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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 248 KB, 1350x1250, 1286259180496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2015236 No.2015236 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have the most recent revised version of this?

>> No.2015253

galileo is not low, top-mid

>> No.2015254


>> No.2015258

You forgot marie curie, at least god tier.
Even sexists acknowledge her, stop pretending, she is directly competing with einstein.

>> No.2015259

Actually as much i love Sagan he *IS* low tier.
Look at his achievements, nothing really important.
Only famous cause of his series.

Also Tyron(nigger)
HE didn't do ANYTHING.
Just appering in shows.
He's an attention whore.

>> No.2015260

Galileo thought that the idea that the moon caused the tides was pure superstition.

>> No.2015264

Like I said in /new/, Planck not in God tier, nope.

>> No.2015266

Who is the Low tier faaaaaaaaaaar right.
The young dude.

>> No.2015270

>implying dawkins isn't troll-tier

>> No.2015273

mfw i dont know ANY of the TOP tier row.

Anyone care to put names on everyone?
Plssss ;o

>> No.2015275

He's a CERN physicist who does a lot to popularize physics and is on tv sometimes. Brian Cox.

>> No.2015276

Who is that Top-right. I always get my marble busts mixed up.

>> No.2015285

Why is OP putting Edison and Tesla in with scientists? If you're doing inventors, you're missing a lot of important ones.

>> No.2015290

Add names please.

>> No.2015292

Aristotle. He's the only marble bust who did anything that is comparable to modern science.

>> No.2015301

mfw when tesla

>> No.2015303

3rd and 2nd to right are Planck and Feynman. 3rd to left might be that asswipe Crick, but I'm not good with faces.

>> No.2015305

>Leibniz, Galilei
>low tier


>> No.2015306
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I raged at this, how the FUCK can you say this is legitimate?

>> No.2015310

mfw when no Maxwell. GTFO OP.

>> No.2015312
File: 142 KB, 933x408, whatthefuckamilooking at and thensome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, obviously you don't know WHAT CALCULUS IS, and obviously you are a faggot

>> No.2015315

mfw when mendell

>> No.2015319


Correct, Sagan had no mind blowing discoveries. He's important for other reasons presumably not used in the ranking of this chart.

>> No.2015321

mfw when tesla > mendell


>> No.2015322

Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)
Isaac Newton(1643-1727)

Galileo didn't even know about gravity which causes the tides so it makes sense that he will reject that theory.
If you still don't agree then newton should be in a less tier because he believed in god.

>> No.2015323


correct sir, it should be noted that on another chart he is god-tier

>> No.2015324

I don't see Gell-Mann either. Who's that fucker next to Aristotle? At first I thought he was Gell-Mann, but his hair is too flat.

>> No.2015328

With Newton in the highest tier, what did you expect? It's obvious he's a Newtonfag.

>> No.2015329






















>> No.2015332


The fact that he's sharing a tier with Degrasse is down right insulting though.

>> No.2015334

Eratosthenes. How does degrees of a circle work?

>> No.2015336

sagan just did some tv series and some alien fanfic we don't even know if the target audience will like

>> No.2015341
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I am appalled OP, I am truly TRULY appalled!

>> No.2015344

Having Feynman on, but no Dirac?

Meh ..

>> No.2015345

Galileo believed in God and was almost as religious as Newton.

Every scientist who doesn't believe in God should automatically be Mid-Tier or lower. I might make an exception for Feynman, because though he was agnostic, he had a lot of respect for the contributions of religion to the ethics of society.

>> No.2015348

OP, I find your choice of placement on more than one occasion to be revolting, please proceed to the nearest bridge and jump off

>> No.2015351


Sagan was a "pop-Scientist"

He brought science to the layman and made children interested. He was brilliant in this respect.

Degrasse and Kaku are the same thing but their target audiences are in the 8th grade.

>> No.2015352


>>implying religion should not be condemned

Wait....you best be trollin', right?

>> No.2015354

If we were doing a math chart, it would look completely different and have numerous marble busts. Aristotle published a work on physics which defined how western civilization viewed physics for over a thousand years. It was pretty severely wrong, but still...

>> No.2015356

>and was almost as religious as Newton

Hardly. Newton was an occult freak and thought he'd become famous because of his books on interpreting the Bible.

>> No.2015358

>enjoy your adolescence.

