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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2022672 No.2022672 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss differences in math notation. Picture related.

PS if you use log instead of ln, don't even bother posting in this thread.

>> No.2022682

mfw when op doesn't understand integrals

>> No.2022683

but if you use ln, the logboat joke doesn't work.

you dick.

>> No.2022684
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You write like a faggot.

>> No.2022689


>> No.2022690

Well looks like I'm a huge faggot then.

>> No.2022697 [DELETED] 

I hate people who write integrals like

<div class="math">/int dx \, f(x)</div>

I also hate everyone who uses overline as a symbol of anything, it's too ambiguous and basically everything it is used for has a different, clearer symbol.

>> No.2022700

I hate people who write integrals like

<div class="math">\int dx \, f(x)</div>

I also hate everyone who uses overline as a symbol of anything, it's too ambiguous and basically everything it is used for has a different, clearer symbol.

>> No.2022701

There is no valid reason to waste horizontal space by using convex braces around a matrix.

I have spoken.

>> No.2022708
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read my mind

>> No.2022710 [DELETED] 

I hate people who are too stupid to use latex and also to delete their failed posts.

(Protip: there's a "delete" button. I'll let you figure out what it does.)

>> No.2022718

A pity I deleted it before you managed to post your answer.

I suggest you use that button as well. And stop writing integrals like a retard.

>> No.2022719

never seen anyone doing this shit

>> No.2022721


mfw when OP doesn't know what a fourier transform is

>> No.2022735

Common in people who deal with calculus in several variables, they claim bounds are clearer if you write

<div class="math">\int_a^b dx \int_c^d dy f(x,y)</div>

rather then

<div class="math">\int_a^b \int_c^d f(x,y) dy dx</div>

>> No.2022737

I don't write integrals at all.

I'm not a statistician/physicist/engineer peasant after all.

>> No.2022745

>doesn't write integrals

Biologist retard spotted.

>> No.2022753

<div class="math">\int dxf(x)</div>

problem /sci/?

>> No.2022755

Actually I study maths.

>> No.2022761
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does anyone write gamma like I do?

>> No.2022762

>study maths
>no integrals

Enjoy your worthless subfield of universal algebra or similar.

>> No.2022769

why you write your e's like lower-case epsilons?

>> No.2022774

Raging faggot:

<div class="math">\int \frac{1}{1+x}dx</div>

Awesome dude:

<div class="math">\int \frac{dx}{1+x}</div>

>> No.2022776

who gives a fuck. Get a life, fucktard.

Also, if you want to expose your faggotry: write sigma (big and small), ro, pi (big and small), mu, nu, xi, psi, phi, zeta, gamma and theta (the best of all, oh, how I love you, dear theta).

>> No.2022782 [DELETED] 

I dunno, looks cool


>> No.2022785

>implying algebra isn't god tier maths

Seriously, everything else is just applied blasphemic cocksucking for various other disciplines.

>> No.2022786

Your writing is too neat. You will never be a good mathematician.

>> No.2022792
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My version of the Greek alphabet.

>> No.2022796

there comes a time in every man's life when he realizes that it should always be written "log" and it's to the base e unless otherwise specified

ln is like training wheels, they're good for little kids

>> No.2022799

faggot tier sigma detected.


>> No.2022800

>implying algebra is anything else other than a bunch of wankers sitting around trying to figure out what the least useful thing to prove would be

Remember when maths actually solved problems?

>> No.2022811
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>mfw analytic number theory

>> No.2022816

What? Don't tell me you write <span class="math">\varsigma[/spoiler].

>> No.2022818

That's so stupid. log takes longer to write, so if log base e is so important, then we should use a symbol that's shorter. PROTIP: ln stands for natural logarithm, so its superiority is cemented in its name.

That's pretty solid, I'm actually jelly. But your psi looks like it takes it up the ass

>> No.2022820

>implying log and natural log are the same thing


>> No.2022829

at least with ln there's zero chance of misunderstandings (as there always is with log, since in CS for example log denotes the base 2 logarithm, and in "normal" context log would indicate base 10 logarithm). Also it's one letter less than log.

>> No.2022838

Nobody other than your teachers read your notation
because you are forever alone

>> No.2022848
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why you say that?

>> No.2022855
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our teacher uses log(x) with base e unless specified otherwise,
everyone in our class objected but that's because we all used ln(x) in high school

>his face

>> No.2022873


>> No.2022882

Isn't the unspecified log(x) usually log with base 10? That's how what i've known it to be.

But yeah, he should just use ln(x).

>> No.2022888

Some people think they're cool and use log to mean log base e instead.

