. I followed one of the links. I got a book advocating social darwinism. Ex:
>The races, as distinct forms of life, are destroyed forever. As argued earlier in this book, it took at least two million years to create and select the alleles that make us different, but it takes only an instant of miscegenation to scramble them up again. The selection of some of those alleles required the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands of people who did not have them, so the creation of racial differences was not without great cost. To destroy this monumental natural creation – us, so thoughtlessly and permanently, is akin to desecrating graves, dynamiting ancient statues, bombing cathedrals, and burning the library at Alexandria.

Social darwinism is so not cool nor moral.

I admit that I didn't find any citations or sections offhand which showed that "blacks" are stupider than the other "races". Can you link me to the specific section please?

Also, still not peer reviewed, so it's still on the bullshitty side.

>> No.2026508

I suggest you become marginally educated in the ways of science before posting to the science board. The journals Nature and Science are the most famous scientific journals in the (English speaking) world. Ignorance of them is an ignorance of basic scientific process.

>> No.2026509

>United States Marine
>Not a very bright
>right back at you bro

I don't mind the jab from someone who's actually superior, but I suspect I've forgotten more than you'll ever know. Kinda sad really.

So anyways, about you being a nigger... where do you suppose your ancestors came from, and what do you think they looked like?

Aren't you just a whitish nigger? Or is there something special about you we can't detect from your posts? Anything? Are you cute, do you play an instrument, can you cook a pot roast? Cuz you dumb nigger.

>> No.2026510

>Also, still not peer reviewed
Maybe there are no peers to review because everyones to scared to even HINT at the idea of proven racial differences. Once again, that is half the point of my thread.

>> No.2026512

Ok. Can you link me to anything that resembles something that might appear in a peer reviewed journal? I'm looking for scientific authenticity, not half-assed arguments based on anecdotal evidence and social darwinism.

>> No.2026517

>I don't mind the jab from someone who's actually superior, but I suspect I've forgotten more than you'll ever know. Kinda sad really.
Wow, for everyone calling me presumptuous and ignorant you seem very presumptuous and ignorant. But yeah feel free to judge me and I'll judge you from the less than 200 words we've said to each other.

>> No.2026523
File: 1.40 MB, 2893x1875, 1283429928565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words. No words.

>> No.2026524

>Ok. Can you link me to anything that resembles something that might prove racial equality? I'm looking for scientific authenticity, not half-assed arguments based on anecdotal evidence and blind faith.

>> No.2026526

enlighten me.
That's why I'm here.

>> No.2026527

i'm not disinclined to believe this because of genetic hereditary, but the source is dubious because it links to a websites front page not an actual study.

>> No.2026528

OP. It's been explained to you over and over and over and over. You refuse to listen. You are ignorant and unwilling or unable to change your prejudices. Ironically, YOU do not understand how to reason scientifically from an objective viewpoint. Your arguments are embarrassing and borderline retarded. Any (of the few) valid questions you asked have been answered tenfold.
I'm giving up on you...
...you sad, pathetic excuse for a living, reasoning being.

>> No.2026529

For starters, that all of the scientific studies on this clearly show little to no IQ difference when accounting for other factors. Want some links to actual science?

>> No.2026531

As mentioned else-thread, Nature and Science are the two most respected scientific journals in the world today.

Peer reviewed means that peers review your work and veto it if it's full of shit.

>> No.2026532

quite a few more than that, I'm almost 1/4 of the posts in your sad little thread.

You are entertaining me though.

>> No.2026541

No. You guys have said shit and I'm saying give me sources. I'm being no different to the rest of you sad pathetic excuses for human beings.
>Peer reviewed means that peers review your work and veto it if it's full of shit.
Yeah I know that. I just couldn't be fucked to argue with you.
>I'm almost 1/4 of the posts in your sad little thread
So then you'd be about a quarter of the reason this thread is so sad wouldn't you?