>> No.2015360
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mfw people in the year 2010 debate whether or not Newton was religous and imply that it makes any difference

>> No.2015363

Why they should be mid tier?
Most scientist doesn't believe in god but are panteist or agnostics

>> No.2015365

Galileo also wrote biblical interpretations. These are what got him in trouble with the Pope -- not the science behind heliocentrism, but telling people how to interpret the bible to be consistent with it.

>> No.2015366
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This is you, amirite?>>2015358

>> No.2015374

That's the fad with modern science. But a mind that can into religion And into science, like Newton, Aristotle or Maxwell (though the latter didn't write much about it) is a God-tier mind.

>> No.2015375



Nothing to see here, carry on.

>> No.2015378
File: 295 KB, 750x600, trollonb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trolls are that way >>/b/

>> No.2015380

Who's the cowboy?

>> No.2015381

am going to watch bourne ultinatum.
When i get back i expect this faggotry to be fixed.
or else.

>> No.2015382

mfw OP posts on /sci/ and trolls us all

>> No.2015383

Why are you so threatened by people who take religion seriously? You must hate the fact of Newton's existence.

>> No.2015386

and who's the guy who looks like an old hippie?

>> No.2015390


because people who take religion seriously are in possession of a mindset that has single handily been responsible for more pain & suffering than any of us care to every see or hear about

that is why

>> No.2015391

indiana jones

>> No.2015394

wow. you're an idiot.

>> No.2015395


i lol'd

>> No.2015398
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>implying science cares about suffering

>> No.2015399

>implying Galileo didn't believe in God.

>> No.2015400
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How the fuck can you honestly say that what I said was idiotic!?


>> No.2015403
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>> No.2015406


It slowed down technological growth.

>> No.2015407

Maybe you should learn some actual history of thought in western civilization. Or read Feynman's lecture on religion and science.

>> No.2015409

But galileo didn't try to find a secret code in the bible made with the distance betwen the letters

>> No.2015411

It sped it up by 100x. Europe would not have invented modern science without it.

>> No.2015414

and that is benefical?

>> No.2015416

I've read Newton's religious writings and I didn't see anything like that. You're thinking of the "Bible Code", which is pure 20th century nuttery. Newton's biblical interpretations weren't based on anything that nonsensical.

>> No.2015421

Why is slow down the technological growth good?

Because of the environment? Thats no technology's fault, it's because human doesn't care about it enough to destroy it and get a little money.

>> No.2015426

Maybe you're right, in that case im sorry because i didn't know that.

>> No.2015427

slowed down the construction of the bomb allowing humans to remain alive for a few more centuries

>> No.2015434



Oh please!

>>implying humand will blow themselves up

>>implying cynicism is the way to look at history

>>implying you are correct

>> No.2015474

>implying we need all the humanity consent to blow ourselves up
>implying it's not enough with a few retards in the wrong places

>> No.2015489

Ok, stop bitchin about religion.

>> No.2015494

All of those should be god-tier, expect those in troll-tier, of course.

>> No.2015537


>> No.2015554


Aristotle was a fucking faggot.

You mean to say Euclid or Pythagoras

>> No.2015558

Euclid and Pythagoras were both god-tier mathematicians. They didn't do science though.

>> No.2015561

>Kepler is shit tier
What are you doing you fool

>> No.2015564

Needs more Hooke

>> No.2015566

The goddamn list is still shit. Having Sagan on a higher tier than Kepler?

>> No.2015567

mfw no Schrodinger

>> No.2015568
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mfw you have no face

>> No.2015579
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>> No.2015590

Brian Cox isn't that young btw, 42 years old if I recall correctly.

>> No.2015703

This. At least as far as physics goes, the chart needs Dirac and Landau. Once you include Dirac, he'll HAVE to go on the top tier, and Feynman will HAVE to move below him.

Watson and/or Crick should go on the Low Tier. You also need Mendel and Mendeleev (I don't recognize them).

I love Dawkins but he should CLEARLY be on the troll tier. He doesn't do research!

>> No.2015728

I would rearrange that a bit lol

>> No.2015735

Religion = Literacy

>> No.2015745

WTF is Aristotle doing in God Tier? All his "observations" about the world were wrong. Give me Democritus, OP.