>> No.2022894

God tier: <span class="math">\arcsin x[/spoiler]

Retard tier: <span class="math">\sin^{-1} x[/spoiler]

>> No.2022909

Powers of functions should always be parenthisized. The exponent position of a function should only represent composition. E.g.,
<span class="math">\cos^2(x) = \cos(\cos(x))[/spoiler]
<span class="math">f^2(x) = f(f(x))[/spoiler]

In this way, <span class="math">f(f^{-1}(x)) = x[/spoiler]

Whenever <span class="math">f^n(x) = (f(x))^n[/spoiler] my blood pressure rises. It is a foolish notation.

>> No.2022915

I lol'd.

>> No.2022919

It really depends on what area you're currently working in.
I would say the one who is married to one particular notation is the fool, good Sir.

>> No.2022920
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Concur, also

>> No.2022930

what are those supposed to be?

Don't tell me you write arrows over your "vectors"?
Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.2022933

educated gentleman:

<div class="math">\bar{v}</div>


<div class="math">\vec{v}</div>

>> No.2022951

All of my hate

>> No.2022952


sin^2 x is because confusing it with sin x ^2 is bad.

also, when you grow up, you start using
s(x),c(x) instead

and as(y), ac(y) etc..

saves time.

i agree about the f^(x) / f(x)^ notation tho

>> No.2022953

>implying that isn't one shitbag excuse for a vector notation
I remember writing actual arrows over variables. Then I turned 16.

>> No.2022954

Actually clever person: <span class="math">\mathbf{a}[/spoiler]

>> No.2022960 [DELETED] 

>also, when you grow up, you start using s(x),c(x) instead
>implying that's not something you made up because you are too lazy to write

>> No.2022959
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use halfarrow when needed, but usually just use lower case for vectors, upper for matrices

>> No.2022963

> when you grow up
Bro I'm 34. Ain't growing up anymore, now I just grow out.

>> No.2022968

>implying it isn't useful in physics to distinguish between vectors and scalars
>implying that I use vector arrows in linear algebra

>> No.2022969

>implying this is a bad thing

check out einsteins summation notation.
could argue this is his 2. best idea

>> No.2022978

> 34
> on 4chan
> mon visage
> j'ai pas un visage parceque it's not actually a big deal, and I'm making something out of nothing

>> No.2022989
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ΗατεΓς μΦΝΝα Ηατε

>> No.2022998

It's a good language like C++ has good syntax. If you want an example of good notation, see Leibniz.

>> No.2023003
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Ok, so you can write the greek alphabet

Someone give this guys a medal

>> No.2023019

Your lowercase zeta looks like crap, your lowercase upsilon looks like a nu and you write uppercase zeta in the joined variant, and uppercase xi in the non-joined variant, thus throwing coherence to the wind.

>> No.2023020

μ Μαδ βΓΦ?

>> No.2023039

Motherfucker. I forgot how to write a lowercase theta.
Someone tell me.

>> No.2023044

tan^-1 instead of arctan = RAGE

>> No.2023068

Does <span class="math">\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}[/spoiler] also equal the derivative squared to you faggots?

>> No.2023075

>sin, cos, ...

Generic functions


Linear operator

Learn the fucking difference.

>> No.2023076


operator =! fuction faggot

>> No.2023078

I hate faggots who write <span class="math">\int f(x)~dx[/spoiler] instead of <span class="math">\int f(x)~\mathrm{d}x[/spoiler].

Fucking infidels.

>> No.2023085

almost, keep trying though

>> No.2023088

hahaha oh wow
all functions are operators faggots

>> No.2023091

Cool story. I bet you also follow the ISO norm where they claim <span class="math"> 0 \in \mathbb{N}[/spoiler].

>> No.2023095

>all functions are operators faggots
>LINEAR operator

Oh, sorry, my bad. I forgot <span class="math">\sin (x + y) = \sin x + \sin y[/spoiler], silly me!

>> No.2023100


Those look identical to me, probably because they are.

>> No.2023105

But there's nothing natural about 0!
You can't count to zero, what the dicksquashing donkyshit. I didn't lose approximately three testicles in Vietnam for this bullfuck.

I'll be writing a letter to my congressman about this. This aggression will not stand.

>> No.2023108

The d in the dx on the second one uses mathrm.

>> No.2023113 [DELETED] 

The whole dx does actually, it's slightly more upright in appearance.

>> No.2023119

And I write my intervals à la <span class="math">[a, b[[/spoiler].

>> No.2023122

Does not.

If you double-click on a formula, the source is displayed.

