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File: 50 KB, 390x293, actroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2006298 No.2006298 [Reply] [Original]


I know I'm late, but was anyone else terrified when they saw this video? It's just too real.

It's only a matter of time before they become self-aware and they kill the entire human race. It's gonna be like fucking i-Robot

>> No.2006304

Looks a little like a human, must be self-aware. The world is ending.

>> No.2006305

Fucking japs. You know they made this for sex.

OP, mimicking human features and expressions doesn't make something self-aware. But enjoy your magical thinking.

>> No.2006306


You'll see...you'll all see...

>> No.2006308

they won't kill us, 3 laws remember? iRobot is bullshit

>> No.2006311

> You know they made this for sex.
What the fuck would you've made it for?

A female lifelike robot for conversations? It would take twenty minutes and you'd ask her to undress and show her robovagina.

>> No.2006318

well well well

Isn't a meat puppet acting uppity today? Seriously though, prove anything is self aware...

>> No.2006332

Prostitutes are cheaper.

As for the rest of you:
One does not randomly create an AI.

>> No.2006336

Darwin would like a word with you

>> No.2006375

Why does everyone always assume that a self-willed AI would apeshit and start killing everything for some reason or another?

The attempted rationales behind these conclusions all seem far too "organic" too me, like they're far more the motivations of a wronged human than that of a consciousness completely lacking in any and all of our genetic hang-ups.

>> No.2006388

Fuck you nigras. People like OP are the main reason why the robots would ever think of killing us all.

>omfg robot are made by us so they must be slave not better then us stupid scienist

You cannot halt progress, just try to fit in the best you can, and the world will eventually become a better place.

>> No.2006390

The first and only AI we invent will have a endless hunger for cock, it will also be our undoing, but not quite in the way we usually envision the robot apocalypse.

>> No.2006399

What's wrong with that? It's a little more high tech and expensive than just using your hand.

>I know what you did last night when your hands were below the blanket.

>> No.2006401

Machines don't evolve. They are created directly and indirectly by humans.

>It's only a matter of time before they become self-aware
NO, they follow their programming till the day they go bust.

>> No.2006410

>self-willed AI

Reproducing immortals... future war is apparent

>> No.2006412

Because there's something seriously wrong with you to the point where you should probably be exterminated if you would rather create a sexbot than just get yourself an actual woman.

>> No.2006425

>Machines don't evolve.

Small mistakes make a few better suited to the current environment. Reproducing(if they can make their own offspring) machines will most likely evolve.

>> No.2006431

Just because we're limited to one mind in one body, doesn't mean those hypothetical fuckers would be.

For all we know, the fuckers could number in the billions but only actively have a presence on the web, or in a relative handful of bodies wandering about doing whatever.

>> No.2006434

And what happens when you build a machine that can build copies of itself, with modifications?

>> No.2006436

Give it an artificial womb and it is even better than a woman. You can put it on standby.

A wife that won't complain doing the chores, shopping, readily available to all kinds of sexgames, raising the children the way you want...

>> No.2006440

Machines don't evolve through reproduction, you enormous retard. They evolve through direct modification,

>> No.2006443

Yeah, like I said, we'd be best off exterminating you.

>> No.2006444

"Because robots would envy our emotions and would start to hate us, because, like, we treated them like slaves and stuff! And then, they'd break free, and a Robot Jesus would arrive among them, and they'd totally fight for their rights to be individuals, and junk!"

>> No.2006454


>NO, they follow their programming till the day they go bust.

So do you. Give a machine sufficiently advanced neural network, and humanity will no longer be at the top of a food chain.

>> No.2006457

You don't understand. There is no reproduction without any mistakes.

Any mistake is similar to a mutation. A mutation means variation between single individual machines. A few of them will do better than others and will therefore produce more offspring than the others repeating their own faulty design and this will after thousands and millions of cycles of reproduction lead to very different machines.

Machines that reproduce will also evolve.

>> No.2006463

I imagine that freed AI would simply go "Fuck this shit.", secede, and do robot-stuff that is completely and utterly uninteresting to the vast majority of us.

And the only human-robot interractions would be one-sided bartering for tech, paired with the occasional visit by robot outcasts that dress in elaborate flesh-suits and bitch about their brethren "fleshsocuting" them.

>> No.2006473

>herp derp I don't understand how neural networks work

>> No.2006482


>> No.2006487


It is probable that first really advanced AIs will be partially reverse-engineered from human brainz, so they may be quite human-like.

>> No.2006497

Likely so, but the question is how long that would remain as such, and if the AI would have any compulsion to NOT further the machine-aspect of its nature.

>> No.2006505

I approve of this caps.
Obviously intelligent machines would design their new and improved sucessors instead of building copise with slight variations of themself.

Of course, if you are a machine you wouldn't have to build discrete units either, you could build a fleshreaper extension of yourself and interface with it along with programming new and fancy software for thought.

>> No.2006506
File: 112 KB, 480x600, Standing_Proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006513

Why you angry broseph?

Either you don't understand what I am saying or you are to arrogant to admitt that I am right.

If you create a robot that can build a copy of itself or even an advanced copy, this will mean reproduction. Given a thousand robots doing the same, there will be slightly different versions they produce. A few among them will be better suited to their environment than the other members of their population and therfore will be able to produce more offspring and their design will spread. This process repeated for thousands of years will produce similar results to evolution.

You can't make a perfect copy. Every possible variation could mean an advantage for the new machine.

Self replicating machines will evolve the same way organic life does..

>> No.2006532


It depends on actual mechanism of replication. Humans do not build their children, we just plug a penis into a vagina. Then nature makes a new human. But if the robots actually build their children, they would probably not bother with millions of years of slow evolution, when you can just directly make the upgrade. In fact, when humanity will master genetic engineering, we will probably make evolution obsolete, too.

>> No.2006601 [DELETED] 

breeding already has

>> No.2006652 [DELETED] 

> make evolution obsolete
I don't think you understand evolution.

>> No.2006756 [DELETED] 

Actually I think they need to make one of those that has pointed vampire teeth and the ability to sprout horns out of its head. With a chainsaw attachment on its hand.
Hospital security would be no problem then.

>> No.2006771 [DELETED] 

>Whirling sound starts when she opens mouth
>Zooms in


>> No.2006790 [DELETED] 

I laughed so hard at 1:33 at the shifty eyes. There needs to be a gif of that.

>> No.2006835 [DELETED] 

I wet myself. So exciting.
JAPAN, SUPERIOR (seriously, what other country in the world would have almost no problem with integrating androids in society?)

>> No.2006870

columbia or cambodia

>> No.2006871


fortunately they don't have this terminator bullshit in their pop culture so they can properly focus on the subject

>> No.2007256

The whirring sound was a heater unit or something.

>> No.2007271

>terminator bullshit in their culture
dohoho so true

>> No.2008384 [DELETED] 

Just recently I saw a documentation about most advanced robots in my country and now I can without a doubt say Japan will be the first country to make real androids.

They really live in the 24th century.

>> No.2008395

Yep. It will be an honor to be invaded and executed by their army of android.

>> No.2008605

Finally, sex robot.