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2007004 No.2007004 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid question,

How does fire exist in space without oxygen?

>> No.2007013

It would need another source of fuel.

>> No.2007011

Cause the fire thats in space is a different kind of fire than that on earth.

>> No.2007016


>> No.2007014

Because nuclear reaction is not the same as fire!

>> No.2007022

progfag here.
mfw HTML is a prog language.
inb4 it is if you blah blah.
Its not i know more than you will ever know, go post cats on /b/

>> No.2007030

I really hope english is not your first language

>> No.2007047

HTML is not touring complete, so is not a "true" programing language.

>> No.2007134

>HTML is not touring complete
HTML supports embedding Turing-complete languages, therefore it's Turing-complete by transference.


>> No.2007172

What are you talking about? Fire from the shuttle engines? That is done by squirting out liquid hydrogen and oxygen and lighting it with a spark as far as I know.

>> No.2007178

the language itself isn't.

And I don't give a fuck if I spell something wrong, as long as its obvious what I mean.

>> No.2007179

>>2007047 HTML is not touring complete
HTML is as Turing complete as a text file.

>> No.2007212

Fire is a plasma. It is an "expression" if you like, of a lot of heat. Not necessarily something reacting with oxygen when it burns, like on Earth.
Fusion in the Sun is enough to release energy for fire to exist.

>> No.2007219

are you implying that a text file is or is not Turing complete?

>> No.2007218

>hypertext markup language

>implying markup == programming

nigger just went full retard

>> No.2007228

Let's try out


Okay now wait until the result appears. ;)

>> No.2007243

HTML cannot into Turing completeness.

>> No.2007335

That works in a python interpreter, or some unix shells iirc tcsh.

Every single programming language is just text.


Let's wait until the result appears ;)

It never will, unless you translate it into a hypothetical series of symbols for the universal Turing machine.

And guess what, some translators are called web browsers.

If HTML wasn't Turing complete, it wouldn't work on your computer.

It's like I'm really talking to idiots who just got a programming course here.

PS: Before some idiot tries to refute my point, here's the proof, clear as crystal:


>> No.2007368
File: 10 KB, 126x106, 1282066375624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying javascript is html

>> No.2007503

That hobo probably doesn't know how to make tables

>> No.2007532


Does 1+1 evaluate to 2 in HTML? NO, it just prints 1+1.

Does 1+1 evaluate to 2 in a programming language? YES.

Hence, HTML is NOT a programming language. QED.

>> No.2007541

HTML5 now allows Turing without needing Javascript or Flash. As well that HTML5 has the ability to write flash video player from scratch (or a default one with <video></video>) without actually needing flash or Java.

Just saying.

>> No.2007555

HTML includes DHTML. DHTML includes JavaScript.

>> No.2007563


Really? You can now evaluate expressions and write loops etc in html alone? Source pls.

>> No.2007567
File: 672 KB, 1195x1648, Tim_Berners-Lee_April_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya guys, what's going on in here?

>> No.2007574

c++ > any other programming language

>> No.2007571

One development is remaking Quake 2 off of HTML5 alone.

>> No.2007577


Its like saying hard drive is a video cause it has vids inside.

>> No.2007580

are you greek? those are greek characters.

>> No.2007582
File: 57 KB, 604x453, 1279615718307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2007584

Never before have I hurped so much durp

>> No.2007587

haha i love how this entire thread is arguing about a post someone posted in the wrong thread

>> No.2007591
File: 36 KB, 280x289, Derail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2007603


how about I MOV in AND POP your AX

post related, ASM is as pure as it gets, NASM in paticular.

INT 10


>> No.2007611

Have fun finding DHTML in there

>> No.2007626

real men program with individual transistors

>> No.2007638


no, real men program with BUTTERFLIES.

XKCD refrence, I'm too damn lazy to find the comic though...and I'm using my mobile phone.

>> No.2007653


>> No.2007673

It's a programming language, whether you consider it to contain javascript or not. You write statements that instruct the interpreter how to draw tables and shit. It's a fucking programming language.

>> No.2007684

>>2007673 (thinks pens are programming languages)
HTML can't display tables, HTML says "hey there's a table, do the fuck you want with that information".

>> No.2007846

how about no?
html is generally considered to be a programming (or rather scripting) language
your argument about an html table not being an actual table is the biggest nonsense
the fact that HTML only makes sense in a browser doesn't invalidate it as a programming language, any more than the fact that SQL does not work outside a database; that java bytecode doesn't work outside a virtual machine; or that javascript doesn't work outside a browser.

>> No.2007853

Oh fuck off 4chan wannabes -.-

>> No.2007869

According to Wikipedia:
>Markup languages like XML, HTML or troff, which define structured data, are not generally considered programming languages.

>> No.2007930

hmm, I thought they were
however, the fact that they are not turing complete does not imply that they are not programming languages.

>> No.2007947
File: 73 KB, 468x290, 191006bush_space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space fire uses space fuel (like space oil or space propane) and space air (it also takes less energy than earth fire which has to fight against gravity)

>> No.2008392

> however, the fact that they are not turing complete does not imply that they are not programming languages.

True; there are programming languages which aren't Turing complete. But HTML isn't any kind of programming language, it's a data format. If HTML is a programming language, so is every other file format in existence.

Is JPEG a programming language? Is AVI a programming language? No? Well then nor is HTML.

>> No.2008410

Since when does a programming language NEED to be able to do loops or evaluate 1+1?