>> No.2026547

Further, peer review is one of the things which helps maintain the high credibility of scientific study. It is important to know about this if you want to science.

>> No.2026552

>So then you'd be about a quarter of the reason this thread is so sad wouldn't you?

I can't take that much credit, all I'm doing is encouraging you to speak, it's up to you what you say...

>> No.2026553

>prove equality

Firstly, in science null hypotheses (statements of equality) are disproven so the burden of proof lies on you. Secondly, your research must be objective. What are you going to do with the results of your study? Why are you studying this? How will this change science? Thirdly, your data must not be biased. In addition to that your study must be published in peer reviewed journal to give it credibility.

>> No.2026555

How is a "racist study" going to get peer reviews? Honestly, we live in such a "politically correct" world, no one would come forward to support it.

>> No.2026558

Fine. I can drop my requirement for peer review. Got anything which lays out the methodology of the statistics gathering? How it accounts for socio-economic differences?

>> No.2026559

no we have not said shit, we have said important things that you chose to disregard, answered countless questions that you then ignore to persue something else. your stupid eye question was answered by me and others pointed out that your eye shit isn't a source of anything.
you ignored it and are now demanding evidence that we already gave.

>> No.2026562

But you said the thread was sad
you are a quarter of the thread
do the math.
Okay seriously call me dumb (you have already) but I'm not understanding this. It's okay for you to say "all races are equal" with no burden of proof, but I need proof to say they aren't.

>> No.2026563

Morphometric studies in anthropology regularly get published, as do those explaining human morphologies.

So you're a liar too.

Just admit you don't read science, don't have access to science, and don't want to understand science and we can at least have that out of the way.

>> No.2026564

you do not fucking understand how peer reviews work, killing with silence is impossible in the scientific community, you HAVE to peer review a study that gets published because if its shit and no one condemns it, it can be used as a source.

>> No.2026567

Okay so the eye thing is wrong. What about all the other stuff? You've all said "races are genetically pretty much the same" without a single fucking source backing it up except your word.

>> No.2026575

it isnt, i don't know what hes talking about, the difference here is we have that information to more or less back us up to what little degree there can be backing (implying anyone fully understands intelligence etc)

what you seem to be forgetting however is we didnt start this thread bitching about racists, you started this thread and basically lead it with the assumption that races are not equal and are now refusing to back up your bullshit.

>> No.2026576

Do you have any links which demonstrate your supposed idea that the different races have different average intelligences? Specifically, it would need to discuss its methodology in collecting its statistics and interpreting them. At a minimum, I want to hear how it accounts for socio-economic status.

>> No.2026591


>> No.2026597

But I have at least provided SOMETHING. Which has only been shot down because of "no scientific journal or peer reviews".
Just think of...
oh forget it, you guys win. All races are equal and Africa is a first world continent full of scientific enlightenment. All people are equal and classes don't exist. White man only conquered everything coz of guns germs and steel ( excellent naval navigation, organization, military tactics, domestication and invention had nothing to do with it).
Also, blacks stayed in the stone age because why the fuck not.
You all win.

>> No.2026602
File: 168 KB, 800x658, 1284921327858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go
out of curiosity are you female?

>> No.2026604

You've been answered already so many times.
There is no reason to believe that race has bearing on intelligence. There is actually evidence that intelligence is a mostly environmental trait, not a genetic one.
I want you to repeat that back to me, and tell me you understand what I'm saying.

>> No.2026607

Again [2]: Do you have any links which demonstrate your supposed idea that the different races have different average intelligences? Specifically, it would need to discuss its methodology in collecting its statistics and interpreting them. At a minimum, I want to hear how it accounts for socio-economic status.

>> No.2026610

>>why the fuck not
not far from the truth really
why would anyone want to toil for a king?
not like i didnt give you access to the facts that underpin this information

>> No.2026619

>shot down because of "no scientific journal or peer reviews"
And rightly so.

>> No.2026622

OP, you've got at least 2 links to peer-reviewed scientific articles on the very subject, a great book recommendation, and shit-tons of logical but abusive replies including some images.