>> No.2023126

>let there be a circle with radius r and circumference s
>let pi = s/2r
>fucking 2pi everywhere!

>> No.2023130

I hear you.

>> No.2023131
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>> No.2023140

ugh, I don't really like that notation. It's kinda akward to "parse" with your eyes, because you're used to brackets "pointing" to the inside.

>> No.2023145

Operators go in blackboard bold, which 4chan does not render.

Anything else is inferior.

>> No.2023148

Haha yeah, only idiots use log.
I just use ln for everything.
ln(base)(answer) = power
is the way we were taught
so for ln4 in base 2 its
ln(2)(4) = 2

>> No.2023167

I feel like creating a quite strong worded reply to that egregious insult. However, I won't, you insolent fool.

>> No.2023172


>> No.2023179

The difference between an operator and a function is ...?
That an operator doesn't have to be defined on sets? (But on proper classes? Like the power set operator?)

>> No.2023188

You appear to be quite aggravated.

At any rate, I feel nothing but pity, for your inferior notation will be the end of you.

>> No.2023205

>I am a full retard

>> No.2023212

It's just notation for god sake.. doesnt matter if I right it like that and you right it another way.
Get over it.

>> No.2023215

This is how I write a vector v: <span class="math">v[/spoiler]. Problem, freshmen?

>> No.2023219


Dear god...

>> No.2023229

Typo... everyone makes them.
For god sake get over yourselves, most people out their are probably way better at maths than you. You know why? BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY DO IT INSTEAD OF ARGUING OVER NOTATION.

>> No.2023231

Somebody explain this or I'll start busting pencils.

>> No.2023236

There are quite some reasons to include 0 in the naturals.

>> No.2023240

do you also have separate notation for operators with inverses, or commutative operators, or...

or are you just a huge faggot

>> No.2023241

is this really what /sci/ has been up to?
i'm not missing anything actually related to science. nice.

>> No.2023244

Sad, isn't it?

>> No.2023246

None. But usually function is usually used to mean an application from some field to itself, while functionals are applications from a vector space to the underlying field and operators from a vector space to itself.

Linear operators can be represented as matrices, hence the difference in how they are usually written. Think of a linear operator represented by some matrix A under a certain basis, the object A² actually means something, so writing A² x to mean A A x is sensible. On the other hand, sin² by itself has no meaning whatsoever.

>> No.2023248
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>> No.2023250

There is no difference between operators and functions, it is a meaningless convention to use the word "function" for operations (natch) on "elementary" items like real numbers, and "operator" for operations on composite objects like matrices.

Its a pointless distinction.

>> No.2023251

God tier notation for natural numbers: <span class="math">\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">\mathbb{Z}_{>0}[/spoiler].

Everything else is faggot tier, since everybody defines <span class="math">\mathbb{N}[/spoiler] different and it's just a pain writing <span class="math">\mathbb{N} \setminus \{ 0 \}[/spoiler] or <span class="math"> \mathbb{N}_0 [/spoiler] all the time.

>> No.2023252


I don't understand why some of you are saying
<span class="math">arctan > tan^{-1}[/spoiler]

tan<span class="math">^{-1}[/spoiler] has one less character and is therefor easier to write. What is the difference? Please enlighten me.

>> No.2023256

There is a difference between operator and function.

>> No.2023261

zee-plus, zee-star, etc

your gay

>> No.2023265

I usually don't have problems with notation, as I understand that it's just convention BUT physicists and their stupid bra-ket notation fucking gets me every time. I can see absolutely NO use for it and it just add fucking lines to complicate the notation.

>> No.2023267

zee-star is standard notation for the unit-group of a ring, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2023269

\int \frac{dx}{1+x}


>> No.2023270

compare tan^2 (x) and tan^-1 (x)

>> No.2023273


makes me think of 1/tan when its clearly not

>> No.2023288

which is exactly why >>2022909

>> No.2023292

\subset or \subseteq ?

>> No.2023301

here is how i view tan stuff. It's just a function.
f^-1(x) is clearly different from f(x)^-1
one is the inverse function, the other is the inverse of the result of the function.
so it makes sense to call arctan tan^-1
because you would write it out as tan^-1(x)
not tan(x)^-1
so you can have tan^-1(x)^2
or tan^-1(x^2)^-1
or whatever.
no confusion, no inconsistency
you could even write

>> No.2023309

[ma th] latexshit [/ma th]

also: http://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php

>> No.2023311

And this is exactly why >>2022909 is retarded.

>> No.2023314

I tend to think \subseteq is more elegant and consistent, because of the similarities with < and \leq.
However, most people in Germany just use \subset and mean \subseteq, since they're lazy.

