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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 187 KB, 1292x1398, 1289055992283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2011358 No.2011358 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel, /sci/?

>> No.2011366


>> No.2011370


>> No.2011371

that looks like landover baptist to me, so ammused

>> No.2011404

I understand some people have problems letting go of anything their religion teaches...but the last one is just astonishing...

1) Even religionists believe earth is 6000 yrs old give or take, not 5k.
2) If the sun shrank 2 ft per day (something I had not heard, but may as well be true) it would move 691 miles in 5k years. compared with the 93000000 mile mean distance, and the 1.5-2M miles the earth moves back and forth during a solar orbit anyway, and it makes no difference.

False logic is one thing, but self-defeating "logic"......

>> No.2011407

I raged so hard I had to lay down outside in the grass to get my bearings back.

>> No.2011414
File: 15 KB, 435x435, Reaction 2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic here.

In the words of Professor Hubert Farnsworth; "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."

>> No.2011418

It pisses me off, SOOO MUCH to see retards post on shit they don't know. I'm Catholic, and I support both theories, but God Damn, some people need to educate themselves before making fools of themselves

>> No.2011425

What bothers me is that those pictures on the left are drawn too well, it makes me rage because it makes it all unfunny.

>> No.2011428 [DELETED] 

Somewhat related...

>> No.2011429

>The sun shrinks 2 feet each day

I lost it there

>> No.2011434

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.2011435

if you believe in god you're a FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.2011441
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How can people be that stupidand ignorant. I raged so hard ...

>> No.2011445
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>> No.2011447

Hahaha oh wow you guys are taking them serious.
On a trollforum.

>> No.2011457

Evolution is fact, its not something thats debatable, there at plenty of examples of evolution in nature, some are able to be demonstrated such as bacteria, which is easy to study from generation to generation, compared to other living organisms.

>> No.2011458

As a religiousfag, it deeply saddens me that some of people cannot see that things like evolution exists when its pretty fucking obvious

>> No.2011465

guys guys, calm down

those posts you're raging at?

they're written by trolls

on a forum ABOUT trolling

>> No.2011470


That's not the fucking point, there are people out there who believe that shit

>> No.2011479

Actually, I don't understand why these people don't accept evolution as fact. I mean, personally, as a Christian I do accept it. Not only is it scientific fact, but it also does paint Creation as an ongoing process, which is beautiful.

>> No.2011492
File: 115 KB, 533x800, Jews..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Protestants and Evangelicals are ignorant assholes, Christians, Catholics, and Jews are extremely reasonable.

>> No.2011502

Every group you listed besides Jews are a sub-group of Christians.

>> No.2011505

yes, except for one HUGE ENORMOUS POINT!

Evolution dictates that we are not separate from animals. At least, that is the accepted thinking... its a sort of attitude which comes from believing in evolution.

In christianity, man is descended from god. God is the creator. But most evolutionists don't know how to reconcile that idea with evolution. So that means man is descended from apes. Literally, our parents our apes. In Christianity, our parents are the first man and woman, Adam and Eve.

You are right, evolution is beautiful, life is beautiful, but evolution TENDS to carry with it an implication which is a direct contradiction to humanity.

>> No.2011508

It makes me feel like you people aren't interested in science at all. You're more interested in religion and in hating people who don't know much about science.

>> No.2011509


>> No.2011512
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>Doesn't understand differences between pure Christians and extremist groups like Evangelicals

>> No.2011515


In my Church we were taught that Adam and Eve was a bullshit story told by Jesus to help people understand why people were assholes.

>> No.2011518

yes, except for one HUGE ENORMOUS POINT!

Evolution dictates that we are not separate from animals. At least, that is the accepted thinking... its a sort of attitude which comes from believing in evolution.

In whalism, whales are descended from god. God is the creator. But most evolutionists don't know how to reconcile that idea with evolution. So that means whales are descended from land mammals. Literally, our parents our land mammals. In Whalism, our parents are the first male and female, derp and herp.

You are right, evolution is beautiful, life is beautiful, but evolution TENDS to carry with it an implication which is a direct contradiction to whality.

>> No.2011519

The only "pure" Christians left are the Eastern Orthodox. Everyone else branched off of them at some point.

I have very little tolerance for willful ignorance, no matter how watered down your extremism is.

>> No.2011524

>we are not separate from animals
That was the only thing I understood from that post. Since I agree with that statement, I'm going to assume that I agree with the rest of it, too.