10/10 my dear troll.

>> No.2026624
File: 107 KB, 499x532, 1284921263586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just out of the sense of completion in case Betty actually left. I'll just finish the thread with a collection of information for anyone who wants it.

(sources explaining what race means biologically when applied to humans)

documentaries on anthropology (study of humans)

>> No.2026628
File: 55 KB, 510x600, zulu king Cetshwayo-c1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet the point of this thread was that no one would back up a scientific report that stated one race was...oh right I've given up.
>There is actually evidence that intelligence is a mostly environmental trait, not a genetic one
once again, you guys spout all sorts of shit with NOTHING backing it up.
>why would anyone want to toil for a king?

>> No.2026630

You do not understand.
These things are not caused by genetics, they are caused by random chance. If you were listening, this was one of the first questions answered.
It's akin asking why there's more matter in the universe than antimatter. One didn't out-think the other.

>> No.2026636

There's actually some really interesting C / P / T violations and such which can lead to more matter than antimatter.

>> No.2026638

cute, we posted nothing to back it up?
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you dont know what an internet link is.

>> No.2026640

>Yet the point of this thread was that no one would back up a scientific report that stated one race was

The reports you require are linked above, repeatedly. Read them.

>> No.2026648

i think you misread that, or misquoted, he was saying that no one would back up the research paper because they would be labled a racist, similar to the arguement cranks use that the government is suppressing their perpetual motion device. I honestly don't know why there are no peer reviews for ops link, because things need to be reviewed no matter how good or bad they are, theres no level of quality you can reach or stoop below that does not deserve a review. most qualified and respectable scientists would be batshit worried if all they got on their paper was a nod or a shake of the head.

>> No.2026655

is this one?
how do I actually read it right now?

>> No.2026658

And the point of our responses were: yes, of course we would acknowledge differences in intelligence/whatever due to race. Buuuut THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THAT BELIEF.
You're not paying attention.

>> No.2026662

Another good thread ruined...
Even if intelligence differences are due to environmental differences, it is still NOT random.

Politicization of science is terrible.

>> No.2026663

ITT: 1 troll vs /sci/

>> No.2026665

There aren't any peer reviews for OP's link because Watson verbally stated an opinion rather than submitting a paper for review. Perhaps he'll get around to supporting his opinion for us, though I doubt it.

I agree with your point, but I don't think OP was asking anything so rational.

>> No.2026667


>> No.2026672

>You're not paying attention.
Jesus every reply in this thread has been telling me my actions or state of mind.

>> No.2026675
File: 122 KB, 533x800, 1284921387541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generaly you have to pay to get access but i have a link to that one as an excript in full on nature
I'm just getting pissed off at having to hand copy every link because of fourchan


try here. generally though if you are going to some kind of college you can get access to some studies via their own services. some high schools have them as well. the only other way i'm aware of is the occasional copy from a magazine. Honestly i hate how research studies are often bared like this, but unless someone wants to shell out, we don't have a free copy available on rhizome

>> No.2026678

You know at first I was serious I think, then I thought everyone was just insulting me, then I'm pretty sure I started trolling, now I have no idea what's happening but apparently I "don't understand and "aren't paying attention".

>> No.2026681

I want to thank you for not insulting me, imma read that link now.

>> No.2026684

That's one of them.

You copied and pasted it into the comment section, just copy it again and paste it into that spot at the top of the page in place of the words "http://boards.4chan.." etc. then hit enter.

10/10 again for getting me to explain a link....

>> No.2026694

>The DNA of an unknown individual from one of the sampled populations would probably be correctly linked to a population. Because this identification is possible does not mean that there is a level of differentiation equal to 'races'.
got this from the article (yes I'm just perusing coz I'm tired). But what is the definition of race?

>> No.2026696

The second Pubmed link is open access full text I think.

I agree, we need free access to anyone interested, though schools and libraries are gettin better lately.