>> No.2023315


>> No.2023319

dy/dx = God tier

y' = mid tier

Newtonian notation = shit tier

>> No.2023322

y' is shit tier.

Newtonian notation is only allowed for time derivatives.

>> No.2023346

δf/δx is where its at.
df/dx is acceptable too.
Df,D^2f is accepted in differential equations, nowhere else.

>> No.2023344 [DELETED] 


You know, f(x) isn't a fonction usually (except if you define f as a function from a set of function to a set of function, but well)

Oh and by the way, the derivative operator a fucking function, see :

<span class="math">D =\begin{pmatrix}
\left \mathbb{C}[X] \to \mathbb{C}[X] \right \\
P \mapsto P'

Oh and fuck you, most of you don't know shit about mathematics.

>> No.2023349


Fuck me. Trying again. And fuck you too.

<span class="math"> D =\begin{pmatrix}
\mathbb{C}[X] \to \mathbb{C}[X] \\
P \mapsto P'
\end{pmatrix} [/spoiler]

>> No.2023357

>doesn't know about matrices not being allowed on /sci/
>f not a function
>math major doesn't know shit about math
>improper grammar
yes, f: R->R is a function.
I know what i'm talking about.
See, in this thread we're talking about notation. I'm not sure if you got that, you seem to think we're dealing with technical definitions of functions.
Oh, and fuck you too.

>> No.2023363

You don't need to overdo it.

>> No.2023367

This thread was fun until the physicists came in and started spraying partial differential operators on everything that couldn't run away fast enough.

On another note: >>2023267
my "number theory" professor actually uses E(R) for the unit group of a ring (German, E = Einheit means unit) and literally writes <span class="math">R^*[/spoiler] for the set R without 0. What a tool.

>> No.2023424
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Compiled a list. Have fun bashing me ;)

>> No.2023487

I know my notation is superior, but that's no reason for giving up, huh 4chan?

>> No.2023493

I disagree with your "partial" statement. In fact, where the FUCK did the physicists get that symbol from anyway?
Is it a letter in some obscure forgotten dead language?

>> No.2023500

1. It's a math symbol, there are significant differences between <span class="math">\mathrm d[/spoiler] and <span class="math">\partial[/spoiler].
2. <span class="math">\partial[/spoiler] is an italic russian small d.

>> No.2023501

What the fuck is wrong with your Del symbol?

>> No.2023505

Post a picture of your face, Josef. I've always been curious about how you look, and now that I've seen your handwriting, I'm even more curious.

I'm envisioning a mustache.

>> No.2023506

>an italic russian small d

Oh thanks for that. I'd always wondered where it came from.

>> No.2023507

I am now erect, I write my notation just like that kraut bastard Josef.

sage for contributing nothing to the thread

>> No.2023515

btw, Josef, that d symbol is what i was trying for with δ. now i know it's russian..... time to go looking through the russian unicode...

>> No.2023521

>>2023505 I'm envisioning a mustache.
No. Really, no, I don't have a mustache.

>> No.2023524

<span class="math">\delta[/spoiler] is already used for variations (and codifferential in crapnotation)

>> No.2023528

and holy shit, your handwriting is sexy. but i disagree with your writing of arcsin, phi and your integral order. THE DIFFERENTIAL COMES LAST MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
ARGH! I mad.

>> No.2023531

Damn, there goes my vision of a European mathematician with a mustache that rivals Nietzsche.

>> No.2023537

Now that you mention it ... I write the differential last in math equations (i.e. short ones), but first when it's a long integral (phase space etc)
Apart from that, differential forms mean writing without "d" altogether, <span class="math">\int_M\alpha[/spoiler], lalala

>> No.2023540
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>not using hats for operators

>> No.2023549
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Have fun writing this with hats. Yes, there's a hat over every P and M.
(Texing that was a huge clusterfuck too, no need to add hats for extended annoyance)

>> No.2023560
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>taking shortcuts
>mfw I don't love Josef any more

>> No.2023567


>> No.2023574

Excuse me, did you just call calculating a commutator over half a page a shortcut? :x
(Okay, there are longer ones ... but those are the ones you look up anyway)

>> No.2023595
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>> No.2023598

Yes. Though to be fair if you're using tensor notation then the operators are a little unncessary.

>> No.2023619

is that some Poincare algebra, or something else?

>> No.2023622

Wouldn't use hats even if the operators were coordinate-free. I mean there aren't many operators anyway, and those that occur occur so often that there's no other symbol with that name. Oh, and generally I haven't seen many capital letters in QM apart from operators anyway. As far as I can remember at least.