>> No.2011526

You know we're different from whales right?

Actually, you just proved my point. You equate people with animals. We're clearly not.

>> No.2011531
File: 78 KB, 454x371, 45624247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the image to your left. Just look at it. Can you tell me what that is?

>> No.2011559

human fetus first trimester

>> No.2011564

99.98% right. It's a chimpanzee fetus, 1st trimester.
We're animals. Any other assertion is arrogant ignorance.

>> No.2011572

.02% wrong.

>> No.2011590

There's no way that's a chimp fetus. Proportions are wrong.

And yes, obviously humans have the bodies of animals. What makes humans non-animal is their minds and souls.

>> No.2011591

This statement doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2011601

Minds and souls?

Now that's just jibberish. Mind - maybe. But our current understanding of the brain doesn't allow for conclusions like that.

>> No.2011598
File: 42 KB, 350x563, Shoes_for_pidgeons_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes in souls

>> No.2011606

define soul
give methods of verification for the given attributes

>> No.2011624
File: 132 KB, 1020x439, 458548458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For most of fetal development, nearly all vertebrate embryos look identical. The basic peptides and enzymes are identical across all species.

The pic is of a guidance enzyme involved in glycolysis. One is from Rice, and one is from a Tuna. Can you tell which is which?

Completely different species arriving at the same molecule by chance had like a 10^30th chance of happening. This points to the only obvious conclusion; rice and tuna have a common ancestor.

>> No.2011634

>believes in souls
>in /sci/

See ya, faggots, I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.

>> No.2011638

whoever said its a chimp fetus is .02% wrong.

Believe it or not, I'm here arguing that people are not animals. And yet, I don't believe that there is an afterlife. This is it. And yes, I do believe in a soul.

So, no afterlife, meaning, yes, there is no "other" dimension. And if "soul" is awkward, think of it as a poetic representation of "awareness." Consciousness, if you will.

There is no evidence for consciousness, but people believe in that just fine. And that's what we have that animals don't. Refined consciousness. Where did it come from? Its not just in our DNA, which his why I believe in Adam. If a chimp raised a human infant, the human infant wouldn't start talking. Not in a million years.

>> No.2011654 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 367x388, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimps didn't give birth to humans you imbecile.

Go and read up on the mechanism of natural selection, and how evolution happened, THEN come back and debate us on the finer points of why that model is wrong.

If you aren't going to take the time to learn the subject you're debating, why should I take the time to consider your stance?

>> No.2011662


I repeat. We don't have enough knowledge about the brain, about thought patterns to conclusively make a statement whether animals have the same "level of conciousness" as we have.

And of course a human raised by chimps will probably not start talking like Shakespeare, but that's not even an argument.

>Where did it come from? Its not just in our DNA, which his why I believe in Adam.

See, this is exactly what science does. You stopped right there .. after you weren't capable of answering the question. Science starts exactly there.

>> No.2011673

>what we have that animals don't. Refined consciousness
Elephants bury their dead. All of the other apes have complex social structures. Orangutans have moody anger outbursts and appear to like eachother based on "popularity". Dolphins communicate in a language that expresses mostly feelings. Dolphins also understand the concepts of murder and rape.

Human ingenuity at adapting our environment on a grand scale to suit our needs is really the only trait unique to us. To dismiss other animals obvious social and emotional structures as inferior is both arrogant, and ignorant.

>If a chimp raised a human infant, the human infant wouldn't start talking
They would vocalize, screams and grunts, but not know any human languages. Languages are in our brains; not in our genes or our "souls". Language has to be taught.

>> No.2011676
File: 102 KB, 323x270, 1286870536337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never visited this board before, but holy SHIT you guys are getting trolled hard

>> No.2011677

> I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.
> I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.
> I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.
> I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.
> I'm off to /b/, where people aren't retarded.

>> No.2011678

I meant to say in modern day. As in, if you wanted to duplicate the infancy of man. You would not be able to recreate a human being. No animal could raise a human child such that the child would have the gift of language and self awareness.

>> No.2011680

/sci/ the most trollable region of the internet.

>> No.2011692

Everything with a brain is self-aware. Dogs and cats are self aware, even insects to a certain degree are self aware.

The "gift" of language is from your culture, not from space wizards.

>> No.2011690

Utter bullshit. Language is common amonst most species. Yelling "uga-uga" to another ape because he touched your banana is spoken language.