>> No.2015836

Tesla doesn't deserve to be above feynman, Heisenberg, etc etc... (because these people revolutionized our understanding of the physical universe. Tesla was an engineer with a great understanding of Electricity and Magnetism. He didn't discover the laws nof E and M!)

>> No.2015847

Karl Sagan should be low tier. Or no tier. There is no logic to this list.

>> No.2015894

Don't see Nila Gaede

>> No.2015913

What the fuck. Aristotle? WHy?

>> No.2015916

>darwin on god tier

>> No.2015919

Can someone tell me all the names of the people in the list?

>> No.2015921

If you can't already name them all ( except for retards like Hovind ) then you need to open books and read Science magazines more often.

>> No.2015924

>The dude who thought the earth was flat, and had no system of science.

>> No.2015928

>mfw your science books are picture books.

>> No.2015930

Maybe because he invented science?

>> No.2015934

This is obviously the same adolescent who made the last supper pic and has a hardon for inventors

>> No.2015936
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>> No.2015940

Are you kidding me? Democritus was much more scientific than he and Plato ever pretended to be.

>> No.2015944


>> No.2015945

>implying communism wasn't atheistic

>> No.2015947


>mfw I have read every issue of national geographic and scientific american published since 1999.

>> No.2015949

Those places aren't even real.

>> No.2015952

Name one contribution to science made by Aristotle. I guess you might say taxonomy, but his taxonomy failed hard.

>> No.2015974

Not that poster but:

Combining empiricism and rationalism. (The first scientific method)

>> No.2015990

Maybe you're right, but I have a very hard time believing that Aristotle was in any way original when he decided empiricism was useful and rational. That just seems so obvious.

>> No.2016111

personally i think Archimedes should take newton's place on God tier.

He did so much more at this time.


Also have now idea why Leibniz is so far down in rank. I enjoy using his notation whenever i can.

yea, and Kaku is right were he should be

>> No.2016116

What is this thread about?

>> No.2016126

hivemind, celebrity worship

nature frelint

>> No.2016167

>Gene Kelly

Nice troll, OP.

>> No.2016170

>Shit tier
No credibility.

>> No.2016181


The hardest things lie invisible in plain site.

>> No.2016195
File: 180 KB, 530x643, 1286832112763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should make a philosophy list.

Pic related, it's a God tier philosopher

>> No.2016196

Stephen Hawking is mid tier?
Harsh dude
He deserves atleast top tier
Also Mendel...
Well his contributions did change the field of biology. But it was simpler so I guess mid tier is fine.

>> No.2016213

>God tier philosopher
only for the criminally insane

>> No.2016229

Ancient Greeks must have their own tier.
When they were being scientific,mathematical,philosophical etc other people (like today's nordic people) were in caves bashing eachothers skulls.

Shame on you to even compare Einstein with the ancients, Einstein had everything in his table.
Only Newton is barely comparable.

Ancient Greek Tier
God Tier
Top Tier

inb4 why greeks suck today?
Because they are no greeks today.

Just countries from europe+asia =Todays Greece

Greek was conquered by romans bout 2k years, and became again a country 400 years ago.

In 1600 years all kind of sandniggers and europefags went to greece took a crap and left.

The tiny little number of original greeks got mixed with all the other countries.

Not a Greekfag.

But i acknowledge Ancient Greece as the greatest civilization/time.

And it doesnt exist now, only ppl that live in the same place they did.

All hail the ancient times.jpg

>> No.2016233
File: 114 KB, 237x291, 1289150692412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayn rand
>god tier philosopher
Pick one.

>god tier
Pick one again.

>> No.2016236

>became a country ~200 ago.

>> No.2016241

>heisenberg mid tier

sure why not, he was just one of the main characters (along with bohr, planck, schrodinger) responsible for the development of quantum mechanics and start of a scientific revolution in the beginning of the century that changed mankind's view of the Universe and made technological advancements such as the computer you're using or the internet which you're connected possible.

sure, why not?

>> No.2016245
File: 65 KB, 790x416, atlass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume troll, but...
Rand is about as God tier of a philosopher as a 13 year white rich old boy that read his first book on political ideologies.

pic related

>> No.2016247

>Kepler and Descartes shit tier

>Sagan didnt make anything other than smoke pot and recite beautiful things about the universe and is on low tier.

Yeah, no.

>> No.2016249

because sagan fanboys.