>> No.2023624

correction, i am stupid, i see what it is now.

>> No.2023638

Correction again, it *is* Poincaré algebra. :P

>> No.2023662

bad wording. I meant that i was correct, and stupid to not see it. There is a much shorter way than to compute it explicitly you know.

>> No.2023668

>>2023662 much shorter way
Whaaat? Tell me tell me!

>> No.2023714

expand an infitisimal lorentz transformation in terms of generators, keep only first order. Then apply a second order transformation to this one, and compare orders with the result of only one transformation. You need something more which i don't remember, but you can in principle read of the commutation relations from that. Weinberg does it in his book on QFT.

>> No.2023732

Some people say it's wrong to write x+yi, that you must write x+iy, but I say fuck them.

>> No.2023744

Ah thanks, calculated it right away without looking it up, got the Weinberg here
Should go to bed, but out of curiosity, what are you working/studying/somethinging?

>> No.2023788

studying theoretical physics as an undergraduate. Currently reading a course in particle physics, and since I don't like the handwaving arguments and sketchy math, I try to read some light stuff on the side, like Weinberg.

>> No.2023793

Did you already turn this in?

You should try leaving things in communtators for as long as possible, it will make the math shorter.

>> No.2023796

How do you write your matrices?

>> No.2023813

i say fuck you and write everything in terms of the complex exponential function.


>> No.2023825

that doenst makes any sense at all

>> No.2023828

I don't see how longer commutators would make MM shorter. Might simplify PM a bit though.

pmatrix, as in OP's "I'M A HUGE FAGGOT PLEASE RAPE MY FACE". When I'm lazy I leave the parentheses away. ;)

>>2023788 since I don't like the handwaving arguments and sketchy math
"Infinitesimal near unity" is rubbish, get a math book about Lie groups/algebras.

>> No.2023841

ha. I'd be amused to see your homework/papers.

>> No.2023846

<div class="math">e^{\mathrm i \frac23\pi}+1</div>
Have fun simplifying this without x+iy

>> No.2023867

Op your handwriting is so nice <:|

>> No.2023878
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>> No.2023880

Bedtime now.
Will compile a complete list of varying notations and post it later this week.
As all of my threads, everybody will ignore it, two guys are going to flame me because of tripfagging, and the others will ask how magnets work.

>> No.2023883

Am reading a math course in Riemannian geometry (together with 3 doctorate students, feel a bit out of place) where Lie groups are studied as smooth manifolds, and the Lie algebras as the set of leftinvariant vector fields/tangent space at identity, so I feel like am getting some serious math. Need to learn me some more advanced differential geometry though, that is the next project.

>> No.2023890

lol. Whenever I'm on, I look at your posts. I just usually don't reply.

>> No.2023900

Fuck all your notation and your non-computable bullshit. You can have your fail-culus.

Bitches don't know about my LISP.

>> No.2023963

>doesn't know what "non-computable" really means
ha. Although I like clsp.

>> No.2024080
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Computable means precisely: definable, countable, decidable, and recursive.
The set of computable numbers includes the algebraic real and complex numbers. Almost all of the reals including numbers like pi are non-computable even in principle.

Only infinities with cardinality of <span class="math">\aleph_0[/spoiler] are computable. IE countable infinities. Though they are not said to be effectively computable.

This implies two major things, first any computing machine currently in operation can not effectively compute infinities and is therefore capable of computing only discrete and finite expressions. Second, that any n-value system with <span class="math">2\leq n < \infty[/spoiler] is reducible to a Boolean algebra.

Discrete finite mathematics and recursion theory for the win.

>> No.2024136
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Also, pic related.

>> No.2024145

I love boolean logic!
Which can totally handle infinitesimals. Oh wait....

>> No.2024157

more queens than kings cross.

>> No.2024178
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>implying an exact understanding of the behavior of the universe necessitates infinitesimals.
Occam's razor, jackass AKA minimum description length principle AKA Keep It Simple Stupid.

Presupposing an infinite space necessitates an infinite number of assumptions.
"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
A finite set of assumptions is to be preferred over an infinite set of assumptions all other things being equal.

>> No.2024246

okay kinda unrelated but whenever i play that game and get a check mate it always says it was just a draw.... and it fucking pisses me off

>> No.2024279

Persons who rage over whether 0 is a natural number are in the autism spectrum.

>> No.2024304

why tho it's a valid question

>> No.2025335

What? That's it? No additional challengers? No quips about linguistics being the science of notation? No, "I prefer semiotics"?