>> No.2011695


Nice dubs.

But he is right. /b/ makes more sense than people who think there is an immaterial, non-ephemeral component to them.

>> No.2011694

The soul is the source of conscious life. To verify it, observe that you can do things such as experience (anything) or ponder (anything). The human soul differs from the animal soul, because the human soul is able to use reason to elevate itself above animal concerns. But only if it so chooses. Most humans don't necessarily make use of that.

>> No.2011698

Yes. My point being, who taught the first language? An animal taught a man? A man taught himself? No. Awareness was given to an animal. That animal became man.

>> No.2011701


disregard that, i suck cocks.

>> No.2011702


Apologies, I went off there a bit, implied implications which you rightly did not actually imply.

But the point remains. A great number of animals vocalize in one way or another, birds, marine mammals and primates all have their own "languages" which they use to indicate mood or warn others of danger.

We're humans, and narcissistic as fuck. We think we're so fucking awesome and intelligent, but really, we're not that much smarter than other creatures. The only difference is we have the gift of tool manipulation working in TANDEM with that intelligence. Having one without the other, and we'd just be land dolphins or something. We honestly don't understand much of anything about languages of creatures other than us humans. As such, obviously human language would appear to be the most complex and nuanced. It's the only fucking one we actually understand close to fully.

And as for self awareness. There are tons of animals which we have confirmed are at least somewhat self aware. Dogs, cats, dolphins and many primates can recognize their reflection in a mirror as themselves.

>> No.2011717


You fucking idiots, I'm pointing out something so FUCKING obvious that an eight year old could realize it, but because I believe in ADAM, and because I'm ARROGANT enough to think that man is "special" (Oh no, liberals say that man isn't special! NOBODY'S SPECIAL!) you morons can't see what is so OBVIOUS inside of you.


>> No.2011723


disregard my diatribe, i am late for my 4:30 cock sucking appointment

>> No.2011726

I'm glad you got that wrong.

>> No.2011730

No, he's saying that /b/ is smarter because they don't believe in souls.

>> No.2011732

Our language evolved in small steps as well, among our ancestors who were probably quite human. First there were probably grunts that just displayed tones; anger, fear, happiness. We recognize these tones in people even if we can't speak their language. When someone is yelling and pissed, you don't need to understand the words to understand their feeling.

Then probably thousands of years after that, this became insufficient for hunting or something, and people made different kinds of grunts mean different things. Maybe "ugg" meant "don't attack yet", and "eeeiee!" meant "attack as a big group." It's not hard to imagine how language diversified from there.

But I repeat myself and others; many other animals have language too. Dolphins and whales most notably, but other apes too. Though ours is the most complex, it's not a giant leap from the rest of the animal kingdom as you claim.

>> No.2011735

So apparently if I don't think evolution is a fact, I have to be some religious guy?

I personally don't believe in Evolution and for scientific reasons. Yeah, you guys think it is soo impossible to not believe in evolution scientifically, but if you would stop for a minute and actually question scientifically you would understand why.

I am not here to show my points of why evolution is wrong, but just wanted to say that you don't have to be religious or unscientific in order to not believe in evolution.

>> No.2011739


i am having a conversation with myself

>> No.2011744

Listen! You DON'T know. You just don't know what an animal feels or senses. Behaviour sciences can take us only SO FAR - and right now we're simply not in the position to tell whether animals are capable of thoughts like we are. You think you fear death more than a guineapig? How the fuck do you know?

You cannot smash away the fact how primates and other animals can learn languages and interact socially with their peers.

You, as many other, simply turn to a simple answer and don't bother taking the voyage into the unknown, trying to explain the things we can't explain yet.

>> No.2011747
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Right on.

>> No.2011749

Guilt is a cultivated form of regret. Other animals display signs of regret. When you yell at a dog, he bows his head, knowing he did something wrong and wishing he hadn't.

Guilt is just easy to manipulate into a "way out" scenario. Like giving money to a church.

Fear of death is just because of awareness of death. Elephants exhibit this awareness, too, though weather they concoct fairy tales to help them cope or not is not clear.

"Right" and "Wrong" are completely subjective, and products of culture. As we've been over, other animals have culture too.

>> No.2011750


You don't think other animals understand or fear death?

"Koko has been asked about death several times, especially when her kitten, All Ball, was killed by a car. The following conversations were published in our The Gorilla Foundation's biannual publication, Gorilla.