>> No.2026699

1/10 for making me type this.
Do you even know what that links to?

>> No.2026709

I know what it links to, did you have a question on the material there?

>> No.2026716

yeah and it was answered 5 minutes ago, slow one.

>> No.2026763

well i read the whole thing myself. the whole article is about the definition of race. thats kind of the point. it analyses data and gives a suggestions on how race should be used and why the concept of race in human biology is totaly unclear and ambiguous. while it lacks a conclusion, i think its fair to say that if race can ever be fairly applied it WILL have to change to something less insubstantial than the way it is culturally and politically used.

just out of curiosity are you a woman by chance? to be fair betty seems like a girls name, but except kung pow enter the fist's male antagonist, I've never seen the name used much to remember if its gender neutral

>> No.2026783

>but except kung pow enter the fist's male antagonist
bingo. Got it from a silly kung-pow thread on /v/ and haven't been fucked to get rid of it.
Also, if
>the concept of race in human biology is totaly unclear and ambiguous
then how am I wrong to use it my way? I'm NOT trying to restart this stupid thread but again, I'm just wondering. How do biologists define terms? Is it just what they prefer? Popular consensus? Whatever happens to be cool at the moment?

>> No.2026797

I agree wholeheartedly. Every time i hear science being haulted for the sake of negro feelings I feel extreme rage.

>> No.2026805

Well, as a hispanic descendant of european and black ancestry, you guys have just strengthen my desire to start a family with a white woman lol. Seriously though, I've been thinking about it for a while and it keeps making more and more sense each and everyday. Can't wait till I get out community college and meet some whites and europeans

>> No.2026814
File: 58 KB, 300x400, 300_40396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the whole point, terms need to be precise and usefull, its how the scientific method works, its why scientists have such a boner for latin, its a dead unchanging language that no one will screw up (usualy, we still managed to fuck up deinonychus and velosaraptor. this is what happens when you give dead languages and put them into common use again.) as for how you are wrong, you are talking about a hypothetical scientific study to prove a 'race' is less intelligent, but its obvious that these results will be meaningless if theres no clear definition of race. the purpose of the article was to evaluate the way race is used in science and in popular culture, and if then if you chose the scientific definition (which would be required for any sort of study trying to link anything to 'race') then you are left with the problem of if it can be applied in any meaningful way, the article elaborated that currently there isn't enough variation observed to apply the term in a useful way, nor does it seem that groups one might be tempted to call a race have gene pools which their traits seem to be in any sort of lineage, IE the big nosed black guy might be more related to a small nosed black guy than the expected family of big nosed black people.

the end result is just again a parrot of what was already explained though just in a more qualified form, Biologically speaking there is not enough differences in human beings to attribute race in anywhere near the same way one could do it to breeds of dogs,

I should be clear that whats below is baseless speculation
particularly speaking demographic research is still not out of the question and I've happened to have noticed quite a few African Americans take up residence in the united states bible belt, and while i again have no evidence to back myself up in this part, i would not be wholly unsurprised if the entire area experienced a lower score on IQ tests. but then, that wouldn't really be genetic would it?

>> No.2026834


>> No.2026836

So white people like to talk shit on black people because they're dumber. But what makes intelligence such a great measure of worthiness or humanity?

Compared to other races, white people are sadistic barbarians. Just look at white history - they kill and enslave everyone they come into contact with. They toppled the peaceful, sustainable, ancient kingdom of China with the Opium Wars. They killed off nearly all of the Native Americans. Over the last century, they continually invade 3rd world countries everywhere and install puppet governments. And now they are burning nearly the entire world's supply of fossil fuels, pumping unprecedented amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, permanently altering the world's climate for the worse.

I say fuck white people, they are not superior, they are the scum of the Earth. We would be better off without them.

>> No.2026841

Just let the thread die, troll.