>> No.2016251

Ancient Greece 'stole' a lot from Ancient Egypt though, who were even earlier with stuff as mathematics, technology, medicine etc.

>> No.2016267


Question: Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Because that author didn't.

The "Shruggers" really did till the soil. They, by and large, became farmers. A judge, for example, raised pigs, and a former car factory owner made tractors more or less by hand. A man who owned an entire series of copper mines worked mined and smelted on the small scale himself, with the assistance of a few other dedicated men.

Seriously, if you're gonna try mocking Rand, do it right...

>> No.2016269

what are stephen hawking and leonard suskind doing in mid tier?

>> No.2016274

Yeah, it's preposterous that they're in the same tier as Heisenberg, they should be lower.

>> No.2016289

stephen hawking and heisenburg should be higher and suskind should be lower

>> No.2016295

Is that darwin next to einstein?
If yes, take him down from god tier god dammit

>> No.2016300

Considering the quality of her masturbatory ramblings i see no reason why you should need to provide any quality when arguing against her.

The society she so dearly wanted would degenerate rapidly, it would take approximately 20 minutes before you have a military dictatorship and 20 minutes more for all technology and knowhow to be lost. By the end of the week mankind would have reverted to a nomadic lifestyle.

>> No.2016304

> Descartes
> Shit tier
Go fuck yourself?

>> No.2016310

you think einstein > planck?
oh man...
and where is Wittgenstein?

>> No.2016313

Descartes introduced the method of skepticism

then used it to try to prove God's existence

>> No.2016320

He only did the god thing because all the cool kids were doing it.
Nobody is perfect.

>> No.2016322


That's a statement you're going to have to defend. Why would a society with limited government and a strong defense of human rights collapse overnight, hm?

>> No.2016328

3/4 of discourse on method is proving God's existence and talking about God's essence

>> No.2016338
File: 44 KB, 496x384, my brain is full of fuck..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Low tier?

>> No.2016340


>> No.2016516

>shit tier

I guess you like eating shit for breakfast.

>> No.2016538

Why is Darwin God-tier? He wasn't even a very good scientist.

>> No.2016540

Aristotle invented evolution.

>> No.2016561

Descartes, believed in dualism...... Not even Cartesian coordinates make up for that.

>> No.2016562

>implying the Randroids would till the land.
>implying that privatizing everything doesn't result in military dictatorship and the aristocracy that we were fighting against in th first place.

Your idea of limited government means that the government wouldn't have the power to enforce contracts, or the power to stop other individuals from infringing on your rights, or the power to ensure the free market. I can keep going. Basically, the regulation and taxes your are shitting on, is the main thing that is keeping people from taking your money.

>> No.2016570

>implying aristocracy is bad

>> No.2016582


Huge problem, what the fuck?

Why are there no mathematicians? Where in fucks name is Georg Cantor? or Godel? Gauss? Where's Euler?

Why is tesla god tier?

At first I thought, oh this must be only physicists, but then I randomly see in god tier...

>> No.2016585


*randomly see darwin in god tier.

>> No.2016593


>> No.2016612


>> No.2016622

They're supposed to be scientists, you fucking retard. /sci/ thinks tesla was a scientist, because /sci/ is full of homosex.

>> No.2016623
File: 51 KB, 400x542, 24mholo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ you're so dumb

this thread made my day

>> No.2016659

>Implying there is a such thing as invention in aristocracy.
Given, if it were an achieved aristocracy, that's fine. But without regulation, it would be inherited elitism.
If you know anything about the history of these scientists and engineers on OPs tier sheet, a good number of them were born into poverty.

>> No.2016842

>Why is tesla god tier?
Gee I don't know
It probably has to do with the fact that he created the 20th century and all
You know alternative currents, xrays, radio, radars, etc...
He also created a frictionless actuator that could make a hold building shake by amplifying the metal bar's resonance, the death ray and towers that transmitted electricity wireless.
In fact the government started HAARP because according to Tesla we could modify the weather by lifting the ionosphere by sending millions of watts into it creating a budge in the atmosphere that would make air currents change trajectory.
In fact they have been using it successfully for the past 5 years to create a high pressure point in the east coast of Florida to fend off hurricanes.
They deem it just "weather research" though, because if the general public were to know the government could not wage covert damage to enemy nations through the manipulation of weather.

>> No.2016901
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>> No.2017093
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