Gorilla, Volume 8, Number 1, from December, 1984.
One day Koko was having a conversation with Research Assistant Maureen Sheehan.
MS: Where do gorillas go when they die?
Koko: Comfortable hole bye.
MS: When do gorillas die?
K: Trouble, old.
MS: How do gorillas feel when they die, happy, sad, afraid?
K: Sleep."

Koko understood death.

Also define right and wrong. What does that mean specifically?

>> No.2011755

I don't "believe" in evolution. I don't "believe" in anything, in fact. I accept facts as accurate when significant evidence has been presented in their support, and these facts can be used to meaningfully contribute to the world. Evolution has done both of those very well, and therefore, I accept it as fact.

>> No.2011758

>You DON'T know

Nor do you, so both of you quit making conjectures on something that has no grounds for them. The science isn't there yet.

Also, an interesting article I read on animal's ability to reason: http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/Morgan/Morgan_1903/Morgan_1903_16.html

>> No.2011762


>Comfortable hole bye.

Jesus. That's the most oddly horrifying thing I've ever read.

>> No.2011763

With the exception that I have no problem with being in the dark here and maintaining an open mind about both possible outcomes. The god dude on the other hand seems to be pretty sure about his version ..

>> No.2011764

okay, you were right. I had to go suck on a fag. I feel better now.

>> No.2011767
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This thread has turned retarded, everyone knows humans received their consciousness from black monoliths created by a hyper-intelligent alien species.

>> No.2011769
File: 346 KB, 600x561, 1281585858340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.2011772

Death, and the fear of death are a VERY important part of an animals pattern of instincts.

>> No.2011777

YOU define right and wrong. YOU'RE the one with those concepts, not me. YOU feel conflicted, morally. Animals do not.

>> No.2011782

Does this ever make you guys cringe? It feels like a sad attempt by believers to appease non-believers, who occupy the logical high ground in debates regarding their creator.

>> No.2011791

Hey, at least it's comfortable.

>> No.2011793

It is not a simple answer to accept the moral conundrum of life. It is, in fact, the more difficult road.

>> No.2011794


disregard this, i rolled trips

>> No.2011801


It is a bit weird, but not as bad as those who deny evolution and the age of the Earth outright.

>> No.2011805

Why don't you share it with everyone?

>> No.2011812

The half-and-half faithful are sometimes more irritating than the full blown zealots. At least zealotry can be reconciled with ignorance.

Deny the literal interpretation of scripture, deny the rules that conflict with your morals (like when it's ok to rape your wife, or murder your slaves...), but then cling to it for "spiritual guidance". Just give that shit up already; people treat scripture like methadone.

I can quit whenever I want... I just don't want to, is all...

>> No.2011813


No. YOU are the one stating that morals exist independant from primal emotion based instincts. "Morals" could easily just be our logical rationalizations for the emotional feelings we experience when presented certain conundrums. Who says morality exists at all as an independent objective concept? Oh right, YOU say so. So define your terms. Also watch this, you might learn something.


>> No.2011822


Ever run into a self-proclaimed "Agnostic Christian"? They're not bad or stupid by any means, but they suffer greatly from cognitive dissonance. They have no faith to speak of, but they don't want to ruffle any feathers among their family, friends or community. It's honorable and sad, but more sad than honorable, so I have to feel sorry for them.

>> No.2011823

Animals don't fear death? Find me animal which will not try to save itself when it's life is in danger.

What's right and what's wrong? nobody teached me that!

>> No.2011818


those drawings were faked

>> No.2011825

just seems odd is all

>> No.2011827


do we have a modern one that wasn't done by Haekel?

>> No.2011833


>> No.2011837

no YOU say so

>> No.2011840


Alright. I'm done here. Have fun with your objective morality and superiority of human language.

>> No.2011842


>> No.2012896
File: 9 KB, 320x240, embryo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First trimester human fetus. They look so similar :x!

>> No.2012913


It's brain to body mass ratio! Humans is so large that we become aware of ourselves. It's that simple. If an alien species had huge huge ass brains somehow, they would be extremely proficient in maths and physics and stuff, as their brains would be like a supercomputer except...an organ! Lolz.

>> No.2013745
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x1413, cs06p03bl1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.2013800

god damn youre stupid. you dont know fucking anything about animals. why dont you stop smoking bowls and try to add more science? you know testing to see if your shit holds up to critisism? its not doing very well as an idea. maybe you could make a study of some kind? you know what a study is right?