>> No.2026846

I wouldn't say fuck all of them. I'm hispanic and some of them are really worth the atoms which they are composed of. But the majority should just burn in hell. I think by majority I'm leaning more towards religious, lobbyist ass kissing republicans.

>> No.2026848


>>So white people like to talk shit on black people because they're dumber. But what makes intelligence such a great measure of worthiness or humanity?

I can't believe you just wrote that on a computer and posted it on the internet without realizing at any stage in the process why it was retarded.

>> No.2026854

Think of it substantially, not objectively. If my knowledge he meant being clever or deceitful it would be understandable

>> No.2026856


>> No.2026873

I meant that although white people overvalue intelligence, but undervalue relationships with other human beings. This is because they're good at being intelligent but terrible at getting along with others. Therefore they like to pretend that being intelligent is the most important thing in the world, more important than being good people, and that their intelligence justifies whatever morally repugnant actions they are up to.

Mind you I'm not saying intelligence is unimportant, I'm just saying that there are other equally valuable qualities that people possess.

I take it if you're browsing /sci/ you probably consider yourself intelligent. How's that working out for you? Has your intelligence given you a happy life so far? What if you were more charming, more physically attractive, or better at treating the people around you as they deserve to be treated? Is it possible those attributes would have given you a better life?

Saging because this thread really does need to die.

>> No.2026923
File: 27 KB, 325x385, redcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.2026929

You know the reason the intelligent become bitter and depressed is because of all the stupid people talking stupid shit around them.

>> No.2026940

>implying you're bitter and depressed as a result of intelligence.

>> No.2026949

>implying you haven't had this thread open the whole time

>> No.2026968

they just have to keep pushing racial equality until there are a large percentage of biracial births with a white and black parent. The halfcast kid can still be classified as black, but they gain intelligence from the superior white genetics.
Over time, blacks will mix with whites enough to create the desired equal intelligence. Then, maybe, we will look back at how blacks were still simply adapting and being held back by whites, as opposed to being retards
Until then we cover our ears and dont listen to science.

>> No.2026976

>Then, maybe, we will look back at how blacks were still simply adapting and being held back by whites
man I think they could have been a few thousand years ahead of where they were, just sayin.

>> No.2026984
File: 89 KB, 343x400, mwahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when I am Zionist agent just here to make sure the race war between you two unchosen is still going.

>> No.2026987

A few thousand years off? In a biological scale, that's very little. Unless, of course, you're debating social science and not significant genetic differences.

>> No.2026990

seriously, for a marine you sure are a thin-skinned butt-hurt babby. did they remove your testicles when you signed up for service, or did you just not have any to begin with?

also, what the fuck? speaking of genetics, if you want to pass yours on, why join up to an organisation that seeks to use your body as a meat-shield/target for enemies it has created. that has to be the least sensible genetic proposition put forth in this entire stupid thread.

successful genes = a darkie sittin' in kenya, chillin out at home.
unsuccessful genes = idiots who volunteer to be shot up with bullets and explosives and "friendly" fire

I will lol at you forever.

>> No.2026997

Jew here,
Everything went exactly as planned.

>> No.2028088

If whites are smarter than blacks why are poor white people fucking retarded (read between the lines here faggots)

>> No.2028897

What made you think I was butthurt?

I served over 20 years ago, I'm alive and well thanks. I've reproduced more times than you most likely, though I won't recommend the service for any of my kids.

Think whatever you like of Marines, if you live in the US you probably work for some of us.

>> No.2028952

>Think whatever you like of Marines, if you live in the US you probably work for some of us.
this is what marines actually believe

>> No.2029050

Once you get out of high school you'll see.

>> No.2029103

see what?

>> No.2029111

because on average subhumans are less intelligent.

on average

>> No.2029160

Multiple races develop civilizations in isolation from each other, and people expect them to progress in intelligence at the exact same rate?

No, it's not like being smart gives you an advantage over others as a group becomes more civilized. As soon as an economic system was introduced to a society, that groups average intelligence starts increasing with every generation.